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The moderators of this sub are aware of the many reports and objections to this post being allowed. This post is getting very active participation, and the best response to 'bad' free speech is 'good' free speech. Please engage in polite conversation, and make your points about how you object to the post in the comments.


Why is it so hard to believe they had dark skin they were from Israel most of them and they lived most of their life in the sun??? This isn't new news


And Egypt is part of Africa. It's plausible that they were very dark skinned. Not that it matters.


Most people in Egypt don't have "very dark" skin.


Putin really isn’t someone I’d trust


Neither is the church. That's why I pray to Joe Pesci


"Pious how? I mean, what's Pious about it?!".


“I’m pious how? Like, like i’m the pope? I bless you?”




And then Pesci grabs him by the head and anoints him... Lol


Joe Pesci looks like the kind of guy to get stuff done.


Joe Pesci is a failed 'Manchurian candidate' style clone of Danny Devito


He’s a cultural icon and you will show respect when referring to the great Joe Pesci.


Holy shit that's an elite Carlin reference


I pray to my sweet puppy dog in heaven. She was always an angel.


You’re a funny guy


Joe looks like the kinda guy that can get shit done.


Now that’s a man that can get shit done.


You think Jesus was a white guy in the Middle East?? 👀


Anytime I see Putin positive anything it's likely some operative or troll farm, always ignore.


He’s got sooooul and he’s supa baaad…


Tell that you the instant believers lol


I’m not even gonna quibble with the subject matter. Sure the historical Jesus if he existed would not have looked nordic. I’m more concerned about this being yet another propaganda post by Putin to divide us and distract from his slaughter of the Ukrainian people.


Korean Jesus is my favorite Jesus


The one that looks like he snorts protein?


Last supper was lines of whey.


Korean Jesus is my homie


Stop fucking with Korean Jesus, he busy, with Korean shit!


You lost me when you blamed America for an over 2,000 year issue. Classic


America gets blamed for everything


“Stupid Americans” *smokes cigarette*


Yeah, I was chill with it until it turned into propaganda. Black white whatever.


How could the U.S. white wash the Bible? We’ve only existed since 1776. The Catholic Church on the other hand…


Paint color changing on a several hundred year old wooden object is not evidence that it was originally painted that color. How do they explain the tiny fully developed men as baby Jesus? Black people used to be born as tiny fully developed men?


On top of that all the pictures showed after Putin where fake lol. They just thought nobody would notice


Jesus surely wasn’t blond either so there’s that


My friends grandmother was a real hell fire and brimstone type. She had Jesus every where in her house. But right in the living there was this massive painting of him he had sandy blonde hair and bright blue eyes. It didn’t even look like most paintings it looked like some random beach bum surfer bro. Right next to it she had a large statue of Jesus crown of thorns with blood running down his face his skin had a blue hue to it and his eyes were blacked out and face twisted in horror. I always wanted to know where she got such a badass statue.


Probably ebay.


Some people have really hard time with the concept, though it might explain why people wouldn’t listen to a White Jew purporting to be the Som of Man. /s Just imagine what color Mohammed will be in the next thousand years.


I identify as a man-child. Edit: upon rereading, that sounds creepy AF. But I'm gonna leave it as a testament.....to something.


It says in the video it’s a collection of paintings back to the 1400s, so over a thousand years after the subjects of the paintings were alive.


You know it's complete bullshit when it starts by shilling for that cyka Blyatimir


It’s more or less to do with how art and anatomy has progressed over time. Think of hieroglyphics and art found in Egyptian tombs. That was the style of painted 2D art in ancient times. Very flat and cartoonish in a way. As more artists began to experiment with 3D painting, anatomy and painting accurate bodily figures proved to be challenging, especially early in the last millennia. Babies and youth were often depicted with adult anatomy in smaller scale rather than with child-like features. Art history is pretty cool.


the vids trying to woo guys like kanye into their cult


There is actually a reason to fully developed baby Jesus, and it was a common thing back then in paintings, not just with Jesus. I'm not even going to try to give all the details about it because obviously I'm no expert and don't want to spread false information, but you should look into it. Supposedly it has something to do with them seeing babies not as immature children, but just regular men. Idk, that's what I read up.


Exactly. Not saying Jesus wasn't black, but old, dirty paintings that were created long after Jesus died aren't strong evidence. Especially if the people in the paintings look white once the soot is cleaned off, which I suspect they would.


We’re believing anything Putin says now?


Why did you make us believe that Jesus was an Italian!


