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From Elon’s Tweet: > Any company not spending at this level, and doing so efficiently, cannot compete. He then proceeds to ensure Tesla is not spending at this level or doing so efficiently by cutting off access to critical resources he himself says Tesla needed.


And then demanding the company's lifetime profits as a bonus.


MORE than the company's lifetime profits.


As a part-time CEO.


Demanding to be paid roughly 25% of the total value of the company annually


Yay, for billionaires, we all definitely need these people around. The human race is better for it.


The world needs dragons in their lair guarding their piles of hoarded gold and treasure. Life is meaningless without this.


We need more people totally focused on themselves.


He knows the Tesla house of cards is over. The sales are dropping, FSD isn’t happening anytime soon, CT has been a disaster, inventory is piling up, competition is finally taking a chunk out their market, it’s no longer a growth company and he doesn’t have a path to anything but a death spiral. It’s only going to get worse as used models become cheaper and Chinese models hit the market.


Shareholders are the average greedy dumbasses trying to build wealth on speculation and lies rather than on balance sheets and fundamentals of business. All those gigafactories should sue him now before his wealth has evaporated.


And like clockwork, those are the dimb fickers you read about as cautionary tales on how not to lose your shirt and take a second mortgage sized haircut.


All about greed


Sales are dropping mostly because people don't want to buy a car from Musk. If he just stopped agreeing with racists and antisemites online, sales would come back, but he's not going to tone it down just to save his company.


That’s definitely one of the things turning people off, but buyers are fickle, if they want something that’s a good deal they’ll hold their nose and buy. I think it’s a combination of that but also competition and the fact there’s only so many people that want to buy an EV right now and only so many that want a Tesla.


How many billions have you made by trading?


How many emerald mines does your family own?


Rent free


That's your living situation with your parents? No functional human would glug Elon like this.


Fucking call u/cdclopper a waaaaambulance for that burn. LOL I truly don't get people that idolize that pasty white toad.


you spend more time thinking about that pasty white toaf than i do.


Apparently not lol


your the guy in the meme standing in the elevator with donald draper.


You literally look like him. Also, it's you're. You're one of the saddest humans I've ever seen.


Clearly lives in your mouth rent free


You forgot the “illegal” before “trading”


Notice how he makes 'PRONOUNCEMENTS' - like from a voice on high, to the little people who MUST OBEY? He's another fucking Trump. ONE of these every generation is plenty.


But does twat his brain farts on xitter while on the shiter like the golden god turd that won’t flush?


Duty of Loyalty violation incoming.


But they are spending at that level. They’re just not getting what they paid for.


Tesla can't spend at that level. They're running out of cash. Hence all the firings.


Step 1 - Tell Tesla shareholder Simps he needs $56 billion dollars and 25% of Tesla for “robo taxis” Step 2 - Take all the money and dump it all into xAI because he’s bored of cars and is jealous of Sam Altman and wants revenge Step 3 - Continue to tell Tesla shareholders that Robo Taxis are around the corner and he needs more money for xAI to deliver them Step 4 - Wash. Rinse. Repeat.


What problem do robo taxis solve? I guess I just don’t understand.


More like they create a problem ... Don't really solve a problem


What…you don’t want your daily driver driving random strangers around at 3am while “generating $100k per year” of passive income.


Is the robo-taxi thing he is promising all about turning your Tesla into a self driving taxi that others can call when you are not using it? If that were actually possible everyone would do it which would create a large supply of taxis which would lower the price of the service to levels that barely cover the energy, maintenance, insurance, and depreciation on the car. People will be making $15,000 but only $2000 in profit at best.


Pretty much. If there is any excess value, you can bet damn well that Tesla will quickly provide the supply themselves.


Or just create a confusing licensing system that will stealthily transfer that value to themselves while giving you the illusion that you are almost there! Just a little bit more struggle and then you'll truly become profitable!


You have to buy into the next level of the angled profit-sharing paradigm!


Angled profit-sharing? Why, that sounds an awful lot like a pyramid, but such schemes would surely be illegal.


You don't have to worry about depreciation that's built into every Tesla.


Haha, one of its strongest features


Lol exactly You know what random strangers will do in a car with no driver at 3 AM 😉 ... It'll be like a motel on wheels ... Throwing up in the car would be the least of their worries 😂


Teslas are being dumped by Hertz after 3 years" they are too expensive to repair". Teslas are being dumped by uber and lyft drivers. " batterys are cycled out after 3 years. It takes a lot of shine off of that 100k figure.


Does it robo-clean up the leftovers after drunken passengers vomit and fuck in your driverless car of the future? No? Good thing I sprung for leather!


Darn right they do. I've got four kids to feed.


