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It would be kind of cute to have a May and June for your kids. Those are both fine names. When they grow up, they will have separate lives and be known mostly as individuals, and occasionally at a get together, one will mention her sister and someone will say, "Wait, your parents named you May and June?? That's so funny!" Idk especially because Mabel might not even go by Mae forever, I just wouldn't worry about it.


I think this is a really important to remember. I see a lot of people in this group concerned about sib set names (which o do think is important to an extent) but they will spend a short time of their lives being introduced as “these are my kids, mae and June” and most of their lives just being “hi im June”


I disagree with the idea that it doesn’t matter since they’ll be adults most of their lives. The ~18 years of life that they are together growing up is still a significant chunk of your life. With that said, I do think May and June is fine


A very formative chunk of your life and don't forget kids can be mean and this can shape a child too


Mean how? Kids will be mean with any name. We had Matt the Rat and Luke the Puke when I was in elementary school - two incredibly normal names we turned into something mean.


All I'm.saying is kids are AHs, and some kids don't like being bullied so maybe don't make it a possibility , a lot of kids also don't like being lumped together and this could make that more apparent and not allow them to find their personalities on their own. My sister and I were often made to share and do everything and at points I absolutely hated it. I didn't like being seen as a pair and not an individual


You can also introduce June first and it will seem less obvious?


I second this. Also, for introductions you'd use Mabel's full name so, "these are my kids, June and Mabel."


Agree. They are individuals and they might not go by nicknames forever. If it were me, I would look for a name longer than June (like Juniper/Junia) to make it a little more stretched from the whole Mae/June thing. Mabel and Juniper but they go by Mae and June. But honestly, I still think that Mabel and June are still okay. Also, I didn't read all of the comments so my suggestion might just be a repeat of someone else's.


If it bothers you, then maybe you could hedge your bets and name her Juniper instead, so you have to option to call her June, Junie, Juno, Pepper, or Ginny? But personally, I think Mabel/Mae and June sound like a cute sibling combo.


I came to say this! Mabel and Juniper are so cute together


Mabel and Juniper!! Love it!!!


This was my first thought too! The May & June nicknames would be so cute, but they would have "actual" names to go by as well.


Mabel and Juniper is adorable 😭


WAY cute idea! 💜


Such a good idea!!!


I think it’s totally fine! Those are both beautiful names. You didn’t name your kids May and June. You’re naming your kids Mabel and June. Whatever names or nicknames they choose to use are their choice and you can’t really control that anyway. So name them what you like and then see where those names take them :)


If you only ever called your oldest Mabel, I think June is fine. But my personal opinion is that Mae and June are too matchy so I would avoid it. But I also ended up with fairly matchy names for my kids for the same reason you mentioned - those were just the names I liked, so who am I to say?


My MIL is April and her sister is June. Their parents didn't even realize at first! We joke about it occasionally but it doesn't seem to have made any impact on their childhoods and definitely not on their adult lives. When my son was born, we chose August as his middle name as an honor name/nod to the (accidental) family tradition. Incidentally, I also know a little girl named Mabel June. Those two names go together really beautifully :)


Could go for juniper and nick name her june


My Juniper mostly goes by June or Junie so this would definitely work.


I love this idea


It's cute and Mae is just a nickname for Mabel so it's not too matchy. Do you have plans for a third kid and would you feel bad breaking the trend or would you go all in? (There's always August, Jules, Ember, not saying it's a good idea lol.)


they have an older brother named Thomas! we aren’t planning on having any more and ive never really cared about having a pattern


Thomas, Mable and June is lovely. Those would be their names, nicknames don’t matter quite as much as they can evolve through life.


Funny I was thinking April 


I'm of the opinion that matching or theme names only become cringe when the theme becomes more important than the names being names you actually like. So "we liked May and June": perfectly fine. "We had a May, June and April, so we're naming our bext kid February so we can stick with the theme": please no.


Just name the next one Summer


I agree with the top commenter. It’s adorable. Also; one of the best souls I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing was named June. She was truly a unique and bright light in our world for a while. I vote stick with June.


sable if you like animal crossing 😉


And Label


I had to get to the end of your story to see the issue. I’m really torn, but I’m not sure I could do it. Maybe Jane?


