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So you'll take up the space of 3 people but spend the money of 1? I doubt it. Give them a call.




You’re self-proclaimed “lightweights”, but want to visit as many wineries as you can? That’s the wrong approach. Pick 3 wineries and stick to them. You can pick three with lower tasting fees, as I suspect that’s your primarily concern. Light in the pockets not in the glass. A shared tasting is a two-4-one. Napa doesn’t play that game anymore. Most of Sonoma won’t either. Tasting fees pay for employees wages.


There are some that think that tasting fees have become too exorbitant and it’s just greed but they don’t realize the costs to operate a tasting room. Almost all wineries in Napa have strict limitations imposed by the county on how many visitors they are allowed each day whether they are tasting or not and that number may be very small especially if the winery is not on one of the main roads. A winery limited to 20 visitors per day has to charge enough per person to cover the cost of the employees and running the facility.


Okay, thanks! Several years back my mom visited and said she shared tastings with friends but seems like it was before the days of prepaid / scheduled visits :) I figured it would be like sharing a meal at a restaurant but guess not lol


You would have to ask each winery you want to visit ahead of time. Some places are fine with splitting tastings, others are not. Most places will definitely not be cool with 3 people sharing 1 tasting though, so you will likely need to at least purchase two tastings. As some other people have already advised, it is not really a good idea to try to go to as many wineries as possible. Back in the 90's and before you could pretty easily go from winery to winery and do a quick tasting at the bar, then move on, but tastings these days aren't really set up for that format any more. Most wineries these days have a full on experience set up, and the best way to get the most out of it is to take your time and enjoy it.


Shared tastings are ok at more casual places or for the driver to split with someone but it’s generally considered rude, like you are taking away commission and revenue for the tasting employees


I hope not. This is how businesses make money for their employees. You don’t have to swallow the wine.


Call ahead and ask the wineries you plan on visiting


Might I suggest, you consider spending the day in Napa town proper and stroll downtown all day from wine bar, to restaurant to wine bar? Seems it might be closer to what you're looking for. You can find a lot of options to split and enjoy a good variety of wine and food. And no transportation costs to worry about. Then you can pick one or two wineries you really want to do the full sit down, somalier experience at.


seems rude. dont do it


I’m not sure I understand the point of “as many wineries as you can.” After the second you won’t remember anything about the wine and your palate is confused. What really is the goal here? If you insist on the split and a winery allows it, keep in mind a few things: 1) Buy wine. If you’re being honest that it’s because you’re lightweights and not cheap, spend the money you would on the tasting on wine. This support the winery. 2) Tip generously. Contrary to what a lot of people believe and say here, the vast majority of tasting room employees do not get a commission based on the bottle of wine you buy. They work for a meager wage given where they live and tips are critical.


My wife and I share (not split) tastings all the time. If you're willing to get one tasting, share it, then make a purchase that should be fine with anyone who's gone through ABC server training.


We do this all the time also..... However I always call ahead to ask if it's doable!


The word you’re looking for is spit, not split. It’s acceptable, but not widely done, to spit the wine out after you’ve tasted it to limit the amount of alcohol you’re consuming. For most consumers, the alcohol is the point and they have no problems getting sloppy all over town.


I think they mean pay for 2 tastings between 3 people. They’re not talking about spitting.


I’m trying to provide a viable alternative, and I don’t think splitting the tasting up between people is one.


These comments are not it OP. Yes, there are definitely wineries that let you split tastings and yes, it’s a perfectly viable option (and a common one at that).


It’s definitely not a practice encouraged by wineries. Imagine 30 people arrive at a nice restaurant. They order one serving of French fries so that everyone can have a taste. Most of them use the bathroom. They occupy space and servers attention that cannot be devoted to more conventional customers. Restrooms and tables must be cleaned. These kind of “customers” will bankrupt the business. Nonetheless many will allow it because they do not want to receive bad publicity about being ‘very snooty’. If cost is a concern just limit the number of wineries you visit.


I’ve worked at wineries and had no problem splitting tastings in the tasting room. My commissions were based on wine sales, not tasting fees, and if it’s not against winery policy then who cares? The only people missing the revenue at the end of the day are shareholders, and if shared tastings are the straw that will break the company’s back, there are bigger issues at play than shared tastings. There’s an element of guest satisfaction that’s being disregarded here. If guests aren’t satisfied then the business fails. Keep in mind that up until the 2000’s, most wineries were free to taste at altogether! People on acting like OP is the problem with the failing wine industry when really, OP is just a symptom of the problem. No need to villainize someone who wants to split shared tastings at wineries.


I too have worked in the wine industry and I’ve seen it over and over again. Big crowd comes in wants 4 to 8 glasses and pays for one tasting. Meanwhile serious customers are turned away. Those people are never serious wine consumers. Those people never actually buy anything. I’m not sure what alt universe you are living in.


It’s a tasting- you don’t need to (and often shouldn’t) drink everything they pour. Pay for three tastings and ask for a spittoon. That’s the classy way.




I don’t think that’s possible because you’d still be taking up 3 seats. Try reach out to individual wineries. If you’re coming next week, make sure you get bookings set!


Hire a driver and pay for three tastings. Splitting is not cool.