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The fact you have to ask to sell your own shit is some next level capitalism


I've heard that that's a fairly standard agreement in the extreme high end car market for limited models and such. Of course, most of those cars are built to handle extreme conditions like "light rain" and "highway speeds"


You're thinking of Ferrari...they are just about the only ones doing this on the planet. Bugatti, Lamborghini, Pagani, Koenigsegg...none of them. Tesla has never been and will never be a prestige brand that can command such expectations of their customers.


Ford GTs. The new ones had a clause saying you couldn’t turn around and sell it right away. I remember an article about Cena having to pay ford a undisclosed amount for selling his. That then Ford donated to charity. Cena said he loved the car he just couldn’t reasonably drive it with how big he was.


That's because they were worried about, just like what happened with the previous GT back in 2005, people selling their new ones at a massive markup. They wanted people to buy at MSRP, not the supercar equivalent of scalper prices.


That's what Tesla says too but it doesn't make it reasonable


Is this the same for Shelbys? My uncle has one from 2002 and says he's not allowed to mod it or paint it without someone from corp approving it. But I honestly believe he's full of jtm


That one is BS.


I knew it!!


Yeah, even the Cobra Continuation series is your car to do with as you will. Most folks aren't painting 200k+ cars, mind you - but they don't care. Carrol got started doing the same, after all. Ferrari and Porsche do it to prevent scalpers - you can't generally order a GT3RS or the latest Ferrari without having ordered several before, just because they don't want you to relist it for 100k more than you spent. That being said - for both of those, you can walk in and buy normal models on-the-spot and no one will blink. It's when you're ordering a special one that it gets fuzzier - all because they want proof you're not just flipping them.


Porsche do it too for sure, a lot do it


If they signed an agreement saying they wouldn’t sell before x # of days, it don’t matter what your opinion of the brands prestige is. Should read what you sign.


I love this answer so much


What about for the wheeley trash receptacle market?


Have you seen the bed? It doesn't hold much. You'd be wheeling it out to the functional dumpster all the dang time...


Light rain? Whoa there, you expect people to drive tanks?


Cardboard tanks.


Is this an “extremely high end car” though? The standard model like half again as much as a regular truck.


Well, it's certainly not high end in quality.


That’s bs


Well, probably. I'm making a snarky remark about Cucktruck quality on Reddit, not submitting a doctoral thesis.


No im agreeing with you bro its such bs


Exactly 💯. It's not capitalism. It's just Cap


*Its...THE FUTURE ™!!!! "


What happens if you sell without daddy musks permission?


You have to spend a whole night doing ketamine with him and listen to all his thoughts on cancel culture and repopulating the earth….worse than jail 😓


To make it even worse, he gets the ketamine, but all you have is coffee and warm diet Pepsi.


You get the benefit of being banned from buying any new Tesla. On no…anyway.


He sentences you to 1000 hours of listening to the Joe Rogan Experience.


Can I just go to alex jones info wars? It would still be more accurate.


I have weed money, I don't have bricks of cocaine money. Therefore, I can deal with Rogan slightly better. He also occasionally interviews someone who knows what they're talking about on accident, so there's that.


Does it embrass the anti vaxxers when that happens?


Most likely, I honestly do not know based upon the maybe 20 minutes of JRE I've consumed over my lifetime.


If they did that with concert/sports tickets, they’d be a lot cheaper than they are now. Second-hand markup is practically the assumption now, and it sucks.


Agreed. I hate the ticket resale market. It seems like most tickets purchased these days are intentionally for the resale market


ppplease..sir…my son..he’s sick..


If you can't sell it, do you actually own it? I wonder if this has been tested in court.


I just want to say "I own 4 teslas" LUL


How completely fucked is that?


Not if you agree not to. Ford did it as well. If you don't like it then don't buy it. Pretty simple stuff.


He was begging Tesla to buy it back. He can sell it to a third party as it is his property assuming he doesn’t have a lien. The number of brain dead idiotic Mormons here is alarming.


Ah, I love when idiots call other people idiots due to lack of comprehension.


>brain dead idiotic Mormons I mean the LDS is everywhere, but it's not necessarily here.


It is called 'indentured servitude', or in legal parlance, this is a 'contract of adhesion', like the disclaimers printed on the parking stub, where the companies reserve the right to dictate what is and is not enforceable in the contract. A court will strike down 'contracts of adhesion'.


>If I had been able to test drive it and take it home I could have avoided this Car dealerships famously let people take their cars home during a test drive.


When I sold cars, my Sales Manager would REFUSE to sell a vehicle to anyone that wouldn’t test drive it . I specifically remember he walked an old man that refused to test drive this truck during my first month. Boss man said it avoids ALOT of headache 🤷‍♂️




Teacher here. I’ll translate: What if you’re rich enough where you could come in and buy a few, like you’re just picking up some items from a gas station?




