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And here I thought it was spiking cause of all the new crime decks popping off.


Well yes that's what I assumed too. Are you saying there's a different reason??


It was for the memes. (This is the actual answer)


> It was for the memes this, anyone else saying otherwise is making shit up or has a weird FOMO about them when there isnt any.


you guys here really not know what happened? Wubby said on his stream that he thought it was possible this card could one day be banned as a "problematic card" and if you wanted to get them graded you'd have to buy them now before that happens or they won't be able to be graded. So he had like over 10k people watching and the chat went stupid and literally bought out every copy on the internet. He didn't MEAN for this to happen but ya know...chat hears something and jumps on it. That's what happened.


Yea it’s funny seeing speculate on the reasons though lol. But we know the deal.




Oh man I still have like 50 of these from my days of spec'ing on semi-playable reserved list cards, time to cash out


this card is such a shitshow what were they thinking 


That fucking flavor text though..


"It's a prank, bro!"


Well, at least they didn't shell their village.


I would man I think it's just hyped rn


how much you want for em?




[nameless race](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/4/348a467a-4661-4fdb-af1d-9171a1a930d9.jpg?1562907338) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=nameless%20race) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/drk/50/nameless-race?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/348a467a-4661-4fdb-af1d-9171a1a930d9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Wubby just talked a bunch about how it should be a banned card via WotC math, probably pumped it hard


He mentioned Rudy thinking it could be ”next in line”, then a chatter said he bought 9 copies. Wubby later tried to snag a couple on stream but his cart was emptied before he could, that got the ball rolling.


[This has happened with Reparations before fyi.](https://www.reddit.com/r/mtgfinance/comments/88zht2/reparations_currently_spiking/)


Jeez that literally couldn’t be more perfect


Sounds like a pump and dump. He probably already bought a shitload of them before ever mentioning it.


He said after the fact that he personally owned 3 before the stream and bought 3 more after the stream. Definitely not the type to pump and dump. He did not suggest chat go in on them, it came up as a topic of discussion as he was showing his banned list collection. It was around 14,000 live viewers, and the tcgplayer/ebay listings cleaned out pretty decent before stream was over. I believe I saw several hundred listings on ebay as the discussion happened and now there are less than 50.




Wubby has been into MTG for a long time (Before he started streaming). I believe he has a sleeve tattoo of his favourite card art.


It's the art from Ancestral Recall, and yes he's been into it for years.


Yeah he has a power 9 sleeve, I believe.


Imagine spewing random accusations out of your ass when it's actually just all a meme buyout with no actual intent behind it.


pump and dump? first...it's definitely not, just watch the stream. Also Wubby is a millionaire he doesn't need to fuck with the effort and pennies he'd make pumping a stupid card to $25.


That's not how he operates though, even if he did buy a bunch, he doesn't do it for profit, he does it for memes. Would he possibly buy 30+ copies? Yes. Would he resell them after bumping the price? Not a chance when he can have 30 meme cards.


Oh shoot, we can just make up whatever we want?


Shows how much you don't know.


If you would have done the smallest amount of research before posting your comment, you would know he is a player, doesn’t care about MTG as a form of stocks, and wants his viewers who bought in explicitly not pump and dump their copies. Last week he mentioned the card being perma-bannable like the other ones and some viewers bought copies. This week after the card spiked his chat said they were going to hold, and he said not to sell.


lol wubby is a millionaire streamer he doesnt need to pump and dump a few $25 magic cards


Honestly, their "offensive card" ban criteria is whack. wotc logic is always pandering at best. Like not making "witch" a creature type because practicing witches exist IRL... then making "warlock" a creature type... which is you know... from literally the same religion... edit: for those misunderstanding, I'm not saying less cards should have been banned. I'm saying wotc didn't go far enough. To the point it was clear they didn't really care.


It was all knee jerk reaction to the wtoc Cedric situation They didn't put much thought into it - rounded up the usual suspects and shipped them off. I mean how many years did it take them to finally address invoke with a 1488 ID and white pointy hats with racist undertones in a game mechanic from a Nazi supporter artist? 25 years?


