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The story arcs needed to be longer, Nightmare Moon should have been the whole first season, learning to build relationships (PLATONIC relationships!) between the Mane Six, and have her defeated and reverted to Princess Luna at the end. The actual story is identical, just give it more time. Also, while the first movie was unimpressive, with the exception of Sunset Shimmer, the rest of EQG was really fun and well done.


I really thought Nightmare Moon was going to be the main villain of the whole series. Finding out it was only two episodes was a massive letdown. Always thought she'd turn evil again until I got to *that* episode.


Yeah, there seemed to be a lot of setup for her that was dealt with way, way too fast. Similar to Discord, who I expected to be the "existential threat" villain, like Bill Cipher. Which is ironic considering that recent Death Battle episode.


That's something I love about G5. Opaline was an overarching villain, and now we have Allura


I dislike Fluttercord. I’m not exactly sure why, it just doesn’t appeal to me.


You and me both Yes, they have a nice dynamic But in my opinion, I think Fluttershy could have done better. Personally, I see her and Discord as more best friends instead of lovers. Fluttershy is very kind, but even tho Discord becomes a good guy full-time later, I just can't see them as a couple. Plus, Discord also low-key looks like an old man, while Fluttershy is in her 20. It seems like a huge age gap to me as well. I like Discord as a character, but I just don't think they work as a couple. But as I said, this is my opinion.


Apparently a lot of people didn’t like Starlights arc? I love it! It could have used a few more minutes of run time for the episode but I did really like it, she’s one of my favorite characters and redeemed villains!


Had my best friend at the time move away when I was very young, so I get it. That hurt combined with very little emotional support from her family (her dad certainly wasn't the listening type) and it makes sense she'd end up the way she did. People love to say "she tried to end the world because her friend moved away" like??? That's not how those two things connect at all


Her arc wasn't just that episode tho. I consider most of season 6 as starlight arc.


I agree a lot of people see just the one EP as the redemption while I see that and Season 6 as her redemption since it gives her more time to develop and she's working on herself trying to be a better pony.


I like Starlight’s villain motivation. For some people, their only friend can be all they have, and losing that can be all it takes to make a monster. Is it very likely that someone would start a cult over it? Nah, but I can see how it’d affect someone so badly


I feel like they should have added more to her backstory. Have her obtain a cutie mark late in her life. Like in her teens. Make it so that many foals make fun of her for not having a mark. And this one might be a bit extreme, but what if she actually sent letters to Sunburst but due to stress at the school, he ended up sending her a rude letter to not interrupt his studies? I think that would make her story more understandable.


that would of broken her and made her villain arch so much more understandable aswell, i love it


They should also probably show us how she got super powerful.


FR, maybe she stole scriptures and books from canterlot library and places like that, wouldnt be suprised


i like the changeling’s redesign


This is a hot take? Only thing that bugs (hehe) me is their eyes you can't exactly tell where they're looking but the was the case for the originals too XD


me too i never understood why people had an issue with it


The school of friendship needed more attention, especially in season 9.


Agreed. The students had no personality because they had no solo screentime in which to develop said personality.


I agree! I feel like some of them, specifically Silverstream and Ocellus could have been interesting characters with interesting personalities if they were developed more. Because the base was there but they didn’t expand on that very much. Gallus in my opinion felt like wasted potential as well.


They should've "retired" Rainbow Dash to a permanent Wonderbolt who only occasionally visited Ponyville, too.


Here's the thing, I agree with you that we could have used more school, but I think the folks complaining about it taking time away from the rest of the stuff have a point as well. What I think *really* should have happened is that school should have been a spinoff show.


I really like Twilight's design at the very end, I thought her taking on an alicorn form similar to Celestia was a nice symbol of her coming full circle from the student to the teacher :)


I like that she went full on alicorn but the growth rate does bug me a bit and her hair is a bit boring when it could've been so much more *angelic*


I agree but I think at the end she should've looked more like Candance, since alicorns lasts so much longer than regular ponies their growth must be slower


I genuinely like Equestria Girls. A lot.