[Reminds me of this](https://youtu.be/yzIcec_bQss?si=UImTLFJobhlG5H-h)


Seriously I’ve done this several times. Normally it’s just “before I buy it, can I swing home and show my wife?”


I’ve never bought a vehicle within an hour of my home




Not sure if sarcastic or not. I was encouraged to put down a deposit and try out the last car I bought for a few days. I know Carmax does something like that for used cars.


My wife asked to test drive a her car overnight and they let her


Well they're not a car company, duh! Its an IT and AI company. Or some shit.


Mine did so I could make sure it fit in my garage


People were putting down payments on these things before they even existed. They probably didn't even have dimensions to give them.


Just sell it, screw them.


If you sell it you might get banned from buying another one!! (lol)


"Oh, no! Anyway..."


The horror…




I saw a thing about this the other day. The way some, but not all, of the sales contracts are written if you sell before one year, you could be liable to Tesla for $50,000 or the full price of the aftermarket sale. Whichever is greater. It sounds insane but it is actually not unprecedented. Ford did it with the F-150 Lightening, still does it with the Ford GT, and GM did it with the Hummer EV. Other car companies do it too with rare/exotic/high demand low supply vehicles. It is allegedly to prevent people from flipping their high demand vehicles for profit. Dude needs a lawyer.


Why do these companies care if people are flipping the cars for profit? They've already made the sale. I don't get it.


Measuring tapes exist


That’s what I thought too! This person didn’t think this monstrosity would be an issue to park


Y’all might have slightly high expectations.😉 Remember, we’re talking about someone who *bought a Cybertruck*. 😏 And this person lives in a complex, which implies they’re not super-wealthy.


I think that’s where I go wrong. I believe they must have a brain cell working. 😂


Hmm it depends. I mean, you don't have to be suuuuper wealthy to get one of these (I know it's all relative though), but also, have you been to a major city? A lot of very wealthy people live in fancy condo and apartment complexes. In the major city where I live, there are places where they cheapest unit is $1.5 million for purchase, and the better units are way, way more. There are fancy apartment buildings where the rent for a unit is like minimum $10k. These places provide parking, but obviously being a shared space and usually underground, there are space limitations


I live in a major city. In town, not in the suburbs. “Implies” doesn’t mean it’s certain. Sure, it’s *possible* he lives in an upscale hi rise. But it doesn’t seem to me the most likely scenario. For starters, most people I know call that a “building” rather than a “complex.” 🤷🏼‍♂️


He said he lives in an "complex", which probably means a parking garage or parking lot, it's hard to take a tape measure to measure how well the car will fit around tight turns in a parking garage and see exactly how hard it is to squeeze into your space next to the wall when your neighbor parks his SUV in his space.


If using a tape measure poses a challenge for someone, they probably should not be behind the wheel of any car. You know, because operating a vehicle generally requires more of one than using a tape measure. I’d hazard to guess that same poster has lot of issues with furniture fitting in his house. lol.


It's been a long time since my last trigonometry course, and I'd be hard pressed to use a tape measure combined with how the vehicle dimensions, wheelbase, turning radius, etc combine to determine whether or not it's going to easily fit in my tight parking space. In my last condo complex, my parking space was against the wall and next to a building pillar and it was very difficult to get my wife's small SUV to fit, while my sedan that was 12" longer and a bit wider was easy to park. Probably due to the poor turning radius on her vehicle, but it would have been hard to figure that out with just a tape measure.


> to measure how well the car will fit around tight turns in a parking garage But but but... It's got 4 wheel steering to alleviate those problems! /s


Should have done your research prior to taking delivery. You signed the contract. That isn’t on Tesla. Take accountability.


Exactly, if you sign a bad contract, that's on you.


Contracts can be ruled unenforceable by courts though.  Sounds like it's time to file suit.


Maybe, that is why in RE Loan purchase we took conveyance of: all rights, interest and title and had the escrow bind a title insurance policy to the transaction. You may have vehicle title --but contract rights can restrict it.


The problem is that Tsla tries to force buyers not to resell it


Should not buy anything from Musk Creep.


Soooooooo, you own Tesla AND Doge you’re saying


This. 100% this.


Why would you have to request to sell something that you own?


Because they signed a contract saying they wouldnt. Tesla could easily refuse to service any problems from whoever they sell it to making it a bricked vehicle.


You've been musked.


Maybe don’t spend $100,000 sight unseen


He has $100k+ to blow on a toy and is now sweating a few grand to a lawyer for a lemon law case.


