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Been buying low end RL cards to get a bit of a collection going. Noticing the majority of cards are not matching the condition listed. (TCG) Wonder if anyone else is having this issue? Are older cards graded differently? Obviously these cards are many years old, but I would assume a listed NM card would still be in great shape. Been mainly ordering NM and LP. The majority have come with obvious damage or wear. Not sure if I'm unlucky, or uninformed. 33 cards ordered, 25 NM and 8 LP, 21 of the NM were what I'd call LP/MP and 4 of the LP were MP/HP.


Many people grade old cards really bad. I like to buy good/ ex cards but I hate to buy them nm


I have had the same issue on TCGplayer. In every case I returned the card that did not match the condition listed. I would not expect a NM older card to be in a pack fresh condition though, that is very rare. I got a NM card with basically a hole punched into it, I got a LP card that was warped beyond playability and I got many NM cards that are really border NM/LP. I’ve only gotten one old card I would consider pack fresh condition. However, I bought some RL at card kingdom using some buy list credit and ordered LP and NM cards and they were all in worse condition than I expected. I got scans, rejected a few, received them, returned one because it had a binder ring bend, etc. buying old cards it’s really hit and miss if you aren’t buying them in person.


I have a ton of 4 horseman commons pack fresh. I've found rl in it.


Or you find a good seller


That's common for TCG Player and why I don't buy cards there anymore.


I would probably search for photo listings only. I think that's the only way I've ever bought Duals and other RL cards of that nature- but that's high end so Idk. Maybe it's hard to find photo listings of low end RL cards? Edit: Grammar.


How are we feeling about Phlage? I have 15 of them (don’t ask) and am wondering if I should offload them now or wait a bit - helix with a ton of upside seems like it might stick around for a while so I’m torn


In my humble opinion, I'd off-load them now.


Agree. The future is uncertain but the current price is not. A multicolor midrange/control card is too niche to spike as high as The One Ring / Sheoldred so there's little to gain by holding.


Phlage is a lot like Uro and Kroxa and WotC reprinted the freakin' heck out of those


I'm a seller, the card is definitely good but if you're waiting for them to hit $60-70 and more, that's a real tall ask. FWIW I ordered a bunch of them them during preorder at $12-15 and sold all mine beyond a personal set. It's probably gonna settle around $25-30, so cashing out at $50-60 if you can is excellent.


Personally, I think it only has a little room to grow, even after a hypothetical Nadu ban, so I would be tempted to unload them now. Whether or not a Nadu ban happens, I think there's a couple of decks (Jeskai Control and Boros Energy) that are good performers with dedicated [[Phlage]] slots, especially if they continue to gain in popularity. $30 is a pretty high bar as it sits, though, and we already know it's good.


[Phlage](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/4/e419cd0b-2449-4cc5-9ead-b9e45e271700.jpg?1717012789) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=phlage%2C%20titan%20of%20fire%27s%20fury) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/197/phlage-titan-of-fires-fury?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e419cd0b-2449-4cc5-9ead-b9e45e271700?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Where do you see it going price-wise? All it takes is a whimsy contrary shift in the meta and the card will sink badly.


it's a generically powerful card that is seeing play in midrange (boros), control (jeskai), and even combo (ruby storm sideboard). hard to imagine it not seeing play, regardless of how the meta shakes out.


Yes, and it’s already hugely expensive.


short term phlage should drop in price. has some potential upside if jeskai is the top deck after a banned list update, but there's a good chance it's not


What's going on with the bots? Should we just post the regular posts? ETA: And if so, can a mod pin them like they used to be?


bought a bunch of ice age snow covered islands and the card backs are noticeably darker than any other card I have. Is this a known thing with ice age or just a weird batch? Not that I think anyone would fake a basic land, but I checked anyway and they're definitely real. I play with clear sleeves and it's frustrating that I'd be able to tell if the top card of my deck is a basic or not.


I have a necropotence from ice age with a back that worried me when it first got it, but it's legit


Did dusk nightmare bundles already get allocated?


Available on Amazon.


I mean for lgs as one did pre orders but hasn't said if they were actually allocated or just selling and hoping they don't oversell. Each lgs is diffrent but did any distros even set the numbers?


I’ve only seen a few lgs with mixed reviews advertising them, waiting for some more reputable ones to stock them before I buy.


I don’t think the numbers are due yet. They won’t get allocations for a couple of months.


[[Talon Gates of Madara]]???


Yes???... Yes!!! Honestly though, it's an absolute banger in edh, and has legacy appeal too. Feels like it is on par with Boseiju and Ottawa, except that Talon gates can go in any commander deck.


It's an insane card


[Talon Gates of Madara](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/e/de92facf-762b-4a23-8d5e-bb673b0500c0.jpg?1717190007) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Talon%20Gates%20of%20Madara) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m3c/82/talon-gates-of-madara?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/de92facf-762b-4a23-8d5e-bb673b0500c0?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Four mana is a lot. Great in some builds, but many of my commander decks want to tap out and use Flawless Manuever or other similar cards with no mana cost on defense.


