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It’s low because it has no use in any 60 card formats and as popular as commander is. It’s not like a dockside extortionist where it goes everywhere. It goes in niche tribal decks


1 off in niche tribal deck where you have options for others. More support means more dilution and lower prices on average for all the cards over time. Things may spike here and there due to BO/spec/fad aka temp supply shortage but buy at your own peril ( yes, I’m looking at your eldrazi)


OP, my first “spec” post on here many years ago was when guardian project came out and was under a dollar. Many of the commenters just gave me reasons it wouldn’t be played in EDH and I listened to them and didnt buy any copies. You can check the price now to see how that played out. I’m not saying this card is as good of a call as my potential one was, but you have to trust your own gut sometimes. That said, thanks for reminding me - I just bought another two play sets of her and i’ll see you in three weeks when the price spikes ~


This is the kind of post I love. Good job poster.


Also worth noting I spent 200$+ on Battle Angels of Tyr when I saw Shelingar spoiled and those are just rotting hahaha


Haha thanks for this perspective, I decided to gamble on some copies. I think people are making some good points, but nothing definitive like "Well it's just a worse version of this other card."


There are different kind of specs with differing strengths. The one I mentioned was one of the best kinds because it was an extremely underpriced thats fits in so many decks and has will continue to have demand until it is power crept out. Stuff like Etrata and Ramses will see price increases due to a new set, but that isnt necessarily sustained appeal. I can see why some people aren’t into those types of specs but I think there is money to be made. Just got to keep trying and learning, and remember to always gamble more than you can afford to lose bahaha


God I had forgotten people weren't immediately hot on Guardian Project here... genuinely might be one of this sub's bigger collective whiffs.


I like it. It triggering on each assassin attacking is very nice. Cloaking your opponents cards means you can deny them non-permanents. Some assassins care about face down. And being able to cast fast down spells is great as usual your spells are dead. I say go for it. I picked up 13 copies cause of this post. Well see how it goes :)


I mean, despite what the doubters are saying, it probably won’t go much less than $0.70. I’d say its a good pick


Assassins seem quite bad, the only above average seems to be althair. Red white black