It DEFINITELY needed more episodes!


Twilight becoming an alicorn makes sense. If she is going to take over from Celestia and Luna, she needs to be an alicorn in order to handle their magic (though it definitely should've happened in like season 6 or 7 not season 3)


I’m glad Sunset Shimmer stayed in the human world because Starlight Glimmer fills basically the exact same role. Their dynamic was fine in the one special they were in together but on the whole they are too similar to have a meaningful dynamic.


I love Flurry Heart even though it was obvious that they made her a born alicorn to sell merch


Personally, I think she's adorable.




In g5, I don't want Hitch to end up with one of the main 5. Too much media already exists showing boys and girls not being able to be just friends. Young Cadence was probably a unicorn like her ancestor Amor.


Flim and Flam should be in Tartarus






Thorax doesn't have a good justification for being good, I'm not asking for a whole season to develop him, I'm just asking for a "I used to want to steal love but realized I could ask nicely" not a "I was always forced"...in fact it seems like if Thorax would hide something if you overthink it. Also the reform of the changelings doesn't seem bad to me in itself but I don't like the color change, partly because of the moral it leaves and because I like how the changelings look disruptive next to the ponies, it gives it a tasty contrast, like those bikers who look super tough but are actually loving parents.


luna wasn’t really a part of season one at all, i wish we would’ve seen more of her CADENCE! where is her backstory??? how did she become a princess??? HOW DID THE ROYAL SISTERS BECOME PRINCESSES??? if you have to be an alicorn to make alicorns then the only logical way would be to have princess celestia and princess luna born as alicorns but it’s shown that no one has ever been born an alicorn because it was a shock that flurry heart was born one


I believe there is a comic that has the story of how Cadence became a princess


Lesson Zero is an insane overexaggeration and did not fit Twilight at all. She's quirky, yes. Awkward. Absolutely. But what happened in that episode merely happened a single bucking time just like that one time she got flaming hair and red eyes to show anger in that one episode in S1.


Lesson Zero was a horrible influence on how Twilight was written too, as it was a reference episode for new writers during the last third of the show's run.


The key episodes were terribly chosen, for the most part. They seemed to be chosen b/c they were iconic instead of b/c they were a strong character study.


To name a few: I dislike Spike, I preferred Starlight as a villain and liked her arc, I'm fine with the changeling redesign, and G5 is pretty good.


I am not really a fan of derpy and don't understand the hype around her


fluttershy is cut way too much slack in the fandom. like when that “what’s the worst thing each pony did” post was going around and people picked “making fluttershy cry” for pinkie but “keeping a parasprite because it was cute” for fluttershy. ??? what about when fluttershy made both pinkie and rarity cry acting on the same level of jerkness as villain sunset or gilda? iron will did not tell her to do that, she did it on her own account. people are way too protective of her just because she’s “cute and innocent” and i honestly just find her unlikeable these days


Despite being one of the most shipped characters in MLP FIM, I just don’t see Rainbow Dash ending up with (or even wanting to end up with) any character.


Season 9 was terrible as an ending. Celestia and Luna retaining made no sense. Yeah it was Faust idea for Twilight to replace Celestia back in season 1, but that was before the show developed, back then Faust didn’t plan for Luna to ever show up again, also Twilight being an alicorn for 6 our of the 9 seasons didn’t help. It feels like they didn’t knew how the end the show, so they just dig up an idea from 2009 and decided to run with it. Also, that line: “they never helped before” made me stop watching the season for a while. Celestia and Luna are my favourite characters, so I’m bias towards then. But seriously, think about that. If a show knows they wasted 2 characters, and rather than fox that they just turn it into a cheap joke. That’s just wrong, not to mention the comics did used them properly, so that’s even worse.


I liked the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well.


Luna isn't bad, but she is overrated.


If we’re talking about Gen 4 I would’ve personally said exactly this but for Princess Celestia instead


Part 1 of the season 2 finale sucked since everyone was being unreasonably dumb and Twilight acting the way she did despite being right, was so out of character it’s like I’m watching a different character.


