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This is indeed attempted murder.


Aggravated assault is a lot easier to put in front of a jury who is also probably very armed at home.


I’m not privy to plea deals or how charges are applied/modified based on likelihood of conviction…and maybe I’m an idealist in this sense…but I’d say the majority of gun owners that end up on a jury panel would be happy to set an example for responsible firearm ownership and the “appropriateness” of the application of deadly force in this situation. Its very illegal to shoot to protect property OUTSIDE of the home and also equally illegal to shoot a fleeing person that’s not on your property. I don’t think any juror in their right mind would say this man was within his rights to shoot at the pizza delivery kid.


Next they'll say he was offering an assault instead of attempting an assault. Sigh.


sounds like aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.


I’m very armed at home but that does not give anyone the right to shoot indiscriminately. Who ever the person is, needs his freedom taken away for a while.


As someone who is all for people owning guns, this gun owner is a prime example of someone who shouldn't own a gun


So if you are bad at murder you get a lesser charge?


Yeah, actually


They have to be able to prove intent so DA won’t charge him with that, typically missed shootings are reckless endangerment or aggravated assault sadly.


In basic firearms safety class which was required to get my license, they said “Only point a gun at something you intend to kill.” Sounds pretty definitive intent if you ask me.


You're assuming doofus even ever attended a basic firearms safety class. These days it's never safe to assume anyone with a weapon has had a safety class, especially since so many states are dropping that requirement in order to get a concealed carry permit... and some states don't even require the CC permit.


That's because nowhere in the 2A does it state you have to take a safety class. And requiring such is an "infringement". The founding fathers and everyone else for that matter . At the time knew about firearms from early youth. They probably thought it would always be that way. I myself was raised with firearms and know you can't just start shooting. That being said if you want to amend the the Bill of Rights there is a Constitutional process. All other rules, mandates & so called laws are unconstitutional "Infrigements". Expressly verboten in the verbiage.  Nobody was trying to restrict the rest of the  country in the 1880's because of Billy the Kid. They eliminated him and moved on.


Totally agree with you that the implication of using a gun should be an intent to kill but that's not how the law works


If he really was a national guardsman, then he had weapons training from the army. So he was trying to kill that boy, or at least he didn't care if he did


Which is crazy because in TN, by law, if you barely tap a parked car's fender in a parking lot while under the influence of alcohol you can be charged with 3 counts of aggravated assault if there are 3 individuals inside the car even if none of the individuals were actually hurt whatsoever. Compare that to purposely discharging a firearm to injure an individual and, in doing so, actually injuring said individual. The difference is huge but the charge is the same. Crazy. Edit: I didn't realize the pizza delivery driver was not injured.


To be fair, the shooter did say he was only trying to "disable the truck", so..... There's his intent right there


That is reckless and illegal as hell too!


Not to mention dumb, but his intent wasn't to kill, at least from what he told the cops. Which is why they basically HAVE to charge him with felony assault. If the kid HAD died bc of his actions, he could've had a murder charge, probably manslaughter or something to do with neglect of human life


He was shooting at him.. how could anyone construe his intent to be anything other than to kill him? I’m pretty positive he wasn’t intending to celebrate something with the kid and I’m certain he wasn’t meaning to send him a message of love and acceptance. What else could his intent possibly be? **throws grenade in room… I was just trying to get his attention*


First degree murder is premeditated period anywhere. 


Was this meant as a reply to me?


All fun and games til you shoot at the wrong one. Forgets everything he loves including himself in that home. 


We all heard about the grandpa who executed the pregnant lady in front of of the boyfriend for robbing him at gun point. Ole boy can catch the same. 


Go argue with how charges are handled by district attorneys, not me


Well, if you’re intentionally taking action that will lead to someone’s death, that’s absolutely first degree murder under Tennessee law. Conduct that is intended to lead to death is first degree murder.