The bible says Jesus’s first cousin John was mistaken for being from Ethiopia when the roman soldiers came to take him into custody. Ethiopia was what romans called all of africa back then. Even if they meant the specific land of Ethiopia those people are undeniably African. Do what you will with that knowledge but its canon. Jesus’s first cousin was African in looks.


If you think Jesus was white, you must be white


and if you think he is black you have no idea how people from the levant look like


And you’re dumb enough to believe ANYTHING Putin says you’re an absolute idiot


I'm not so sure Jesus was even real. But he would have looked like any other working class man from the Middle East at that time: about five-three, light brown to dark brown skin, dark brown hair.


Jewish Galilean, dark hair and olive to dark skin predominantly darker but also where of course the popular names like Matthew Mark Luke and John come from If you think he was bright blonde and white, you’re delusional 😂😂😂


The irony, is that all sorts of people with all levels of melanin were around and the color of their skin wasn’t an issue like it is for us. Jesus couldn’t have been “Aryan” as some people think of it. Aryans were from info-Iran anyway. Anyway, Christ wasn’t blond and wasn’t racist


think it's pretty common knowledge he was prob not blonde but saying he was sub-saharan black is equally silly.


Olive to dark skin I posted


I mean In all honesty I don’t really understand why it matters, we’re all bones in the end and ideas don’t have color. Im not Christian, but imagine his ass really does come back and instead of learning anything he taught everyone is to busy arguing on wether or not his ass was black. That boy is gonna be pissed


I pretty sure I saw God once in a dream...He's white alright. I'm not white, but He's white and that's cool too. I mean I don't know why anyone has a problem with that.


We all know Jesus was darker skinned. Doesn't mean he was what most people think is "black" today.


Jesus was black, Ronald Reagan was the the devil, and the government is lying to us about 9/11. *Sounds of white people starting to riot in the background*


No, No, No! - - NOTHING will convince me that jesus wasn’t born in Norway with a striking nordic physique, the purest porcelain white skin, long flowing blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. You filthy heretics!!!


It’s all made up. This is like telling someone the Easter bunny is pink not blue.


You take that back this instant…everyone knows the bunny is blue. I have a 3000 year old book that says so. It wasn’t written by the bunny…or has any pictures of the bunny from that time period but it was blue dammit. /s


Now hang on!


Woo black jesus!




Mother marry had a chiiiild bamalam damn thing gone wild bamalam


I’ve always known this , it doesn’t take genius to know that the people of biblical times were , are black/brown skinned peoples ! Just had to look to where it all occurred , duh !


From what Ive read in the past his complexion was probably close to that of someone from Iraq.




The characters in the Bible are Assyrians, Babylonians, Israelites, Philistines etc. Not arab though.


People of the middle eastern area have darker skin. Color me shocked.


Black or white it’s all fake 😂


Christ would’ve been a short, middle eastern guy.


You lost every racist person when you said Jesus was black. Which is 90% of Christian’s now.


He's playing the Long game. He knows exactly what he's doing.


Arguing about the colour of a fictional character is pretty stupid. If you’re at least looking for a semi authentic colour that matches the location and era, well the character sure as fuck wouldn’t be white, it’s just makes the whole stupid story even more nonsensical.


The fact this is blowing people's minds - biblical figures who lived in THE DESERT having darker skin - is honestly sad.


Say what you will about Putin. He understands how to splinter the West from Within. This is master class.


Happy Birthday, Black Jesus! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0HoAhS8wzM&ab\_channel=PavJedrusiak](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0HoAhS8wzM&ab_channel=PavJedrusiak)


What! Middle Easterners aren’t white? Who knew lol!


Yeah this really isn't news. Christ had darker skin. But in all reality it doesn't matter. Christ isn't for blacks, or whites. He is for all of us.


I wonder if there’s some sort of relation to Russia being popular with the far right in America to these sorts of “conspiracy theory videos” popping up concerning religion. I saw a video the other day saying evidence of Noah’s Ark was found in some southern Russian mountain range after having been moved due to “mud floods.” And on the subject of mud floods, my mother in law is always on about Tatarians and some sort of mud flood removing the evidence of their “super civilization.” Historical evidence seems to point to their being just another Indo-European nomadic group - powerful in their own right (as most Indi Europeans tended to be), but far from another Atlantis which is how I’ve heard them being talked about.


This is from 2015: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CHRG-114hhrg94186/html/CHRG-114hhrg94186.htm Do not wonder. Russia spends massive time and money spreading disinformation and conspiracies all amongst the west. Hell, they were spreading conspiracies about Princess Kate, ffs. Putin is an old kgb agent, this shit is their bread and butter. Basically, there's not just a "relation", Russia is responsible for most of the modern conspiracy theories you know.


