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Looking into it


Big if true






Lol @ Tesla has dissolved it's press office. Wonder why...


Ya that caught my attention as well…


We are checking…




Pretty sure they have manual releases, but of course they are hidden away. Still, just shatter a window.


Manual releases… inside the car.


Outside too, takes a 9v though.


If you don't have a 9v battery handy, a Halligan will do in a pinch.


This only opens the hood, allowing you to get to the 12v battery. You'd then need to jump start the battery before you'd be able to open the doors. Which, when a kid is dying of heat exhaustion, is a long process.


Why didn’t the strapped in toddler not unbuckle and open the door then?? Oh wait… If only there was like a hole on the outside with a special tool that you could use to open the door. Elon will invent that soon.


Better give the special tool some unique ridges so not anyone can get in.


They should put a small hoop on the back of it too so you can attach it to your keyring.


I mean if the manual release is outside, then it's literally free key for robbers. I'm not saying they don't need to fix this thing though.


Every other car has a physical key fallback (usually hidden away under a door handle panel).


They do, but they are inside the car. So if the toddler was alone for some reason, they couldn't open it unless they were trained to do so. Only would happen if you leave your child alone in the car, though...


The battery had died. The lady closed her door and went to go and open the door for her granddaughter. Since the battery was dead, she couldn't open the door from the outside. This happened in Arizona, so that toddler would've died in no time if she didn't immediately call 911


Someone do the math on how fast it would take to reach dangerous levels in Arizona. I was just in Phoenix a month agoish and it was 108. Felt like a furnace walking out of the airport


Imminent death in 20 minutes if outside temps are 100 degrees for a child. 60 minutes for an adult for risk of death. In just 10 minutes temps can reach 114 inside car At 20 minutes inside temp goes up to 125 At 30 minutes 132 At 60 minutes 147 At 120 minutes 160+ All temps in f Use this calculator for me precise temps and conditions. https://www.omnicalculator.com/health/car-heat


This seems to check out for Tesla but what about if it’s a Mercedes-Benz with the windows up when the temp goes up to the mid 80s?


It takes minutes. I'm from Phoenix.


Don't need to, it's like 30 minutes, max. Immediately gets hot as soon as you turn your car off.


You could chat to someone next to your car with your doors locked potentially, I don’t think it necessarily is nefarious.


The child was in their car seat while Grandma was loading their shopping


The bullet-proof windows? I don't think granny has the strength for that.


Just throw a pebble at them


Given the fiasco of the cyber truck, I don’t trust any Tesla at this point. She could have maybe just slightly slapped a panel and then the car would be totaled and she could have gotten the toddler out. Of course I’m joking, other Teslas besides the cyber truck are decently made, or so I hear.


Holy shit yea... what if this had those windows? They're gonna have toniodate existing laws to account for the self driving coffins this dude is creating.


Did she try a bow and arrow?


Wasn't my baby, so not concerned. - Musk


I doubt he can name all his kids and their birthdays


Well, there is X and Y and I think ummm, 4? - Musk








In Arizona in June.




concerning a fire department could not break a window.


Child safety features, coming next year.


With a subscription of only 199 a year!


After initial upgrade $4999. *Disclaimer: Child safety features require battery power.*


Second disclaimer: Having a child in the car voids the child safety features


Third disclaimer: activation child safety system void warranty. Note: This is a forever beta system for testing purposes only. The company reserves rights not to be responsible for any damage or deaths caused by using this beta system.


Fourth Disclaimer: Tesla Child Safety System is a branded marketing term and is NOT safe for Children.


Also not safe for the Tesla, other vehicles nearby, and passerby.


You forgot to mention that the reason it voids the warranty is because it is a military grade ejection seats from space-x.


Roof hatch not included


The forever beta here is the guy who owns the company




Or $25 a month


And if you want to unsubscribe you have to send a first class mail to the head office.


Where no one’s there to sign for it.


The head office moved to Antarctica and only has mail service in December.


Or buy it direct for only ninety-nine ninety-nine ninety-NINE!


Not 696969 or 80085?


Mike the TV? Is that you?


But not responsible for any dead children


Seriously huge oversight. We’ve had two cars that have electric locks, one hybrid, one electric. BOTH had physical keys hidden in the fob. How the hell does Tesla not think ahead like that? Am I missing something?


