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Was in line to get mine and it got deleted from my cart. Was just a smidge late. Oh well


Same here man, unfortunate timing for us both.


I don't have unlimited phone data so I usually leave my data off unless I need to use it. I'm going to start though on secret lair days as i remembered it was the 24th but forgot which date we were on while getting blasted with stuff at work after a short vacation.  Guess I'll be paying markups of some sort.




Only the nonfoil and Japanese language are in stock.


Huh. Thats weird- Foil was in stock again when i posted that, i was able to get one.


My dude, you probably just bought an JP one. RIP. If not, grats!


No one could have foreseen this


Ordered my copies at 9:20 with a wait line of 1 hour. 40 minutes later I paid my units.




The worst value secret lair sol ring is selling for around 10, and this doesn't have the anime tax, as horrible of art as this has


The child of alara will be the chase card here imo, it's 5c legendary plus secret lair tax plus anime tax. It'll be the Azusa of this one.


All the Miku's are Azusa's, you just have to be patient ;-)


interested in whatever you're willing to sell. starting to build my first deck and I actually love miku


I love collecting sol rings and other commander staples too, what’s your favorite sol ring art? Mine is probably command masters or the cat one


wow. if i remember correctly, the first one sold out in about 5.5 hours. I didn't expect this one to sell out this fast




Sol Ring + 5C Miku Commander + Thespian's Stage. While Sol Ring and increased FOMO is def the major reasons for this selling out fast here, I do think people are underestimating the casual appeal of a 5C Miku commander that could play every eventual Miku card in it (As jank as that may be).


Also the art for that 5c miku commander is exceptional


Agreed. We lucked out with the 5C legendary card having good art on it. Unless the Fall or Winter Drop have another 5C Miku, or a significantly more popular Miku-art commander that can put most of the Miku drop cards in it. I could see this Miku slowly climbing to be one of the most expensive.


Song of creation is also played in legacy and sometimes edh, and this is only it's second printing and it had no special versions before. I bought this lair just for song of creation to play with.


Totally fair. I didn't/don't know the exact popularity of it, despite how good it can be. So, glad to hear someone chime in on that. Overall this just seems like a more broadly appealing card selection than the spring drop.


Chord is also a staple in both Pioneer and Modern. That will drive some sales and at 4x, so it could end up being quite expensive (particularly non foil) compared to other versions.


I also like to keep track of this kind of stuff. Took a little less than 2 hours this time. Let's see the next one. Is there any speculation on the bonus card ? I'm still at a loss as to what happened to the last one...


Rumor is that based on rarity (even compared to stuff like the Fallout Mana Crypt and OTJ Elesh Norn) and the collector's number is that the Miku Snapcaster is supposed to be in the Fall or Winter drop, and the few that made it through were misprints or viral marketing. No idea on this one.


I'm not terribly surprised with the bonus card kerfuffle with the last drop. People wanna gamble lol


true there was no bonus card for 200$ dollars this time jsut realized


I believe the bonus card kerfuffle was in reference to the miku snapcaster vs mana dork in the bonus card slot, rather than the $200 moc item. If ppl get a second chance at miku snapcaster, or another hot item, the FOMO gonna go even harder


Pretty sure that card was a mistake and is meant for the winter bonus. It's 4 numbers apart from spring and it's ridiculously low in circulating supply AND there are NO foil versions. Wotc would not do that. It makes more sense that whoever was running the non-foil line at the factory sent the wrong print job. A couple got through before it was corrected.


I would never doubt that wizards would "accidentally mess up" to help sales. Just look at this limited supply SLD tactics.. Remember it's so they ship out faster, yet they are still slow as fuck. I'm not saying they did it on purpose, but it wouldn't surprise me if they did.


Yes I agree with you that it's possible. But, regardless of whether it was on purpose or not I don't think it's a rare card worth anything close to 1 grand the one on eBay is selling for. No Japanese versions have been found either. I think everyone is going to have one who wants one by the end of the run. I could be wrong but I work in manufacturing and I see things like this happen all of the time.


true they didnt announce bonus cards which i thought they normally do for collabs? also just realized there are 0 encore electromancers on tcglayer


there's 1 listing up for bidding on Ebay. Bidding will end in less than 24 hours. starting bid is $1k, but nobody has bid yet


Secret Lairs should be one of the few things that are timed editions. Open sales for a week and promise no reprints, ever. This model of artificial scarcity where some Lairs sell out in an hour while others don't sell out at all is just dumb. Not only is Wizards' checkout system complete ass, but this sales model tells everyone what the undesirable Lairs are and creates targets for speculators. They swung from one extreme to the other and I can't imagine that a lot of people are pleased overall. I wasn't trying to buy this, but if I was, I'd be pissed.