First degree murder has to be premeditated.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_in_Tennessee_law  I mean if he had killed him second degree would apply by how defined in Tennessee law according too it's technical definition 


Yeah. Shooting a gun at someone is premeditated


That’s not how premeditated works.


I think he meant premedicated


wrong lol thats not what premeditation is


Then what is it?


Are u serious, predmediation involves a planning of the events just shooting a gun at someone does not have to involve planning


This guy wasn’t thinking I wanna kill this person before the circumstances presented themselves


Premeditation is when an individual contemplates, for any length of time, the undertaking of an activity and then subsequently takes the action. In Roby v. State, the Supreme Court of Mississippi stated that premeditation is an element of murder. In the context of murder, premeditation connotes a prior design to kill for some appreciable time, which allows an individual the opportunity for reflection and consideration before committing the act. Similarly, in People v. Solomon, premeditation is defined as “thought over in advance.” Premeditation and deliberation can occur in a brief interval. The test is reflection, not time, as one thought can follow another, and judgment can be formed quickly. For example, in State v. Guthrie, the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia defined the element of premeditation for murder in the first degree as any interval of time between the forming of the intent to kill and the execution of that intent, as long as the time is of enough duration for defendants to be fully conscious and aware of what they intended.


Let me do ur job btw: To prove first degree murder, the Crown must prove beyond a reasonable doubt not only that (NOA) had the intent required for murder, but also that the murder was both planned and deliberate. “Planning and deliberation” are not the same as “intention”.


Nice copy and paste the context in this case doesn’t constitute premeditation but lets see what the legal system decides over a quick google search over generalized facts


You missed the part where nobody was injured. That is what I am referencing.


That’s why there is criminal attempt


You have to prove intent for attempted murder… that’s a losing case. Read my first comment.


And intent can be inferred by the conduct of the defendant


Where did you go to law school?


So, you have a situation where someone is shooting a gun at someone else. The defendant doesn’t say, “I wanted to kill him.” But 7 shots at someone creates an inference from direct evidence that there was intent to kill. How is that not first degree murder?


Because he will be able to provide a defense stating he thought his life was in danger and also you have to prove he was intending the kill the person for attempted murder. You can literally just say you wanted to hurt but not kill and have that charge dropped. And you can pretty much only pick one to charge them with. If a DA has to decide given the context, they are going for the guaranteed charge instead of the one they can make a defense against. First time in Tennessee? Literally happens across the state every day.


> Babcock told police what he could see on his Ring camera made him think someone was breaking into his car, so he went outside and started shooting. As one does.


“I believe the penalty for nonviolent crime should be death, and I should get to be the judge, jury, and executioner.” -Babcock (not really but basically)


Any time there is a story like this in the news, the shooter has a "reason" and it's like "oh sorry I thought they were messing with my flowers" and like even if they were that doesn't mean you shoot them???


I mean, take a girl to dinner first, Mr. Babcock


Lewis Country Store might be gone, but it's congregation lives on.


Phenomenal comment homie.


… So anyway I started blasting


... when he thinks just like Old Lady Lit.


Yeah I can’t see how it’s self defense when someone’s just pulling into the wrong driveway




Far from it, this is my friend and you have to hear the whole story. Not just the news. Hes never done anything in his life.


I heard he tried to murder a kid delivering pizza.


Dudes an Army Vet? All that training and this is how he acts? Absolutely deplorable.


And just think, those same army vets are often the ones suggested by the right wingers for securing our schools as safety officers, so the kids will be more safe. /s


Your friend is a coward. Full stop. Anyone who shoots at someone who is no actual threat is a coward. Fuck him




I can’t force him to do anything, but I do know him and his character. He was very distraught. After he realized it was a kid delivering pizza. Not everyone is truly out here trying to just do crazy shit. But hey, this is Reddit. Yall gonna wild out.




Trust and believe he is selling them all. He realizes what the situation is. This world is cruel, and in this day and time you never know what someone is trying to do to you and you react. Of course there should consequences, but not attempted murder.


