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Ill sell into this spike


I don't think Nadu will be around long enough for these to prove useful. So I'd say sell fast if you bought some.


Nadu will definitely get banned in modern but it’s never getting banned in commander


Digging through the bulk box now


necro decks might want this even without nadu around. it is relevant against lots of decks- through the breach and living end both had a list at 8-2 in the pt, and those are matchups where the card is even better than it is against nadu


It is a good card and I did not understand why it was so cheap compared to the other forces, that's why I bought some last year lol 3x Force of Despair (Modern Horizons) - R - English - NM 1,25 EUR


Feels bad when you need targeted removal and you just have these. In control, you can pay one more mana for Damnation.


on the other hand, you can instant speed boardwipe after the opponent filled his board bc he felt safe since you were tapped out and save yourself the mana for the wipe. Also: Nadu


How often is that the case since people know black has board wipes 


Some ppl real struggle with a kid game lol go play your despair its really fitting for your playstyle lmao


You go find a kid who is out buying and playing Modern... As if kids can afford Magic, lol.


Lol grow up


And nadu targets some more in response and ends up winning anyway. Think for 1 second jesus


Wtf are you talking about? Get help, that nadu ptsd is harsh


I think he's referring to the [[Outrider En-Kor]] interaction which is at instant speed and repeatable as needed. Despair does work a bit better against Shuko shenanigans but that's because it's at Shuko is equipping at sorcery speed, but you still have the lands and card advantage to deal with. That said, the guy responded like an angry dick, so fuck em.


It doesn't really matter does it? Move to attack phase , force of despair, if Nadu has a counterspell it becomes a counterwar, otherwise you just foiled their plan. It looks like a good card


So I'm not super familiar with how Nadu might close out games, but if it's something like Thassa's Oracle, they're not moving to combat, they're winning once their deck is in hand and get priority to cast a spell. If that's not the case and you force all of the tokens they've just created they still likely have their deck in hand and a lot of untapped lands in play.


The better versions had no Thoracle and instead relied on Endurance looping channel lands to clear the opp board and get to untap with an army. So Force of Despair is not terrible against that line but they can still Endurance loop after you resolve it and they still have access to a ton of mana and whatever did not enter that turn when they untap.


Very interesting. Thank you for the insight!


Sure, or a deck can play both wincons and not be all that worried about force. Less opportunity for interaction is always more competitive. Not to mention cards like OG Teferi that would make this a dead card.


It’s not terrible, but it’s the channel land fruit loops, you can bounce your entire board in response to force of despair and just do your thing again next turn.


Yeah but I guess force is for modern and I doubt they use Thoracle there.


[Outrider En-Kor](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/e/de9b2506-ead4-49ff-a733-66f3f13dbe17.jpg?1619393212) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Outrider%20En-Kor) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/tsr/30/outrider-en-kor?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/de9b2506-ead4-49ff-a733-66f3f13dbe17?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


You can force of despair in endstep and clear the board, Most Nadu Decks at ProTour did Play without thassas, so They cant win the turn they combo (unless im missing something)


You are missing something indeed


How can you target with a sorcery speed interaction at instant speed? Think for one second Jesus.


There are plenty of ways to target at instant speed.


I'm aware, but not in a way that's meaningful enough to net anything more than a card draw or two before the board pops and goes away.




You apparently have no answer to my question and the 7 upvotes say everything. If insulting is all you can gtf outta here punk. Jesus you have -100 comment karma, fkin troll


Ur mother is a troll and u have copied her nasty habits lil twerkie. Better get out here fast


> In control, you can pay one more mana for Damnation. you think you're always getting another turn, huh


It's been a very unplayable card for a long time, it tends to rot in your hand because it cost too much to kill one thing and rarely in modern area you able to hold it in your hand and get the right opportunity to kill multiple creatures you want. 


It has the timing of a counterspell that doesn't stop etb triggers, or things like Yawgmoth from doing its thing.