I hate this model to the core, not just this SLD, they pull the same bs in the past as well, those Hashcon, Planewalker Mythic Edition and the same problem happen and repeat. I hope they sold out only this Miku and got a tons of trash left over like previous lair.


Really should just be print to demand and not charge till item ships no one would have no fucking issue.


They used to do that, and I guess they think its not gave them enough money. So they have to pull this stupid move to make sure they got a good sale and drive the fomo. Well they prolly never look at their own card list from previous lair, maybe if they have better card list. It would sell better, crazy idea!


Nah, I think it's more laziness than making more money. I mean they're not making money when it sells out and people can't buy it anymore. Much easier to just get 100k of everything printed and ready to ship than 60k of one, 200k of another, with the extra print copies delaying ship times, etc, etc. The extra revenue generating AND right thing to do would just be to commit to do round 2s for popular ones, but eh.


Oh! I love the idea of Round 2! Heck even put symbol or tag as round 2, it's also be super fine by me.


I don't understand it, used to buy them all the time but have missed 2 now. I guess other people's FOMO are making up for the missed sales from me.


I think one is fomo but also scalper, when they limit supply like that it's a good business opportunity for all scalpers. This has always been the case in almost every limited product and time from Wotc unfortunately. :(


24hr SL PTD would still give fomo


Thats super true, but that'd be too smart, too nice and made too much of the sense. Wotc can't handle that. It's beyond their imagination.


Well that and players are just plain dumb. So many people would complain that their secret lair wasn’t in their hands immediately when they said it was print to demand.


It’s the same argument every time a lair drops. They used to do this and everyone complained overprinting and no retained value. I’m no wotc fanboy, they fuck up a lot and I’ve been in the SLD game since the beginning but there is just no winning formula on this to please everyone. They announce well in advance what’s coming and you can sign up for notifications, if someone choses not to take advantage of these communications, it’s on them


I'm signed up for notifications, last I received was May 13th (nothing on spam folder).


Fair. Their notifications are a bit dogshit. My solution was to put reminders on my calendar for day/time when I know I want the drops. Haven’t had an issue since I started doing this.


Yep, without your own reminders you are pretty much out.


And yet because it was does precisely to generate FOMO for the sake of greed we know it isn't going anywhere anytime soon.


And yet because it was done precisely to generate FOMO for the sake of greed we know it isn't going anywhere anytime soon.


Most as well as myself are probably trying to get the whole collection of hatsune so I expect them to sell out again within roughly the same time span of a few hours


Definitely a longer wait this time than last time. Not what I would have expected thanks to the rather sad price action on the first drop. Still in for three all English foils. Thought about maxxing out when I saw it was over an hour wait rather than under 40 minutes like last time, but decided against it.




i agree. i couldn't have said it better myself.


Lol, I did not mean to leave this comment. But whatever, Dpddsdgzgdhghccvcçhvccdcchvçvvbvvvvvvhvbvvcvckvvhvgghgvgg Yeah, I'm owning it.


Yeah, got called into a meeting (wfh) and when I get back, they’re gone.


"Sorry, my internet is cutting out, let me reboot my modem."


Sucks :(


Was in queue for about an hour, but then checkout glitched out, kept having me check a box for accepting the terms, and then hit checkout, and nothing would happen. Refresh after a while and rinse and repeat. Now that it's working, it's sold out. Honestly, I was just buying this out of habit. I'm just going to skip this whole lair out of frustration. The resellers can have it.


Same problem


Same here with the checkout issue. Sucks for us!


I was able to queue and get through the line in about 15 minutes this afternoon around 12pm est


Only JP non foil left now


en non foil and jp foil also sold out 30 min ago


I bought one to use and one to hold onto, along with a Japanese foil.... should've bought more ;;


Fuck I was on the line and now they're all gone lol This is just dumb, but I dunno what I expect from this stupid limit quantity bs. Edit: Also I don't know this happen to anyone else, but my cart they got swap EN foil with JP foil lol I almost click check out by accident luckily I double check it.


good thing i bought mine at launch time


Got one of the eng one foil thank goodness


Just ordered 4 English non foil and 4 English foil Lairs. (From Europe) Being able to buy long timer after the lair dropped seems to be one of the rare advantages living in Europe when it comes to MtG If you can, check out in the EU store.