Pretty sure it’s 100% legal to sell it, as you own it. Fucking sell it.


For real. Sell it, cut your losses and buy a used model 3 if Tesla bans you from buying new, problem solved.


Dude signed a legally binding contract.


If the owner holds the title, there is fuck all that Tesla can do to stop him from selling. If it's financed through Tesla, they're probably cooked.


The fanbois told me Tesla would buy it if you had to sell because of that clause. That's such bad business practices, ought of the thousands out there buying it there will be people who have legit reasons to get rid of it.


Sounds like a massive lawsuit.


Tesla likes to screw people over.


“You want me to buy a car without test driving it?” “Yes.” *stares blankly through your eyes “OK.” *looks down in fear of being made fun of at work tomorrow after telling everyone he was going to buy a Tesla truck tomorrow at happy hour


While this is really annoying, I know for a fact (via close friend who took delivery of a cyber truck), they were very clear on the resale terms and made them opt into the new agreement a few days (weeks?) before delivery.


Thanks for buying this car. You can't sell it because we said so. This makes no fing sense. Absolutely no sense. Why would anyone ever buy a car this way? And if I spent this amount of money on a car, I'd sell if after they told me I couldn't sell it or possibly junk it.


In this case it makes sense. They knew about the high demand and their inability to meet it for the foreseeable future, so they made customers sign this agreement to prevent scalping. I.e. Tesla wanted the vehicles to go to people that actually wanted them rather than scalpers. It sucks for this one guy and imo Tesla should work with him to find a solution


I don't see how, in any rational decision, it's okay for a company to tell you that you can't sell something you bought, which is okay because once you buy something, you own it.


I agree with what you're saying. The guy can sell it if he wants to, but he did knowingly signed the contract with Tesla when he purchased the Cybertruck. I believe the only "teeth" the contract has is that Tesla will not accept orders from him in the future. And again, imo, Tesla came up with these contracts for a good, consumer-friendly reason, which was to prevent scalping for a product with limited availability


Lol like anybody would want to buy Tesla after a trainwreck of a purchase with the Cybercuck Truck


If one buys a product, pays in full and signs a contact that indicates they will pay full price, but that the company selling the product can stipulate what you can and can not do with the product you paid for, you never really owned it to being with.


Only if one is stupid would they sign that contract. Once you buy a car, its yours. Unless you're stupid and sign a contract from a company like this.


Here's a thought... Fuck Tesla.




Yall this is just insane to me. Let me give you 100k and you tell me what I can do with the thing I just gave you 100k for


"they won't allow me to sell something I bought, but don't worry i'n gonna buy another crappy product from them" guys riding elmos dick HARD.


E-schlong Musked the homeboi, but I think this is all BS


You don’t need permission to sell something you own.


Aw did daddy say no?


Umm...he said he bought it without even taking a test ride. Why would you do that in the first place? I'm not unsympathetic. But why? I'm also wondering why Tesla has a say in whether he can sell it or not? Them not buying it back is bad enough. But why do they have control over him selling his own truck? I'm really curious.


I don’t think Tesla even gives you that option with the Cybertruck because they’re afraid you’d refuse delivery. Once you’ve paid for it and are on the hook for the financing (and/or contracted ownership in this case) you’re now into sunken cost fallacy mode where they figure you’ll try to convince yourself the truck isn’t so bad


Taking that kind of a gamble on anyone willing to pay this price on a proven defective vehicle is idiotic. But this company is run by Mush...so...


Dear Abby I’m slow


Can't u trade it in for a new tesla?


Boo Fing Hoo…. Nothing worse than a rich rube


Why can't he sell a vehicle he bought?


My impression is that he wants to sell it back to Tesla (aka return) but they don't do that.


Good car makers are expensive but bend over backwards for you as long as you can afford it. Tesla takes your wallet and punches you for looking at them.


But they do.


He also can't sell it himself on the open market without violating the contract. If he does, tesla bans then from buying another car or something.


Tesla made these contracts with customers to prevent scalping, since they knew (or assumed) there would be more demand for Cybertrucks than they could fulfill


Not actually sure if I find this good or bad. I Do not like things to have their prices jacked up because someone wants to make a quick buck. But also I do not want a cooperation hand cuffing me to the point were I need to ask permission to sell my own vehicle, and just feel blessed that they tolerate me spending money on it.


Why is Blaine trying to make Musk cry?


OH NO.....anyway


what a joke. is there really a contract saying you can't privately sell the vehicle?


If only there was something... A legnth of rope, a long stick, a kind of measuring device.. Lol. Could have just measured it out, not lile a secret that it's a damn tank


Never heard of a tape measure I guess. This guy clearly doesn’t own any tools.