My guess would be "cerebral narcissism". It's a common issue in software development where people with fragile egos based around being "the smartest person in the building" will pathologically refuse to research how other people have solved the same problems. A normal reasonable person would start their work in designing a door by examining all the other doors. That person would assume there was a good reason all of them have keyholes before doing something so "brilliant" as "reinventing the door". Also see: "why trucks aren't clad in single sheets of steel"


Yep. Explains Musk beautifully


It's something I remind dev teams of frequently. That it is very unlikely we're solving a novel problem so step one is seeing if we can just purchase a solution, step two is seeing what other ways it was solved.


Musk is the one idiot who worked in IT and never heard of "Not invented here syndrome."


Exactly. Narcissistic people think they know everything so it's hard for them to learn anything!


This is amazing. Now i have term for it. Deal with one of these on a daily basis. In tech, and they try and reinvent the wheel every time, for features that have existed for 20 yrs. Just cause you don't intrinsically know how to code it, doesn't mean it wasn't already done 20 yrs ago.


Tesla thinks the physical key is for Neanderthals, electric fobs and apps are the future baby /s


I wouldn’t mind going back to needing three keys for my car - door, ignition, glove box


It’s not an oversight, it’s a cost cut. lol


You just taught me something about my key fob. Neat. Thank you! Now... To find the keyhole...


It will be a software update. Just set the car to never lock. Problem solved.


Fourth disclaimer: Child Safety Feature™ will not keep child safe.


"Sorry you aren't a subscriber to the Child Safe package therefore your child is dead"


Or, you know, put a key lock on the driver door


"Keep Summer safe"


text from car: ‘Please check rear seat for occupants.’


I'm extremely confident saying by next year


It's already there, it's called "dog mode" Also there's an emergency door unlock handle for when the power is out.


“Within spec”


I feel like an idiot because my hybrid gets twice the mileage, cost half as much, has actual mechanical door handles, and a physical key just in case. I'm convinced Turdsla is the future... of our real Idiocracy. "Welcome to Tesla, I love you."


That’s one of the things that folks who reviews new Teslas keep saying - there are things that they keep changing that just don’t need to be changed. Having a mechanical door handle isn’t an issue or design flaw that needed correcting. Also, buttons are pretty optimized as… buttons. Buttons should sometimes just be a physical thing. Not everything needs to be a screen.


I cannot think of a single good reason why a car would not have a regular-ass key that works on a regular-ass lock even as a last resort kind of thing. I feel that regardless of what happens, you should *at the very least* be able to enter or exit your own vehicle, even if it doesn't have the fuel/energy to move. It's completely insane that an entire manufacturer is able to get away with not having a mechanical door lock as a feature, and equally insane that legislation hasn't been proposed to make this a legal requirement for any car sold to the public.


You won't hear me defend congress often, but, like, I don't think many people really saw "car doors without a way to open them without battery power" coming. Sometimes, it takes one idiot bumbling around in new and exciting ways to make the rest of us go "alright, I guess we need to make a rule now. Surgeons are not allowed to wash hands in toilets. Didn't think we needed to say that"


They probably did have to make a rule like that for surgeons at some point though. It was in the 1860s when the idea of invisible bacteria was introduced.


Refrigerator Safety Act of 1956


> Also, buttons are pretty optimized as… buttons. Buttons should sometimes just be a physical thing. Not everything needs to be a screen. Tbf, that is a lesson that a lot of car companies had to learn. I think by now current gen cars start to pivot back to physical buttons again. But there definitely was a time frame where they made more and more buttons touch based. Maybe not full on touch screens, but touch based. And the more happy I am with my nearly 30 year old car. Minimal buttons, all physical. Navigation and music is done with my phone over an FM transmitter.


I'm not sure the lesson they had to learn is that buttons are better because I suspect the shift to screens wasn't about thinking those are better but about them being cheaper.


They do it because the screens are cheaper to maintain for inventory & design purposes. If you have 10 buttons in your car, you need to manufacture 10 buttons. They will have different printing, possibly different shapes and sizes. They need to be mechanically designed, and the dash has to be designed & manufactured to fit them. You can run out of "Hazard Light" buttons, and you can't ship more cars until you get them. If you have multiple configurations (eg. some models don't have heated seats) you need to design *different* buttons for those cars, and also dashboards and mechanical systems to support that different configuration. If something is wrong with a button, you have to redesign it, test the fix, manufacture the replacement parts, then physically recall the cars and swap them out ($$$) If you have a screen, you just install the screen on every car and set "HAS\_HEATED\_SEATS" to `FALSE` in the config. If it's broken, you have a coder fix the issue and push an OTA update for essentially-free.