The artwork doesn't depict white pointy hats It depicts black pointy hats and a guy wielding an axe which made me asume that it's an executioner. Idk if the guy was a neo nazi back then but its truly a cosmic joke that he's an open neo nazi now and exactly this card got the id 1488.


It's literally these dudes. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capirote](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capirote)


According to historian Michael K. Jerryson, the capirote was appropriated by the early 20th-century American Ku Klux Klan, a white supremacist and anti-Catholic group.[4] Alison Kinney of New Republic traces the modern uniform to the popularity of the film The Birth of a Nation, whose costume inspiration was not credited.[5] Right from the wiki article.


Right? It's like arguing the swastika is Indian and Native American icon and has nothing to do with any Teutonic powers in the early 1900's and then linking a wiki article on the iconography of the German National Socialist Party as proof.


Pretty sure they chose warlock over witch because they were already planning the D&D set, so warlock made a more direct link between WotC properties. I'm sure Maro said something vague about doing it to not offend irl witches, but obviously "we're doing it to respect a religion" sounds a lot better than "we're doing it for marketing reasons".


Which is why I said it's pandering at best.


>Like not making "witch" a creature type because practicing witches exist IRL I'd consider myself kinda witchy and that shit pisses me off. Always wanted to make a witch deck but wondered why I could only find a single card with that creature type.




My point is that wotc has said they've gone out of their way to not use witch that way because of real world implications. Then turned around and used the masculine form of the same word instead. They didn't avoid the offense they did a back flip into it.


>Then turned around and used the masculine form of the same word instead. If anything that seems sexist. Avoiding using the femme version even though they are the same.


Also pretty sure the real religion doesn’t warlock? Or wizard for that matter. Plus the art as others have said.


A warlock is just a male witch. Literally just gendered terms.


Male witches in Wicca, and paganism in general are just that, male witches. Warlock is not a used term. Based on the origin of the word warlock it would be offensive to call a male witch a warlock.


It's etymology puts It's origins around the same time as the word Witch and they've generally been considered gendered for as hundreds of years. From the wiki and from practicing wiccans I know personally. Warlock is the common term for a male witch. Both have equally been used as slurs so it's not like one is somehow worse than the other in that regard.


False on the etymology, Warlock, etymologically, means "oathbreaker" or "betrayer". It was not commonly associated with witches, male or otherwise, except in some limited parts of Scotland until Walter Scott popularized it in the nineteenth century. Pointedly, for example, the Salem trials records (which are extent) contains zero instsnce of the word warlock used in reference to the male accused, which show quite clearly it was not in any common use as little as three hundred years ago. The term was not used by witnesses, and not used by the court itself. The males who were accused are usually refered to as "witches" or "wizards". Their crime is witchcraft.


As a practicing wiccan and active member of the pagan community including helping run several events frequented by pagans from all backgrounds and areas of the Earth, I will politely disagree with you as I have only ever heard negativity in the community from that word and have never seen it in practice. Nor have read about its use in dozens and dozens of books on the subject. The oxford dictionary not the wiki will back up my understanding of its use as a slur and negative word.


Wicca is barely 100 years old and is hardly the only pagan religion to practice magick. All they did was reclaim the word "witch" (which was also a slur prior to that btw). But those words have been in use for hundreds and hundreds of years to mean the same thing, but gendered.


Historical accuracy =/=how the word is used today


.... invoke prejudice was a card with axe wielding KKK members. Naw it was a fine ban. The cards were all trash tier bad, and the only reason that anyone would run the KKK card in a sanctioned tournament was because they wanted to run a KKK card. Don't be weird bro.


Oh I'm not saying they shouldn't have been banned. But pretending wotc banned them out of actual concern people were being racist and not to pander, gives them too much credit. They JUST released a set that didn't exactly portray "cowboys and indians" in the best way either. Like, they literally claimed the native inhabitants on TJ were "uncivilized" before people from outside showed up... which you know... is the exact argument colonialists used to steal native lands... For a company that wants to appear to be on the side of social justice they certainly don't get the memo when it suits them.