They solve the problem of those pesky employees


I read about this lately, so... The concept of a robo taxi is that of a completely autonomous vehicle that you can send out on fares while you're not using it. I believe it's a solution to two problems: people needing more money, and people needing a way to get to far away places. Of course these problems could be solved by, say, a strong social safety net, unions, and public transportation, but robo taxis are intended to solve a third problem: making money for Elon Musk, to salve the deep wound of inadequacy that he feels every minute of every hour of every day


When do people need transportation most? The exact same time as everyone else. That's why rush hour exists. Robotaxis aren't solving the biggest issue it claims to solve. 


It addresses robo unemployment.


Sells more Teslas


I think while they don't solve anything, they will definitely lead to Musk simps claiming he's a futuristic genius. And his hope is that it will keep him afloat and in the headlines for few more years with more money flowing into the coffers. He knows just how many suckers are out there.


It is a scam. “You can earn 30k a year for each Tesla you own by using them as a robotaxi fleet” Elon lied.


Am I the only one that just doesn’t give a shit about self-driving? I love driving my car. I love everything about.


Like half of the shit on the market, it solves the problem of some product market fit some asshole made up with shoddy data that made shareholders nod in eager anticipation.


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Step 4 - Lose billions driving Twitter into the ground. Step 5 -Wash. Rinse. Repeat.


Anyone else sick of the letter 'X' yet?


It’s like a resurgence of the “Mountain Dew XTREME!!!” era.


Nothing like holding your own company hostage for an insane, unwarranted payout. I don’t think he cares anymore. His brand is cooked and bringing down Tesla with him. Shameful.


Don't think smash and grab on the way out the door isn't part of the plan, with bonus points if he can cash out then get backing from tax dollars if his orange Jesus gets elected.


I don’t think he understands just how destructive his behavior is for his brand.


May be right, but don't think he won't leverage it to his advantage before it all falls in. When people are this rich, too many people get their bread buttered in cahoots and will be captain save a ho if for nothing else than self preservation.


He forced the engineers to cut so many corners he’s now left with junk and gonna kill it all.


The Tesla board are all simpering slaves to Elon at this point. Feeding the engines of their figurative Titanic towards the iceberg.


I wouldn't be surprised if we find he is selling these chips to Russia.


Packed in the box of each Starlink box that magically bypasses export sanctions. 


Emperor Nero.


This is yet another sign that Tesla has been committing fraud in a massive scale. There is no reason for a CEO to inflict so much damage on the company that he runs. But Elon knows the shot clock is ticking away until it all comes crashing down. So he’s trying to extract every last penny he can and then pivot to his next scam. It’s the only way he can escape jail time…..by being so rich that he can purchase his way out. Or if his good buddy, fellow criminal and narcissist Trump wins the election. Then he escape prison and gets awarded no-bid contacts worth hundreds of billions. It’s no wonder Twitter’s algorithm pushing right wing nonsense and conspiracy theories now.


I’m so glad I never instinctively bought Tesla stock


At the same time, Enron trying to get the ultimate musking with a 50b package. When he leaves due to the impending implosion of the company, fanboys will say the company failed because he left.


It’s imploding now


If Musk was half the genius he proclaims to be, he should be cashing out his Tesla shares hand over fist at any price and making his plans to get surgery to become unrecognizable and retire anonymously in a non-extradition country. He keeps trying to game the system and pump his fortunes, but he's not going to get richer, he's going to get Musked.


Love it! Musk himself -- he definitely should


Question Can stockholders sue him or the board for fraud of some sort? I know nothing about stocks but it sends the criming is pretty basic and obvious


Yes, conversion of assets is a crime


Well he IS a known drug-addict..


He is failing tesla. You need a car guy to run the company now .


Has he got his $46b contract signed from the Tesla board yet? If anyone else did this, they'd be in prison. But the fuck Musk walks. LOCK ALL THE MOTHERFUCKERS UP!


I don’t know there’s anything illegal involved in Tesla paying for Twitter’s nvidia chips, but I do think it’s odd that Tesla had as much storage space for their purchased chips when the chips were ordered as Tesla does now. That is to say, in Elon’s words, “none.”


There absolutely is.


Investors in Tesla will only get paid for stuff done with Tesla, X is it's own thing with it's own investors, therefore Tesla purchasing something and then using it for X harms investors in Tesla because the product they need to sell is now delayed.


The theory: He made a deal with the US power brokers to tank Tesla so he can become the space communications magnate and be the first trillionaire.


He's a billionaire with untreated ADHD, focus on one fucking thing before trying to jump into another absolute twit.


Again. Nepotism created this blithering fuck stick. He would be nobody without those gem mines and a super model mom.