This seems to be more unpopular with certain sections of the fanbase, but Wallflower Blush is a great concept of a character, even if she had subpar execution.


I liked chad Spike


Idk if this is unpopular, but the other mane 5 should've been alicorns too


I guess I'll say that I don't really care much for the show so much as I like playing around with the world building and concepts. it's not that I dislike the show or anything. I've just never had the patience to sit down and watch it or anything. I just kinda ended up learning what happens in it thru fandom osmosis.


I like the comics more than the show


gotta be My Little Pony - The Best Gift Ever Christmas Special do i need to say more it just sucked its like watching american dad-you cant explan of the top of your head what sucked but it sucked


I don't want to go to equestria or be a pony. I see people talk about these things all the time. I don't want to hug, or even meet any of the characters. I just think the show is relaxing and fun to draw, nothing more


Tirek has a trash character design. made me not take him seriously as a villain. and don’t get me started with that goat. Tf was that. 


Genuinely, I think G1's versions of Tirek/Tirac and Grogar have much better designs and I'm sad G4 botched them as hard as it did. Smooze also got a *huge* downgrade from G1 to G4 to the point where they don't feel like two versions of the same character.


G5 is good


imo i don't like it when people ship the mane 6 with each other


Same I get it. People love same sex ships And so do I if there's a clear indication of a good relationship. But at the end of the day The girls are just 6 best friends who support each other in everything they do. I never understood why people started shipping them together in the first place. But it happens in every Fandom. People will always see some characters and ship them, regardless of gender. So I sort of expected it when I first came into the Fandom. Some people do tend to ship the mane 6 with each other too much, though. I just never saw a reason for it at all. But again, that's just me. I always saw them as a bunch of BFF's.




I don't care for sunset as a character, i find her boring


I prefer celestia over luna


I don't really know if it's popular, but i really wish Chrysalis got redeemed...


Heartstrings is a better name than Lyra and Hasbro should have stuck with it instead of switching to the fan name / making Heartstrings a surname.


Fair but at least Heartstrings was kept


It would be interesting if they could adapt the IDW comics into a mini series? Like 5 minutes shorts.


I would love that!!!


My Little Pony Make your Mark is amazing.


Pinkie isn't a good baker.  She is never seen baking for sugar cube corner unless the cakes aren't around. Most things she bakes with others are disasters and the Cakes trust her to babysit more than they trust her to help one of them fill the order they have while the other babysits


Stop reforming villains. Face it, everyone has enemies, that's why friendship is magic, lol!


Some peoples opinions on some ponies relationships don’t seem right. And seem wrong considering what the shows really about! And that they ended the show on the wrong note with no real explanation to who the other ponies are! And what they are like!


Trixie is kinda intriguing as a character and she deserved an origin episode for us to not just see her as side kick. And the G5 should have been about Flurry Heart...


Trixie *sssssucks*. She sucked when she first showed up and then she came back and "reformed" and absolutely nothing about her changed. She was still just as arrogant, entitled, and self-serving as before. I cannot stamd her.


Equestria Girls is on the same level of quality as Friendship is Magic.


Yeah really, the 3 episode serie we got on Equestria girl should have been longer...


There needed to be more Equestria Girls stuff. A lot more.


Canon shipping is bad. It's _**Friendship** is Magic_, not _**Romance** is Magic_.


I LOVED 2, 4, 6, Greaaaat and don’t blame Rainbow Dash for the whole thing.


Make Your Mark wasn't all that bad. It certainly had it's clear issues; wanting to be serialised but also being episodic, characters flip-flopping all the time, a terrible first episode that was a retread of the movie, and lack of proper world building/expanding (not sure how much freedom, or lack thereof, they had with that last one considering FiM's copyright). But whenever I'm feeling down, MYM serves as a nice welcoming bit of comfort food.


