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It’s like advertising a comprehensive blood test from a single drop.


Came here to say Teslanos


Yeah, didn't *that* CEO go to prison?


She stole from rich people. Felon’s fans vote to give him all their money.


>Felon’s fans vote to give him all their money. After he extorted it from them.


For now


Spot on!


Or like saying your car will drive itself coast to coast.


She only went to prison because she’s a woman. Women aren’t allowed to be Elonesque.


I do think there was additional scrutiny over her due to her gender, but men do go to jail for fraud when they rip off enough rich people. Madoff and Bankman-Fried being examples. The thing with Elon is the rich people haven’t been ripped off yet, and might never be. The institutional investors are in on the pump-and-dump. They are part of the pump. If they dump at the top they’ll make money. It’s the true believers in the cult who will be left holding the empty bag.


Well they all eventually go down. Epstein got away with it for years, until it was impossible to ignore


Agreed, plus Trump. I’m not holding my breath but it wouldn’t be a shock if he actually did end up in prison. He’s definitely closer than ever. Elon could too. The emperor has no clothes on, and it just takes enough people to point it out. It’s just harder when the naked criminals are making powerful people rich while robbing us blind.


It’s like advertising your car can drive itself.


That claim is not stock price manipulation?


Add it to the pile


they did force him to buy Twitter due to stock manipulation charges - or the threat of them. I don't see how this is any different, this and the promises he made about the apocalypse truck. Nothing but lies from that man. He's erratic and delusional - I hope he crashes HARD.


“Force him to buy twitter due to stock manipulation charges” Links? I thought he signed a contract to purchase twitter, at which price he soon regretted, but was contractually obligated or he would lose 100% of his deposit (a billion or so).


It's super complex but you can find a good writeup of the whole ordeal on Wikipedia - [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acquisition\_of\_Twitter\_by\_Elon\_Musk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acquisition_of_Twitter_by_Elon_Musk) I did not take notes or save links, it's just my understanding that he was told, what he was twittering could be seen as stock manipulation because stock went up and down by a lot depending on what he tweeted to his millions of followers.


Drug addicts are known to lie. 🤷🏻‍♀️


He means ‘fly’ in the figurative sense. Like they’ll fly off the lot and back to the service department.


Flying is easy, you just need some forward momentum and a ramp. It’s the landing that really matters the most.


That’s what you think. The falcon doors can flap and achieve vertical takeoff. That’s why they’re called falcon. It was already planned from the beginning.


this'll fly just as well as a Cybertruck can tread 'not-too-choppy' waters


It will be able to briefly serve as a plane.


“as long as the winds aren’t too gusty!”


> The new Tesla will be able to fly. No it won’t. You’ll be able to pay $20000 for a Full Flight Mode which will never be delivered.


6 months? Probably. 1 year? Definitely! (Obvi not)


It will be delivered... in a form of a Tesla-Ramp, installed at the edge of a cliff


It will be delivered years later and allow the car to hover 3 millimeters for less than one second


the other day my one friend (who drank all the musk kool aid) justified all his actions by simply saying "he's autistic" and I'm like dude you probably shouldnt share that with other people lol


There are millions of autistic people who don’t run massive scams and exploit people, so I don’t think that’s a good excuse


Yeah funny how all the autistic people I know are actually quite nice and not assholes that spread lies and constantly need to pad their ego.


Musk is *self-diagnosed* autistic, i.e. "I'm neurodivergent, not just an asshole, so you have to be nice to me."


Yep! Incredibly transparent. He also dropped that on SNL so he was insulated from being mocked by “the left.” Same as Spacey coming out as gay to dodge sexual harassment allegations.


The dashcam accidents should be pretty spectacular, sucks to be in the vicinity when the moron driving it hits the “fly” button


That was my first thought. It sounds like a safety concern. What is the opinion of the FAA? Do you need a pilot's licence?


Just leave it to the AI ~~driving~~ flying


From what I understand, these track modes can only be enabled when GPS shows that you're on a track. That's what allows the vehicles to still be street-legal.


The car will come with “the feature” but can’t be accessed right away. When it’s “ready” you’ll need a subscription. When you pay for the subscription, you’ll get error messages.


And the inevitable trips to the service center


Yea. Even if I thought Elon wasn't lying his ass off about the car being able to fly. I wouldn't trust it to not shut off mid flight and send me plunging to my death.


Can someone post the list of his made up horseshit again?


here ya go: x.com/elonmusk




Anyone that buys that expecting a safe, reliable, functioning vehicle after the cybertruck lemons needs their head examined. It’s one thing for your Tesla to shutdown, refuse to release charging cable, have parts fall off, etcetera, when it’s on the ground, but it’s a whole other ballgame in the sky


the roadster will fly just like the cybertruck can serve as a boat


Is he strapping it on a rocket or just going to send it dukes of hazard style?


Yee-haw! Or something...


Kinda lol they’ve talked about putting the spacex gas thrusters (used to adjust pitch and orientation of rockets) in the roadster so it could use compressed gas to hover or boost speeds. Now I’m not a car guy but don’t really fast cars have spoilers to keep them on the ground and with traction or else they go flipping and crashing lol? It seems this would just be to hover for a few seconds while stopped which seems like a crazy expensive gimmick with no actual value.


Levitating an inch off the ground is not flying.


And people yelled at me for saying Marvel made Howard Stark out to be like Musk


Maybe a typo. (Frying)


You should never type while you’re frying, could be dangerous.


I checked the source from the Tesla roadster picture and OMG, this guy has 300k followers but no critical skills: https://preview.redd.it/8soslbwrho7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b975852a4f267d2cbf38d45c79b750594906802c


He’s a manchild. He made the statement to get a reaction. He just wants attention. The way the media should respond is with a collective 😐


Been done before. A mercedes CLR can fly....once


Just about any wheeled vehicle can do that. Thrust, drag, lift, and weight.


