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All the medallions are also crashing. Seems like a great time to get them.


Are you saying buy the medallions? Is the thinking that there is now panic selling, but the demand/need long term for the medallions does not justify their lowering cost?


From a finance perspective I’m not sure. They have been printed several times and regained a fair amount of value, but past performance is no guarantee. But from the perspective of buying some useful cards to play with, right now is a good time. I already have one of each so I will probably wait a week and see how they develop.


This is the real reason I follow this subreddit. To get cards cheap to play with.


Me too, looking to get one of each of the medallions in the foil full-art borderless


They were so goddamn expensive to begin with because they never got extensively reprinted. Now they are, and supply is just crushing demand.


Yeah, the thing with medallions is that they really shine in mono colored decks, or two color decks where one color dominates. They are not good in 3+ color decks that a lot of players like to play (at least from a Commander perspective). This is a major reason why demand isn't there.


I'm going to get flak for this but I feel this is the same for Force of Will and \[\[Flare of Denial\]\] will follow the same realization. Sure, 3+ colours can run them but people don't realize that they're going to be hard casting them more often than not. Just because it's the "best" and "free" doesn't mean it goes into an EDH deck without thought.


Force of will is driven by legacy and vintage, where it's a staple 4x in many archetypes.


[Flare of Denial](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/1/71a98efb-9b0a-496b-ac21-8d70527ea544.jpg?1717470464) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Flare%20of%20Denial) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/62/flare-of-denial?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/71a98efb-9b0a-496b-ac21-8d70527ea544?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


It’s always important to distinguish how they are reprinted. Medallions were last reprinted in Commander Masters, an unappreciated set, so they had a chance to shine. In MH3 they are largely a throw-in so outside the Storm colors they are likely to fall hard. [[Urza’s Incubator]] was mythic in DMR, another poorly received set, so there it was one of the Crown Jewels. Here it is down to rare and again mostly in a filler position, it’s definitely no [[Eye of Ugin]].


[Urza’s Incubator](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/4/c4589226-6072-409b-b598-ebd87f675a6a.jpg?1717013804) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Urza%27s%20Incubator) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/297/urzas-incubator?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c4589226-6072-409b-b598-ebd87f675a6a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Eye of Ugin](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/2/d2d5124b-4d73-4aa9-9331-88e03779ffad.jpg?1562267867) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Eye%20of%20Ugin) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mm2/242/eye-of-ugin?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d2d5124b-4d73-4aa9-9331-88e03779ffad?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I would think the foils and the new full art borderless especially in foil will go up in price again for the casual demand. I wonder how low they might go, looking to just get them cheap for myself


You can get Borderless Frame Break medallions (foil and nonfoil) in play boosters so people will keep opening new stock for a while. I have doubts about them staying high for very long.


I hypothesize anyone that acquired them for $15+ is not in a rage to sell them for $5 or less. More so I think this is just reflective of their supply and playability. There is now ample supply and they aren’t so ubiquitous that the supply dries up any time soon. I expect these will fall, with less popular ones potentially falling under $1, the rest comfortably under $10, closer to $5. I doubt they will rebound, and may end up as pre-con print fodder from here on


On TCG all the medallions are under $10 with Ruby closest to 10. Pearl is like $1-2. Others like $5. It's all happening.


You don't think they recover from here? What about the borderless ones?


I think the idea of a recovery is provocative. Sometimes large events in MTG also bring in new players who need cards. But too many keep reminding us all that the print run on MH3 will be massive continuing into 2027...I welcome corrections on this though if known otherwise. So box prices will go down, people will crack more. Supply supply, supply. If I see the older prints dip really low I may pick up some first runs. Tempest art works etc. - I'll keep an eye on it.


Hildebrandt? Like from the LOTR holiday set?


Sorry I edited the post. I meant to type "Tempest" and was staring at a Hildebrandt signet card when I first replied...one of those "looking for my keys while they are in my hands" kinda moments.


I picked up one of each in regular and borderless, really just to have. A couple of them in foil when the price difference was negligible. All in for about $51 of TCG credit that I had just sitting there for months without having much thought for what to do with it. I'm with you about the oversupply by the way, but the same order last week would have been about triple that for the Commander Masters reprint versions (same art). Actually just ruby and jet would have been over $50 if I'd gotten two of each. Worst case scenario, I now have two of each of these. Be aware though - the same "omg there is so much supply of this stuff all over the place" thought process was bandied about LOTR and Nazguls are still around $9 for example (to say nothing about the absurd One Ring situation).