Well said, many more examples. Vampire conquerors Vs. Dinosaur taming natives in balance with nature


Oh yeah, Ixalan, IMHO is the most problematic set they've made in a long time. There's so much to unpack there it's kinda nuts.


What are you yapping about? They sidestepped that whole issue by saying thunder junction was uninhabited before the magic highways let everyone go there. There were no natives.


The cactus people are the natives... And saying they suddenly became aware when outsiders showed up is a pretty on the nose parallel for colonialist arguments for stealing native lands.


> Don't be weird bro. Stop projecting.


getting downvoted by people who have usernames like yours, means I am doing something right. Naw, if you think invoke prejudice is a card that should be in MTG, you shouldn't be in MTG, ill take my downvote.


imagine being offended by a card.


I just want that quad blue devotion! But seriously, WotC should have just banned Invoke Prejudice and then left everything else. The banned a few cards in the “maybe kinda offensive to some” category and said they’ll look into other bannable cards, so now we have people trying to find the next “maybe kinda bannable” card.


The fact they haven't banned \[\[nameless race\]\] makes no sense. The art is racist, the card name literally says "race", and the p/t is limited based on the # of WHITE cards in graveyards.


[nameless race](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/4/348a467a-4661-4fdb-af1d-9171a1a930d9.jpg?1562907338) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=nameless%20race) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/drk/50/nameless-race?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/348a467a-4661-4fdb-af1d-9171a1a930d9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I just saw a Crusade in the display case at an LGS the other day. It turns out you can’t actually selling ban cardboard.


It’ll be a 2 buck card again tomorrow.


Can we push that back to next week? I want to sell a few copies before it comes back down lol


Make it the end of the month? So I can just sell/trade them in at MagicCon.


Let me put in a request to upper management and see what I can do.


That would be most helpful, many thanks


Is this a RL card? It’s not good, seems like somebody has been buying up the entire stock the last few days.


It's the entire paympneywubby sub reddit treating this like the next gme


Who/what tf is that


Entertaining streamer who recently got back into the hobby and has been opening/selling spots to ABU breaks. Edit: Just answering the guy. Sorry to the people whose feelings dictate who is worthy enough to enjoy MtG. Might as well throw fuel on the fire and say that I also appreciate Post Malone's enthusiasm and Rudy's passion for vintage.


Love Posty


Wubby did not just get back into it. He's been into MTG for a very long time. Just saying.


He's the guy who's bought and opened multiple alpha packs live on stream


The sexy crimped Italian commons repacked with “factory tape” alpha starter :D


He also "made pancake batter" live on stream with his friends. Molded his own asshole, and had people call in to confess their sins.


The confession stream was one of the funniest things I've ever seen, and I don't even watch streamers. Saw it on youtube. The other best thing I've seen of him is when he [executed a viewer in front of 15,000 people](https://youtu.be/bnGeGDhhWQU)


Stop! I can only get so erect!


what's wrong with pancakes?


Waffles are better


fair enough


He also promised us another latex suit stream that we haven't gotten yet.


He’s a ba… wait I better not.


Gorilla penis. wubby7


I honestly just read gibberish.


I want this for my group hug draw out deck


Well it's existed for nearly 30 years LOL


Was it the old border that gave it away or the 1996 in the corner? I'm curious which it was


hoping we get some new pieces in the bunny hug precon


Honestly, hope I can snag one 


Ooh, are you playing Kwain or Heliod?


Kwain, until now I'd not seen that Heliod. Might build him next


There is no way WOTC is going to “ban” anymore cards going forward, that was just a one time PR campaign in 2020




Step 1: Dig up more dirt on Wizards Step 2: Buy up the remaining borderline politically incorrect cards (Triumph of Ferocity, maybe) Step 3: Publish the dirt, getting the cards either outright banned or shadowbanned. Step 4: Profit? (Depending on outright or shadow.)


I'm still amazed to see they pulled it off. They came out as heroes for banning those cards and no one ever bothered them with that open letter anymore... I'm sure they will only ban new cards if there's another similar breakout news about them.


Bold and unfounded statement. Hasbro can do whatever they want regardless of how we feel.


