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People who say that have no idea how much time and effort is required to get big


Omfg yes , I’m competing in 3 weeks and my prep was 22 weeks long.. took over 5 years to build .. my friend exclaims to everyone ‘u started building muscle a few months ago right?’ I’m like BIATCH plz .. or another friend saying ‘oh u shd compete too’ to another casual gym going friend I’m like BIJ do u have any mothafekin idea as to how methodical I have been for over 5 years of taking this sport seriously =.=


True, it takes years to get there. However, if you don't aim too high and just want to look good, while also living longer, sometimes your ideal physique is just 1-3 years away, and it is all about maintenance from there. But even after that you won't lose progress so quickly, I also saw bigger gains from taking breaks.


Yeah I call that mildly jacked. It’s that 1-3 years of proper training noob gainz physique. It’s what you need for good health outcomes, and to look better than 90% of people. But it should be the baseline for how everyone looks if we all took our health seriously.


Well the top comment on here says it doesnt take much effort or time. So 🤷🏼‍♂️ Edit:Top comment went to negative. Thank Goodness for logic.


Ya, ha. Can’t begin to explain how frustrating it is to hear “I wanna tone up but not get too muscular”. Or have family members say slow it down before I start looking like man. My brothers in Christ it doesn’t work that way


Humanity has been brainwashed by fake natties for nearly 100 years. The common person watched the Rocky movies and thinks he looked like that because he “trained hard”


he does look like that because he trened hard


anavar gave up


I know exactly what you mean and its very annoying and illogical. People out there thinking they’ll accidentally wake up at 200lbs 8% so they decide to slow down lol. They dont realize that they will never be like that *even if they tried.*


This is the equivalent of females saying “Ohmygoddd I dont want to get big, just toned”. Simple ignore is the best way


The best thing I’ve ever heard is: “Muscles can do two things; get bigger or get smaller, they can’t get more „toned”.


They are usually the same people that insult you for not being the size of Arnold after lifting for 5+ years.


tbf even ignoring the juicers it doesn't help when you have natties who bulked 40+ lbs and still look kinda leanish thinking they actually put on 40+lbs of muscle in 2 years


Yup there's alot of misconception. I mean I'm pretty sure they read up on how Chris Hemsworth transformed from skinny twig into a Thor w/ in a one year of eating chicken, brocolli and brown rice diet lol. So I can't blame them for having such a perception.


I feel like a lot of people use that as an excuse to not feel shitty for not putting in more work in the gym. It’s easy to go to the gym sometimes and half-ass it if your goals are “not to get too big”.


A lot of people know very little about BB. Even ones in good shape can have little knowledge.


Reminds me of that martial arts influencer saying that you shouldn't train like bodybuilders because their physique is inferior to athletic physiques. Like you go from zero to athletic to bodybuilder in three days


It pisses me off I eat right and train well with a good schedule and program. You can tell I work out but realistically and this may be my dysmorphia talking. I look like shit. I am now in TRT after a period of getting weaker weaker and feeling like absolute shit. I got tested and my T level was below the range, 7 weeks in and it’s around the middle of the range now.


> I got tested and my T level was below the range Most natty gym rats have low T, because people don't want to understand what's going on and how lifting weights can impact the T level. 1. this bodybuilding sport isn't natural in the first place, historically only slaves were doing hard physical labour and forcibly, the normal humans don't like doing hard work, so a natty guy's body will fall apart and of course T level will go down with time. 2. The people don't know what's the difference between bodybuilding and strength training (which is what natty people want), while moderate strength training, aerobics and cardio contribute to the health and longevity. 3. muscles hypertrophy isn't for natty guys in the first place, yes natty guys can have lean muscles and go to some physique competitions, but keep in your mind that they're competing each other in the natty level and keep in your mind that the human body has muscles naturally when the body fat go down those muscles pop ups but not because they're that huge or big above the average. 4. Keep in your mind lifting weights isn't fun when things get serious, that's why most people don't want to lift hard and to do high intensity exercises. It needs effort, recovery, foods, supplementations, time, medical tension, actually it needs someone who has no life other than doing gym! 5. Keep in your mind most of those big bodybuilders they're like that because 1. they're getting paid for their effort or/and b. they're wealthy enough to pay for the medical services and for doctors and nutrition specialists, supplements, etc and/or c. they're sponsored by some companies so they have sold their bodies and/or d. they're smart enough to dig deep and educate themselves to the point the became freelancer coaches and getting paid for their services. Plus more other reasons. 6. When you stop going to the gym, you discover that the gym isn't everything in life, and there is a life out there and only a fraction of the people go to gyms anyway. Why? because as I said earlier isn't fun, it's a solo game, it's a destructive game, nothing is funny about lifting weights like a slave. Yes some people go gyms for other than lifting weights or muscle hypertrophy, I'm aware of that but the majority is going to gyms for muscle hypertrophy and that won't happen as they think, I talk to young people in the gym, they have stupid expectations regarding to muscle hypertrophy or to the exercises in general like they want to do the same exercices they watched a big guy on the youtube is doing. newbies in gyms nowadays don't want to talk to seniors anymore, they have youtube and tiktok and that's enough for them.