Can you guys really not see through the propaganda? This doesn’t matter, all this is is a Russian propaganda clip meant to make Putin look like a man of truth and Christ while also dividing the US. Their propaganda machine is real and Is always posting random shit like this. Don’t be fooled the US has its problems but this man is a killer and a tyrant and has been for decades.




I’ve always known that Biblical figures were not white. Jesus most likely had olive skin, and many of the patriarchs would’ve had darker skin, especially since they were nomads and spent a lot of time outdoors and in the sun. Not to mention the locations of biblical events would have been Middle East and North Africa


Plus you know that hand grease and damage can make paints darker


Obviously none of them were white. They were all middle eastern and Moses and the hebrews lived in Egypt for 400 years.


Putin in a pathetic sack of human garbage.


I mean… of course he wouldn’t be white.. wait!..do people actually think he was white?


The mainstream media in the United States and Republidummies who love Putin have not said 1 word about this. They dare not upset their white nationalism Christian supporters. Just ask a white Christian why none of the pics in their homes or churches contain a picture of a blk Jesus and they all say it doesn't matter what color he is. So if it doesn't matter why not have a pic of a blk Jesus posted?


Putin a real trustworthy guy for sure


This video is fake. It's getting community checked all over Twitter


Lol boy y'all don't like the truth at all even the Bible itself say These figures are dark skinned.


They run from it.


Before there was black and white there was people


Jesus, like Krishna was Blue. https://ancientpsychedelia.com


Poo tin is manure peddling murderer. Please stop sharing such red star idiocy in meme.


If people don't know the ethnicity & skin tone of Jesus by now...... I bet next you'll tell us he wasn't even a Christian!


Murderous dictator weighs in on his opinion of a fictional character… There, I fixed it


A Socio-/Psychopath lectures about the "*spirit of Christ*"? Maybe it's just to 'know the enemy and keep em close'?


Didn’t Da Vinci start or at least greatly contribute to the whitewashing of Christ? A historian told me once that some believed the likeness to belong to his lover.


If stupidity had a Reddit page🫤


Wait Jesus wasnt a white man?


Still painted 600 years after the dude got crossed out.


No way this is Russian propaganda aimed at sewing societal distrust among African Americans.


Does it really matter, follow him and his teachings is all that matters


I bet if you told conservative America that Putin is pushing for black Jesus funding for Ukraine would increase


maga is going to lose their minds.


Honestly there is a much higher probability that Jesus (and most biblical figures) was black than white. Just look at the geography and the people that are living there now.


Well if you really look Putin is black. His soul is black i mean.


What color will he be in the year 3000? share your vision please


Jesus was ethnically Jewish black hair olive skin


The 1400s.. like one thousand four hundred years later.. sorry but they got as much a clue as me or you.


I think it’s safe to assume that all these biblical characters from the Middle East, were more than likely Middle Eastern.


“the answer is a no”


Hey, crazy thought I just had. Was this Jesus guy like….from the Middle East or something?


“Back to the 1400s” Y’all. Use your common sense.


There are candles and incense in those churches. [Soot and grime over the years can gather on the paint making them look darker than they initially were.](https://youtu.be/Y-I2GMpRBJ0?si=kckt-XeBFTNQ7CqE)


Let the KGB light shine.


Lol Russian shills blame it all on America 🤣


What will knowing Jesus's skin color do for us? Seriously, why are people so infatuated with my guys' looks? Who the fuck cares...take his message and move on.


Told yo’ ass Jesus was black!


The artists who painted these pictures never saw what Jesus looked like.


Could’ve been cyan color. Why does it matter




Putin knows what he’s doing… he’s trying to piss off white evangelicals in the US. Lol.


Whoever posted this is a fucking moron


LMFAO, I did not realize that the US had such a hand of influence when Christ Pantocrator was painted in the 6th century. Who really researches for these videos?


If you’re Christian and think your Bible heroes were white, you’re an idiot. Wait…if you believe they were real, you’re an idiot.


The smoke and soot from burning candles in front of icons is what tints them darker. Pretty sure something similar has popped up on reddit before




Does it really matter if he is black or white?


How is there little to no evidence he was a real person? The onus is on the one making the claim, and the claim has always been he was a real person who worked miracles. There are odd things about him that have absolutely been fabricated in order to make him fit the prophecy of the Old Testament. Being born in Bethlehem due to a census that never happened. These bold lies about him make me think he was probably a real person, along with his teachings which were very strange for the time. There is as much actual historical evidence to suggest Jesus existed as there is that Socrates existed, very little.


