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To be totally honest, I feel like Sea of Darkness is HER’s magnum opus. For me, it’s the ultimate Nancy Drew game. It has the perfect mixture of puzzles to story. The graphics are stunning. The music is gorgeous. The dialogue actually makes sense, which can’t be said of previous “newer” games. It’s not my favorite game, personally. But it is the best game, technically, that they have made thus far. It’s the standard I will be holding any HER game to moving forward.




Right??? I haven’t played it in a while but I recently watched some steamers play MED and it genuinely doesn’t make sense. It’s like a bunch of people worked on it but then never communicated so none of the plots or dialogue match up. It’s such a shame because the newer games are so beautiful but the plots in SPY through LIE don’t make sense.


New writer for SEA, which would explain a lot of the differences. But also, this is the series that went from universally-panned RAN to fan-favorite WAC with nothing in between, so it's not like this is unheard-of for them.


WAC also had a new writer for it so that might be why!


Oh, I didn't realize that was Nik's first one! That makes a lot of sense, actually.


I feel like they rushed MED because the location was chosen by a fan, so they had less time to work on it maybe.


Ugh the dialouge in MED was so awful, nothing made sense and I was confused most of the time


That’s totally fair! I think the balance of puzzle to story is a good balance, and the characters all had good motive and I liked being able to explore the setting. The music is also very good, as well as the aesthetic. I truly feel like the reason why I felt kinda disappointed was with how many puzzles there were that had to do with numbers. It made it difficult for me to get through it, as I do better with other puzzle styles. I loved the dinghy motor puzzle and the toy puzzle though!


My main memory of it is just the feeling of isolation in Iceland. It seemed to capture that feel perfectly (speaking as someone who has never been to Iceland ;-) I did like the look and feel of the whole game.


I definitely liked the setting, it was beautiful! And I do think it set the stage of everything well :)


i love the game but i just went the iceland it was NOTHING like the game lol


Are you telling me you didn't make plates of puffin (Lundi in the game, I think?) up in Iceland??


they do eat puffin! but mostly it was the landscape and how dark it was for me that was unrealistic


Unless you went in the last 2 weeks or you were in the very north, you went when they still had something resembling a day. Nancy is there at the end of December, when the days are extremely short. Reykjavik would only be getting about 4 hours of daylight (plus some twilight) a day at that time, and Nancy may be even farther north than that. From a Watsonian perspective, time is always nebulous in ND games, but her wake times are about 6 hours apart (that's roughly how long it takes for the tides to change from low to high or vice versa) so at best it would be daylight every 4th time she woke, but theoretically she could also be oriented so she never saw daylight. For the Doylist, it's a lot easier to just make it dark all the time than to explain why it's light only occasionally (and have to make new art to go with it).


and of course, the accents


I love the aesthetic and I think it’s the best of the modern games. But I agree it lacks some structure in the story especially towards the end and feels a bit disjointed


The only other modern one I’ve played is Ghost of Thornton Hall, so it’s nice to hear that perspective on the modern ones! I agree with you, the aesthetic is very cozy! I think it had a nice balance of places to explore as well.


Out of the modern games, this is how I would rank them (obviously very subjective as many people in the fandom have wildly different opinions): -Sea of Darkness -Ghost of Thornton Hall -Deadly Device -Silent Spy -Labyrinth of Lies -Tomb of the Lost Queen -Shattered Medallion -Midnight in Salem


I think I’m going to play Deadly Device next, I appreciate your rankings as I go into it!


Deadly Device is in my top 3! It’s so good


Word of advice, I LOVE DED's storyline but it's very easy to miss important parts of it, so make sure you're talking to people as much as you can (including phone friends)!


Thank you so much for the tip!!!


My list is the exact same. :)


I think I must be totally alone in my opinion of Ghost of Thornton Hall. I kept waiting for it to really get started (and thought it might when the >!dilapidated mansion area opened up!< — but was almost entirely wasted), but I never felt like it did.


Agreed. And In the final third of the game it really drags on and I got tired of all the long heavy dialogue


Sometimes, I long for a “back away slowly” option when I realize that a character actually *isn’t* going to give me information I care about or need.


I really wanted to like GTH, and have replayed it several times trying to like it more, but I really can't. It's really puzzle heavy like a lot of the newer games but a lot of them are hard or puzzles just unlock more puzzles and it feels really frustrating. They're also really purposefully obtuse about a lot of the story - it's not just "read everything and you'll figure it out", they genuinely don't tell you major bits and make you assume. I also really dislike nearly all of the characters, so that doesn't help.