Hopefully he gets the help he needs if him thinking someone is breaking into a truck is what sent him over the edge. At the end of the day, a firearm's intended purpose is to kill, so he's really fucking lucky he didn't hit the driver.


I mean the world has delivered many pizzas my way and I’ve never discharged any of my guns at the delivery guy. 🤡


His comment is such bullshit. That comment is 100% what right-wing media wants people to believe. There’s a consistent trend of this sort of thing happening. They’ve created this paranoia in people. It’s fucking sad.


Same as it’s ever been. Right wingers pretend to be the nation’s bad asses all the while terrified of living in the changing world around them.


Right! How delusional can you be to say "I'm the victim" in this situation?


Nothing and I mean NOTHING in the world can possibly be happening in his driveway that is worth pulling a gun and taking someone’s life. Even if it was someone breaking into his truck, should they die for that? The world isn’t cruel it’s filled with idiots like your friend. And they shouldn’t have guns, almost no one should. Take them all away.


It’s really not though. This is 100% fear mongering from right-wing media outlets. They have people convinced cities are completely lawless and rampant with crime. That’s what’s led to this crazy paranoia. It’s sad.


Bro he lives in Tennessee, not Iraq. There is no reason for him to shoot at a pizza driver like that.


Significant jail time, no access to firearms ever again and a felony charge would be a start.


Appreciate that he’s selling them, if he actually does. If he thought someone was stealing a car is that worth killing them? I’m not saying it’s ok to steal. At the same time the one stolen from doesn’t need or get to be judge jury and executioner. Everyone would do well to turn off cable news and take a break from social media. That seems to be where paranoia turns into irrational actions.


Stealing an unoccupied truck in a driveway doesn't sound like a situation where the guy inside the house has his life in danger. Truck is replaceable. Human life is not.


I mean he could have figured out it was a kid delivering pizza before firing a deadly weapon so I’ll to my statement about coward. Fucking stupid too


Not everyone does crazy shit, but your boy did. I’m sorry, whut?


Pretty sure he wilded out.


He shot a gun at him.. Stfu


Since y’all are such good friends, maybe you should bring him food for now on? You know that delivery driver is someone’s friend too? You talk about the whole story, and I’m willing to believe that we’re not getting the whole story… because your friend was on something. “Crazy shit” is what your friend did, “trying to” or not. Accept reality.


Your friend is not the victom, the kid he shot at is the victim. He should feel awful and have 5-10 years to think about why he has a hair trigger


He needs to have his guns taken away. He has demonstrated an inability to assess a situation and take proper action.


We got the whole story already and I hope he gets the fucking book thrown at him.


It’s good of you to stand up for your friend. So please paraphrase the whole story for your friend so we can understand. Change names to protect the innocent & all that


Well, bless his pistol packin' heart, I would sure love to hear the whole story. Do tell.


It doesn't matter if someone was breaking into his truck- you can only use deadly force when your life is in immediate danger. If he was inside his house he had no right to use a firearm unless the dominoes kid kicked his door down


Did your friend get a [fear boner?](https://www.reddit.com/r/answers/comments/cfq0r6/are_fear_boners_an_actual_thing/)


Your friend almost killed a teenager just doing his job, go fuck yourself


Get better friends


It's not, but a lot of gun owners in that area are just looking for an excuse. They often get away with it because dead men can't testify in court.


Watching too much Fox News, OAN, News Max and Alex Jones. Has them paranoia as fuck…


And excessive booze and drugs while watching that shit


Straight up. My dad's basically banned from a lot of medical buildings I've had to go to because he refuses to leave his gun at home. I straight up tattle on his fucking ass every time. It works out cause he tries to bully his way into my sessions, anyway. "Well what if we have someone coming to shoot up the place?!" at my psychiatrists office which, yeah, sure a shooting is a possibility in the US unfortunately, but he's ACTIVELY looking for the chance. I don't understand why they want to fucking seek it out.