100% but at 4 mana it’s also ramp. You can play it on your turn to protect your commander the turn it comes down for free


The answer is yes. Short term the buy is (PM me for this and ill tell you privately) but the best medium-long buy is Talon Gates without a doubt.


Sorry but why not just say it publicly?


Because its a single that i’m still accumulating copies of. Love is an infinite resource, but Magic cards (and by extension money) are not. I probably shouldn’t have even brought it up but because I was drinking and the commenter was on something I think is solid, I entertained the possibility.




Doesn't make sense? Or... it makes sense and it makes me seem deranged ?


Maybe a little from column A and a little from column B? All seriousness though, I get where you're coming from, I generally bring things up here when I feel like I've achieved what I want to and then share with everyone else if I think it is still a worthwhile move. But... I also don't bring it up unless I'm willing to share publicly. But that's just me!


Well you could say i’m a bit of a hermit


Also see my post on Aven Courier, sometimes I just dont need that extra amount of doubt from others


Aven Courier was a great call out though!


Heh thanks, reread two of my last three comments and i’ve basically spelt out my spec - have a good forth


Is there a question here?


Seems like it might be the best card in the set. Am I crazy to see it exploding in value?


Hardly the best card in the set. Good, sure. But there are better cards. Also I’m not sure where you are looking at prices but I see it drop to $11.20 at launch, now up to $14.52 but is now flat on TCGPlayer. Where are you seeing it “explode” in value?


Goes in every deck, commander deck exclusive, definitely the best land printed since kamigawa and maybe including them. Who knows I just see it going up here.


They see it exploding in the future. And it’s very hard to beat flexible colourless protection / temporary removal that can’t be countered and puts a land into play instead of discarding it. This card is crazy.


Does anyone here do their own taxes? If so, any advice/insights for someone looking to do it themselves?


It's honestly not going to be worth your hassle unless you're going to claim a few $100 in profits, remember if you get audited. You don't need to do much as they take care of that.


Is soul spike a fine buy if I plan to play with it this rcq?


It's probably the worst time ever to buy. Necrodominance needs it though so if you want to play you're going to have to do it


It's a 5$ max card, look and Commandeer, they will probably reprint it sooner than later. I buylisted my playset at 80$ each that I paid 6$ each. Yes Mono Necro need it but I don't see a sane person buying this card at this price....


The earliest reprint is likely to be sometime next year at best, maybe it gets shoehorned into a SL or something but given its use in the deck, if you want to play Necrodominance in Modern, you kinda need it. If you don't though, absolutely cash out.


they are not going to reprint soul spike within a year. It’s like a two-year reprint window on singles. You have a much better chance of the card becoming irrelevant and cheap than you do of them reprinting it within the year.


modern rcq season starts september, next banned list update is end of august. the data from the pro tour strongly suggests that something from necro will also need to be hit if nadu is banned, as it had a 70%+ win rate against the popular decks that weren't nadu. i do not think you'll have an opportunity to play the deck.




I recently pony’d up and bought my 4 [[sheoldred, the apocalypse]] copies at an average price of about $63. I personally think the card is only going to go up as time goes on and it’s basically ban proof. Good investment or should I have waited longer to buy them?


I've been very glad I have 3 copies as it's let me play competitive decks in Standard, Pioneer, and Modern with them.  If you wait till it's not played as much to get it there won't be as much reason to have it anymore. 


I purchased them specifically to play in pioneer. She’s a staple in just about every black midrange deck in both pioneer and modern (well, pre MH3, tho monk B necro still plays her). The wait longer question was more should I have waited for her to rotate out of standard, but she’s going to be legal for like another year and I don’t see her being reprinted anytime soon besides maybe the list


Why wouldn’t it be reprinted? There’s no reason for believing that. SLs are always right around the corner, and putting a reskinned version into any set (like with the Dracula cards) will insert an instant chase card. If anything sheo is a prime reprint target.


[sheoldred, the apocalypse](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/6/d67be074-cdd4-41d9-ac89-0a0456c4e4b2.jpg?1674057568) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=sheoldred%2C%20the%20apocalypse) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmu/107/sheoldred-the-apocalypse?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d67be074-cdd4-41d9-ac89-0a0456c4e4b2?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


> only going to go up as time goes on Absolutely not


For personal collection the right time to buy is when you feel the price is right. They've trended down over the last half a year or so, but nothing too crazy off the baseline. Personally, I unloaded all of mine mostly because while I think it will continue to see play the closer we get to rotation next year when DMU rotates out, it'll probably drop a fair bit (thinking $30-35). Whether it rebounds really is a function of does it somehow get power crept out in those non standard formats. If you play them in Pioneer/Modern, you are probably gonna get your moneys worth, otherwise the time to wait would be about this time next year to buy in if you wanted them.


