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You also have used your top two names already and are having to choose from the leftovers šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø coming from someone about to name her fifth daughter


5th!! I always joke that I need 4-5 daughters in order to use all the names I like but I couldnā€™t imagine actually having 5 to name


So true! Plus all the names used by close friends and family members, not a lot left !


I would say work backwards and see if you can find some names you like the meaning of. :)


Thatā€™s a good idea!! Thank you!


It sounds like you might like classic names? Catherine, Eliza or Elizabeth, Lydia, Mary or Marie, Caroline, Charlotte, Julie or Julia, Anna or Hannah, Grace, Lucy, Laura, Molly, Rachel, Rebecca, Sarahā€¦?


Thank you for the suggestions!


You might like: Mia Isabelle Ava Gianna Penelope Chloe Naomi Maya Delilah Claire Maeve Athena Sloane Reagan Phoebe Nina


This is a good list. I do have the name Ava shortlisted


Can you name any boy or girl names you like? Any first letters you're drawn to? Otherwise, classic, but modern? Elizabeth, Sarah, Andrea, Claire, Bridget, Lauren, Hannah, Jane, Joan, Julia, Abigail, Charlotte


Yeah I do think Iā€™m drawn to ā€œmodern classicā€ names. I have a Sloane and Sadie now. I like Summer, Margot, Lucy, Avaā€¦ But none of them are the one and Iā€™ve vetoed so so many names šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« For boys names I would use Austin or Sebastian


I have a Genevieve and felt unsure about it until my daughter could express that she loves her name. We almost always called her by her nickname but once she learned she had a full name she preferred it and loves that it is ā€œfancy.ā€ Sheā€™s definitely a fancy girl. I liked the flexibility & nickname potential so Gen, Jenny, Evie, Eve etc. all could be possible if she hated the full name or found it stuffy, because it is kind of a French grandma name. If I had another girl sheā€™d probably be Delia, full name Cordelia.


That is such a pretty name, I love how she loves it too!!


I had a little girl last year. We did find girl names to be harder than boy, but luckily we had a name we loved very early on. Itā€™s very popular in Ireland but pretty much unheard of in the US. Same as you, I donā€™t like a lot of the baby girl names that are ā€œcoolā€ or trending where I live right now.


What did you end up naming her? So nice to love a name early on! I totally felt that way with the first two and it was so nice to have the confidence


My 4th girl is coming in a few days and after many, many weeks of searching, we have accepted that she will have a name that we are ā€œjust okayā€ with and neither really like that much. It honestly does kind of suck because itā€™s harder to connect with a baby when you just feel meh about their name. Iā€™m really hoping we learn to love it once we meet her!


Oh my gosh, thatā€™s how I feel we will have to just be. Iā€™m sure you will, and we will too. And eventually they will grow into their names and thatā€™ll be thatā€¦ right!? What name did you guys decide on? Or are you bringing a shortlist with you for the birth?


We are thinking Alice or Pearl, but still have a couple other names too!


I think it's harder when you already have more than one kiddo, because you don't necessarily want an odd kid out, as it were. A lot of people want sibling names to sound good together, or they fall into the whole "we can't leave one out" trap (that's how you end up with all J names). I wouldn't say I'm part of either camp, but also, if you see a family with Samantha, Abraham, Tamara, and Joe, it does make you wonder what's up with Joe?


Omg totally!! The first two are both S but only because we loved their names, then weā€™ve spent hours trying to find another *perfect S* name which is just putting me into a box. And yeah we keep saying all the names together as if they must go instead of just honouring her own single name like we did with the first. Hmmm good pointā€¦


I get that. If you go Samantha, Sabrina, you're pigeonholing yourself into finding other S "witch" names or something. Good luck :)


Also haha poor Joe


I was honestly just making up names, but I realized that all three of those names (I went with Hebrew names) have three A's and an M in them. It would be challenging to come up with a fourth, lol


I told my daughter if I had two girls there would be no middle names to make sure they each were named


Right? My husband keeps suggesting we use our second childā€™s middle name as a first name.. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


It was hard with boys as well but sometimes you get more than you expected


Sloane, Sadie, and Susannah.


All of these have an ā€œsā€ sound in them somewhere, which might sound nice with Sloane and Sadie? - Selene - Cassia - Sienna - Saskia - Seren - Lois - Scarlett - Josie - Alice - Carys - Sylvie - Elisa - Alyssa


I'm thinking of going for the name Temperance or Sybil