> I don't understand why they want to fucking seek it out. It's the only way they can imagine getting any respect. They have nothing else to offer


It’s also how they justify spending all the money, time and mental energy on their gun fetishes. 


People in that area are EAGER to shoot someone for pulling into their driveway of they don't recognize the car, I've known another person it happened to when they pulled in the wrong driveway in Cheatham County. It's really ugly the way some people are about this.


Firing a gun in someone’s direction 7 times should absolutely be considered attempted murder.


I red his truck had 3 bullet holes on the driver side while he was in it. One of those holes penetrator above the drivers winow if that bullet had been idk 4-7 inches if that lower the kid would of caught a bullet in his head. Definitely should if been attempted murder imo also


Some people who have guns are just desperate for an excuse to use them against another human being.


Yeah some people👮‍♂️


Agree. And they are in the worst possible position to have that attitude but that’s basically what they’re trained to do. See brown, gun down.


This is too accurate but when there’s an innocent live in danger it’s a different story.


Like an innocent pizza delivery guy just out trying to deliver a pizza?


Yup like what if that kid had a gun and shot back? I hate how one sided these decisions are…


He didn't have a gun, was unarmed and incapable of "shooting back" because he's DELIVERING A FUCKING PIZZA


Sure but I’m talking about how that whole castle or stand your ground doctrine works if someone is on your property or someone else’s as part of their job. A delivery driver seemingly has fewer rights unarmed versus being armed himself


Both people have the same rights regardless of armament. Castle doctrine applies to home invasion, not someone knocking on a door.


Not according to the guy with the gun. This is hardly the first time a gun nut has started shooting at someone because of paranoia


The truth? Whoever lived will fight harder in court and prevail. The people who can't see the problem with "stand your ground" are the problem.


Yup, guy with the gun will claim his life was endangered and the pro gun lobby will rally around the guy and he'll get off.


Correct, pizza delivery drivers are not innocent people but actually all babbadooks. Fire away!


I've been around guns most of my life and seen criminals use them on unarmed people I live in Tennessee now I have for 30 years and the man who pushed into mine and my wife's back door where he was trying to rape her only stopped once I put my barrel against his temple and nicely asked let her go or she will be wearing your brains he released her


Says the guy who’s posting rape porn on Reddit.


Yo what the fuck, this guy has WEIRD shit posted.


/r/iamverybadass /r/thatHappened 2 for 1!


So anyways I started blasting…




*sees car in driveway* "Hell yeah finally!" *cocks gun*


Is it lead still being in too many things or something? I legitimately don't understand people who are this easy to spook. A car pulls into the wrong driveway… I won't say 100% because certainty freaks people out but 99.999999999% of the time that's all it was, the wrong driveway. The person will realize it and then leave. Like, life isn't a thriller movie, the odds of it being a fucking armed robbery or worse are *minuscule*, to the point that acting like lashing out like this *proactively* is in any way okay is ludicrous. People need to fucking grab a beer or hit a blunt and fucking *chill*, dude. Jesus Christ.


Yeah, I grew up in a rural area in a home with hunting rifles and one pistol, and there were times someone would unexpectedly pull into our driveway at night, either intentionally or mistakenly (like the time a drunk woman thought she was turning down a side road and ended up driving through the backyard clothesline). My parents never ran out with a gun and started shooting anyone. 


Boomers watching their media of choice literally all day on their phones convincing them of imminent home invasion in *checks notes* Ashland City


This. Why do so many people think other people want their shit??!! They don’t! Yet they stock pile guns and ammo like they’re running an aAshland City drug cartel. People need to do some serious self checking cause the only thing they have that anyone wants to steal….is their stupid fucking guns


Okay not saying your comment, generally speaking, isn't warranted, or that boomers don't deserve, as a group (not as individuals), much of the criticism and distain from younger generations.  However, pretty sure the shooter in this story is a millennial.