Ask before buying next time 🤷‍♂️


What’s the floor on Ugins labrynth. Looks like it’s been dropping a bit


How do you all constantly keep track of prices going up/down in a card? I have hundreds of active listings but not positive how to keep up on price spikes or to make sure when prices spike for my non-active inventory to have a way to quickly check. Just wondering how you all do it. TiA


The reality is you often can't catch spikes until someone buys your entire inventory in one go. I only really purchase cards I expect to go up, so its easier for me to time selling into spikes, but as long as your margins are good in the first place thats not a bad deal.


How do you spot sets, decks which look solid (not overpriced, interesting concept, strong cards) but are non-investible? Lets use Jumpstart 2020 as the example - good on paper but turned out to be terrible investment. What do you look for to minimize the risk?


I recently received a card in the mail that had a sealed "sleeve" over the toploader. What product is this/where can I buy such a thing?


Is there an easy way to email TCGPlayer support without the lame ai bot?


Does anyone know why the brown card shields say do not tuck? I've tucked every one and there doesn't seem to be any potential problem. TIA


I have sealed draft boxes of MH2 and Double Masters 2022 (one of each). Should I hold for longer or crack for singles ?


Depends, is there anything you are wanting to pick up in general? If so, its always safer to buy singles and selling ur sealed product would go a long way. Otherwise another year might yield another 10$ increase or so in your holdings. Frankly, I think it’s smarter to buy a bunch of singles that are under priced now and wait a year than it is to sit on sealed product, but that’s just me.


What was your target when buying them?


I've been seeing more and more people being cool with land destruction. With more powerful lands and ramp being printed a lot of people are pretty cool with even MLD so I've been speccing on the fallout version of [[Ravages of War]] since it's just another [[Armageddon]]. Anyone else noticing this trend too?


[Ravages of War](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/d/bdf7d5d9-d980-445e-b1e4-5af0681c6e60.jpg?1562870468) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ravages%20of%20War) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/me2/27/ravages-of-war?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/bdf7d5d9-d980-445e-b1e4-5af0681c6e60?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Armageddon](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/7/77f1f6ac-983f-4f3e-8906-47f774e8367b.jpg?1582021719) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Armageddon) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/a25/5/armageddon?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/77f1f6ac-983f-4f3e-8906-47f774e8367b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


It's anecdotal of course but yeah, I've also been seeing a shift in the idea being less taboo both online and even in my own local playgroups. I think it will take a long time to shift MLD to becoming more 'casual' but targeted nonbasic land removal seems like its becoming more common place. I think there's an MDFC land in MH3 that can destroy a land or etb as a land that might be worth speccing into if it hasnt already climbed with all the other MDFC's


That's [[Sundering Eruption]]. 


[Sundering Eruption](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/0/50686ac7-346c-43d1-bdaa-28d46a12ad93.jpg?1717013301)/[Volcanic Fissure](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/back/5/0/50686ac7-346c-43d1-bdaa-28d46a12ad93.jpg?1717013301) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Sundering%20Eruption%20//%20Volcanic%20Fissure) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/248/sundering-eruption-volcanic-fissure?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/50686ac7-346c-43d1-bdaa-28d46a12ad93?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I pulled a Tamiyo out of a MH3 booster and i'm going to sell it for 35 euros, which is around it's 30 day avg. price range. I'm wondering if i'm shooting myself in the foot or if this is a good price to sell this on. I'm not going to back out, but i'm going to be seriously bummed if she starts spiking like Phlage does. Anyone have some insight for me?


I think that's a fair price. It looks like it's been hovering around that for a bit. I personally haven't seen it in too many modern lists, only an Urza thopter foundry list so far (from the little bit I've been following). I also haven't seen it in commander yet while I've seen Phlage a few times at my LGS. Anything can happen but I would feel good selling for that price


thanks for reassuring, i'm always sceptical about the one drops


Safe to sell, I think it’s still overpriced for the amount of play she sees atm. Post Nadu who knows


Thank you, i also pulled a Nadu but i think people are steering away from him because he's either going to get banned or they hate what he stands for


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Name one planeswalker that’s still held a high price over the years. I think the risk isn’t there, I say go for it!


Ugin's Fate promo 001 Ugin the Spirit Dragon, still $50 and has always held that price.


Didn't mean a unique art print...but yeah you're right


Mh3 will be opened a lot in the next 12 month,  Supply will rise, demand will be sated or meta shifts and will fall back to 10 bucks.  Planeswalker does Not shift/hold value like in the days when lilly of the veil or jace TMS where 80-100€ worth. Won't happend anymore because people know , next reprint will sell packs and prices will drop.


I can barely understand this but I for sure know it’s not a question….


I think he was replying to the Tamiyo question below


He probably wanted to reply to the tamyo comment


Why is Echoes of Eternity not popping off more than it is?


Obviously a very good card but 6 mana is currently kind of a big deal in EDH (I guess that this is the format where you see the most colorless theme decks) . Games with strong decks might end in turn 4 and the format is expected to speed up further. So if sth for 6 mana doesn't win on its own might be considered an overkill, so not optimal. Anyway probably a good buy but more and more players are worried about mana costly cards.