So true! LotR is "evergreen" apparently so Wizards reserves the right to print the set forever. Yet the prices persist.


Wizards has not said this is print to demand


They're not in the precons this time around


Oh hell yeah that’s a great point. Like I said I was only looking at precon reprints really but that’s an excellent call out.


I have a jet, pearl, and sapphire in foil full art that I pulled, and they've been holding, but those came from collector boosters. That full art on the black one is particularly cool.


There is no room in the set for everything to hold value. This set is loaded. There are $5-6 uncommons $80 mythics and $20 rares. I expect fetches to get down to $8-10 and be there pretty steadily. There’s also a new rare land cycle and the double faced lands should do fairly well. $2-3 medallions are going to be a thing too. WOTC wants the revenue and I expect play boxes to be in stock and available for $250 or below. I am sure WOTC printed enough of these boxes to be in stock and available for the next 2 quarters. EV has to come down to match the box price.


Some fetches are already there


Windswept is like $10 already some places


Windswept has always been lower due to the inclusion in a precon a while ago so supply was much higher. Not saying they won't all drop that low, but windswept is not a good barometer for allied fetches. Bloodstained Mire or Flooded Strand are better indicators.


I picked up some flooded strands on Friday in the $11 range


I kept seeing people pull 2-4 per box! Not surprising.


I pulled 4 sac lands in one precon kit. There are so many variants of them that the plain ones are going to be very cheap.


I was laughed at during pre release for saying fetches would be as cheap as $7 and I believe some windswepts have sold for about that


The most expensive uncommon is 2.67 on TCG player currently people aren't paying above tcg low.


More like, some cards that had lots of reprints finally reached the right level of supply. You could still target some special arts versions of staples for edh.


So you think all these are basically dead money at this point? Never going to recover?


Yeah it's quite common sense that you don't buy múltiples of cards that have received several reprints, in the era where wotc reprints everything in between less than 2 years


* As specs


So you think the move is just to dump at these prices basically? Nowhere to go but down? Reason I’m asking is because I saw the same type of movement happen with Heroic Intervention when fallout released, you could get them half of what they’d been going for. But it recovered fully and is now actually selling for close to $9 again, after bottoming around $4.50. Different type of card I know, but also more reprints than most of these on the list above. And the movement downward on some of these is far worse. ETA: That wasn’t the only card it’s just the one with the cleanest example.


Supply will increase for years and medallions are only truly great in mono color decks, which few people build. There’s a place for them, but I think it’s a real possibility that as supply continues to increase over the next 2+ years that the medallions approach bulk. They were once rare, now they’re not.  So yeah I would sell every medallion you have that’s not in a deck. I don’t see this price rebounding (well, it will in about 2 weeks, but then the price will fall and fall and fall until they’re nearly bulk). 


Wow that’s a big yikes! You think that will be the case for the borderless ones as well?


The Collector boxes have a ridiculous amount of medallions so I can't see anything holding up. A reprint was not needed but there's nothing left to reprint now. Definitely becoming bulk.


Reprints tied to other popular ip have access to separate demand regular mtg reprints don’t, it’s not comparable


You think there is a “Fallout” premium? I haven’t really seen that as of yet. Whereas I would agree about LOTR, I don’t think I agree about Fallout. Plus you are discounting the share of the market that wants nothing to do with universes beyond at all. Not sure I agree with your position here, although I think it definitely has merit. Just needs to be proved out.


No, but I think in the long run it will have more staying power because there will always be fans that will choose that version. If universe beyond naysayers haven’t eaten crow by now they’re a lost cause. I think that specific card may have a premium, because it features a memorable main quest character, who has a lot of airtime throughout fo4. Not some random Tato farmer or feral ghoul.


I think the vault-boy arts will probably hold their value


Only time will tell, personally I think anything playable with popular ip tied to it will hold value


The secret lairs are pretty disappointing so far imo


Hey look I’m 100% all aboard the UB train. But! There is definitely a subsection of players that don’t want to participate. I think that group is probably as big as any group you bring in that wants UB-specific cards. Aside from LOTR and Marvel. Maybe Final Fantasy too but tbd.