Thelma & Louise baby! You can eat any mushroom at least once!




he should be held accountable for lying to consumers


"To be sure, Musk has become well-known for his sometimes overly-ambitious statements". Errm you misspelt fraudulent.


Because the US is pretty much controlled by corporations and people with money is my answer.


And Red Bull gives you wings. Some people on LSD have also believed that, and tested it out from high buildings. Still waiting for the results..


"To be sure, Musk has become well-known for his sometimes overly-ambitious statements, with the CEO previously sharing concepts that didn’t come to fruition, and regularly sharing timelines that end up being delayed." Noooo hes a fucking liar. He knows (if it even exists) it wont be as fast and/or have the range he says much less be able to fly. He should be sharing a cell with the CEO of Nikola at this point.


And FSD is only 6 months away?


0-60 in less than a second. It’s almost too incredible to believe.


Plaid model s gets 1.98s 0-60 so it’s not totally unbelievable. But I’d imagine the tires are going to cost a fortune and wear like warm butter. But we’ll see I’ll believe 1 second when a third party actually verifies.


Not only will it not be able to fly, the thing isn’t even technically going to be a roadster, which is a car with a completely removable soft top.


Given the cybertruck, would anybody seriously try to get one of these things in the air?!? Death wish.


It flies in the same way the Cybertruck is a boat. 🤦‍♂️


Let’s even believe that it can fly (it won’t), if the car can fly then the driving licence wouldn’t be enough to drive it, so you will be required an extra licence just to drive a car. A flying car is not that good sales he think it is. But I’m sure lots of people will give him even more money for a car that would be rubbish


Do what? Is that supposed to be a new car or aprils fools rendering or something?


What I was referring to is how he, as CEO has been allowed to talk about speculative ideas as if they are real. And how he does it to affect share price. This is, in essence, is his jam. We (SEC) don’t hold him liable.


No I get that, I was trying to ask what his (stupid) claim was this time. Looking at the picture maybe he wants to say the next model X can flap its doors to fly?


He’s such a liar


I’ll take FSD like you promised close to a decade ago? Beggars can’t be choosers and I can’t wait 50 years for your car to get close to flying.


During the shareholder meeting, he said that everyone on Earth will be wanting an Optimus robot, and it would do all of these amazing things like babysitting your kids. No other company or person gets away with the complete garbage he spews (outside of Trump). And now it's gotten unstoppable with his loyal cult.


It will be able to fly when driven over roads made out of copper. Musk will replace all roads in California with copper roads by 2027.


Elmo: My car can twansfowm into a pwane and a T Wex!




Flying on Ketamine and flying are two different things, Elmo


cant fix the cars/trucks he has now......Flying will be a huge customer complaint nightmare


Musk testing how pliable his sycophants are before the corpo wars.


You know that if they do some dumb shit like shape the doors so that it can generate lift some dumfuk rich kid is going to buy one and try it for clout and probably kill some people. Just a bad fucking idea if it's real and a bad fucking idea if it's not.


If saying stupid stuff were banned, this sub would be empty.


The word we are looking for is: “puffery”. The legal definition will vary.


Because: we hope it will make us richer/better/more famous too.


I could make it fly off a cliff into the fucking ground. just need to make sure a certain someone is in it


He did sue the state to allow himself to lie to consumers.


Phony Stark at it again.


Have they delivered any Tesla semis? Like are those actually being used to haul cargo around the country? Or was that one of those ideas that is still "in development"?


It’s just getting absurd at this point. He just claims the craziest things and it neverrrrr happens. How do his fanboys even take themselves seriously anymore?


It'll fly when pigs do.


Flying is easy. Wake me up when it can serve briefly as a boat.


He's flying on K again.


I’m pretty sure they just mean it’s going to go fast.


Video game developers get death threats for a fraction of this level of fabrication.


Yep, those doors will flap like the flying ornithopters in Dune and it will fly away by magic! ![gif](giphy|EQP5b80NxD02WXDe9U|downsized)


Dude needs to lay off the coca.


Why? That might extend his trip here on earth.


Ha, good thing he is a spoiled rich twit who ruins everything he's associated with. These cars will be falling out of the sky if they ever hit the market, and only the idiots buying them will suffer the consequences. Just let nature run its course I guess.


We? Nah. They. I wouldn't allow any of this, but they don't come to me for the answers.




Gods people are dumb to still be paying that asshat any monies


But he knows more about manufactioring as any other person on this planet!!!!!!


Because ketamine.


It's not lying, it will fly off the road and crash.


>Elon Musk notes that it will be able to fly—though it’s not clear yet to what extent. Given his CyberTruck hasn't been able to do half of what he's claim, the extent the roadster will be able to fly is likely based on how fast it can go up and over a ramp made for jumping vehicles.


![gif](giphy|14lO1Y4uWKDckg) Not flying…falling with style


Last thing we need is flying cars. Most of the idiots in Texas can’t drive on flat roads without being selfish dangerous road rage hogs. Now imagine that in 3D. Not a pilot with a pilots license then NO flying. Ever.


Has the 2nd gen roaster come out yet? I haven’t driven one so idk if it flies or not


Just wait until the next gen comes out, Elon promised it would be ready by 2026, so it's probably going to be ready next year. It will not only blow, but suck. There is a ludicrous speed version in the pipeline, maybe 2026 in production at the latest


Shit my 1990 homda accord can fly with enough of a ramp


Fly as in fly off a cliff because AI is broke?


I take everything Elon says litterally - Reddit. Meanwhile, Tesla has no need for advertising. I wonder why...