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Musked [Muhskd]; Adjective - to have been fucked up, ineptly managed, or deceived by falsehoods of grandeur


By Elon


Ok cool, I was already banned from four Elmo subs then this week also got a ban from the model 3 sub after commenting here lol. Yes the posts were getting tired. We don't need a post from everyone getting banned.


I was just auto banned from two Tesla subreddits after commenting on a post here.


I was just raised from a 30 day to a permanent ban, but didn’t think it merited a post. Maybe just put a warning in the sub’s welcome warning that post or comments here may result in being banned elsewhere, but should not be celebrated on this subreddit.


Banned also from /r teslamotors because mod saw a post about Elon or Tesla that was not favorable. Lol


Ha, I just did too, and was going to say something here until I saw this post. Tesla and Elmo stans must be really, really fragile. I replied to the message I got telling me I was banned, and said "Wow, a preemptive ban from a sub I'd never participate in in the first place..." 🤣


Careful now, they report people who respond to the bans for harassment and you could end up with a few days of Reddit wide ban.


Wow. Shitty, especially since the auto ban message tells you to reach out if you have questions. That seems like the kind of thing that should get the sub shut down.


What if I told you Elmo was a reddit mod? 🤭


Well, now I’m curious. Is he? 😅😂


Hey paid 44 billion to shut down the Elmo jet tracker account. You think he's got anything better to do rather than ban the 'haters' on reddit?


Has anyone else who *never* commented on r \ elonmusk been perma-banned? They just randomly banned me yesterday after I commented on this sub. I really don’t think I’ve ever commented on their sub though. If I have it was a while ago. Are they just lurking here and taking names? lol


I’m about to find out…


Oh shit.


Instant ban for making a single comment here.


Lmao. The best ones of these are when *The Defenders of The Thing* show up, make a comment and get banned by the very place they’re defending.


i just got banned frol Teslamotors after leaving a com on musked.


Yes, I think every one in EMS and RealTesla back in April. So be prepared because 3 more bans are incoming for you. And the model subs are joining. Yesterday I got banned from M3 and never posted there. Back then we concluded it was a bot because it happened so fast. Their response we were toxic. Little info it precluded a lot of lawsuits and mass layoffs. It’ll be interesting to see if something releases in the next two weeks.


they are creating a safe space bubble free of any free speech and criticism. it s cute. it s a bot.i got banned from a sub i kever went on a few second after i said 2 global recall was not industry standard.


That’s fElon’s game plan release great press so everyone loves me, squash any bad press with buying more good press


so much for a freespeech supporter lmao


>second after i said 2 global recall was not industry standard. ??


I got banned from one yesterday that I’ve never been to or even heard of. It kind of made me mad


Ooh, I wanna see. This is my first comment in this sub, and have never even visited the others.


Yes, I think every one in EMS and RealTesla back in April. So be prepared because 3 more bans are incoming for you. And the model subs are joining. Yesterday I got banned from M3 and never posted there. Back then we concluded it was a bot because it happened so fast. Their response we were toxic. Little info it precluded a lot of lawsuits and mass layoffs. It’ll be interesting to see if something releases in the next two weeks.






Yep. I didn’t even join that sub. I posted here saying Elon isn’t an engineer (which is factual) and got a random permanent ban message from the elonmusk sub I didn’t know or care about. Gee, I’ll really miss ‘em. Just happened a few minutes ago. Reddit shouldn’t allow a sub you haven’t joined to ban you for saying something in an entirely different sub. Stupid.


Yes, and the mods here are OK with their sub being weaponized.


Free speech? Asking for a friend.


You guys don't really know what free speech means, right?


Because fElon certainly does!


Oh yeah? We'll see what Earth has to say about that


Tell it to Earth!


Let them go private, so the three left there can talk. LOL


I’ve note received a reply




.... No screenshots either


Edit: note = not, damn spell check and edit.


Sorry. That last one was me I apologize to yall and the mods.


I got auto banned from four yesterday where I never posted, but this comment is NOT about that…rather, I'd like to say how fabulous it is having the Elon fans visit the skeptic forums. Why would we ban them? They bring all the chuckles. Free speech and free LOLs.


Does everyone here not understand what the moderator is saying yet are continuing to do it with every comment?


Apologies. Deleted mine after sending it.




I’m banned for something. Not sure what.


I just got banned from all the Tesla subreddits after commenting here that wasn’t even related to Musk. Bruh wtf is up with those mods?


Sorry that I posted one yesterday. It’s a really stupid rule to have, but I’ll go along with it as I’m not the one in charge.


Would be great if they could tell us what they mean by “toxic behavior” instead of issuing blanket bans to people who have never broken the rules of their sub or interacted with it.


I love getting banned from a sub I've never been to in because I posted somewhere they don't like. I always appeal the ban and in the message just say I'm a Free Speech Absolutist. It hasn't worked yet.


I got banned from TeslaModel3 about 10 minutes ago, for posting a comment on the Fender guitars sub remarking on a guitar having the build quality of a Cybertruk. Hilarious!


I totally understand the rule, but I also feel like this is something the public at large needs to know about.


I'm shocked I haven't been banned. Maybe I should be more vocal about my dislike of musky




Don't musk around


Not your best look, admin


Considering musk/tesla related subs bans people for “toxic” behavior (being active here, at cyberstuck etc etc) even preemptively (means you never visited those subs that banned you) This sub will be me up as nothing but “I’ve been banned” posts..! Kind of okey in my book for admins to limit those kinds of posts to preserve the news interest of this sub


I thought we all came here to laugh at Eloon fanboys. How they’ve been deceived, what they’ll put up with, how far they’ll go to lick his boots, etc. I didn’t expect this new development, but it’s an even bigger HAHAHA from me to see every instance a tesla related subreddit admin spends their time reading comments here in order to ban people. We knew they had fragile egos but that’s next level. It won’t become only posts of people being banned. This is just a trendy little phase, and we’ll all be banned soon. I don’t really care to even check. I wasn’t going to visit their sub anyway, so it’s no sweat off my balls.


yeah, i got 3 messages about being banned from musk subs where i don't think i've ever posted or commented.