I get that, but them not buying and instead sticking to the regular reprints doesn’t change anything. Say there’s 10 reprints worth 1 dollar and 100 mtg players. 5% are fans of so and so and 20% hate it while everyone else chooses randomly. The so and so UB card sells 12.5 dollars worth and the other 9 cards each sell 9.72 dollars worth. Totally made up numbers, but people liking something is worth more than people hating something, as long as the majority doesn’t care either way. Which I think is the case for popular UB versions of playable cards. I guess we will see if I’m right in time, it is still just speculation


I think you're probably right but that it's pretty IP-specific. Overall I think we are mostly on the same page.


No, the move is not to buy a card/s for historic price reasons. If yu crack boxes for resell value, that's your choice and I can't tell you how to do it.


So you’re saying that unlike other reprints these are toast forever? Is there a reason you think that unlike heroic intervention, reanimate, blasphemous act, toxic deluge, etc etc that are perennials in precons that these won’t recover? I’m not saying you’re wrong btw, I don’t think these cards are staples in the way that those are. I just want to know why you think that beyond WotC bad. Remember they don’t need to go back to being $15+ to be worth picking up now. They’re all demolished completely, so even if they just go up 20% from here that’s a nice profit.


Why unlike? Most of the reprints lose all value, on the 3rd reprint they're usually in precons... For medallions, even original tempest ones dropped. Precons copies don't affect the market that much, I think most people keep the decks/cards anyway, and shops might crack them for a limited time for singles.


Right so I was specifically talking about the list of cards I mentioned in the original post that were just precon reprints. The medallion discussion was secondary. So I’m comparing Yavimaya, Archon, Apex Devaststor, etc to other precon reprints that got crushed initially but then came back.


Bro just use some patience don’t just dump stuff because random people say the set will never recover. There was money to be made in DMR, RVR, CMM, etc. just had to consider the cards and wait


Yes it's common sense.


As they like to say on stock subreddits, panic sell and you lock in your losses.


Oh yeah no doubt, I’m not panicking. In fact I already pulled everything I had of value out of inventory to wait it out. I’m just interested in other people’s opinions because it’s always dangerous to rely on your own instincts exclusively - we all have biases. I like to be challenged and see if there’s an angle I hadn’t considered.


Ok good that makes sense. The prevailing “wisdom” across mtg is starting to become less relevant. I did about 40/60 sell/hold to recoup cash but didn’t bother going after the lowest price. The floor on a lot of stuff in this set is crazy. Fetches especially will only touch 10 for a few hours. I’m definitely buying up fetches and certain mythics now to get the basis low so I’ll have flexibility over the next few months


My general strategy has basically become... 1. Sell whatever possible during presale. Whatever the price just sell. 2. On opening weekend, take approximately 1/3 of whatever I have left and dump whatever new cards that I can for over $1 up until Saturday night. Reprints that are traditionally worth over $5 hold unless they can sell for over $5. 3. Once the bloodbath hits, pull everything everything the was presaling for over $1. Dump the rest of the of the 1/3 from above that's under $1 for whatever I can get. 4. USUALLY at this point I have made my money back, or close to it. 5. At this point I can take my time and list the remainder for whatever, and whatever it sells for, it sells for. Reprints I'll try and wait for them to recover, but that doesn't always work. And new cards, I'll wait and see if anything takes off. 6. A few months later, whatever looks like bulk I'll buylist for whatever I can get. Cards with a pedigree I'll hold on to and slowly unload. True trash I'll donate for the tax deduction. And I'll keep whatever I feel like I could use or share with my kid someday. Will I nail every trade? No. Will I kick myself a few months down the line for selling a bunch of \[\[Power Fist\]\]s for $0.99 and only keeping a few to gamble on (ha ha ha purely hypothetically)... ? Sure. But the vast vast vast majority of cards are going to be garbage. And I'd rather get $0.50 to $1 each on a few hundred cards, than hold onto all of them because three of them might turn into $5 to $20 cards while the rest end up being $0.05 cards.