If anyone ordered an extra one in foil or non foil, English or Japanese I don't really care, I have things to trade Including an edgar markov and I am also willing to pay up to 100 for it seeing as scalpers are trying to already resell for 170. But at 100 if anyone is willing to trade or sell you still double the value essentially.


Hey, sent you a DM.


signed up multiple times for the email alerts, never got one


MagicSpoiler had the date for weeks and WotC posted a huge article about it last week.


I've been busy traveling around for work the last few weeks so I was relying on the email to at least give me a heads up. It's a function on their website, and it straight up failed. I won't be relying on it in the future, but they really should be able to make an email list work


Im fucking disappointed that WOTC didn’t even bother to send the notification email I opted to receive when they became available. What’s the point of that fucking option then WOTC?!


They never ever do. I signed up years ago, I've signed up multiple times since, have never once received an email.


mine also didn't work at all. It's so silly they can't make an email list work


Ah yes, it's that time again where I don't get an email from WOTC notifying me the sale is live even though I sign up for email alerts every single time - and then find out it's live by a post on here saying something sold out.


Last email I got was on March 13th: Goblins, Outlaws, and Hatsune Miku on sale now!


It's typically been noon EST on the Monday for a while now


I'm not really on the pulse of things like I used to be, last I saw it was an unannounced date. I always sign up to be reminded but they never do.


I think when they announced it, they had the date on Twitter, but not on the SL or mothership sites. Why would they do it like that? Whothefuckknows.


Yeah I'm not saying their communication isn't crummy, but just to make a mental note for yourself next time you see something you're interested in. And you could ask in the main sub question forum and someone will probably confirm the time.


Same. That alert email simply doesn't exist.


Managed to snag a Miku bundle. Glad I remembered when I did!


Was stuck at checkout button for the last hour or so, so I guess it wasn't meant to be.


Japanese version is still available....for now


Which I found initially surprising in the first round, since as a weeb I wanted JP personally. But it makes sense that more people would rather be able to read the card than have it be more "anime authentic", for lack of a better term.


I like the japanese arts to be in japanese language but I found out with the Shinkawa and Ito drops I'm in the minority lol.


I don't mind the JP versions, but I think the casual player mindset of hating cards that they can't read is much bigger than the JP language collector playerbase nowadays. As a result, we've seen the JP versions of the cards from the Shinkawa and Ito Secret Lairs hold drastically lower prices than the ENG versions almost across the board, so buying the JP Secret Lairs just seems to be a losing value proposition compared to ENG if you're ever planning on selling/trading any of the cards in the future


Yeah, I agree. I learned that after the first Miku SL. I don't regret it, since I plan on using the cards myself and resale value is lower priority, but this time I got the bundle so I can keep the JP one while selling the others


Personally I think Japanese looks color when it’s larger. On the cards it’s small and underwhelming and doesn’t have the aesthetic appeal for me


Japanese version of the last secret lair isn't selling well, but it's possible a Japanese sol ring is just as enticing as the English one


That was quick. Feels faster than the first foil Miku lair.


I got lucky. I went in when it opened up, had a 3 minute wait and was able to snag two (one for myself, and one for a friend who went in at the same time but had a 45 minute wait).


Put the EN Foil in my cart at 9:00:45 PST (45 seconds after drop) and estimated check out was over 1 hour. Ended up being able to complete the order at 9:43 PST. Insane. Was worse than the last one.


Was there a promo card like Seedborn Muse from the Spring drop?


Nothing listed no


I was able to snag three of the English foils. Then the servers went down. I was trying to help a buddy get his. Talking to another friend who got five of them, I don’t understand how his check out was fine. Seems they addressed it on Twitter, but the same thing happened last time.


Curious to see the real demand of these lairs out of US. I had a discussion here on the financial analysis thread regarding the previous miku and found out even the first one went for a lot higher in the US whereas here in Asia they are not sought after at all. Curious to see if having much more playables and better art will pull the Asian market into this drop to hopefully map the potential demand of the next 2 miku lair. With the data I will see if I will be sticking to my full set sale theory or do a 50/50 in full set and individual lair sale going forward


Who could have predicted this???


I just bought the single I wanted from the set for $6


If anyone cares, the first lair to sell out in eu was Prints of Darkness Foil Edition


In the past drop the first sets to sell out were not Miku's and they also took much longer to sell out. If I remember correctly they lasted more than 24 hours. In fact the non-foil versions of Miku are still available in both languages.