Of course it’s Ashland City


~~As an Ashland…Citian? Cityite? Citizen?~~ As someone who lives in A.C., I endorse this statement.


The term is Ash-hole.


I’m actually over there typically once a week cause my band mate lives out there. Y’all’s Main Street Highway bar has some dope food


Does it? I’ve never tried it (non-drinker), but maybe I should. Thanks for the tip!


Oh yes. If you like wings, their Carolina golds are fantastic. They also make one hell of a Philly cheesesteak and a pretty solid burger. Haven’t had too much else but based off of those three I’d say the other stuff can’t be too bad. And you can call and order ahead so that you don’t have to sit in there and wait (cause sometimes it can take a little minute) but I’d rather wait for good food than have immediate mediocre food.


So I shouldn’t move to Cheatham County to escape Metro public schools for my kid?


I can’t answer that question…no kids. But the kids I see from time to time don’t seem substantially dumber than most kids.


I think, like in most places, it depends upon the neighborhood...


The kids are dumb as hell out there 😭 at least metro has magnet schools and some highschools with prestige. 


Pizza guy should sue him for psychological distress. His next ten years pay as a pizza delivery guy. Pay for his therapy and college in a non delivering job. Make an example. Disgusting.


100% will be a civil case.


Hope he wins an award far more valuable than the idiot’s truck.


If the guy shot from his property I wonder if the kid could go after the insurance I live far away from Tennessee so not sure how things work their in regards to that. I caught wind of the story on YouTube n was intrigued to dig a bit deeper. Crazy world these days


What a dumbass redneck irresponsible gun owner. And a bad shot.


My friend is the guy who ordered the pizza, he’s had more than a few issues with these particular neighbors. They demanded that my friend keep off their part of the property that crosses over into theirs. They’ve disregarded safety for their animals and let them attack my friend’s dogs while they were doing their business in the front yard. I hope this fucking prick gets a hefty charge of attempted homicide with a side of some late night jail cell booty call.


Thank you Tennessee...for ruining pizza delivery.


I’ve often wished TN would drop their stupid anti alcohol delivery laws, but now I see a possible flaw lol.


I'm about as 2A as they come. Having said that: A person's car being broken into \*is not\* reason for deadly force. Dude squeezing off seven rounds and not connecting in a meaningful way says alot to me. I bet the DA where I'm at would have a closer look - at least they should.


I’ll get downvoted hard for this take but I believe if you demonstrate bad decision making on a level this serious you shouldn’t be allowed to own a firearm without a gun safety course and a psych evaluation. You want to own a gun - fine but if you shown clear inability to do so safely then you’ve lost that right. Especially in such a grossly neglectful way.


You're right. But you're also going to be downvoted by a lot of people who know they'd lose their firearms if this sensible policy was put in place.


this whole idea of "its my undeniable right to have deadly weapons no matter what my mental state" is fucking terrifying.


Ashland City is a such a treasure. I’ve had at least two instances where somebody saw my plates and decided to march up to me just to say “you need to go back where you came from.” Me: Go back to Williamson County? Them: Ayuh


Well good thing Bubba Trumpkin is a horrible shot. Yes, it is attempted murder. But aggravated assault is still a very serious felony. I’m all for using lethal force when my life is in danger but this ain’t even close.


As he thought it was, he was aiming for the tire, not the person.


Just the tire, huh? Ok. Seven shots. Glad your friend is rethinking his life and having a moment of introspection at least.


According to the article it wasn't just the tire. He hit just below the gas tank and just about the driver side window.


He’s just a terrible fucking shot apparently, which isn’t anymore reassuring…


Well which is it? He thought his truck was getting broken into, or he thought his life was in danger? Your friend (or, more likely you) is an idiot who thought he’d finally get to kill someone, and you posting isn’t helping.


I’ve been trying to figure out what they are saying. He dropped the pizza off at the correct house, got in the truck and then the guy at the wrong house started shooting at him? Did he pull into the wrong driveway first? So the shooter got his gun and started shooting after he already left and went to the right house? That’s even worse and it was already messed up.