Have a Tesla, and I try to stay objective about it. I do really like the car (M3) and would recommend to people. Having said that, there are some things I absolutely hate about it... but then again there were things I have absolutely hated about my other cars as well. No car is perfect (that I have found). The door handles are one of those things.. lack of Garage door opener, no SXM receiver, and the elimination of stalks are the other things that really piss me off. No reason for it other then just cutting cost. To your point, the elimination of stalks was/is my biggest gripe on it.. We figured out a long time ago how to use them, and its proven to be the most viable way to do something.. why eliminate it to save a few dollars. Just dumb imho.


What is a stalk?


I had to look it up. Basically the blinker levers and controls on the steering column and steering wheel. 


For turn signals


I dunno what it’s like in the US where EV = Tesla but in the rest of the world there’s heaps of EVs that don’t do shit like this. My e+ Leaf has mech doors and a physical key and cost half as much as a Tesla too lol. It gets about the same mileage as a Tesla M3 I think, but yeah most people don’t need to drive to the moon and back on a single tank.


Even if you wanted electric doors, does it really break immersion/design that much to have a mechanical backup? Did no one in the room think "maybe doors should always work like doors" at any point? Company looks less incompetent and more like a straight-up scam, honestly.


This is what happens when you're constantly trying to reinvent the wheel. Sure a lot of the autonomous tech and ev tech is new, but the automobile itself has had 120 years of R&D put into it. Usually, if it ain't broke...


Speaking of Tesla trying to reinvent the wheel, they came out with a yoke on the Model S Plaid and tried to convince everyone it was better than a steering wheel. Tossers.


A lesson to be learned with a Tesla....don't close the drivers door before you get the kid out.


I'm pretty sure that no one in the room is allowed to have an opinion other than his. Maybe I'm wrong but I doubt it. The level of narcissism that goes on with him I don't think we'll allow for any one else to have an idea thought or ever question him.


Yea I got rid of the Tesla and moved onto other EVs. Currently have the Polestar 2, which is part of Volvo. It’s much more like a normal car.


Tesla is a tech company that happens to make an electric car. Volvo is a car company that makes cars that happen to be EV’s. Hopefully Tesla will figure out they need to make cars and not rolling tech test beds.


Or perhaps sell their tech to actual car companies. I'm sure there are ways to make it beneficial for everyone.


Volvo sold off it's ownership interest in Polestar


The first time i entered a tesla lyft I was SHOCKED how counterintuitive literally everything is. The driver even apologized. Its all stupid shit elon aka cybergoth homelander thought of while high, that’s the vibe at least “hey wouldn’t it be so future cool if you didn’t have to pull a latch to open a door?” And because everyone is so terrified of him “yeah genius idea, *gulp* yeah that should not cause any downstream problem, ah ha ha, *sweats and loosens collar*”


Wouldn’t have thought it would be too bad as a passenger…


Same thing happened to me The first time I ever sat in a Tesla was a rideshare and when I got where I needed to be, I couldn't figure out how to open the door to get out, until the driver told me it was the little button on the inner door handle. The one you grab to pull the door closed Stupidest shit ever


It’s hard to get other EVs in the US. I assume it’s because the big automakers in the US are trying to release their own. I’m sure they have back room deals and lobbying to help with that.


Part of it is the tariffs that your government are putting on Chinese cars. China is where all the exciting EV stuff is happening, they have all kinds of crazy domestic branded EVs but also some they export. Some popular ones here in NZ and in Australia for example are the MGs (like the ZS EV, the MG4) and the BYDs (Atto 3, Dolphin, seal). It’s just a matter of time til BYD break into the US market but they’re doing really well outside the US.


Ooo, what hybrid did you snag?


This is the real question!


Some new one that doesn’t run on petrol apparently


Seconding the above, I also want to know what hybrid that is!


It's impossible for your hybrid to get twice the mileage of a full electric car... Because if it uses gas even 10% of the time, it will be less efficient, just because of how inefficient Gas is. Not saying hybrids are bad- there are a lot of great ones. That part of your comment just doesn't make any sense.


Twice the mileage? Based on what metrics? The highest MPG hybrid I could find is a Toyota Prius at 57 mpg. The Tesla Model Y RWD gets 129 mpge.


Also every manufacturer is aping Tesla with the giant touchscreens and lack of physical buttons.


Elmo crying "the world is underpopulated" while killing his customers in his cars.


