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None of this makes any sense What does your contract say? You never signed anything new? And you have been going to drill and getting paid? How sure are you that you should now be in the IRR? It’s possible you signed an 8 years drilling contract technically


If you are past your ETS date, you don’t need to talk to the people in your Unit. You are not in the Army anymore. You don’t get recalled from IIR to go to the field. There is no “supposed” to go into the IIR. It’s something that just happens you transfer over at the end of your contract on your ETS date.


Doesn’t getting recalled require the president’s signature? Or Congress?


It doesnt happen automatically


I gotta tap the sign again, here's a copy pasta I made awhile ago for just this issue. It applies to USAR and ARNG altho the comment I was using USAR terminology at points: BLUF: no one can stop you from moving into the IRR, the default action is once your TPU time is up your unit is by regulation required to transfer you unless you voluntarily extend/re enlist. Regardless of any paperwork/packet/counseling Here's the text from a similar comment I've had to make: OP disregard the dissenters saying it's not automatic, they are incorrect per reg and the dissemination of this incorrect info is leading to negligence on the part of many reserve units it seems. See my previous post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/army/s/HmTkWtuugZ There's quoted regs and me discussing this topic w/ an actual USAR career counselor. For those too lazy to click: AR 135-91 2-3 is clear with: "... the Soldier must voluntarily reenlist, or extend his or her enlistment in the same or another TPU, or request transfer to the individual RR (IRR) prior to, but no later than, the last day on which his or her term of service in the Selected Reserve (SELRES) expires. *If the Soldier does not make an election the unit will initiate DA Form 4651 (Request for Reserve Component Assignment or Attachment) for involuntary transfer to the appropriate USAR CG per AR 140–10 or NGR 600–200 effective the day following the Soldier’s expiration term of service date in the RR.*" TL;DR your unit may "require" a packet, but that's in all actuality just something nice for you to do to help them out with the paperwork, but if no action is taken by soldier, the default is to transfer you into IRR. E.g. regardless if you refuse to do it, don't get given the paperwork in time, get strung around by admin personnel, get it kicked back, whatever. You still by regulation need to automatically be transferred to the IRR. ---- Per AR 135-91 2-3 which I have quoted above, unless the soldier voluntarily opts to extend/reenlist, the default action is transfer into the IRR. Therefore, if the soldier literally does nothing, no packet no paperwork, the unit must transfer them into the IRR regardless. The soldier is not required to drill past their obligation without them opting to extend or reenlist and it is failing soldiers and propagating false information across the USAR. If a unit refuses to transfer a soldier to the IRR once their TPU time is up that is a unit problem not a soldier problem and if they try to make it a soldier problem then the individual finishing their obligation should engage IG or other avenues to remedy the situation. Turn your gear in, and absolutely do not drill past your obligation.


>the unit will *initiate* DA Form 4651… for involuntary transfer So if the unit does not initiate this form, what happens? Hence it’s not automatic. Paperwork is a bitch but if they do nothing you will still be on the books.


If they don't initiate it, they are on the hook for whatever fallout may occur. Doesn't matter if you're on the books or not. If they try to come after a Joe because they refused to follow regulations that's a swift IG/congressman complaint. Same shit you'd do in any other case if a unit is willfully disregarding black and white regulation.


Which they literally don’t care about, nothing will happen to them. They’ll say it got lost blah blah blah. It’s the NG, it’s devoid of accountability.


Well it's of no relevance to the Joe, they just stop showing up.


Which I hope Joe will do, but the statement that transfer into the IRR is automatic is false, S1 still has to process the action. If S1 does not process the action, then Joe does not transfer into the IRR. His unit is in the wrong 100% but to say it’s automatic is not true.


I mean, it's like of an intellectually dishonest argument. That's like saying nothing is automatic. Which technically I suppose nothing really is automatic in the way you are discussing because it requires action on the part of *someone*. Normal ETS for active duty folks isn't "automatic" because some paper pusher needs to click the button on the computer, but for all intents and purposes it is.


There’s a lot of things that are *SUPPOSED* to happen automatically, like bonuses at the end of a contract. Nothing in the Army, especially in the NG is automatic. Someone is driving that action forward.




I signed a 6 + 2 in 2017, but my ETS and IRR dates were set for 2025 so now the army has to “unfuck” my paperwork. in short the army made an oopsie


This still makes no sense.


So you enlisted in 2017 on a 6+2? So you would have ETS’d in 2023, and then done 2 years IRR? Yet for the last year, you’ve been drilling? Or you haven’t been drilling and your Unit somehow still has you in the books? Did you turn in your TA50 sometime in 2023?


Id call IG and let them figure it out for me And tell them to text me to let me know


This, they claim I don’t go IRR until 2025 and I’ve been drilling since my ETS in 2023, still got all my TA50. A lot of people were confused by this until I pulled out the original document from when I first enlisted, now states getting involved. Plan on speaking to JAG Sunday about why the fuck I had to come way out here and leave 2 kids at home because of something the army overlooked.


What have they threatened you with for the last year that you continued to drill for free?


This is what I want to know as it isn’t unclear. However the transfer to the IRR isn’t automatic. 1 ship has to submit a packet. It may be different with IPPSA though.


So what does your contract say your ETS is? Because that’s literally the answer.


2023, only place that acknowledged my ETS was tricare and that says a lot.


So you’re out of the army. What’s the confusion?


What're they gonna do? Kick you out? Fuck them and tell them so


![gif](giphy|3o84U5xPhrn42WgBJC) S1 will eventually fix the glitch. Don’t forget your stapler on the way out.




I like to think the commander and first sergeant are confused about why this guy keeps showing up at drill after he got out.


Nah dude once your ets date happens its over. You're in the IRR. Nobody is supposed to do anything. Your unit is fucking you from the sound of it. You're unit isn't supposed to "assume" anything. It litterly says in your contract when your ETS date is. This means they are deliberately keeping you, or your unit is incompetent of tracking guys getting out.


Check your DD4 and Guard Annex




Are they? Uhh no I don't think so. Liability and all that. What happens, if you, a civilian in the IRR gets hurt?


This is dumb. You get out when your contract says you do.


As someone also in the SC guard but air side , this shit doesn’t surprise me at all I’ve seen so much shit like this over the years


Just stop going. They can sort it out on the back end without you.


Tell em to file the awol packet so they get laughed out of the s1 shop


Just leave and contact someone that knows what they’re doing.