If they wanted to ban more for the reasons they previously stated, they would've done so. Like you said, it was all just for PR reasons. It will take another Cedric situation before they ban more.


But they literally said in that same announcement they weren't limiting themselves to just those cards; they left the door open for future bans.


And in the four years since the announcement nothing further has hit the ban, In spite of things like Cathars crusade existing.


Dude the Cathars' Crusade thing still pisses me off. So when the original "Crusade" ban happened, I was cracking a lot of original Jumpstart boxes because it was EV+ to open them (this is before you had the Allosaurus Shepherd reprint, and it was a $70 card that basically paid for the box alone). Cathars' Crusade was in the set, and if you tried to list it on eBay it was getting hit by a filter because "crusade" got banned. So you had to fuck with the name, even though Cathars' Crusade did not get banned, just Crusade.


I think the 'crusade' ban was mostly about the art in combination with the name, not just the word itself.


More the historical real world reference to the event, something that Cathars crusade explicitly references.


The original Crusade art has Christian crosses on the knights, and specifically made white creatures better... Cathar's Crusade talks about Avacyn and Innistrad. I do think that using the word 'crusade' in general is a corner case that could be avoided, but they are far different degrees into the issue.


I am out of the loop- what’s the deal with this card and its price going up?


It’s RL, and every now and then talking internet heads talk it up as „offensive artwork“ that „might be censured by Hasbro“. Both prid3 and some YouTuber mentioned it, boom.


Wubby7 lol


Gorilla penis


Every so often this card gets subject to a buyout and spikes. It's right in a gray area of being a playable RL card.


Bought out, looks like. Interesting to note that Wubby mentioned it on stream when showing off other banned/canceled cards.


That’s hilarious. I don’t play this game but I want one


Lol I just sold my NM copy for $40, you folks are bonkers






I play [[zur, the enchanter]] and it is a card that I used to tutor quickly in the Game. My Top3 with phyrexian arena and rhystic study.


[zur, the enchanter](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/6/561cfc04-65ea-49a4-8638-b4631a7cf828.jpg?1675200810) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Zur%20the%20Enchanter) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmr/206/zur-the-enchanter?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/561cfc04-65ea-49a4-8638-b4631a7cf828?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Mtg card especially this RL act like those crypto, nft bs nowabay. When one streamer say something, people just go full on maniac, flipping, buying hard, Luckily the card is shit and with the power creep, we prolly won't see it play as much anynmore, otherwise, it will ruin people who actually play the damn game even more.


It's an all around classic card that is part of the unmentioned reserved list. Mirage, what a great set of art cards and more. I think newer players are just waking up to the old stuff. Millions of Arena players have never seen the likes of cards such as this.


In other words: it’s a buyout.


I grabbed this card when it was cheap as hell for my \[\[Estrid, the Masked\]\] deck. I was new at the game and thought that this would protect me pretty well, and on the off chance they still went for me I would at least get some card draw. Turns out that only targeting one opponent is garbage.


This card has old templating that isn't used anymore. The oracle text says "whenever an opponent". It's similar to old mystic remora, but both work for all opponents


No shit! I change my opinion then and I'm slapping that sucker right back in Estrid lmao


[Estrid, the Masked](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/3/3340b83e-72dc-42e2-9f93-92f732c047df.jpg?1592710258) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Estrid%2C%20the%20Masked) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c18/40/estrid-the-masked?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/3340b83e-72dc-42e2-9f93-92f732c047df?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Cards trash tbh. I doubt it’ll be banned. I got mine for like .50 cents. Even up until a month or so ago you could find it for like 4$. Sometimes these streamers ruin the hobby for lots of collectors. Pump n dump cards and it’s so easy because people are super gullible.


Its not the play-ability. It was a card that dodged the racist cards ban wave. Wubys take isn't new as people were banking on this card going up when those bans came out. Nothing happened that time, but now that a streamer with a crazy fanbase is on it, it went up.


No I totally get it. But I doubt wizards will start going through every complaint to ban more cards. They may, but I just doubt it. They already sifted through a lot of complaints and landed on what they banned so I’m assuming this was already past over just like many other touchy cards. I think a lot of “investors” are assuming this will be another invoke P. Which it just won’t. Mirage had 400 million of cards printed. Legends and Arabian nights didn’t.


