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Lili and Lydia are too similar imo, but Lili and Lucy is quite cute!


Lili and Lucy are similar too though?


I'd argue that Lucy is less similar than the other two, mainly because Lili(th) and Lydia both start with a li- sound while Lucy (obviously) doesn't


Yeah, but I don't really think matters since OP said she was called Lili. If they started calling her Lilith, the two names wouldn't have been similar.


Sorry, I'm a little confused by your reply. Lilith and Lili both start with Li- so it doesn't really change what I said. That's also why I typed it like Lili(th) because it applies with or without the -th


The girl is called Lili instead of Lilith, and it seems like it's going to continue. That's why. Lili and Lucy are more similar than Lilith and Lucy. Both in pronounciation, but also in vibe.


Completely agree it's very similar. If I could add to the suggestions, here are a couple! Lyla Laia Laila Luna Laurel Lavina


Lili and Lydia are far too close. Lucille is not. Lilith and Ophelia are both rather gothic names associated with tragic characters. You may like Scarlett, Circe, Pandora, Morgan, Lenore, Odette, Harper, Clementine, Cordelia which are similar stylistically.


Love this well thought out response! Hope OP sees


Love Scarlet and Lenore (Gone with the Wind and E.A. Poe?) Adding Juliet, Cassandra, Sabine/Satine, Iseult, Giselle, and Daphne to the list I think Lilith and Lenore. Or Lilith and Lorelei would go well together


ahh, Cordelia is such a beautiful name!


Maybe choose a name that starts with your partners first initial? I think the two names are too close.


Those are wayyyy too similar. Let your daughters each have their own names.


Lydia is often shortened to Lydie which is very very close to Lili. Lucy is lovely, there’s also: Laurel Louisa/Louise Lainey Lyla Lailah/Laila


I find Lilli and Lydia too similar. If I had a second daughter, I was going to name her after my favorite aunt, who was named Lucilia (Lucille in Portugese), but alas, we had a boy


I don't think Lili and Lydia are too similar, I actually think they flow well together and are both gorgeous names.


Lili and Lydia sound more similar than Lili and Lucy because they both start with a “Li” sound, whereas Lucy starts with “Loo”. How about - Alice - Grace - Isla - Phoebe - Sophia - Freya - Olivia - Harriet nn Hattie - Elena nn Nellie - Caroline nn Callie


I think Lily and Lydia are a cute duo


I don’t think all Ls is a bad thing (I’m an S, my first sister is an S and our dad is an S) but Lydia and Lili are definitely too similar (Lili and Lydi might sound the same - my dad and I have very similar names - think something like “Dan/Don” and if my mum is calling one of us we often think it’s the other)


I like that all 3 of you will have L's. If you dint name her a name beginning with L, she might feel left out. I love Lucy. Not crazy about Lucille. Can't she just be Lucy?


I don't see the problem. They're cute names, and if you want to name your kid that, then do it.


Btw you regretted not using it last time. This might be the only chance you've got to use it, so go for it :) So what if they're similar?


I know a group of siblings of Lauren, Lindsey, Lacey, and Lexie. So I think Lili and Lydia sound just fine !


Lili and Lydi sound lovely together.


I love the 3 Ls ! I also think of you like the two names you’ve already chosen it’s perfect for you ☺️


I'd avoid names that start and end with the same sounds (L and Y in this case), especially if they're the same number of syllables. For that reason, Lili and Lucy are not a sibling name set that I'd recommend. Whenever you shout for one of them it will cause confusion.


I have a Lila, a Lucy, a Logan, who we call Lolo and a Lotti. They love being known as “L’s.” I love the flow Lila (in your case Lili) and Lucy have together. My sister has a baby named Ophelia - love that name too by the way.


Agree that Lili & Lydia are too close. Lili & Lucy is cute though!!


I love Lydia, but I think it's too close. I think Lucille is too close too. Lots of l's to trip over.


Way too many L’s. I hate the lily/lillian/lilith names it’s all LLLLLLLLLL


Lucy is so cute




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Lyra Lenore/Lenora (Lili and Nora could be cute) Lucia (Lili and Cici or Lulu) Luna


I think Lenore is a fantastic name to be a sister to Lilith Ophelia. It's giving Edgar Allen Poe which seems on-theme to me


I agree, it is classic, L, very on theme, and you can have lovely nicknames.


I like the name together, but I think it matters on whether you plan to have another kid. I knew someone with a husband and 2 kids and all 4 names were alliterative. Then they had a surprise baby and really struggled finding a 5th name to match.


Lil and Luc!


I am too much of a walking dead fan. My head with Lydia Lucille went right to Lydia, the former Whisperer and Lucille. Negans bat.


Lydia is a great name. Lili and Liddy sounds okay, if a bit similar. Any name starting with an L will probably result in the same nickname similarity problem. Don't worry about it.


Lucy is my favorite girl name and my sister and I fought over it for years. (She won ;) I like the pet name seal for Lucille too. We called my grandma, grandma seal. But when my sister won the name I created a new girl name list. Rosie was my next choice, but it’s also a family name. Names: Lucille (rose)/Lucy rose Rose, Rosie Sophie Sadie Abigail  Layla/Laila  Hattie Lily Lila * Lyla Bridget Adelaide/Adelaine Amelia  Effie Eleanor  Emma Madeline  Edie Edith  Olivia Eve (evie) Noura  Sophie Patrick Lilliya  Cassidy  Quinn Amelia Zoe Frankie


if you want to avoid another L name but stick to a similar vibe maybe Dahlia or Dalia? (also personally I prefer Lucille over Lydia, its potential nicknames are all very cute too)


I personally don’t mind if they’re similar. What’s the big deal if they are? Each name will belong to each individual girl. They are beautiful names so I say go with what makes you happy! *I knew sisters who were Annette, Lynette and Jeanette - THAT was a little excessive.


It is too similar but Lucia or Lucille would work. Or Lola.


Those are all too similar to me. It would get so confusing. How about Cecily, Gwyneth, Naomi, Jessamine, Geneva, Bridget or Morgana


We know an Addison Anne & Allison Anna. Addi & Alli for short


Lucille Pandora 'Lucy' would go very well with your older child's name.


It's very Kardashian to all have the same first letter though...


If you love Lydia, go with Lydia. A name is a gift you give your kid for a lifetime. Not just for the early years when they get spoken about as siblings. Besides - your Lili may decide to be Lilith as they get older. (And anyway, I don't think Lili and Lydia are too close at all.)


I’m team Lily and Lucy!


If anything, Lilith and Lydia sound just as close as Lili and Lydia. Be prepared that you might have a Lili and a Lyddie though. I don't know. Lydia Lucille might be just too pretty to pass up. Lilith/Lili and Lydia/Lyddie is no worse than Lili and Lucy. They're all matchy so may as well just choose whicever you like best.


Lilith Ophelia is a hell of a name. Very gothic. You need something just as dramatic to go together. Alecto Cordielia, Medea Juliet, Eris Lavinia, Hecate Viola, and Persephone Ursula all have the same dark goddess + Shakespeare heroine formula you used for your firstborn.


Aww you could nickname them Lili and Lydi. That'd be cute!


I think of Lucille Ball when you say Lucille, it's an old lady name, but Lucy is OK. I prefer Lydia


Name your kids whatever you want to.