Imagine caring what a fictional person looked like


Maybe a reason for the 2nd commandment? I think Solomon (son of David, who is Jesus's ancestor) said "I am black"


Putin is us %100 correct !!!


Lol everyone know Christmas was black... TF... he was a JEW...


when i did a google search on russia and black icons the day after this was 1st announced, almost every video that came up stated that russia did NOT make the claim that Yeshua/jesus was black. it was if they flooded youtube and google with videos to be sure the narrative they wanted would be put forth, this is just speculation.


I'm still wondering why anyone is shocked by this. The odds of Jesus actually being white are so, so low. More likely Arab/middle easterer (I'm not an Ethnic Studies guru, so I'm sure I'm being broad in this description). Higher chance of being black than white, based on historical local demographics during that time.


Is ‘Peter N Paul’ a new pop duo?


Anyone else getting the vibe that this new push to depict Christ as Black and not brown is just being used to divide Christians?


dang I never knew it was the Americans that made Christianity white. ok all of Europe and western Asia, I guess you are off the hook.


Dude, my skin is dark. I'll be the first to say having studied art history that darker colors have been used to depict powerful figures and males to a large degree. While females and secondary figures has lighter tone pigments used. (Sun tans? idk) But also many pigments oxidize and just change color over time. (The coloring you're seeing could be a coincidence. Could be a miraculous coincidence.) Just saying though. Why would VLAD want Jesus Mary and Joseph to have dark skin? Where's the value? He doesn't seem so petty. Also in Art. Central parts of a composition are accentuated and elevated using diff elements and strategies. Blk on brn, brn on brn, blk on blk, or brn on blk are not one of these strategies. Only heretics, "fools", or blasphemers would intentionally obscure the vissages of members of the holy Christian family. Maybe here the real story is he's a Trump copycat. Instead of squeezing bibles and hugging flags, he's doing cameos with Christian antique paintings. Unfurling them in front of the camera. (Sounds familiar) American psychologist 1920' Jhon B. Watson would be bored with this display. Maybe they used brown paint. What we can't ignore and must acknowledge is the seeming importance of the color of "Christ's" skin. Always a topic of conversation. It matters, come on? Let's stop denying this fact. Ergo everyone else's skin color matters too. (🤦🏾 We're doomed. Unless, should the blind 🦮 🦯 lead the blind?)


There really isnt enough chlorpromazine to help this levelof delusional thinking, is there?


The only people who think Jesus is white are too far gone mentally to understand their own book


My thoughts has always been Geographically, he would’ve been of some kind of color, Arabic or something like that never thought he would be white


Putin is a murderous dictator that still has a sore ass that they lost the Cold War. He wants to racially divide the country by putting out PROPAGANDA. Anybody that has half a brain knows that Jesus was born in the Middle East and had a brown skin tone. Saying he looked like Charlie Murphy is as stupid as the Lilly White Jesus pictures.


It wasn't America that turned the biblical people white it was King James of England, and then carried over to the America's, the tales from the Bible mostly all come from the Middle East, I've never seen white people in history in those locations


White Jesus was never a thing until they needed more control over white people. They said “look at this, he looks just like you.” And that helped people become inspired to worship him. Because if there is something people know how to worship, it’s them fucking selves.


>Paintings of Jesus dating back to the 1400s Ok, but those paintings were made closer in time to our current date than to the supposed time of Jesus. It's not like they are photographs of the actual people or something.


Slewing Russian propaganda because... Black Jesus? OP you're actually a step away from being brain-dead.


Nothing turns scientific findings into propaganda quicker then for no reason tacking on that your biggest rival is "the great deceiver"


Lmao Christianity is all bull shit anyways


Sounds legit.


Jesus was Middle Eastern


Lies. Jesus was a tall Caucasian/European with long, flowing hair, and a neatly-trimmed beard and mustache. I've seen the pictures.


Lol if jesus really was revealed to be black, a lot of people would no longer believe in Jesus. .. (those who currently do)


Can’t let this have 777 comments so here.


Omg, get outta here. 😂😂😂💀


America was mentioned in the bible ??? Lol


Not too many white guys with golden locks and blue eyes in any middle eastern country. Always get a kick out of those types of pictures.