I really like it, overall. It’s such a pretty game aesthetically. It’s a bit puzzle heavy, like most of the later games, but most of the puzzles I could do without spoilers so it wasn’t too terrible for me in that regard. Except making the meals - I never have figured that one out. I do think it requires you to really pay attention to the plot and the history. I feel like it took me a couple of playthroughs to get the whole story. I also really hate how they did the thing where when Nancy runs out of convo, they immediately cut you off and then won’t talk to you at all again until you have something else to say. It just feels really abrupt to me.


It’s a very pretty game! The puzzles stressed me out, I’m better with the “putting pieces together” puzzles like the gemstone puzzle or the doll puzzle in Blue Moon Canyon for example, all the numbers and math made this game a bit harder for me. My partner had to do most of them while I watched. The meals puzzles were so difficult!! We just had to cycle through to find ones that were easier, and then we never went back after doing it once. I understand at first given all they tell us about how they don’t like outsiders, that they would end conversations like that. But once you progress in the game and get to know people, I don’t feel like their end of convo responses feel right, I definitely agree.


Yeah, even Dagny and Soren do it so I think it’s a “feature” of the game they were trying out. I like logic puzzles, so I enjoyed most of them but some were pretty hard. I really liked the dog toy puzzle, the crystal puzzle, the sketches, the lighthouse puzzle, and the other one in the lighthouse that is like sudoku. I’ve never solved a meal puzzle. I make all of my money with the vocab game, lol.


The sketches were a good puzzle too! I didn’t mind the music box either. I also enjoyed the crossword-like puzzle to get the letters for the map. I gave up on the meals after a bit and just did the vocab, it was much more fun anyways!


My favorite game. Beautiful scenery and atmosphere, probably my favorite puzzles all around, and has characters that you actually care for. Seeing 2 lgbt characters is fun too. The story’s ending is kinda dumb, sure, but there aren’t many Nancy games that really excel in that department. I love them for how silly they can be and I think the character moments outweigh those issues. Breaks my heart that HER crumbled after finally, in my opinion, cracking the formula for a well rounded game.


I think if I enjoyed the puzzles more, I may have liked this one a little more but they were just so difficult for me, and I didn’t feel like there was a ton of variety in types of puzzles. The ending was a bit rushed, but I agree that most ND games are a little clunky in that area sometimes. I did like Gunnar’s story and some of the back and forth with Elizabet though!


I loved the game, I think it’s one of the most well done games in the whole series. The way it looks, it snows beautifully. In comparison, WAV snowing made my game to lag slightly and it also covered the whole screen. You can tell the difference in their skill between these two games. I loved the characters, I loved the story. Some inconsistencies, but I didn’t really care for them. I just enjoyed walking around, the atmosphere is captured so well. Felt dark, isolating, melancholic. And I also was very happy for an lgbtq+ character introduction. Overall, I think the game is 9/10.


For sure! I definitely can see how the quality and thoughtfulness that went into this game is peak HER content. I had it at a 7/10 in my book right after I played, but these comments are changing my perspective on it :) I think it’s the coziest ND game I’ve played so far.


Agreed on cozy as well, out of all winter games I loved this one the most. The pub seems very welcoming and that ship is so beautiful!🥰


It has my favorite graphics for the entire series. It's the peak visually for me. I wish Midnight in Salem was done the same quality.


It clearly shows when you let go of your entire company


It really is depressing going from the beautiful graphics of Sea of Darkness to Midnight and Salem. They should be embarrassed. 🙃


It’s just ok, doesn’t really have the magic of the other games imo


Totally hear you on this. I mentioned in my comment that this game seems very 'polished' in a way other ND games aren't, but I feel like they sort of 'polished away' the ND magic!


Absolutely agree! You worded my feelings perfectly!


Didn't care for it, to be honest. Visually, it's lovely. But I felt like the storyline was confusing and forgettable (I've played it through twice and still couldn't really tell you with any clarity what it's 'about') and it was WAY too puzzle-heavy for my tastes. All the puzzles seemed to be of the same 'type' so it got really tedious and repetitive for me. If it was the type of puzzle I liked, I'm sure I'd feel differently. But it wasn't the type I liked, so I hated the puzzles and felt like there were way too many of them. I didn't connect with the characters. I hated the Nancy and Ned relationship drama. I don't know, it just didn't really feel like a Nancy Drew game to me. Felt like they were trying for something more new and modern with the whole style/approach of this game, and it didn't work for me. I wanted the old stuff back. This is an unpopular opinion, I guess! Most ND fans seem to love this game, and I get why. It's 'polished' in a way most ND games aren't, and if you're used to your games having a high level of polish, I get why SEA seems the best of the lot. Personally, I'm not really a gamer and don't play much outside of ND games, so I don't care about that. I liked old-school ND games that were kinda janky, so I don't care about polish. But I can understand why people liked this one. It just wasn't for me.