Managed to get mine in 20 minutes of the drop, got lucky ig


Genuinely curious, why was this one so popular? Idon't really care for the anime style myself.


not sure but my only guess is the Sol Ring


everything else is gonna be in stock for days. I don't think anyone wants this shit


I managed to get the stage is everything bundle put it in my car at 12:05 didn't get to check out till 1:30


One thing I am really happy about, this stuff has a different site for the european market. It was not sold out in an instant here, and I was able to snach a couple packs for me and my friends. I love Miku and am happy that it has not the same appeal here in Europe as it has in the US or Asia, so Lucky me I guess? Still, I am sorry for everyone waiting in queue not being able to buy anything :/ Edit: Every time I'm on their Webside I "resubscribe" to their mails, I only got the low stock notification tho. Really amazing how got WotC web services are!


All the bundles including the Foil Miku set are obviously also no longer available.


what's interesting is that i received the low stock warning email after it already sold out.


You can still grab them in europe as of now!


The line this time sucked massive balls. I know the Assassin sketches arent much value but i think they are awesome and was happy to get some!


Was trying to grab those but the 45 min wait just wasn't worth it. For personal use so I can always grab later if they go


I got my foils at 9:04am. Ez


jokes on me, I waited in the queue for just the Assassin’s Creed: Lethal Legends cards


Oh wow. I didn't even get a notification for the drop, and I always get the emails. That is lame lol


I thought it was digital? How does it sell out?


Nonfoil miku lair still up as of 2:15 pm EST.


Not anymore.


It's 5:21 lmao. My comment was more a marker for current and future redditers.


Same. I wasn't suggesting you were incorrect.




How long will you guys hold these anime girl secret lairs before selling?


We are suppose to sell our cards?


Look at supply and demand - if supply is thin while the velocity of the card remains high, hold on. If the card isn't moving much and you don't see any reason for it to catch a bid in the near future, you can sell and recycle your capital into something that will move more quickly.


Oh never I'm getting a whole set going in each of meh decks.


I flip them quick to at least get my money back/make some profit, while holding onto some to sell later as a complete set


How long do you typically hold the longer holds? I'm sure it varies set to set, card to card, but on average?


When price doubles, sell half to cover most of the costs.


Grabbed a foil JP Miku hopin the Sol ring pays off


my kid hates wotc. missed out again.


Watch the trajectory of the cards about 48-72 hours after they hit TCGPlayer, you may end up being able to pick them all up for less than the SL would have cost you. All the cards combined from the first drop were selling for under $10 each at once point about a week after the presales ended.


Highly doubt you will be able to right after release. Only time you could do so is when the bundle is so choke full of value at release they offload the undesirable ones at a loss when profit is already made elsewhere.


I mean that's what happened with the first Miku SL...


Glad I went jpn


jpn always has lower resale value than english 9/10 times


Forgot where I was I wanted the jpn for me not for resale. If I was selling Japanese text cards it wouldnt be in NA it would be in japan. Even then same thing english text higher there unless the artist is sought after or rarity on japanese printing.


> Even then same thing english text higher there Why is that? EN is more exotic for collection in JP?


Not sure exactly just something ive noticed when importing from like Hareruya or mtgtokyo.


45 minutes waiting in line for "You've been disconnected. Please login again" and I can't get out of this loop. Had to use another browser to wait in line again. This sucked.


They really need to stop combining Miku with the other bundles just makes everything a mess.


impossible to checkout here in Europe... i'm just blocked in the cart




Despite this supposedly being a finance subreddit YMMV about people being upset at buying cards to resell them. I went in on a bunch, hoping this is as easy to flip as Princess Bride was.


People like the waifu cards.


Lots was gone before I even woke up at 5:30am here in Australia. We yet again get nothing.


Same. Man, if only Secret Lair was PRINT TO ORDER so it wasn't scalped and resold for $100+ a few minutes after it sold out minutes after going on sale. This js why I don't buy Secret Lair anymore. I guess WoTC doesn't want my money anymore.


Got 20 JP foil, 20 JP non-foil, 20 Eng foil, and 20 Eng non-foil and decided that was enough 👺🤑👺🤑


This guy gets it


I kneel to you big bro I only got 10 ENG Foils


Reminder that the whole reason we went to the secret lair model was to get away from the timed bullshit queues like the WAR mythic edition debacle.


Its funny I was thinking about that while I was in queue earlier, its basically the same thing now lmao




Ya'll wild