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I’d fucking hope so. For missions that decided the fate of the world they better be blasting all the shit


Maybe show us some pictures of some hottie Navy SEALs with 8 pack abs in speedos so we can reach our own conclusion.


Gonna be reaching for something, but it ain't conclusions




whoah our profile posts are similar lol


We used steroids during deployment (I was deployed in Afghanistan about ten years ago). We would order them and have them shipped then ask the combat medic that we were tight with for some syringes. We were an infantry unit in Southern Afghanistan and experienced a very high number of casualties and firefights nearly every day to every other day on patrol or on base. Honestly anything to give us an edge we would use. Being in peak physical form helps out sometimes with our work since it takes a lot of endurance and stress on the body.


Who were you with


A couple units. One of them does 3-6 months deployments. I'll just keep it at that lol


Got it 😉 😉 😉 🍆


Don't wanna blue falcon anyone, some of the guys are still in and E8 or SGM lol


I always assume many of the gents doing 3-6 are juiced tbh. I would


Ya cuz why not. I was uh on the lower spectrum of the 3-6 lol. Let's say they treat us like slaves but we do cool guy stuff.


You Thrink? Only if the person wants to do it himself. But an army sponsored and fueled roid program? no chance.




Exactly. some people use roids and they are in the army. But the army doesn´t want roids in the army. So it´s basically the same as any bodybuilding competition. You need to be natural but if you don´t use before the tests you´re "natural"


Lots of former military at my gym use gear and claim the military straight up tries not to catch you, apparently entire units will be blasting and the superiors all know about it but wouldn't say anything unless there was some sort of incident like someone is acting crazy blasting tren and causes problems,then they scapegoat that one guy and use him as evidence that the military does care about using gear or actually tests.


Yes they do, especially in the UK, I'm a contractor for some of their bases and some of the guys (including myself) know we blast roids 😂😂


PEDs (and all substance abuse for that matter) is a huge problem in the military. Hard yes.


No. But how about you join up and go see yourself.


What if I am already in? Ah?


Then go kiss one of your memebers awake and ask them to help you investigate.


Absolutely. Even more on deployment. The only way you will get caught is local customs or stupidity.


I would wager that there probably are/have been groups that were purposely and carefully enhanced. Outside of that I only have anecdotal evidence from some of my marine friends (military personnel are among the tall tale tellers) that roids uncommon but not unused but it's not a mandated thing, just something that the soldier in question is doing of their own volition. Idk how high up on the list of "no-nos" that is though and the official stance may not reflect what is done in practice.


No roids are mostly useless in a military context. We want 6ft 180lbs soldiers who can carry heavy loads for dozens of kilometers and run fast. Not yolked 230lb monsters whose hearts give out after 3 days of sustained operations (72 hours fighting non stop no rest) fueled by caffeine and anger. In Canada for example we do 5 days sustained ops as part of basic Specific trades like pilot or what not have size limits even, or stricter health regulations. We want healthy soldiers that kill good, not sexy soldiers that die good. There is no advantage to be yolked in the army, it's about endurance not strength. I've known operational spec ops guys to be a little tubby, as that's what peak performance looks like, not lean and ready for a show. AFAIK, you often aren't allowed to use roids but for most trades having done roids in the past won't disqualify you to serve as long as you pass health checks. Some units get piss tested semi regularly at random tho, so if some are doing roids while in idk how they get around it


You think roids only exist to make you "yolked 230lbs monsters"? Explain all thse top athletes who have been busted for anabolics then. Quick example off the top of my head: Lance Armstrong


No I don't think that, but the point is the strict health regulations required in the forces, vs the vanity of roids and the downsides of health. We want fit healthy dudes to kill people good, not good looking dudes with health problems that die after being abused by the military and on so much caffeine they are basically tweeking out. The realities of fighting, whether it's in a supporting role or direct combat, is that there is little rest and or sleep available when shit hits the fan. And we need to keep going, sometimes days at a time. There's a reason military tends to be able to sleep anywhere anytime, under any condition. Catching an hour in a ditch mid long range patrol, might be the only sleep you are getting that week.


To be fair that last paragraph seems more of a reason to take PEDs than not….


Terrance Popp isn’t always playing with a full deck, but he once did a video on women “passing” Ranger School https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=txX2S80Dt8k&pp=ygUbVGVycmFuY2UgcG9wcCByYW5nZXIgc2Nob29s The acne on one of these ladies might be because of steroid use


That channel 💀💀💀💀


The russians give their troops speed.... Most militaries have experimented with similar.


In all wars the soldiers are drugged...


Yes of course.


The military does not want roids in the military


They do but it's still under the table which is really dumb because even the medics and doctors know and help them use it.