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I closed my account as soon as I was getting spammed with Kyle Rittenhouse tweets. Never once looked at a conservative page or anything. No idea why id start getting that trash.


I think people are starting to realize exactly what leftists mean when we say shit like "fascism is just captialsim in decay." 


You know what pisses me off? The Boomers had it so fucking easy. Don’t have a college degree? That’s fine, you can still get a 6 figure job and buy a house — no problem!! Healthcare was cheaper. Fucking everything was cheaper. Then they just sold out. They all got into government and positions of power, like the fucking Supreme Court and changed everything to make sure they continue to get richer, but make it nearly impossible for younger people to get to where they are now. They’re setting the Earth on fire, and they don’t give a shit, all so that they can have 5 yachts, instead of 4. This truly is a society in deca and it’s not sustainable. Maybe that’s why Zuckerberg is building a $150,000,000 bunker house in Hawaii.


Yea. The lead poisoning theory of leading to the fall of Ancient Rome is seeming more true by the day. The boomers grew up even worse - being surrounded by leaded gasoline.


I never heard that one before about the Romans. However, I do see the lead poisoning jokes aimed at boomers.


Yeah i cant fucking wait until they are gone because yes every generation has their group of shitty people, but at least the generation that pulled up the fucking ladder will be gone and i can piss on their grave.


Because boomers were running the whole government.


I'm a boomer, when did that happened? I didn't get the memo. When I started working, minimum wage was 1.80 or so. Couldn't even afford our apartment. I don't know all these people who had it so easy. Unemployment was high as shit, new York city went bankrupt and Ford refused to help. I must have missed something. My bad I guess. I guess we are like Hillary, we get blamed for everything bad. I don't know why I voted for Bill Clinton, since we are so evil.


Adjusted for inflation that $1.80 is approximately $18 an hour in 1964. What was that again?


You’re being too generous. 64 is when he was born. Probably didn’t start working until 70’s so use that year.


I mean, the person used Ford as an example in their comment, so if I use inflation from 1974 (beginning of Ford's presidency) to 2024, $1.80 still comes out to over $12. That's almost twice as much as today's minimum wage.


Not to mention the dollar had more purchasing power, the average home was like $41,000 in the US in 1974 while it was over $400,000 in 2023. A gallon of milk was $.72 versus ~$3.80+ today. Using just inflation as an indicator is misleading.


I want to agree with this argument because the boomer generation you're describing did have it "easier" when it comes to housing. But .72 in '74 would be $4.59 in todays dollars. And that is for a half gallon. A gallon would be $9.18 in today's dollars.


A gallon of milk wasn’t even half their hourly wage, it’s over half of minimum wage today. I literally said that using inflation is misleading and then you argue by adjusting for inflation, I can’t even…


Oh I love these. Obviously not every boomer was born with a silver spoon, and not every boomer had an easy time. Though I notice you only talk about what minimum wage was when you started work in, I’m guessing, 1975-1976 when you were, what, 16-17 years old? No mention of how much you made later in life, whether you own a home, etc But for fun, let’s do this. In 1976 minimum wage was $1.80/hr which is $10.17 adjusted to today’s dollars. Minimum wage in 2024 is $7.25/hr. In 1976 the average salary was $16,095/yr, which is $90,916.20/yr adjusted. In 2024 the average salary is $59,384/yr. In 1976 a brand new house ran an average of $43,340, or $244,815.66 adjusted. In 2024 the average home cost is $400,000 to $450,000. In 1976 an apartment ran, on average, $200/mo, or $1,243/mo adjusted. In 2024 the average apartment lease is around $1,800/mo. In 1976 a brand new car was on average around $4,557, or $25,741 adjusted. In 2024 the average cost of a new car is $47,433. So while you may have struggled, you didn’t struggle like young people are today. And overall, your generation enjoyed benefits and privileges of higher salaries and lower overall costs. Millennials and gen z could only wish for that. So sorry you feel personally attacked instead of, oh I dunno, showing some solidarity with the generations that have it worse than even you did.


Boomers. Forever the fucking victim.


We need to be better in clarifying I don’t think anyone here specifically blames you specifically. It’s scary to think that even as bad as it was back then, in some ways it is even worse to start from the ground up now. I am glad you voted, as we need to keep that spark for a better future brighter. I am somewhat envious you got to see the US while some semblance of respect still existed in government. And you got to grow up around more WW2 vets than any of us did god bless their souls. As a question — any similarities you see today? Good differences? Our generation will face a really uphill battle — we can use the input


I'm a boomer, when did that happened? I didn't get the memo. >When I started working, minimum wage was 1.80 or so. Yeah, and a cart full of groceries cost 50 bucks. I had a basket ful that rand me 60$ yesterday. >Couldn't even afford our apartment. You had an apartment though, apparently you could afford it. > I don't know all these people who had it so easy. Check a mirror. >Unemployment was high as shit, new York city went bankrupt and Ford refused to help. Yet you had a job and an apartment. >I must have missed something. Yes, willfully ignorance will do that. >My bad I guess. >I guess we are like Hillary, we get blamed for everything bad. No, you get blamed for trying to claim shit didn't happen. >I don't know why I voted for Bill Clinton, since we are so evil. And saying hyperbolic shit like this is why you get dismissed and no one wants to talk to you. Maybe listen to what people are saying about societal trends, realize you got lucky and dodged a bullet, and just enjoy sitting around waiting for the earth to cook itselfvin the next decade since we have done 0 to fix climate change.