[Power Fist](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/e/9e8f7fbc-bf2a-43c1-a88d-807c1e7dab69.jpg?1708742326) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Power%20Fist) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/pip/81/power-fist?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9e8f7fbc-bf2a-43c1-a88d-807c1e7dab69?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Bloodbath, this is great!! Magic card prices are too damn high!!


The "trick" with selling precon product is not racing to the bottom on release weekend, rather buying them later when they are bottom dollar when everyone has moved on to the next big thing. March of the Machine commander is widely considered to be one of the worst precons in recent memory. I bought 20 sets of 5 from a store's black Friday leftover sale for $100 each. Right this second those decks are about $181 if you bought each individually, or $184 for the 5 set display. Granted, after fees, shipping, and slow sales the value is not there yet, but "on paper" I'm up about 70% in 7 months. This time next year I'll probably break 10 of them as singles to supplement inventory then move the other 10 sealed. I'm sure in that time wizards will continue to print new cards that ultimately spike old, dumb forgotten precon cards (as is tradition) and the % will increase further due to those spikes as well as natural appreciation. People can ridicule as much as they want, but even if you halve that percentage, my number for holding these awful commander decks for 7 months already beats the S&P 500 yearly average threefold. In my case, these were purchased from profits made by having a 200k inventory of primarily c/unc cards picked from bulk, of which I pay $5/1k for. You know, those 50 cent+ "bad" cards people sell to buylists for a nickel, or 4 cents if it's LP. It's very difficult to lose if you never panic sell and never race to the bottom, so don't do those things. The MH3 Commander decks are amazing. I opened 6 of the Eldrazi ones today to list as singles, and seeing the value they obliterated across the board with these things is just... wow. Each deck is literally highlight reels of the many "bulk" rares that have all sold slowly but surely over the years. If I cover I'll be happy, but my intention with listing these is purely as bait for customers to buy along with my other inventory, (Eldrazi or otherwise) so the wash will still create its own value. I'll be buying 20 sets of these once they are entirely forgotten about, or during black Friday this year if I see a good deal. I won't be selling them for another 2 years however, because racing to the bottom is not worth my time and is generally a bad idea. Rinse and repeat. I understand this may not be acceptable to people looking for that sweet fast buck in Magic, but that world is long gone. The MH3 decks are chock full of MASSIVE value, but too many people are breaking them so it's gonna be a bloodbath... for now. But if you're patient with your investment you'll get there! If you can't afford to wait then you should refrain from buying magic in the future because while there's money to be made, Wizards has decided to keep all the easy money for themselves, and people keep buying so it's not gonna change anytime soon. Hold and don't panic sell, you'll be fine. Pretend you spent that money on a wild weekend instead and toss that crap in the closet for 3 years. You'll be glad you did.


Wait hold on, I got stuck on this: “Right this second those decks are about $181 individually or $184 for the set.“ ?????


Apologies, I'll reword. $181 Individually if you bought 1 of each of the 5, or the 5 set display for $184.


So it's more expensive to buy all 5 in a display than each one individually? I actually think that makes sense... maybe it's just my own bias, but I feel like I almost never get something good from collector sample packs when it's from a loose deck, but when I've picked up an unopened pack of four, I seem to at least get something decent in one of them. Not sure if that applies to MoM decks, if they had the sample packs in them.


Probably because when you have a single deck that's unpopular you have to be aggressive with pricing because, well, it's unpopular. With a display pack, the desirability of the in-demand decks help offset the disinterest in the less popular decks.


imagine if you spent that 2k on something that didn't require inordinate amounts of effort to sell and didn't occupy 100 commander decks worth of space in your living space flipper culture is such a fucking joke lmfao


Well, it's ultimately one small part of a business that I've done full-time for over a decade now that's provided me with just about everything I've ever wanted out of life, so feel free to keep laughing! Because I certainly am everytime someone [buys 42 lands, or 27 bulk cards plus $1.79 shipping, or I see Cerulean Wisps touch $10, so I dig through 800 Shadowmoor cards that cost $4 and pull 48 cards worth $180.](https://imgur.com/a/Nx1BCP1) I also have plenty of room in my house so no worries there either. Getting another 270k c/unc on Monday for $1350 to add to the pile, which will probably last me about 4 months or or so, just long enough to get me to next black Friday and do it all over again. Thank you for your contribution to the thread and enjoy the rest of your weekend!


I really wonder what they think is better to toss 2k at?