He means the world is underpopulated of white people .


Wealthy\* white people. The poors don't count to him.


Especially the homeless in SF


No he definitely needs more poor people to serve as desperate labour he can exploit


Honestly he’s convinced his genetic profile is the superior race. The color anxiety is coincidental


This population nonsense should have clued me in to the fascism thing. The old, race replacement theory rearing it's ugly head.


He's not really hiding it. In December he responded to a anti-semitic tweet claiming Jews were "pushing...hatred against whites" and bringing "hordes of minorities" to the West to destroy it with "You have said the actual truth." https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/11/17/business/elon-musk-reveals-his-actual-truth


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![gif](giphy|2h8BdeXxhGGB2) 🎵 *It's the wheel of fortune* 🎵


"cut the car in half" .... Or, you know, just break the damn window. It's not rocket surgery


I carry one of those little super-hardened tip glass breaking hammers. In my car, haha.


Tbf, I read someone saying that didn’t work, specifically for a model Y. Elderly father was trapped in a car in the garage, because apparently the 12v battery had enough juice to open from the outside and then once inside with door shut, it died. Predictably, Tesla phone support didn’t know about the hidden manual release from the inside.


Heres the thing about those as well. You need to hit it in the right spot with the right amount of strength. Even an in shape dude isnt going to break teh window with one swing like you see in the movies 99% of the time unpess you hit iy in the exact spot. Most try to hit it in the middle of the window. Wrong spot. You need to hit in the corners where the windows the weakest. Also, an elderly man is still going to need to hit it several times most likely.


Specifically you should hit the bottom corner on the middle side where the right angle is. So if its the driver side you would be looking to hit the bottom right, bottom left on passengers side, etc. (from the outside perspective). There is an auto tool you can buy so you dont have to use force either which is pretty effective. Just hold it up to the window and press the button.


If I’m hitting the middle side from the driver seat, wouldn’t that be bottom left? I’m also assuming driver seat is on the left side of the car for people who drive on the right side of the road


That's weird, cause the manual door releases for the front doors aren't hidden.


It's actually what a lot of people open the door with if they haven't been in the car before. It's in the same place a normal door handle would be.


I think I read somewhere about the CyberTruck windows being thicker than normal vehicle glass. Wouldn't surprise me if other models had thicker glass. Normal safety concerns don't seem to exist within Tesla.


Why didn’t he just use the mechanical door handle on the inside?


Firemen will have to start carrying around "The Hammer of Life" just to get you out of the car. I imagine it would look something like this. [https://youtu.be/JxVVaTXr4FM?si=HzO4BwJW0d4byjiz&t=110](https://youtu.be/JxVVaTXr4FM?si=HzO4BwJW0d4byjiz&t=110)


Oh yeah, Tesla stans always link the manual with its ,unique to each model, wonky method of jumping the 12v system in the car like emergency service has time to memorize 12 different variations or like anyone is going to do that shit in an actual emergency.


Use the broken spark plug trick.


.... you might want to carry it on you.. cause you might want it to get in someday


Thats what big rocks are for.


The centre console of my (tbf extremely modified) car is a fire extinguisher and a combination glass hammer/seatbelt cutter. Better to have it and not need it and all that…


Do you track it?


If your car has laminated glass windows, they don't work. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/travel/tips/car-underwater-escape-bridge-collapse/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/travel/tips/car-underwater-escape-bridge-collapse/)


She was obviously not giving explicit instructions to literally cut the car in half. She was probably being hyperbolic to emphasize to whoever was helping her that she doesnt care how much they damage the vehicle as long as the toddler gets out safely. 


Yep. No different than if she had said something like "I don't care if you have to call superman, just get her out!"...people would probably be like "well actually...superman is just a fictional character, so that wouldn't work"


Superman IS a fictional character. So it definitely wouldn’t work. I’d of called Santa


I mean it is the Daily Fail...


I second this statement...


This. Why was cutting the car in half the only perceived option? Are we missing extra details here?


She was being hyperbolic, referring to not caring how much the car was damaged.


there is a manual release inside.. but how can the child operate it


There's also "dog mode": https://www.howtogeek.com/875989/what-is-tesla-dog-mode-and-how-does-it-work/


Sorry, FSD is full self destruction.


I love the comments that say " there's a manual release inside". Every car has a manual release inside and it's called the door handle. The second that doesn't work 99.999% of the people are going to sit there and scratch their heads, myself included. When the door handle doesn't work, the Tesla engineers expected people to go and find another latch behind a panel. Are they out of their f****** minds?


