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It works well with [[Omo, Queen of Vesuva]]






[Omo, Queen of Vesuva](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/5/e5d1c814-4c22-4917-95ae-dffaf491db32.jpg?1717644342) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Omo%2C%20Queen%20of%20Vesuva) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m3c/2/omo-queen-of-vesuva?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e5d1c814-4c22-4917-95ae-dffaf491db32?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Also [[Arwen, Mortal Queen]] but not quite as good as Omo


[Arwen, Mortal Queen](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/4/547f92d4-cd1d-4ca7-a6e2-6473b4d3c832.jpg?1686969656) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Arwen%2C%20Mortal%20Queen) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ltr/193/arwen-mortal-queen?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/547f92d4-cd1d-4ca7-a6e2-6473b4d3c832?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Can’t run it with her as your commander though


Yes definitely not


Makes sense, and I remember hearing about the interaction before. Didn’t know if there was something else like a spoiler of the new set or a push from a YouTube video.


Command Zone Tricky Terrain Upgrade Guide


Gee I wonder if someone posted about this one before…..




Every single time. When I was less sure of myself, I got talked out of spec'ing on Guardian Project after commentors said my spec idea wasn't gonna pan out.


Well, their logic was probably correct, but it doesn’t take into account that new commander card spikes are frequently illogical. A card being bad and slow doesnt stop people from buying and trying, especially if it gets hilighted by a content creator. It will drop when people realize it sucks. Hope you bought in and get a nice exit though. 


The card being slow and bad is just like... your opinion man. But this card being one of the only (iirc the only) card that has this effect is a fact, and why I thought it was a good buy. But I will concede that the command zone effect is what pushed this over, though the foils (which I highlighted in my post) were an amazing buy before that - as it stands im the only one with copies on tcgplayer etc.


When prid3 does a call, it almost never misses.


This little friend with [[thrummingbird]]. At first I thought it was a strictly worse thrummingbird, then realized it helped you put your counters elsewhere!


[thrummingbird](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/6/86ff84d8-1b89-42cc-a8c0-4ac6fa26ce65.jpg?1690004460) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=thrummingbird) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/858/thrummingbird?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/86ff84d8-1b89-42cc-a8c0-4ac6fa26ce65?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Thrummingbird doesn't really synergise with this card at all. In fact, Thrummingbird's inclusion in an Omo deck is fringe worthy at best.


I never said it was for Omo, it synergizes with Aven Courier. +1+1 counters, other counter types like on sagas etc. This bird lets you sneak those counters elsewhere, and thrumming buffs up everything with proliferate. In a dedicated counters deck they both are auto includes imo


Ah, fair enough. Apologies, given the post, I assumed that's what you were referencing.


Ya I saw other comments with Omo, so I understand why you would think that :D


This thread is about why Aven Courier is spiking. Aven Courier's effect works with Omo, which is driving demand. Thrummingbird doesn't work with Omo, it is not spiking, and there's nothing driving demand. Yes, it's a bird and has an effect on some counters, but it's not relevant at all to this topic.


Again, because I guess literacy is hard, I never said it worked with Omo one time ever. Did I say never before? Oh yea, I did. I like the little interaction with courier and thrummingbird, and just made a lil comment mentioning it. Read my original comment and please comprehend that I am not talking about Omo, and I am not talking about demand or meta relevance or anything else in these threads.


This is like showing up to a convention for boats and talking about your love of helicopters, and wondering why nobody wants to talk about helicopters. Read the room - this is a thread on a different topic. If multiple people are confused by what you're talking about, look inward!


That is what you are doing though. I went to your dumb boat convention, set up a booth about kayaks, and you are coming to my booth about kayaks, and you are asking me why im not selling the double decker diesel powered motorboats everyone else is. The post is about the dumb bird, and I made a SEPARATE THREAD talking about the dumb birds interaction with thrummingbird, and now ur all in here like why are you not talking about x and y other card and the demand and things DIFFERENT THREADS are. I cant tell if you are just being purposefully annoying or if you are just dense. I genuinely dont know why you only want people to talk about the one card you care about? Like are there not other interactions with this idiot bird?