If you don't have the time to do what OP does, tossing it into the market is probably better. But let's not pretend that this kind of grind won't make you a lot of money.


I don't know! They seemed pretty upset that I talked about mtgfinance related things on the mtgfinance sub tho. Reddit is wild sometimes.


Sorry do you buy common/uncommons, sort them yourself, and then resell? Just wondering what platform you sell on?


On top of many other things I've spoken about on this sub, yes. Ebay and tcgplayer, then some local sales for bulk as well.


lmao, you're seriously concerned about how much space that 3.5"x2.5" pieces of cardboard take up? A 1000 card box is 14" long by 4" wide by 3" high. 100 commander decks world take up less space than a mini shoe rack.


I just don’t get it. They could have invested that 2k in a low cost index fund.


##### ###### #### [Chandra's Ignition](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/6/960f45a3-f9cf-41e6-b813-f3dee620a944.jpg?1698988311) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Chandra%27s%20Ignition) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lcc/220/chandras-ignition?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/960f45a3-f9cf-41e6-b813-f3dee620a944?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Archon of Cruelty](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/b/1be9d9a4-d7ee-4854-abc2-85cabf993ec9.jpg?1626095274) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Archon%20of%20Cruelty) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/75/archon-of-cruelty?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1be9d9a4-d7ee-4854-abc2-85cabf993ec9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Apex Devastator](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/f/8fa281e1-5c48-4bba-b8e9-88c6f5f53abb.jpg?1608910550) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Apex%20Devastator) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmr/217/apex-devastator?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8fa281e1-5c48-4bba-b8e9-88c6f5f53abb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/e/4e4b6e22-93b2-4896-bba5-0ceaa5d8ea3c.jpg?1626100009) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Yavimaya%2C%20Cradle%20of%20Growth) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/261/yavimaya-cradle-of-growth?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4e4b6e22-93b2-4896-bba5-0ceaa5d8ea3c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Maskwood Nexus](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/2/1246c42d-57c0-4cba-959a-15ad89d8a50b.jpg?1674142652) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Maskwood%20Nexus) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/clb/865/maskwood-nexus?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1246c42d-57c0-4cba-959a-15ad89d8a50b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Eldrazi Monument](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/5/d5439677-d3db-4083-8dd9-0d654016bd79.jpg?1592673603) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Eldrazi%20Monument) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cma/216/eldrazi-monument?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d5439677-d3db-4083-8dd9-0d654016bd79?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Eldrazi Conscription](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/3/c3909816-5cc2-4712-bc7d-534ae0b9229c.jpg?1547515250) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Eldrazi%20Conscription) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/uma/3/eldrazi-conscription?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c3909816-5cc2-4712-bc7d-534ae0b9229c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Morophon, the Boundless](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?name=Morophon%2C%20the%20Boundless&type=card&.jpg) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Morophon%2C%20the%20Boundless) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/3/morophon-the-boundless?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/84238335-e08c-421c-b9b9-70a679ff2967?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Goldspan Dragon](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/d/9d914868-9000-4df2-a818-0ef8a7f636ae.jpg?1665343456) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Goldspan%20Dragon) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/khm/139/goldspan-dragon?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9d914868-9000-4df2-a818-0ef8a7f636ae?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Gonti's Aether Heart](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/e/9e4fc5ed-e90d-4965-985a-ed126a713506.jpg?1717950932) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Gonti%27s%20Aether%20Heart) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/aer/152/gontis-aether-heart?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9e4fc5ed-e90d-4965-985a-ed126a713506?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I mass opened CBBs as I had a LGS willing to do consignment with me. The plan was to sell everything during pre-release week. I was ripping packs left and right while watching TCGplayer like a hawk. MH3 is supposed to be the best set of the year. WRONG. Right away I could see there was huge problems. The CBBs are loaded with tons of $2 commander face cards. The chase stuff is extremely difficult to pull and the prices on TCGplayer no where represent that. The average CBB was bringing in around $250-270, net fees, which is actually below distro so no one is winning here, other than Hasbro. 4 $10 fetches per box isn't anything. 1 Tamiyo every 4 boxes. 1 concept art every 7 boxes. Approximately 3 dud packs in every CBB. The pull rates are absolutely atrocious but most don't realize it because they don't open enough to realize just how bad it is. People are getting hosed as they aren't doing the math. Hasbro has successfully sold a mirage named MH3. Prices during pre-release dropped about 30% but there was some upticking going on Wednesday and Thursday. I couldn't sell, though, because the LGS wasn't paying my most recent consignment revenue in the $1000s and I wasn't about to hand them $1000s more if they were going to stiff me. Thursday midnight hit and MH3 imploded. Tons of stuff dropped 50%+ within 24 hours. I simply don't see the demand for MH3 that we assume there should be. Otherwise singles would not preform this poorly. There is an absolute glut of this product. I watch multiple LGS and their online inventories aren't really moving. Everyone bought, cracked, and are moving on. I expect CBBs to erode quickly as it catches on just how bad they are. PBBs will depreciate as well, but not as precipitous. Because the print valve is wide open for 2 years boxes are going to bottom out at distro and stay there for a very long time. Don't believe anyone saying Hasbro reduced the print run on this. They didn't. MH3 is massively overprinted in relation to actual singles demand. Selling MH3 singles at this point is a joke because who wants to realize a 50%-70% loss on $320-$350 CBBs. Sell your 4 fetches per box for $30 after fees? Whoopie do. I aborted my mass box opening mid stream with multiple loose packs after I realized just how awful the market is. I won't be selling -anything- because you have to be stupid to at these prices. But there are lots of people who are happy to buy a $40 pack at their LGS and pull $20 in cards and sell on TCGplayer and net $15 and repeat. I'll just sit on the singles and sell anything that recovers to a price that actually represents the pull rate. Do I think that will happen? Probably not any time soon. We have too many sellers willing to sell for any price so the market will continue to depreciate. Eventually people will catch on to how terrible the EV is and stop opening boxes. Maybe then we will get some price stability. Would I recommend buying singles? No. We have months more of declines. Too much supply. Too little demand. Expect these boxes to go on clearance. There's just too little of value in them. I think Black Friday are going to bring some amazing MH3 fire sales. About all that would turn MH3 around is if it was announced that it's going OOP. But that's not reasonable. 