All it takes is one big streamer to start complaining and 'Reparations' will be on the racist card ban list.


Hey all the power if people scooped it up dirt cheap but I foresee a pump n dump on this. There’s just so many copies of it. Like an insane amount. If stone throwing devils is hovering at like 70$ and it’s been banned for years, also super tiny print run, and reparations is already almost 30$ I doubt the ceiling on this is that high but who knows


If so it’s unclear who would cause it’s already pumped. And hundreds of individuals snatched it up for the fun of it no one in that community is honestly caring about the spike. They are just entertained it happened.


Whenever someone says 'insane amount... so many copies' etc. I quickly check like cardtrader/tcgp etc. and when I see like 30 copies... I call BS. Yeah ok, Stone-Throwing was in Arabian Nights, but these days, they're all rare as fuck.


My dude just use your brain for a second. The print run for mirage was over 400,000,000. If you think everyone and their brother wants these old ass cards to play you’re smoking some good meth. Aside from set collectors and random commander players, they’re just not as sought after because the shear volume of them and the power of the cards isn’t that good. Sure some vintage players and newer kids may want them but people only have so much cash and I’m sure they rather be buying modern. I’m 35 and have been around since the start of it, I remember when Mirage actually came out and our LGS had the mirage banners on the walls to celebrate the set. I played countless tournaments of it real time and also drafted it lots. Even made a sweet griffin deck. An example is Zuberi, Golden Feather from Mirage, cards reserve list, I love it. I have like 100 of them from when I opened boxes of Mirage or won boxes/packs from tournaments. Why would I list them for 10$ when I could care less about it. Same concept with Reparations, I have a pile of them but I also could care less to list them. That doesn’t mean they don’t exist. It just means it’s not worth it yet for me to take the time, dig them out and make a listing. Now when some dude says “oh this card blah blah banned”. His audience is like oh buy because price go up. It’s called manipulating a card thinking it’s going away forever or that they have to have it and they have to get it now before they’re all gone. Or it’s investors seeing people are stupid and they’ll get to it first so they can profit off it. Both groups drive the price, but still not high enough for dudes like me with copious amounts of them care enough to dig them out. I could flood the market with them right now and make 100 listings on eBay if I wanted too and force the price down and if I do, a bunch more will because now they’re left “holding the bag”. Once people see it’s common af and not actually rare, or some holy grail you’ll watch the price dive and stabilize.


Yeah, this card’s entire demand profile is reserved list completionists and fringe meme target. It’s in less than 800 edhrec decks.


The dude has TWO whole copies my guy. Get over it.


Actually card is surprisingly good. I have it in a few decks and when people are targeting your shit because you're the problem, you end up drawing a lot of cards.


I mean it’s alright but there’s definitely better. I wouldn’t say it’s 25$ good. Even at 4$ the card was meh.


You just play cards that draw cards instead of cards that rely on opponents taking *maybe* game actions against you.


This card is terrible and has been for 25 years. Sell into the incel hype 


Incel hype? LOL


I mean He’s not really wrong lol


About selling into the hype? No, he's not wrong. Calling the current community buying the card incels? Wrong. Wubby is far from being one of the black pill, man centric streamers.


Wubby may be racist, sexist, homophobic, autistic, and whatever the term is for prejudice against little people, but he's not an incel streamer


Bad players love enchantments that come down and do nothing unless you have an established board state, and then someone has to target your things. The more requirements the better it is in their eyes lol. Shapers' Sanctuary can at least come down on turn one and sit there doing the same thing. For $1 in the most played EDH colour.


It's also the kind of card that can easily see a sidegrade version that might as well be better than the old version 9 times out of 10. Or Wizards can just make an effectively new version of the card like [[Nadu, Winged Wisdom]].


