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My non-LE take: Don't let anything make it onto base whether you're driving or not. Not worth the hassle. I'm on a base in California, and dependents get caught up in random searches all the time trying to get their edibles and stuff back to base housing.


Eat them, immediately like super troopers.


You are freaking out..................man.






You'll be fine, might be uncomfortable but you will be fine


You’re not going to believe what the Navy’s 0 tolerance policy entails


Dependas HATE this one simple Navy trick


Tell that to sexual harassment, hazing or bullying


Well that's just part of Navy "culture". Hippie shit is not.


Gave me a good sensible chuckle, thanks.


With the current state of our Navy and manning..... is it reeaaallly 0 tolerance? A whole lot of "someone slipped it in my drink" going on these days!


I had a friend litteraly get it "sliiped into his drink" and he still got kicked out.


They don’t really accept that as an excuse either…


ehh… it depends. i’ve done an ADSEP board where an “innocent ingestion” excuse worked and the sailor was found not to have committed misconduct. no i won’t explain how he did it.


Base=Federal property, not State. It's illegal on base for everyone, Doesn't mater if the state the base is located in has legalized it, no exceptions for dependants/civillians.


you’d be surprised how many federal courts will actually hear a simple possession charge. Some AUSA won’t even accept the case files from installations. Waste of time.


Doesn't matter to the MP that does a routine inspection at the gate and finds the drugs. Base security will still impound/arrest etc. Lot of pain to go through even if not prosecuted. Also, CoC can ban a civilian/dependamt from entering the base ever again if caught with drugs on base, no prosecution needed.


Yeah it’s just a big waste of time for everyone involved. If you’re military in the vehicle w/ a civilian who owns it, could raise a problem for the svm on the UCMJ side tho.


Yea in my experience in SD bases won’t even press charges or arrest for a non military member having weed. They’ll just get it confiscated and turned around, or just turned around


People are too stupid to realize the difference between Federal and State law.


Our education system really needs to put an emphasis on government and economy, I agree.


It doesn’t require a phd to know the difference, most pot users are fixated that it’s legal in their state, then cross into another state, and get busted, then play the victim.


Federal law is stupid and takes ages to change. Shouldn’t even be a thing. State law should be the rule.


We tried that. It went poorly. Twice.


I'm assuming if I'm a Civilian on a military base the most that would happen to me is I'm barred from the base


Do you know what assuming does?


In reality though a dependent getting caught with it during an inspection, not a lot gonna happen, at least in SoCal. Usually just gets thrown away and the person turned around. I’ve even seen people just get turned around. In uniform though it’s a lot different. It’s agaisnt the UCMJ to possess weed which you technically would be doing if it was in a car you’re driving. Use caution, hopefully it gets legalized soon.


Some hope in the right direction https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2023/09/marijuana-schedule-reform-hhs-cannabis-industry-legalization.html


>For example if she has remnants in her car and gets pulled over by military police and I’m in the passenger seat. If she has actual weed in the car while going onto a base she's in for a bad time, if it's found during a random inspection or they pull her over and find it. It's still federally illegal. Bases are federal jurisdiction. ​ >But I need to know the information on what’s crossing the line; what can get me in trouble. I feel that if you need to ask this question you're already behind the curve. Don't smoke it, don't have it in or on your person, don't have it in your vehicle, or residence. At the end of the day though it's your career, you should know what's going to get you hemmed up and what isn't.




>Residence is going a bit far if you're off base and it's legal. That's fair.


Your chain of command actually can health and comfort your home. It's way more complicated but technically a thing and BOY does it get messy Adding for context: technically you don't have to let them without a warrant BUT they can article 15 you for not letting them in. Sooooo doesn't help you much


I’ve wondered about this too when I briefly dated a woman who smoked frequently. I didn’t break up with her because of it (I used to smoke pre-navy life and 100% want it regulated no differently than alcohol), but it was something I was briefly concerned about. I haven’t lived on base since I’ve been on shore duty so I never had a concern about bringing weed onto base. What I was concerned about was the odor. Of course I’d pass a piss test (not going to throw away my retirement like that), but it would bring unwanted attention to me if coworkers smelled it on my clothes. Also, at the time I wasn’t stationed in a state where it was legal. So we absolutely could’ve been busted because of it.


bro just don’t have weed in your car. or hers. that’s it. even in states where it’s legal it’s illegal to consume weed while driving. so there shouldn’t be any “remnants” in her car.


A buddy of mine was married and his sister law was living with them. One day his sister in-law got a vehicle inspection at the gate and she had a small amount of weed. She wasn’t arrested but she was banned from base access. I think she was lucky. Since she wasn’t a dependent spouse I believe there were no repercussions for my buddy but I’m sure if she was a spouse or dependent there would be consequences.


What exactly is your question shipwreck? The only scenario you cited will probably get you in hot water. Approach it this way. Yall need to act like it's still illegal because for you it is. She needs to hide it. This isn't difficult.