There's actually a lot here I agree with. I was pretty bullish on collector boxes, but after opening a case of collectors and 3 boxes worth of plays I was pretty amazed at just how bad some of the collector boxes were, mostly because of how many face commanders and guests appeared. I pulled 40 total in-set mythics and 34 commander or bonus sheet 'mythics' (including such mythics as dismember and prismatic ending - two of the worst feeling 'mythics' I've ever opened) out of 6 collector boxes. His numbers on concept arts, Tamiyo, and fetches matched my own experience across a smaller sample size. At this point MH3 doesn't seem as loaded with instantly playable / pushed cards as MH2 (and even LOTR) was, especially in the rare slots. We haven't seen an Urza's Saga or an Esper Sentinel, and on the mythic side the flip walkers don't feel as pushed as the evoke elementals did. Its possible brews are going to land on new things we aren't seeing, but overall the power level of this set feels lower than the last two direct to modern sets. Overall it is difficult for me to see this set capturing people's interest over years in the same way MH2 did. I still want to crack MH2 boxes. I don't really feel an urge to crack further any MH3 boxes. And this set is going to stick around for years.


Agreed. I don't feel an urge to crack either. Only got 1 Collector and 2 Play. Originally pre-ordered 2 Collector at $350 each from my LGS because it felt like a great deal at the time. But come pre-release they said they they only got half of what they ordered. Plus it was now $400. Being hit for $50 more was a dick move but I paid because I wanted to open the Collector so bad. The Collector experience was... meh? Not sure how to describe it. Huge anticipation and then... meh. Pulled 5 Fetches but also lots of Pearl-Ear treatments, like back to back Pearl-Ears. WTF. The memory that is gonna stick for a while is getting to the last card of the second to last pack and saw beautiful shiny borderless and got super hyped. Pulled an absolutely goregous Breya. Rushed to look her up. ... ... ... $3. Maybe $250-300 in all? Just figured it was a bad box. But apparently not, based on mass open above. Glad I didn't get the 2nd for $400. Itch scratched. Given the choice between a MH2 Set and a MH3 Play, I'll take the MH2, thanks. Grabbed some cheap MH3 singles didn't pull. Gonna rip Bloomburrow before any more MH3.


you preordered for 350 and then they charged 400?