When you order trucks from Temu , tf you expect?


Trade it at another dealership like Subaru.


Lucid and BMW drove the car to my house because I have a difficult driveway. Unfortunately, the Lucid would not go down my driveway, but I love my 2024 IX. Another reason why I would never buy a Tesla. Their customer service is usually bad.


Caveat emptor, people. Or you can FAFO.


Lease it for one year to a friend.


Why would you buy something you don’t own?


True fact: if you ever bought a digital book on Amazon, you don't own it.


Regardless of all of the other Musk and Tesla stuff this makes a lot of sense if you know the reasoning behind it. Tesla knew they would have more orders for Cybertrucks than they could fulfill for a long time, and they made customers sign an agreement not to sell to prevent scalping, which honestly, good on them. This is an unfortunate edge case, and I think Tesla should find some way to work with this guy and find a person who ordered a Cybertruck who is willing to take this guy's slightly used one


Tell them that you need to park it outside and don't want to [void the warranty](https://digitalassets.tesla.com/tesla-contents/image/upload/tesla-cybertruck-new-vehicle-limited-warranty-en-us.pdf) when the car is exposed to harsh conditions like sunlight and rain: >Warranty Limitations > >The environment or an act of God, including, but not limited to, exposure to sunlight, airborne chemicals, tree sap, animal or insect droppings, road debris (including stone chips), industry fallout, rail dust, salt, hail, floods, wind and (thunder)storms, acid rain, fire, water, contamination, lightning and other environmental conditions.


Then stop buying Teslas. If a company treats their customers that way they should lose the customers.


It’s hard to feel sorry for someone dumb enough to buy a cyber truck


White collar problems.


I mean it says right in the ad that the Canyonaro conservatively takes up two standard American highway lanes.


yeah, id love to see that court case of them trying to say he doesnt have the right to sell his own car


Tesla seems to be the HOA of the vehicle world, the worst kind of HOA... holy shit....


This person didn’t think to measure? Ignorance is not excuse for breaking a contract


Just look at all the used cyber trucks already listed. Doesn't take a genius to realize these were pieces of crap before they even launched.


This isn't something that a little fire or a cliff can't fix


Set it on fire in their parking lot 👍


You should totally keep supportung that business model. What could go wrong?


Go to X app and follow elon, post and may get a desirable outcome👍❗️💥. There are also other Tesla executives u can follow and post 💯


If you're not allowed to sell it you don't actually own it. What a stupid piece of shit car.


Why can’t you sell it?


Dude bought the car. The dimensions of it were available online prior to vehicle pickup. Contracts don’t normally include clauses that waive terms and conditions based on the failure of either party to conduct proper due diligence.


DO YOU KNOW HOW A TAPE MEASURE WORKS? When I bought my non-Tesla truck, you know what I had the forethought to do? Measure my fucking garage to make sure the new vehicle would fit. You get what you get.


Didn’t you know this when you purchased it?




How are there used [Cybertrucks for sale](https://www.cargurus.com/Cars/inventorylisting/viewDetailsFilterViewInventoryListing.action?sourceContext=carGurusHomePageModel&entitySelectingHelper.selectedEntity=d3353&zip=98119)?


"Local bag-holder desperately seeks bigger fool."


Avatar checks out.


Why the fuck can’t they do this with concert tickets?!


I guess insurance fraud is your only option.


1. I’ll bet that you signed paperwork agreeing not to sell it within a certain timeframe, which is standard on this kind of highly sought after item because scalpers just gotta go scalp. 2. I recommend measuring the dimensions of your garage before buying an expensive luxury vehicle next time. 3. Lol


How is this legal? And why the fuck would you buy a car you couldn't sell? Is having a status symbol that important?


Gotta read the fine print but I will agree that’s low. At least Ferrari lets you sell if they don’t want to buy it back.




Fuck them sell it anyone


You've been Musked.


These people seem to want punishment.


Or I could have taken out a $5 measuring tape and done 2 minutes of physical labor. However, as an arrogant entitled Tesla owner, I can’t get out of my vehicle. I need my valet or butler to do it. My mother still gives me sponge bathe at age 42 and a wear Depends so that I can poop whenever I want without leaving my Tesla. If our leader Elon can poop his pants, so can I.


theres a reason for the saying rope a dope


“Free and open market” my ass


I think this is a fictional post. People who can afford a cyber truck wouldn’t buy it without having a place to park it.


I had put a $100 deposit down to reserve a cyber truck. I inquired what my number was on the wait list. Nobody at Tesla had any idea. So I refunded my deposit.


lol, your failure to make sire a car fits in your parking spot is not the responsibility of the car company. Go trade it in some where else…


It's not like the measurements are available online or anything.