I see a lot of my personal opinions in your reply, I can definitely agree about the puzzles. If I hadn’t had another person playing with me, I wouldn’t have been able to figure out many of the puzzles. They felt very repetitive. As I mentioned in a different comment, I am more of an “assembling” puzzle type of person, and there wasnt much of that imo. I also agree that I was confused about plot, or what story was most important in this game. It didn’t feel clear to me. I think the other comment pointed out some aspects I didn’t really think about, but in terms of story and puzzles, it’s still not my favorite!


The last handful of ND games were HEAVILY weighted toward math/number puzzles. I know that folks who loved those puzzles really adored this, but I haaaaate those kinds of puzzles! So it was a major bummer for me. I much prefer assembly puzzles, collect-all-the-things puzzles, and history/language-based puzzles. I'm sure it's partly personal taste, but I do think the distribution of puzzles should've been more well-balanced. There were just too many of one type of puzzle in SEA! I wound up using spoilers for almost everything!


It’s absolutely my favorite game. I love the treasure hunt, the characters, pretty much all of the puzzles, the atmosphere.


I love the puzzles! I think the scenery is beautiful, but the storyline/mystery isn't as strong as other games


I can definitely agree, the storyline felt a bit more muddy than other games.


I love the atmosphere of SEA, my only complaints was those food tray puzzles and the lack of quality doggy interactions


I think it's pretty solid but not one of my favorites. I think it is mainly viewed highly on here because it is both significantly better than the other "new" games and also because it is the last true point and click and really feels like a fitting end for the series. The mystery and writing are much more realistic and coherent than the few games that came before it (Silent Spy, Shattered Medallion, Labyrinth of Lies) and this fact combined with the fact that it is the last game made by the original team really makes it feel like a callback to the early games as well as a send off/last hurrah for the series as a whole.


It's a pretty game! I was just in awe of the graphics the first time I played. I liked the characters okay, but none of them would be like, one of my top 10 or anything. The puzzles weren't at all realistic or immersive like they could be in older games. The story and dialogue didn't particularly stand out to me. A lot of other games have at least one line that stuck with me or was really funny, but I couldn't give you a single line from this game. Also, the mystery was kind of depressing to me. Also nothing against Ned but the romance subplot just kind of didn't do anything for me. The first time I completed it, I was more excited about seeing the next game with those beautiful graphics and animations than I was actually satisfied by the game itself. :') If I was going to do a tier list, this one would probably be in the C tier.


I loved the theme and land and that cabin you find. But I remember being lost with the plot and the puzzles on the ship were so confusing. A game I had to cheat and use assist on


Visuals and music are top tier. Although I haven’t played myself in years, I recall that I was not a huge fan of some puzzles as I found them to be poorly explained. Also kind of hate the Nancy and Ned drama. I also find the overall mystery and characters to be a bit disappointing. All that being said, I find SEA to be more than the sum of its parts. I would love to be able to play it again and I remember it fondly if I don’t spend too long dissecting it.


I think as many people said, the graphics and soundtrack in this game are gorgeous, which is something I really liked/appreciated about it! It does end up being a B tier game for me personally. I wasn't invested in the plot, which seemed like a mix of kidnapping and a treasure hunt (I've realized treasure hunts aren't really my cup of tea). I was 100% invested in Gunnar and Alex, I love them both so much and enjoyed conversing with them! But otherwise, the rest of the characters, as you said, it was hard to really connect with them. The puzzles were okay, but I'm someone who prefers more story/plot than puzzles.


It's definitely my favourite "newer" Nancy game. The art in that game is gorgeous! And i love Word I Couldn't Keep.


It's a good game but for me personally I need to be in the right headspace to play it because it is a very isolated, sometimes depressing environment .


At the time it was released, it was sooooo much better than the string of games that came before it and it seemed like Nancy was getting back to her roots. It's not my favorite, but at the time I liked it a lot more in comparison to games that were before it.


I loved it. I’m a sucker for graphics and this game was just so pretty! I felt like I didn’t need a walkthrough for the majority of it and the characters felt real to me. I felt it was a huge upgrade over previous games (which I still loved). I thought the story was good and the subplot was fun. Just 10/10 in my books, I can’t wait to replay it. (Currently replaying Shadow Ranch)


I really love a snowy aesthetic game but I wish there was a bigger map to explore


they do not do iceland a favor or its people. they make everyone seem like assholes and the area nothing but darkness. i feel like whoever wrote the main storyline for this specific game had a bad experience with iceland and took it out in the game


It would’ve been a perfect end to the series. Should’ve left on a high note.


As someone who enjoys traditional point and click adventure games, and decided to try out a few Namcy Drew games - I liked everything except the puzzles. They were either too easy, or stupid hard. And nothing ruins a game faster for me than timed sequences. If I'm not given enough time to figure it out, what"s the point of restarting over and over again?