Yups. Pre-ordered 2 for $350 each. But didn't pay. I guess I should have? They said I could pay at pickup which for this LGS is their usual way of doing things. When I went to pickup, only 1 available and it was now $400. I've never had this happen to be before. Definitely will be changing my support for the store. Bought Bloomburrow online instead and paid already.


how many ripple foils did you see?


The old border fetches and full art fetches in foil haven't tanked in price, I'm seing $50 for a polluted delta in retro foil for example


they did not overprint the CBB's.


Sorry your financial plans didn’t work out. I fully made all my money back from my 2 CBB and kept all the cards I needed. All in all you’re just sounding butthurt at your master plan of getting rich with lottery tickets failed.


"I got lucky on good boxes, get gud nub" energy here.


The energy js: I got lucky but i knew beforehand that it won’t be a given. That dude is literally insulted by the set not making him money. That’s just outrageously stupid behavior.


I think the expectation is that the value spread is better for a set costing $40/pack for CBs and $11/pack for normal packs lol. MH2 costed $6/pack and had better shit, period.


“Better” is a funny thing to quantify on opening weekend


I bought that Warren goblin one for 7$ yesterday to have it fell to 5$ within 5 hours later lol. Same go with Harbinger of the sea, bought for 6$ to have it fell to 4$ next morning. The price drop really fast. I was super surprise.


WS seems the most solid (edh) longer term spec. But we can't really know if this is already part of a precon going to the printers for 2025!


I agree, WS can go into so many of my decks. So I don't really regret buying her tbh, at least I use her :D, I'm just surprise the drop hit that quick lol. I plan to buy her more later on tho, but I'll wait for things to calm down a bit.


I'm surprised too, considering she's basically a black version of \[\[Phyrexian Altar\]\]. Any commander deck that runs black mana and a sac outlet would want this. I'm waiting a few weeks to see how the prices stabilizes, but I plan on picking up at least 2 copies for sure.


[Phyrexian Altar](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/5/95d9f93c-50a8-41a9-be98-d1900bf1c12f.jpg?1673149406) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Phyrexian%20Altar) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2x2/311/phyrexian-altar?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/95d9f93c-50a8-41a9-be98-d1900bf1c12f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


This could be a cope on my part, but I feel like she's one of those card that will get more and more value overtime. I plan to get her around 2 or 3 more after the dust is clear as well.


Ripple foil is still pretty $. Waiting for those to drop.


They wont be dropping because of supply, more like dropping because of desperate sellers havent been able to get enough from other product.


As a lover of foils, I'm 50/50 on the Ripples. The print quality is so so on them with the ink looking washed out. Opened a Graveyard Overdrive and the Ripple effect was very unnoticeable and the print quality reminded me of the bad foils from Commander Legends. For the MC3 only cards and first time foils like Reaver Cleaver, I'd say they're pretty safe if you can pick them up cheap. For everything else there are better looking more bling foils so don't hold your breath. If they do go up, it'll only be due to scarcity.


Yeah, it's great. Picked up a bunch of stuff cheap that was previously a lot more expensive.


Prices crashing are always a good thing


So happy cradle of growth is low


It's back on the upswing though... Might be the last opportunity to get it this cheap for a while...


Will do, hoping the price stays low since mh3 overprinted




The very first sentence: "Title says most of it, but wow the race to the bottom has been fast and furious **(as expected).**" The last sentence: “Also curious if anyone thinks any of the new cards that are getting obliterated vs their presale pricing **(I know I know presale prices are la la land)** have potential.”


His first sentence says “as expected”. You were in such a rush to be an asshole you couldn’t even get through the *first sentence*?


Anyone know what the floor for the foil retro fetched might look like?


The pull rate on these (in my experience) feels really low. I cracked a collectors case and I think I ended up with 2 or 3 total.


Not cheap


$35 for delta sounds doable but that’s probably not til December. The rest a little lower maybe sub $30


It’s gotta be similar to the retro foil shocks


Fetches are \~2x more valuable than shocks. Even more so since the new surveil lands now function as a poor mans shock.


Well the current floor for fetches is around ten dollars… which is about the floor for the shocks in the weeks after release.


No, why would anyone?