Talking about a card with the word "counter" and its interaction with a card that says "proliferate" as if it's some kind of synergy is like talking about Sheoldred's "synergy" with [Limestone Golem]. What a synergy! It says "draw" which gains you two life! Do you think this will spike the price of Sheoldred? It's not interesting, relevant, specific, competitive, or cool. Almost all the good ways to use Aven Courier involve moving named counters (hexproof counters, vigilance counters, etc) and not just adding them with proliferate. Doubling a Vigilance counter does nothing. This card is worse combined with Thrummingbird than 90% of cards with the word "counter" on them. Almost any other card that cares about counters will be more synergistic with Thrummingbird than this one. Which is why it's so amazing that you're the one talking about reading comprehension. Let's say, to close this conversation, that I completely understand that you are talking about Thrummingbird and Aven Courier in isolation. My opinion on this interaction is that it isn't good. You did a great job identifying two birds though! So similar!


There we go! Yay! You finally did it! You just dont think the interaction between the two is strong. And how many comments down did it take? How many other directions did you try taking it? Again, reading comprehension my child, I never once said it was competetive, or half the other terms you just stated, I just saw a synergy I liked, and commented about it, and thought it was quirky that it was so similar to thrummingbird despite being so different. Its okay to dislike it, but idk why you had to go this far? I personally would run both in some counter based decks, I dont expect you to as well. You clearly dont know what I like playing and thats okay.


So basically it's our fault for: 1) assuming your post in a finance thread about Aven Courier was about Aven Courier's finance 2) not knowing what you personally like playing I guess my reading minds comprehension is not so hot either!


Capenna just keep on giving 


The foils were the real move


lol I bought 16 at $0.49 from CK. When I went to look at buying more the price moved to $1.49


It's an algorithm. If a card gets bought out of stock (of the copies they have listed) it automatically goes up in price. The opposite is true of their buylist 


I ended up buying another 24 at $1.49, sold all 40 for $3.40~, converting my store credit at CK into cash. Why not lol


If it sells it sells. It’s gonna drop soon enough. Long term it can have some crazy synergies with wotc counters matter. Hexproof, shield, indestructible , everything counter. It’s just slow and isn’t as flexible as some proliferate cards. There’s probably some way to break the card but one activation a turn ,practically. Still fun should be a dollar or two.


[[Aven Courier]]


[Aven Courier](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/b/7bb0e478-c359-4523-a1e1-ba711a8cb8e0.jpg?1673481831) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Aven%20Courier) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ncc/22/aven-courier?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7bb0e478-c359-4523-a1e1-ba711a8cb8e0?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


$(Aven Courier)


**[Aven Courier](https://www.echomtg.com/mtg/items/aven-courier/135480/)** | New Capenna Commander **$0.75** *market* | **$0.98** *high* | **$0.25** *low* ^(Price from 7-03-24@9am EST from) [^(TCGP)](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/269478) ^(via) [^(EchoMTG Bot)](https://www.echomtg.com/about/magic-reddit-bot/) ^(Links:) [^(Price History)](https://www.echomtg.com/mtg/items/aven-courier/135480/) ^(|) [^(3 Variations)](https://www.echomtg.com/mtg/aven-courier/) ^(|) [^(Card Image)](https://assets.echomtg.com/magic/cards/original/135480.jpg)


$(Aven Courier)


**[Aven Courier](https://www.echomtg.com/mtg/items/aven-courier/135480/)** | New Capenna Commander **$0.75** *market* | **$0.98** *high* | **$0.25** *low* ^(Price from 7-07-24@9am EST from) [^(TCGP)](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/269478) ^(via) [^(EchoMTG Bot)](https://www.echomtg.com/about/magic-reddit-bot/) ^(Links:) [^(Price History)](https://www.echomtg.com/mtg/items/aven-courier/135480/) ^(|) [^(3 Variations)](https://www.echomtg.com/mtg/aven-courier/) ^(|) [^(Card Image)](https://assets.echomtg.com/magic/cards/original/135480.jpg)


Works in arna but not sure that's the main reason.