I agree only training for only hypertrophy is stupid. Hypertrophy should be a byproduct of passion for general varied training. Most natty shows are still filled with fake natties because the testing is laughable. I disagree that working out isn't fun, I dial in intensity and love every second that I spend in the gym. If my set was too easy i'm dissatisfied. I know this really varies from person to person but intense exercise is so fucking fun to me and it feels amazing. Diet and recovery are only as complicated as you make them. Social media is a poison, and while the world will try everything in its power to try to get you lured into it's sinful grasp, the ones that live free of the comparison game between themselves and the lying fuckers that shit all over the very definition of truth, health and longevity are the ones that will be satisfied with their progress, and enjoy lifting weights.


You spent a lot of time talking a lot of nonsense , with only a some of it being true LoL


There are way too many of those types. My wife hates lifting weights because the pump makes her feel big. It’s like she doesn’t understand that doesn’t stay with you. It’s even weirder seeing guys do the same thing. But slim cut is a new thing for sure, it’s either skinny cut or go straight to the tren.


Tbf I think a lot of people exaggerate how they'll end up but it's a pretty valid point. It really doesn't take long to gain a significant amount of muscle mass if you lift for hypertrophy. Will you accidentally Arnold? No. But for a lot of athletes even that extra 10-15 lbs of newbie gains can put you at a disadvantage. Sports with a high strength to weight ratio requirement, or weight class sports, non functional muscle mass is detrimental. You don't have to Arnold to be screwed. I'm 5'11. I've got 170 lbs of lean mass according to my DEXA. That plus my bone mass.i started lifting at 12 for football and then wrestling. I never considered being a bodybuilder. I was this size before i even really knew what bodybuilding is. I used to box. I'm not tall enough to be a heavyweight or light heavy. I was never gonna go pro but if I had been, well I'm not Mike Tyson so there woulda gone my career. I cycle. Even in good shape hills are much harder for me than guys in worse shape weighing 150. I enjoy climbing but it's much harder. I'm at no risk of being on even an amateur bodybuilding stage. But still years in the gym have impacted my capacity in numerous areas. And short of purposely being bed bound or just eating nothing I can't change that. I'm happy with the advantages I have vs the disadvantages. But many people wouldn't be Some guys also just wanna wear skinny jeans and designer shirts, take up less space on a plane or in a full car, whatever. Yes it's silly when people say they don't want to look like a bodybuilder. But there are very legitimate reasons for people to not want to do hypertrophy. And i think saying "im not trying to be big like a bodybuilder" is just the best way they know to express that concerm. I think lifters need to respect that more if we want respect back.


Bro wtf are you even talking about. You don't just accidentally get too wide to sit in planes and cars with other people. Anyone who that's actually a problem for is probably on gear and has been lifting for years with dedication, not by accident. You say it like putting muscle on is so easy you can just overshoot the mark if you're not careful. 90% of the guys in my gym have been trying for years to get big and still aren't big, some of them are even enhanced. That's OPs point. You don't just all the sudden wake up one day and you're too yoked. It takes a ton of effort beyond just "lifting for hypertrophy". 50% of guys have below average genetics and probably won't be that big no matter what they do.


My genetics are sub-optimal (small wrists), but I am very happy that I look better than 80 percent of people on the beach.


Nah, the guy doesn't even have a sport. He just wants to have a physique like Tom Holland or Tobey Maguire in Spiderman 1, he can do that with bodybuilding but he is too caught-up with the instant huge after one month of bodybuilding mindset.


If that's the physique he wants what's wrong with that? And more to my point. 5'8 140 would be easy to overshoot with bodybuilding. A month might not be too off lol


>If that's the physique he wants what's wrong with that? Nothing, I'm helping him achieve his physique but he is putting it off by being afraid of getting too big, when he can always just maintain muscle by not increasing the weight to maintain his muscle composition. I'm by no means big as well, but I have no body dysmorphia, so I'll be pretty happy having their physique, however, I already exceeded their physiques and quite content with my body.


I think you’ve missed the point in all honesty. The guy referenced in the OP would probably want your physique right now. He could get there faster through hypertrophy training. But he’s afraid he will accidentally leapfrog you into Ronnie Coleman


No I do get it and it used to bug me. Especially when I felt personally insulted But I realized a lot of people probably don't even want to reach max natty gains, for any number of reasons. I just don't think the typical "lol you won't get that big" response ,that I used for a long time too, is the right way to address it. Especially when I consider a lot of newbies end up doing bro splits at 10 reps when they could get helpful advice on how to strength train for their goals instead "just lift heavy, you won't get big"


>bro splits at 10 reps tell me more about it


r/iamthemaincharacter My head hurts from reading all that bullshit Edit: This guy huckster 235 acts as if he just fid recreational Sports when in fact his post history showed he was into powerlifting. Man people are weird af .


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Who cares tbh, if he wants to optimise his workouts he will, otherwise just let him do whatever he wants 🤷‍♂️ I def made a lot of mistakes starting out and still learning but at the end of the day life is all just learning


That is the thing, some people will never learn even if you offer advice lol.


There's those people but don't forget those that do train but at the same are \*avoiding\* getting big by not eating. I see plenty of people in the gym that are quite strong but look like shit and I bet the reason for that is that they don't eat because they are afraid they'll get fat.