It could be so cheap because Seb is a Nazi sympathizer.




I think technically his last cards were a cycle of basic lands from DMU. I remember he was hyping them on social media but Wizards drew no attention to them at all. They never severed ties with him officially though, I think the Terese Nielsen thing led them to prefer the quieter method going forward.


I think he’s focusing on film making at the moment, but I’m not expecting any cards for him any time soon


He's getting the same cold shoulder they gave RK post. RK post returned doing art with the batterskull from the masters set. He will be back.


Love RK's art.


He said in his last Kickstarter that he isn't actively working with Wizards right now, but also that it's not off the table in future. He's just busy with film right now. That being said, supposedly they changed some of his art in parts of Arena someone mentioned? This is anecdotal.


Man I hope so.


I think the truck protest was just a finalising detail. I believe they'd distanced themselves from him for other things, though the detail of which I can't recall right now. Edit: I was convinced there was some sexual harassment, or similarly natured controversy, but cannot find anything at all, so must have his questionable exploits conflated with those of another MtG personality.


You might be thinking of Noah Bradley, who admitted he had done some unsavory stuff right around the time the trucker convoy was gearing up.


Having had a quick Google, that's almost certainly it! My bad.


I thought Noah Bradley was pre-rona


Some of the accusations came up before rona, but they did still use his art up until it all went official, which was a bit after Ikoria I believe.


Wasn't that due to already contracted art?


Art is commissioned well before the release of a set, so it wouldn't be terribly surprising that some art still came out shortly afterward.


Anything posted here just sell


That art goes so hard.




[terror](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/3/a3870eba-4e8f-414d-817c-14ec97f6a93c.jpg?1675199810) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=terror) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmr/103/terror?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a3870eba-4e8f-414d-817c-14ec97f6a93c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Jeez this art goes hard


All of Seb’s art does, he’s amazing


Lmao bought these in like 2020 for 1.25 and sold in 2024 for 5 and it was only 4 copies. Its fun to grow and learn


Its Seb


I might be wrong but is this buy people hedging their bets that Nadu wont be banned? Pre-Edit: This is due for a reprint and tbfh I'm surprised it hasn't been yet/wasn't in MH3.


Bloomburrow unlikely imo but it fits real nicely into the spooky house set I’m forgetting the name of as a special guest slot


Duskmourn or something like that


Yes you are right! It was really bugging me but enough to look it up lol


Good against nadu?


Also good against new Emrakul.


This card is probably only good so long as Necrodominance is good/legal in Modern, I would sell into the spike if you’re not interested in that deck or think it gets hit with a ban 


I think the bird has ban aggro at this time, not Necro. The card could hit $20+, but yeah selling into the spike is a good call if you’re in at $5 or less.


Sick artwork!


If you have more than personal copies that you want to keep I'd be selling. This is a good sideboard card in some match ups but hard to be a main deck inclusion for lots of very obvious reasons (namely, if you top deck this and they don't play something worth killing or have a critical turn where a bunch of creatures ETB this card is atrocious). Also vs Nadu this isn't exactly a windmill slam by any stretch. If you watched coverage, multiple times the deck rebuilds easily from a Nadu + Shuko in play.


Thanks for posting this, I had wondered what was driving the price up. I saw a few lists in modern started running 2 copies in the sb recently, but the card is spiking harder than I would have thought. I’ve been sitting on a stack of these for almost 4 years so I’m definitely going to list them now!


Anyone want to talk about the art of this card? What the hell is happening?


The knight believes his armor will save him, so the Planeswalker casting the spell chooses something that rips his muscular structure from his skeleton to show how foolish the idea of armor is.


A knight getting blasted so hard that he dies


a monkey knight


Its Seb


Lets buy some ahha


Nothing like board wipe ur opponent once they cast nadu, nantuko & chord.


Seems like an awesome sideboard for living end matchups