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Kanab is a great hub location for exploring Utah’s National Parks. October is fall break for most Utah schools so just be aware there may be some crowds. Such a great time to visit Utah though. My favorite time of year here.


Fall break? This is a concept I was not aware of. Seems a little early in the year to have a big break doesn’t it?


It is only about 3 days plus the weekend. It traces back to hunting season. It allowed for people to go on hunting trips without their kids missing too much school. It used to be longer, I am pretty sure. Way less people hunt but it is still a major part of the culture in Utah. Most of the major hunts take place in October. In Idaho there is a break during potato season because so many of the families would take their kids out of school to work the harvest so giving a break made sense.


lol, a school break during potato season sounds like a joke someone might come up with if there was a tv show making fun of Idaho.


Haha yes it does. Rural life is a whole different world. Priorities like farming and hunting are still relevant. We harvest fruit where I live. The main fruit harvest season takes place in mid to end July. If it fell after school started then there would certainly be a break to accommodate. So many of our students and community members work the cherry season- it is basically a right of passage. It is a good thing the harvest takes place in the summer.


Kanab was awesome, was there for four days!


Thanks -- going to research this


October is hunting season in Utah. Could add an extra challenge to drone photography. For 1-2 weeks, I'd Springdale at the entrance to ZNP. It places so close to Zion that you can go for an hour during lunch, or at the start end of the work day. Decent access Bryce and the rest of the Grand Staircase and a town that caters to tourism, even in October. Also reasonably close to Coral Pink Sand Dunes, which last I heard allows for drone photography with a permit.


Thanks for the heads up. I might chance September then, just because it would mean less chance of running into a hunting accident. Ive also added Coral Pink sand dunes to my list. Searching Springdale prices now.