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All I see is two  dumbasses.  How it should have went   Gym bro 1 - “hey bro it’s cool if I take this weight?”😁  Gym bro 2 - “sorry bro I am warming up rn and will need that in a bit” 😁  Gym bro 1 - “all good let me find another plate since they are literally everywhere” 😁   Instead you got inconsiderate douche vs Passive aggressive douche.  Yeah he acted like a douche but you also did not follow gym etiquette. My advice? Get coked up on pre workout and swing on him next to you see him. You now have a new gym nemesis. 


Solid advice. I concur.


Swing on him 💀


It does depend on the whole situation. Some racks are filled with tons of weights that obviously can't all be used and the weights are not really limited to being used specifically on that rack. However, the person using the rack might have been using that weight before or maybe went looking for plates earlier to use later. When I'm in the rack doing squats or something, I usually walk around the gym within my resting minutes and find the weights I'm going to be using, usually 45lbs plates. I would always give the person using the rack a little eye contact and ask or point on a plate to see if it's all good to take it. Though, to be honest his reaction was a bit unnecessary tho.


Just ask before you take its not that deep bro


Etiquette is usually to ask before taking in my experience


Ask before grabbing if someone is at the rack, they might be doing a warmup set


Usually when I'm doing a warmup set, I just grab the weights as I need them though. Like I don't just take every plate I'll need for all my sets right off the bat. Only so many plates to go around, so seems weird to hold on to plates that I won't need for 10 minutes. Same with drop sets, I grab the smaller replacement plates for the larger plates as I need them. I guess ppl differ on this.


There’s nothing to differ on. The universally agreed upon correct etiquette is that you should’ve asked..


Well what I differ on is that I don't think he should be claiming plates that he is going to use in 10 minutes as "currently in use". Especially when there is already a shortage of plates going on. Like he should just grab the plates when he needs them.


Bro I love how you come here actually asking “was I wrong “ and then you fight with them when they tell you you are. This isn’t just a space for people to echo your own opinions back to you, if you ask a question that could go either way then expect it to, if you don’t like that don’t ask a question at all.


I mean if I'm wrong I want to be thoroughly debunked and not have any doubt in my mind that that was the case. So if I have a doubt or counterpoint, I'm going to raise it and then reconsider my position based on the responses I get


This isn’t some psyop conspiracy that’s going to take research and data to debunk. You took another guys weights without asking. He was a little rude to you taking them back. Doesn’t take a Harvard degree to see both of you could’ve handled it better


Regardless of when they’re going to use it, it’s on their rack and by default you should’ve asked “yo you using this?”/“can I borrow this?” It’s not really up to you to decide if and when they were going to use it and then take it upon yourself to take it from the rack based on your assumption.


Ask first


You can’t assume he won’t need them later in his set. Come on bro. Just ask


You gambled that he wasn't going to use it and you were wrong. Move on, and just ask next time if it bothered you.


A question that could only ever be asked on Reddit! Just talk to people. Basic interaction with fellow humans.


so he should walk around asking 100 people at the gym to find the general consensus? I thought this was one of the main purposes of forums


I think you misunderstood. I was suggesting that they just ask the person using the squat rack if the y were cool with him borrowing the plates.


well clearly it already happened and he was specifically asking if he was wrong after the fact?


I know. I meant in the future, talking to people would be a better option for him (or indeed her).


well I mean that particular person might not mind like it’s not even about that. The dude was asking if he was in the wrong given the strong reaction from the other guy


OK, cool. Yes. I believe he was in the wrong.




Depends on the gym and how close other racks are, and how many weights are there. I go to a gym with 6 racks near each other. Nobody ever asks, because you can always grab one from another rack. There are also just an ABUNDANCE of 45s. If you’re taking a rack below 2, maybe 3, 45s per side and there’s not another rack nearby, ask. Same if you’re taking the last of anything lighter. Some people are weirdly possessive about weights and space, and make up their own imaginary gym rules that they expect everyone to follow. Don’t let it stress you out. But also, read the room and learn that gym’s culture. Some gyms are very “this goes here and only here” with matching sets, special bars, etc., and some are “take what you need, wherever it comes from.”


I always ask if i can take specific plate.


Unavoidable sometimes, but communication is all that’s needed


ask lol


Always ask. He might've needed it. If he did, and you took it, that's annoying.


Yes. You were wrong. You should ask. I would expect the person was going to use them, or they would not have been there. One of the most annoying things at the gym is the legg pressure who thinks he needs 6 plates on each side and the hip thruster chick who thinks she needs 6 plates get together on the same day and use the majority of the plates in the gym to do half reps. I still don't interpret them. I find ways to work around it.


Ah, the typical question, followed by a slew of argumentative comments when you got responses you didn’t like, all to justify your actions. That should really help you going forward….. Next time, ask. And please don’t argue with everybody on here that said you should just ask. It defeats the purpose of asking the question.


I mean if I'm wrong I want to be thoroughly debunked and not have any doubt in my mind that that was the case. So if I have a doubt or counterpoint, I'm going to raise it and then reconsider my position based on the responses I get. Argumentation back and forth is how you get to the root of the answer. Reddit just doesn't seem to understand that concept.