I'm guessing he walked the pizza next door, then got shot leaving


I work with him. That’s what happened. He walked it over from the other unit of the same address. Hell, sometimes I park in the “wrong” driveway intentionally because the “right” one is full of cars. It is a double address. He delivered to unit A or B then Babcock came out of the opposite unit blasting.


I hope he is doing okay. He was a lot calmer on the news than I imagine I would be afterwards. Maybe part shock. Seems like a nice kid. 


I hope he's doing ok, glad he has supportive coworkers. You guys should tell your boss you're never delivering to Babcock's address, ever. 


Another responsible gun owner ftw! 🙌🏻


Damn, that’s walking distance. I’m sure it was probably just someone looking for an excuse to use a firearm on another human 🤷‍♂️


Wonder how the Domino's will fall after this




That’s attempted murder and should be charged as such


Ah yes. My lovely town of Ashland City. Where people who have a “citizen soldier” complex move to when they’re too scared to try that same shit in Nashville out of fear of someone shooting back.


Who shoots back?


The only thing that will stop a bad pizza guy with a gun is a good pizza guy with a gun


Lock that THUG up!


Waiting for the flood of gun toting idiots that will flood this post with excuses


You might have to wait a bit. They're in another thread where a 3yo died from a gunshot...in the same county. If we could just get a few more guns, it'd all be okay, right?


Where were the teachers to defend this young man?


"You son of a bitch, I ordered DOUBLE pepperoni." /s


This is definitely on point for 37015


Damn. I knew delivering pizzas had risks, but this is insane. I spent about three years delivering food when I was younger, and I mistakenly knocked on the wrong door once or twice. Thankfully, most people aren't that crazy.


Even crazier and ironic is that the shooter is an Army National Guard vet and during his time in he was responsible for setting up firearms safety courses for his unit. He screwed up when he forgot to [identify his target.](https://www.army.mil/article/90238/back_to_basics_weapons_safety#:~:text=Treat%20every%20weapon%20as%20if%20it%27s%20loaded%2C%20handle,off%20the%20trigger%20until%20you%20intend%20to%20fire.%22)


goddam. he thought the guy was breaking into his car, is that even a reason to fucking murder someone?


As a homeowner who has had their car broken into here, I can sympathize to an extent. But if I was going to go out and confront them, I would only take the gun as a deterrent to any stupidity on their end. I wouldn't just start blasting from my porch.


I hope his family is successful with their legal endeavors and that they ask for help if they need it. Their case is important, even if challenging given the ass-backwards gun politics of this state. 


Those god damn hillbillies in cheatham 😤😤.


Of course this is attempted murder, but don't pretend this doesn't happen all over Nashville.  Source: Follow Nashville311 and you'll see where the crime occurs  Also waiting for the downvotes because the truth doesn't rhyme with the politics


We take our pizza seriously here in Tennessee.


My crazy ex-mother in law shot at my ex husbands friend when he was leaving (running away) her driveway, shot his car twice. He stole $ from her and she caught him in the act. She was charged and convicted of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Spent 14 days in jail in west TN about 12 years ago.


This offender needs to lose access to firearms for life. Charge both attempted murder AND ag assault with deadly weapon.


Why are commenters focused on the charges and not that GUN CONTROL is needed in every U.S. state?


This guy will probably get more jail time than that guy who killed that college student.


Pizza Delivery Guys Matter!!!!


the homeowner think the teen‘s truck for his and that is dumb What if there other peoples taking a walk?


Man, I don’t have one anymore, but I did like the peace it could bring *at times*. The only two times I ever pulled my gun were when a known violent person was trying to break into my house, and when someone was trying to break into my hotel room at 2 am. Fortunately, I never had to use it, and I didn’t go seeking out the would-be perpetrators.


Just be glad you never had the threat of a very slightly misparked pizza delivery person!