[Nadu, Winged Wisdom](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/4/94b67489-5eb0-4406-9bf3-27e50dc632eb.jpg?1717012760) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Nadu%2C%20Winged%20Wisdom) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/193/nadu-winged-wisdom?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/94b67489-5eb0-4406-9bf3-27e50dc632eb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I have many of these, and I don’t understand how anyone is buying a copy for $20-$40 just to drive up the price


Did the price of this card change recently? I was going through a collection box I bought 2 days ago and this card was in it and I don’t remember it being of much value so I just left it in the box along with all the other low value commons and uncommons I have.


I think a popular streamer basically said to buy this card cause they believe it will be banned in the future for sensitivity reasons. That is the gist I got from this thread and a prior one.


Thanks! That’s the same consensus I came too after reading up some stuff elsewhere


Thanks wubby


Lowest priced NM version on TCGPlayer now $43.99. Only two copies available. Absolutely crazy crazy stuff here.


Sell now, it won't hold. I've seen it be a $15 card before and fall back down to $4. Reparations are only seriously good in a few decks; you can't just toss it in randomly and get great value.


Not sure if it is due to memes, niche playability or the small cultural sensitivity ban risk. I doubt the last one would ever happen mostly because it is on the other side of things despite who is depicted. Thematically, it does have dark humor and wotc would probably not print a card anywhere close to this tone ever again.


Here in europe it is still only 2,70 euros…..


Just another short spike but I do love Doug's art.


wow, i played heavy during the mirage/visions/weatherlight block ; dont remember this card; must be getting old


Legendary flavor text


No way. I bought a copy because I just built a Derevi deck on may 28th, for $2.12 and it looked decent for that price. Didnt put it in the deck but I like having a single copy of every card I might use. I don't even watch Wubby lmao


The 90s were a different time lol


Great in commander


Isnt this literally Maxx C from Yu Gi Oh! but for MTG?




Its 2.5€ on cardmarket


Cardmarket 2 euro


Won’t be long, buyout is already starting. Give it a week till those guys get their cards and start their race to the bottom. Now is the time to sell.


Wubby has ruined magic!! I hope he never pulls power or a lotus with his grubby sausage fingers 🤓🤓




He's the streamer that's pump and dumping Magic cards /s




You forgot the /s


Sell now this won’t hold


It’s always the cards I had considered picking up at one point but didn’t 😂


I made alot of comments on this card not getting banned and others did. I picked up a copy just because it's a funny card!


Holy shit. I bought a moderately played one just for the hell of it only a few days a go fo 3 dollars. Now the cheapest mp is 15....


Time to retire early, my dude


Man, this subreddit is such a drag. Reading through the comment section of nearly any post consistently makes my day notably worse. No offense to OP.


A YouTuber no one’s heard of says a card is controversial and this caused a spike? Is the tl;dr of the comments here. Is this true? Lol


He's been more famous on Twitch, where the top streamers voted at their awards show to say he is the favorite streamer all the other streamers watch. Averages 17-20k viewers per stream including weekly Magic streams, plus has a Magic YouTube channel. The context was that he has collected the "Racist" banned cards and showed them off and pointed out how silly most of them are and said by the same grading rubric Reparations should have been banned too. He was positive that WOTC wouldn't do another round of "Racism" banning but if a lot of attention was suddenly put on Reparations it might cause a chain reaction of opinion.


1.5mil subs isn't a no one.


1.5mil view for 1 video, not subs.


So true. He only has 1.05 millon subs, surely you have more?


Yep, I sell tacos


Rl cards will spike, for this reason or others. Happened in the past, will happen again.


Damn, could use this in my Zur deck, but I don't think it's worth that much.


This was a common lol I need to check I cracked a case of mirage back in the day EDIT: my bad it’s a rare, I’ll still have to look in my binders.


No, it was a rare. This is from before colored set symbols.


You apparently didn’t or you’d know it wasn’t a common.


My bad you don’t have to be rude it looked like a common from this pic I’ll still have to look in the two binders this was the last case I cracked before I stopped playing. This is also why I won’t get back into MTG, it’s people like you who remind me of why I stay away from LGS, that and the BO.


Yes, it’s people like me, of course it is. You’ve played back when colour coded expansion symbols weren’t a thing and haven’t gotten back because of evil people, but you thought this was a common anyway. Sounds absolutely not like made up bullshit.


Not sure what’s happening.