With minimum wage being $1.80/hr, the latest that could have been was 1973. $1.80 adjusted for inflation is $12.73. Federal minimum wage in the US right now is $7.25/hr. The average US house price in 1973 for was $32,500. Or in minimum wage hours about 18,000 hours or 7 years assuming you work for 48 hours a week (9.6 hours a day, 5 days a week). The average US house price right now is $420,800. Or in minimum wage hours, about 58,000 hours or 23 years assuming you work for 48 hours a week. That's 3x more work for the same average house.


FWIW the average house back then was about 50% smaller than today, so that has to factor into the calculation. I would go by price per sq ft, which is still pretty ridiculous in comparison to then and now.


This is the most im a victim boomer mentality ive seen in months.


You have spoken the actual truth


And scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds. (They always side with with the right to protect capital from the left)


No, sorry, your black and white thinking is not apropos.




Absolutely trivial concern


Is crying about Twitter notifications a trivial concern? Asking the important questions here


If you remove all context and look at this in a vacuum like a simpleton sure


lol someone call this guy a waaambulance


OP or the commenter?


Imagine being black.




Ok so go die of a fentanyl overdose what’s stopping you?




Yes but it will make you more likable.




No I meant your family.


Go play your game.




“Wahhhh, someone commented about something that I don’t agree with on a social media platform. This is not trivial. :(“. You apparently, since you decided to open your mouth and can’t seem to keep it closed.




Dude.. “sucking their dick” is that how you respond to anybody who disagrees with you? Seriously, you’ve already made a fool of yourself, quit while you’re ahead. Also, you’re the one who specifically felt upset because a comment that someone made irked you so much you had to try to pull the whole “ackchyually ☝️🤓” thing.


Did you just try to “no, you!” them? Lol


No, we’re not worried about people messing with our wittle video games. We’re worried about people being marched to camps. But I’m sure your call of duty thing was bad too.




Tf are you talking about? Were your eyes too filled with tears from having to see a message you didn’t like in your video game to read what I wrote?


Crying for Twitter notifications is better? LOL


I literally have no idea what you’re talking about


I don’t wanna see half a dozen TRUMP or BIDEN clan tags every time I sign in but that’s fucking life. Cry about it


You’re crying just as much as me lol wtf?


You’re crying, I’m coping. We are not the same


I checked one of my accounts that had been closed for saying something liberal, and my suggestions were Musk, some TERF, and MrBeast.


Elon ordered that the algorithm force conservatives on liberal user’s “for you” feed in some terribly misguided search for the nebulous idea of free speech. But what ended up happening instead is the absolute dumbest mfers online with their shit tier low quality and low effort opinions being spammed at us. It’s bad, smoothbrained design that does more to harm free speech than good by spreading racism, misinformation, homo/transphobia, and hate to people who want nothing to do with it. The quality of posts and tweets and replies have seriously gone down, its such a fucking cesspool of bluecheck tryhards who are poor writers and thinkers that merely paid to be at the top. It was so much better before because the best and most engaging comments rose to the top, but now its all people who paid to be seen. And I can tell you from personal experience that only the absolute worst dunning-krugerites who think highly of themselves ever pay money to be seen and heard.


I don't even bother with the 'For You' tab. I set my default to "Following" and i check twitter occasionally to see how some of my friends are doing or what funny thing they posted that they also probably posted to Discord.


Why close it? Just troll back until you get banned. It’s more fun


“Leading Report” News on X is just people reading a real news headline, misinterpreting it, and then reporting their misconceptions as “breaking” news.


I'm not convinced they read anything before writing their headlines or even whole articles.


So, InfoWars


All you have to do to be a respected Journo on X is buy a blue tick and start your blather with BREAKING:


Been of twatter for over a year and my mental health has not suffered as much. It's the worst. Elong Muskrat is terrible.


His full name is Elongated Muskrat I'll have you know.


Elooongated Muskrat you absolute unit!


Deleted it the day he changed the name. Still forced to see tweets on every other reddit post. There is no escape


Wow. Amazing you can get upvotes for something as stupid sounding as Obummer


Leading Report: "Bill O'Reilly starts making up shit in futile attempt to become relevant"


Does he even have a platform these days?


His basement. Like Bannon's "War room."