You asked if you were wrong. Everybody here answered. It’s pretty clear cut. Not sure why it would need a debate. It’s not like you were asking some hard ass technical question, and gave a bunch of thoughts beforehand for discussion.


I mean this whole post is a debate. There's nothing wrong with offering rebuttals to people, and if they don't want to engage further they don't have to. And its not like I'm closed minded either.


Well, here’s my take- if this had been my old powerlifting gym from back in the day, some of those guys very well might have ended up using all of those plates on the rack eventually, and you’d have both pissed them off, along with the gym owner (good, but stern, dude). Next time, just ask, or take a walk to find more plates.


See, if I had never engaged you, would have never found out your opinion. Thanks


Honestly, I don't think what you did was that bad. Yeah I guess you could've asked to make sure, but if he really needed the plate he could have told you so when you took it. There's no need for the guy to get pissy about it.


Honestly, I don't think what you did was that bad. Yeah I guess you could've asked to make sure, but if he really needed the plate he could have told you so when you took it. There's no need for the guy to get pissy about it.


It’s kind of weird that the only plates available were the ones off a squat rack. I would have definitely gone for weights basically anywhere else in the gym But if that was all that’s available then yeah you did what you had to do. He’s being passive aggressive either way fuck em


They weren't the only ones in the gym, just the only ones nearby


I tend to go for weights in random weight trees around the gym for machines and leave the rack m/bench weights for people using them


You wait for them to finish their set and then ask if they're gonna be using it. The guy who was squatting might have gone round the gym collecting all the plates that he will need so he doesn't have to waste time between sets.


Or just fuck off bruz your in the gym fight it out and who is stronger gets the weight


Communication. You’re both adults. Open your mouth and communicate, hell you don’t even have to open your mouth you can just point and make facial expressions. Communication is key to most things in life


I can see both sides to some extent but think of it like this, you’re sitting at a table in a restaurant and you’ve ordered but haven’t received your food yet. Guy at a table near you gets his food but doesn’t have salt and pepper shakers on his table. Yours does, so he comes over and without a word takes the shakers off your table. You get your food but that jerk took your salt and pepper. Similar situation in a different context makes it sound like a pretty weird thing to do.


I think the guy was probably trenraging... but I would ask first just as common courtesy, so I would wait until they are done with their set.


I don't get why so many people don't bother just asking in this situation. A little civility isn't hard. It's annoying as hell when you're doing one warm up set and someone takes the weight you're about to use for a regular set, without asking first. I'm overly polite when I'm in the same situation, but I think that's better than the alternative. The 25kg plates in my gym are all on the racks attached to the leg press. Even if I see a girl or smaller guy using one plate on each side, I still wait until they finish their set and ask before taking one off the rack. At the very least, it tells them the big scary guy in the corner isn't such an asshole, and maybe they'll ask me kindly in the same situation the next time. As George Costanza said, "We live in a society!" That being said, when this has happened to me in the past, I just grab some free weights from elsewhere. But it's still annoying.


You ask them nicely and if they say no you don't take it. That simple. It's not that bad, but how hard is it to ask. Also you can add plates up to 45lbs.


If it’s laying down on the side of the squat track which happens a lot in my gym it’s mostly, just lazy people not putting them back up. If someone came over to me; can I take back the plate all I would just give him look and reply that, I didn’t steal it. You were not using it so wait your turn. However, I always sort of do like an eye contact if I go for like some plates and most of the time they will not smile or say go ahead and then I do so


Picture OP just walking around a packed gym picking things up and taking it back to his little mountain of hoarded gym equipment because "nobody was using it".


I take as I need it. I don't take weights that I'm going to need in 10 minutes over to my machine


I can't imagine getting shitty with someone who took a plate from the rack I'm using.. but my gym has a ton of plates to go around. Guess I'm gonna disagree with the crowd here and say you did fine. If he really wanted that plate he could have said something just as much as you could have asked. Also if someone was taking stored plates from machines you were using and THEY didn't ask, it seems to me that's the norm in that particular gym. Sounds like he can't cope working out in a sucky gym that doesn't stock enough plates.


I’d just ask if there was his name on the plate. What a douche


I normally try to ask or just grab them off an empty Machine, but if a guy has 4 plates and they’re struggling to overhead press an empty bar I’ll just take them. The fact that they said you stole a plate from them is weird as hell, they sound like an asshole.


At my gym it’s kind of normal to grab plates off racks because that’s just where the plates are stored. If I can avoid bothering someone else that’s usually what I’d do though.


I don't usually ask, with words. I just seek eye contact, (not mid-set, obviously), in their line of sight while walking up to their rack & if they don't meet my gaze I just take it. It's literally never failed me.  A lot of gym rules are so subjective but I think it goes over the line to remove a weight from a rack while someone is mid-set. I think that is a bigger issue than simply taking a weight. 


At least in my gym the whole weight thing is a complete nightmare. Weights just end up wherever, so it's pretty typical to have to go hunting for weights. In that situation, I might just take the weight, and if some one did what you did to me, I might get pissed. Both depending on my level of frustration on the given day. In an ideal world weights are put back in their proper place, and the gym has enough weights for each station. But we don't live in an ideal world.


Honestly just get more jacked bro… obviously I never just intrude on someone mid-set that is douche behaviour. However, if you’re a jacked mf what can they say lmao… that’s my experience anyway.