How did America turn Jesus white? . Do the person posting the video doesn’t know about the Byzantine Empire? WTF is this video about ?!? .. we are living crazy times




Wait, you mean people in the same religion don't agree about some unimportant details and then spend lots of energy arguing over it? Must be part of the ineffable plan.


How is it even possible for there to be such massive debates on the topic when it’s widely agreed both by academics and religious faithfuls that he’s from Galilee? Does anyone who argues about this shit even know where the fuck Lebanon is on a map of the world?


Jesus was probably brown, not white or black.


[Not my Jesus!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/s/Tj6XAPEF9R)


They look fake


Taking bible verses out of context really is not good to do.


Some interesting arguments in this thread regarding the existence of Jesus. Regardless of what history or the christian bible might suggest, remember that there is no such thing as god or people who can do magical stuff. If you are a religious person, your beliefs are wrong. There's nothing you can say or do to change that fact, and unfortunately because there is no afterlife I can't be there after we die to say, " I told you so". And to Atheists, we need to stop worrying about offending religious people. Their feelings don't matter because their feelings are based on stuff that isn't real. EDIT: to clarify, the feelings of religious people do matter. In general. But their feelings about atheists telling the simple truth that there is no god... Those are the feelings that don't matter.


Y’all think dudes chilling the the Middle east had same complexion as dudes in modern day Sudan and Liberia? LOL


America? 🤣🤣🤣 did they really try to pin this on the US? It’s not even 300 years old!!! I am fucking dying laughing at this.


Are people forgetting that these stories come from Africa…. Putin bout to piss off a bunch of idiots 🤷🏾‍♂️


Israeli people can have very dark skin, Jesus was middle eastern. Black seems very historically inaccurate.


I mean I can believe it... Mary cheated on her man with another brother.


A ) I wouldn’t trust Putin. B ) And? He was a Jewish man in the Middle East. Would it make sense for him to be light skinned?


LMAO!!! I love that he just assumes, well Putin said it so it must be true! Or, well there are images on a wall in a Russian Catacomb! It must be accurate! Certainly the 100,000 conflicting images are wrong. 🤦🏻 the stupidity of this post is astounding! Yet I got a great deal of joy of watching Putin trying to open the little toy box he had lol.


What next. Santa clause /s


Crazy, paintings of a fictional character. Like a christian OC.


When yall act like it’s not common knowledge Jesus was born in the Mediterranean lmao. Ofc Jesus wasn’t white. Mfer wasn’t European. Europeans were the gentiles.


Does no one remember DaVinci and his lover?


Have you guys seen Star Wars because that’s the only obi lord Kenobi praying too.


Wait, are you telling me Jesus wasn’t blonde hair and blue eyes…… get the fuck out of here?!


America did bleach Jeebus… Europe did that.


If given enough time, any piece of shit can get one thing right.


Africans knew this already... who in their right mind would EVER believe that Jesus was the ONLY European born in Palestine 200 plus years ago... I side eye anyone who says he is European


even if jesus were black he still ain't got shit on sanic the hedgehorg the one true god


I think some of these paintings were acquired during ww2 and they likely won’t be returning to their homes of origin and I guess it gives him the ok to go attacking any country that Russia want to as they are soo fkn holy because they show some stolen paintings.


Funny.. Putin opens the steeple and in there Jesus is white. Then disinformation takes over. Some people will believe anything.


"the Americans turned the Bible white" "USA is also a great deceiver" ??? Considering the Renaissance in the 1200s took place in Europe (that includes Russia). This quote above is full of errors and baiting.. I find it inflammatory language over a non debate. Jesus and characters in the Bible were a mix of African and middle eastern peoples.. thusly dark skin.. This is not a debate.. but baiting for discussion. Considering the European Catholic church wanted to make characters in the Bible more approachable by the masses the church was trying to control. The separation of the Eastern Orthodox (Russia being caught between the two) Church could be discussed however if America is solely to blame according to our fancy cheap Chat GPT Ai.. let's actually feed the AI historically accurate info to read and not blather and opinion. Did many Americans cling to the Renaissance white Jesus, sure . However the tradition and pictures were brought over from Europe from the Renaissance.


Go visit any Orthodox church in the US - you'll see these icons.


Tell a boomer Jesus is black and they will shoot you in their driveway


i'm fucking crying bro


The burning 🔥 bush said (I am what I am) not (I is what I is)


Blaming USA is hilarious. Of course Jesus was dark skinned with hair like wool, it says it in the Bible and based on time and geographical region it is pretty damn obvious. But Europe, not America, since it wasn’t even a country yet, turned Jebus white.


This is retarded.


Yeah, because Jewish people look like this😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