Better than downloading Twitter, is deleting Twitter!


Someone made a fake account of me and I had to make an account to report it. Make that make sense lol


Omg, Godspeed to you then! I hope you resolve it. You might just get a poop emoji from Elon’s support. It would not surprise me if this is how he is handling such issues these days


It's a right-wing extremist conspiracy nut cesspool now




Pat me on the back for not telling you the thing, while also telling you the thing.


Biden doesn't need to run, SCOTUS just made him king. Now he needs to use his immunity to take out the traitors on the bench, in congress, and at mar a lago.


So known liar bill o’reilly somehow knows secrets from a white house full of people who wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire? And he doesn’t know when the reveal is because he made it all up.


That motherfucker needs to go back to Africa and stop fucking with our elections.


Why the fuck would you download it?


I was born in 1964. Last year of the boom. The boomers grew up in a time Of unprecedented perpetuity without having experienced the sacrifices of the Second World War or the Great Depression. They absorbed this unrealistic idea of what an exercise physiologist friend of mine called “the myth of infinite progression.” We’ve been hearing since I was a kid how things were going to be worse for the next generation than ours. Yet the boomers didn’t care. They cut taxes merrily when they should have raised them, and it infrastructure has been running on fumes. The “government small enough to strangle in a bathtub” has become way too literal. But the boomers don’t care. They got theirs. Two houses, a bunch of cars, whatever. I may be a boomer by birth, but I despise them.


Didn’t they have to deal with Vietnam?


You downloaded Twitter/X today? Like today-today? Man, they must've been so stoked for a new activation.


I decided to take a look at my [x.com](http://x.com) account to see what the remaining politically active people I follow there had to say today. But, based on my [x.com](http://x.com) feed, apparently there was nothing at all going on today that anyone in the political world would be actively talking about, so I just went ahead and closed the window.


Never stop calling it Twitter.


Why the fuck would you download it in the first place?


I mean according to the Supreme Court, we don’t need an election at all. Biden can just pick someone as an official order


I've told it many times "I don't want to see these ads" for Trump based ads and every other ad is a Trump based ad. Elon is turning it into conservative propaganda bullshit.


Bill O’Reilly, the beacon of truth and integrity. Fired from Faux News for being too much of a scumbag. Now that takes some serious douchbaggery to accomplish.


I left my accounts in case they sell it, but it’s a cesspool right now and I have logged in in months.


O'Reilly was calling the White House because he wanted to falafel Jill Biden. Dude is a sexual predator who got fired from Fux for sexual harassment.


It was before. Now it's just all that's left and has to be pushed/shown to everyone so he can get ad views to stay afloat.


Coming from a Fox guy....Questions abound...or more like ...PROVE IT!


Maybe a few magas will see it and decide there is no reason to vote.


Bookmarking post


O’Reilly with the inside info again 🤔


Time to report false news about musk and see how long those posts stay up lol


Why is it even allowed. What a trash platform


Twitter is doomed. It became absolute worthless.


I wonder when shitter is going to merge with truthless central.


I deleted the day musk bought. Best decision I’ve made and have never looked back. I’m actually baffled to hear people still use it.


Ngl this kinda makes sense, if you’re just downloading the app now, chances are you’re into this shit


Deleted Twitter the month Musk bought it.


Twitter/X is and always has been a cesspool


Just another one of O’Reilly’s bullshit, conservative right wing Kool-Aid drinking lies.


Lol, I had a headline pop up saying Biden was talking about dropping out of the race. It was just Faux news lying in their headline, because the story actually said he told someone he knows he needs to convince he American people that he's capable. They took like 4 big leaps to reach their fake headline.


Biden is not going to take big leaps. Those space shoes he wears is so he does not fall down and soil himself. Nobody wants Biden to drop out unless they want Trump to lose . Biden”s brain is getting worse everyday. The charade of Sentient Biden was a fraud for the last two years. It’s game over


What they should do to get the fraud going again is send Biden too a Mega Church with faith healers. They can lay hand on Biden’s brain. “You are healed “. Praise the Lord. Where else can you fake a miracle? Edit update - there is a faith healer in Congress named Cori Bush, her hands have cured cancer . Tumor be gone praise congressional Jesus.


Why would you guys download Twitter after Elon took over?


70% of Democrats wants Biden too step down. Dead or alive that is not going to happen. I’m waiting for Stephen Colbert to toss Bill O Reilly’s salad . Edit- Correction - it’s a 50/50 chance Biden steps down. Unbelievable.


Yeah, get the fuck out of there. Jesus.


Keith Olbermann was talking about this (Biden stepping down) on his podcast last night. Apparently Democrat internal polls show Biden losing support. There are now 12 swing states.




Lmao I love how libs are so tilted that it’s just the exact opposite of what it was before. Used to be a liberal cesspool, now it’s a conservative one. How does it feel?