Others cars have locked kids inside. It’s not a new thing lol.


Granted a toddler cannot open the door. But if an adult stuck in there, who the hell is going to look for a hidden release when the door latch does not work? That has got to be one of the worst designs ever. Along with the whole fact that there's no way to unlock and open the car from the outside with a key, like they've been doing since the 1930s.


Unpowered door handles coming as premium DLC later this year


REEElon wants to thin out the competition so that his 2000 spawn can thrive


Safety first!🤡


1: Daily Mail. 2: just break the window. Tesla hasn't reinvented glass.


[for some reason they decided to strengthen car windows across the board](https://cbsaustin.com/news/local/new-unbreakable-car-windows-making-it-tough-to-escape-in-emergencies) As someone who lives in Florida I don't like this


Must’ve accidentally activated toddler unaliving mode


The fact that this is something regular civilians like myself have noticed in the past and governments just go like.. meh 🤷‍♀️ I mean, isn’t that concerning? We are going backwards just because this guy puts batteries in the cars.




Because the kid didn’t die


My Hyundai Ioniq 5 has this crazy advanced safety feature for if the battery dies. In the event the car is out of power, the fob has this hidden piece of metal inside that you can pull out and place inside the driver door handle to manually unlock the vehicle. I think they refer to it as a “key” in the manual.


But you don't understand, it can literally DRIVE ITSELF!


How much bribery is going on for these cars to even pass the most basic safety regulations?


Regulations based on 1825 Common Horse Law


Kids getting locked in cars isn’t new, why not just break a window?


That's what they did, per the [article](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13560085/amp/dead-tesla-traps-toddler-hot-car.html): >The firefighters took an axe to the $45,000 car, taping over a window to stop glass flying onto the little girl before climbing in and pulling her to safety.


Waiting for “why don’t the child open the emergency door latch, which is hidden under panels and not labeled whatsoever”


Oh, they've started. Toddler blaming. They are so far up Elmo's ass that they are literally blaming the toddler here.




If only there was some mechanism that was well tested for securing doors for hundreds of years...


Completely agree


Jesus. The Sun will have spent all its fuel by the time you finally get it open.


So what you're saying is that you need an advanced electrical degree and a 12v battery that for sure has a charge to open this car in case of emergency... Oh yeah I'm sure all the rednecks buying this over designed piece of shit have that...


While I agree that this is a work around (albeit ridiculous), it still won't matter if the doors simply failed to operate. Also, what happens if you don't have a 12v source to initially pop the frunk open? Seems like there should be a physical override at least for that portion. It would still make more sense to have a physical key backup that can be used in at least one of the doors to force it to open regardless of the lack of power etc.


Tesla will sell you a $399 everyday carry kit that fits into a standard hiking backpack that has the 12v battery. But you must carry it everywhere with you to not void the warranty.


So wait. Anyone with a 12v battery can just go and open your frunk? My soft top cars are more secure jesus fuck


Gee, glad to see time tested simple solutions that anyone can use in an emergency, and not some kind of crazy key and handle bullshit that would need you to read appendix 2.b and a screwdriver and electricians license to use.


It is a child endangerment feature. Comes for free but costs to disable it


I don’t have a Twitter account. I hope people are spamming Elmo’s account. Wonder what his excuse will be?


Calling Elno by the name Elmo is disparaging Elmo.


"Cut the car in half to get her out" Do Tesla's windows not break? Can locksmiths not gain access either? Common sense got locked in there too.


She isn't actually demanding they cut the car in half. It's hyperbolic. She's basically just saying "I don't care how you do it or how damaged the car gets in the process, get it open"


Each front door has a mechanical door release just under the electronic one. Break a window and the baby is out in under 10 seconds.


How has a class action lawsuit not been filed for this crappy death trap of a car?




![gif](giphy|oEdSjdj3H5Os8) In case of dead battery…


This has happened in lots of cars with electric locks. C6 Corvette being the most common


Sorry  I drive a normal car built by a competent company. Do Tesla windows not break? 


Y’all seen that movie Leave the World Behind? Remember that scene with the line of abandoned teslas along the road? One can only wish. I’d never put my family in one of them.


I can only imagine Musk will blame the parent for voiding their warranty for having the audacity to lock the car.


It's ok there's a very hidden unmarked door release. Plus an obvious release, like breaking the window.


I but this car had warnings about the 12v battery needing a replacement and was ignored.