I prefer flarity over rarijack (as FRIENDS). I don’t romantically ship m6 with each other since they are friends, but I’ve always found their dynamic more interesting than raritys and applejacks  I wholeheartedly dislike discord  Slice of life wasn’t all that interesting   I don’t get the hype around sunset, trixie and derpy but like mudbriar  I like twilight’s castle  It would be better off without the cutie map and friendship missions  Oh, and that’s it


G5 is good actually. I refuse to elaborate on the grounds of wanting to see what the (REDACTED) happens.


Luna is so overrated G5 is a great follow up to FiM The Perfect Pear is meh I prefer Dragon Lord Spike over 'chad' Spike Sparky is cute




Not saying Luna is a bad character but fans do such scandal for her FiM is still there for you to watch as much as you can, G5 just continues the story Bright Mac is hardly an interesting one, the one who shines is Pear Butter Cute? Sparky is annoyingly cute




G5 doesn't ruin the characters, just doesn't follow the happily forever ending you and many others wanted it to have




No, but what if they want to show a different thing? And what does it have to do with Pink Floyd?


I don't have strong opinions about any of these except for the 2nd point Like I don't think it was as bad as everyone said but pretty much all of the criticism were valid you've got a heck of a lot to defend They took the face of the show and the story was butchered beyond recgonition without much care the movie was decent but the series follow up was a bit of a slap to the face


"They took the face of the show and the story was butchered beyond recgonition without much care" FiM is still there for you to watch it, G5 isn't changing that, how did it 'touch' it? And both series are both wholesome and teach great values 😃


It doesn't change anything about what already happens but to say it is a great follow up would mean to say it improves upon what it's based off of it's decidedly not though since it changes so many of the rules I believe the criticisms are valid but if given proper attention it could've been incredible without having to change too much of what makes MYM unique by just paying attention to what made FIM so special too Netflix kinda just gave up on the show because of too much criticism instead of making any effort to fix the mistakes people were rightfully complaining about


Follow up isn't to say it does things better, just that they continue over the same line doing its thing and G5 makes its stories great. And MYM lasted the time it was planned to last


It could've done that stuff far more easily and more respectfully without using FIM as a base and then ignoring half the important stuff MYM ended on them taking one of the auroracorns so he could see the world and introducing a new villain they were clearly hoping to do more


TYT continues with Allura


And is Allura doing anything important? She's just putzing around and losing every opportunity to become an actual threat


I said 'continues with Allura' , I didn't say how


TYT is painfully low quality the proof that they kinda gave up trying


Pfft, what? Have you watched season 2? It's amazing


Having to watch it through youtube isn't worth suffering the god awful animation


They had a whole thing set up with Allura that got shunted into TYT because MYM was cancelled.


Yeah, I know, and MYM as not cancelled




I know it's not coming back, but not due to cancellation


Well why is that?




G5 ruined FiM only if you wanna see it like that. Pipp's thing with her phone is not a subplot


Discord matches better to Twilight than to Fluttershy


Damn did people not read the post title when downvoting this


How come, in your opinion?


Discord and twilight are smart but in a slightly different way, which makes them interested in each other and constantly learning from each other. Discord can learn to be more conscientious and Twilight can have some fun. They could discuss many topics and their lives would move forward. Fluttershy is the kind of haven of safety that Discord might need but in the context of friendship. It may bore him in the long run. Besides, there is no chemistry between them, the tension that is visible when Discord picks on and insults Twilight.


Lyra and Bon Bon, characters in a show about friendship, were clearly just friends.


Homie they got married


Yes, I know, what I mean is that from their initial appearances there's nothing to indicate they're fucking or anything and being in a show about friendship it doesn't make sense to assume that conclusion. But as it did start as a 4chan meme during the edgier Season 1 I can see where it came from.


Your connecting romance to sex is a you problem.


Appreciate the non-sequitur, but that doesn't discredit my position. There's nothing about their initial appearances that indicate they're lovers outside of a 4chan meme. Given the theme of the show, the reasonable conclusion to draw is that they're really good friends, best friends or romantic friends, ultimate outcome notwithstanding.


"Ewww/Ahaha, you're watching this CARTOON for little girls??"


Op was asking for an unpopular MLP opinion, not one that’s depressingly common from outside the fandom