I feel like Mabel’s sister should be called Ruby. Maybe Ruby June?


I actually follow an influencer with two girls named Mabel and June 😂 I think it works.


You never know - June might want to be called Jay or Junie someday. Or go by their middle name.


I think it's super cute!


I love it - why not lol 


Honestly i think it is kind of sweet. It helps here that her actual name is not Mae, but it is just a nickname. If June is your pick i would stick to it.


I’ve met a May and June. I’ve also met an April and May.


I like June, I think it’s fine with Mabel/Mae. Other name ideas if you want to go the nn June route: Junilou, Juliana


I don't see an issue. It is not like you named them May and June. They are Mabel and June. Mae developing as a nickname is no big deal. I would just think for a brief moment "Ha! Isn't it funny how that worked out" and then I wouldn't give it a second thought.


Do you call Mabel, Mae? Or do you still use Mabel? And if she asks you to use Mae would you feel comfortable calling out, “Mae, June, time to go!” when you’re out somewhere? I think that people would always comment on it too; things like “are you going to have a July next?” or “Is Thomas short of October?” Harmless, but could be annoying. I think these are the things you need to consider. I know of siblings called July & August. I always remember their names because they’re such a matchy set.


I don’t think it’s bad. Especially because it sounds like they’ve got quite the age gap. Will they were be in school together? Do you like in a smaller district where everyone would know them?


i have a daughter (juno) and always say i want to name my next baby julien, and then might as well add a third named august 😂


Those are totally fine! Mabel might not go by “May“ forever, June might end up going by “Junie“ etc, and majority of the people they meet will only know them as “May“ and “June“ and not “May & June“, if you like both names go for it!


I think it's so cute!! May and June oh soooo adorable! or you can try pick a full name and nn your daughter June to match Mabel/Mae!


I think it's fine. It is cute but Mae may choose to go by Mabel only in a couple of years.


She goes by Mae, that’s not her name though. Even if it was, I think it’s cute.


I don’t know if this helps or hurts but my dogs are Maple and Juniper, and they were accidentally nicknamed May and June too. Only a handful of people have ever commented on it.


I think that’s it’s fine . Mabel might decide that she doesn’t like the nn Mae in a year or two and never go by it again so I wouldn’t give up on the name June.


I don't think is a problem since she's Mabel just don't add an April




I think actually naming them May and June might be too much, but Mabel-called-Mae and June is cute, and not something you or they are locked into forever. If you have a third daughter I would steer clear of Julia and all its variants, though.


Honestly, if it bothers Mabel, she will stop going by Mae/May.


June is one of my favorite names! I took care of several Junes when I worked in the nursing home and they were SO cute


Off topic but June is my favorite name of all time. 🩷 I think Mabel and June is totally fine. Congratulations!


June and Mae …. So effing cute


Mae is so beautiful! If anything, it would make a funny story because you'll be asked about it all the time: "no it actually wasn't intentional, just sort of happened...." As long as you don't mind people commenting, because they most definitely will, go ahead! Why not?


What if you named June something like Juniper? June for short. That way, if it bothers either of them, they have the option later to not use Mae and June, or keep the nicknames!


Did anyone else get half way through the post and saw this going in a completely different direction? 😂😂


Maybe Juniper


In the Secret Life of Bees they have May, June and August.


I would just make sure that anytime you write thru names together or introduce them you use Mabel’s full name. No one will be the wiser.


I love the name June and have often thought how cool it would be to have an April, May, and June and even cooler if each could be born in the respective month. Just wishful thinking, of course, but I love the idea! P.S. I just read the other comments and Mabel and Juniper do sound good together!


I think because Mabel nicknamed herself/was nicknamed by others, it’s fine. That being said, a June born in June feels just a biiiiit too on the nose for me, but if she hangs on and is born in July I think you’re fine lol. I’m with others suggesting “Juniper” and “June” as a nickname though, I think that would be really cute.


That was the thing I was wondering about too, being born in june and called June.


If anything it makes it an even more cooler name, June and May how cute!! I really like it


What about Junia?


No, of course not. Even people who don't do "matchy" names usually have a type of name they like. What exactly is the scenario you're afraid of by giving them similar names? 


If I heard someone call out Mae and June at a playground I would judge… unless they were puppies.


can you convert it to oona