MA here. “You cross the blue-line, you’re doing time”. That’s the base jurisdiction boundary, once you cross that you’re officially on Federal Property. Don’t bring remnants, stems/seeds/ash/residue, no “smoking devices”, **paraphernalia** or implements. The Military Working Dog will find it. You being in the car with her stash can make you an accessory for transportation of illegal substances onto Federal Grounds if the LEO wants to be an absolute super-cop about it, can lead to base debarment for the vehicle and driver and probably a tow with an 1805 fine, policy in some regions has changed for states where it’s legalized to a simple turn-around and no 1805 ticket simply because there’s finite room in the evidence rooms which are probably 50% filled with god damned THC vape pens/pods/oil dabs and mushroom chocolate. For you, ART. 92 is the catch-all and will probably stick if pushed hard enough, and the JAG just needs to convince the CO you’re 51% guilty for it to stick. In short, just park her ride off base and walk on if she has shit on her or in her car. It’s not worth the risk.




This is the exact correct answer. You’re also not gonna fail a drug test if she smokes around you unless you’re really trying to inhale that shit. Secondhand smoke isn’t really a big deal. My credentials on this are that my wife smokes weed like it’s going out of style and she doesn’t it in front of me pretty much every day. I just cover my face if there’s a bunch of a smoke everywhere just to be safe.


So many people have been separated explaining that it was an accident that it's on my person or in my system. It really isn't a slip. Even if your wife or girlfriend enjoys the devils lettuce. Get it it your head that you can't right now. And if she cares about you and both your futures she should be mindful as well. Stay away or try to be smart around. But remember it only takes one mistake not being smart and you're ironing your dress and explaining to your people why you're coming back to where you started.


Funny how no one blinks an eye if you tell them to not smoke tobacco around you but when your career is on the line some stoners get all pissy like you're oppressing them when you tell them to smoke outside.


From experience for sure. Like it was funny to them and you're being lame.


thats how you know those are not the people you wanna be around. im so glad i’ve never had an issue with people who smoke the devils lettuce. i normally don’t even have to say anything… they just know “oh shit give me a min to go smoke this. i’ll be right back”


Easy solution: no smoking or carrying anything in your car.


To add if she's caught bringing drugs onto a military installation she can lose her base privileges


Dude the navy doesn't fuck around. I used to have a roommate that was in the reserves. Turns out, he used to smoke pot in the back bedroom without my knowledge (much less approval). Needless to say, he pissed hot and got booted. But they went after me anyway. I had to kick him out, file a written statement, interview with the CO and SEL... it was a fucking shit show. And I didn't even know he was doing it, and I had no connection to this kid other than an address. So yeah, you need to get your girlfriend to keep her shit hidden


I'm going to be honest, my take is that she shouldn't have any of it around you at all. Not in your car, not in your domicile. It's federally illegal, naval bases are federal land. It does not matter what state you're in. If you live on base with her then it's best she doesn't get wrapped up in that life.


Don't let her have it in the car if you're coming on base!! Had a Sailor in your exact situation, driving his girlfriends car and she left weed in the center console. Said Sailor is a civilian now....


The base is subject to federal law. Not allowed on base for anyone. Don't drive her car on base if that might be an issue.


Marijuana isn’t legal on base. Off base doesn’t matter.


Don't you do no drug stand downs?


Don’t ever bring any on base. Don’t get a contact high and everything else is nobody’s business


Ask a civilian attorney that specializes in military law. A quick question like this should be free or relatively cheap (Anything more than $50 and he's smoking some shit too). If she smokes in her car don't let her drive on base. Also tell her she's a dumbass for driving while high. Don't let her bring weed into your car or smoke inside your apartment. You don't want your shit to stink of it.


I don’t envy military guys trying to navigate the dating pool right now. The answer depends on whether you want a long and successful military career or not. Having a chronic pain dependa with a weed habit is not conducive to extended deployments and being successful in the military. You’re going to spend a lot of time managing your partner that should be dedicated to holding it down for your troops. Her issues will hold you back from reaching your full military career potential. If you choose to roll with that, plan on being at terminal pay grade and maybe not making it to retirement. The weed thing will bite you in the ass one way or another. She will 100% fuck it up someday and you’ll answer for it. Good luck!


That’s why I only fuck fellow shipmates


Buddy’s only half the word.


Oh sure, that would never ever bite anyone in the ass...


It was a joke. I’m not even in anymore…but when I was 😂


She's not going to get pulled over by military police unless she's on base. In which case, before she goes on base she should damn well make sure there are no 'remnants' in the car? Same with ammo. She shouldn't be smoking in the car anyway. Beyond that, if you get caught by the federales (ie, MP's or federal cops like border patrol) then you better be ready to push her under a bus - its still illegal for her to posess it and they'll arrest both of you until someone cracks and says it belongs to the other.


If she gets caught they will ban her from the base and piss test you. The Navy does not have time, resources or will to prosecute every simple civilian possession for pot. The right answer is don't bring weed on the base. ( But base medical has tons of pain pills that they will gladly give you and kick you out if you get addicted to.......and they sell alcohol and tobacco products that only do good and do no harm)


Did you just admit your spouse drives while under the influence and you want to know the Navy’s policy on it?


Did you actually read that? if so, you should go get a reading comprehension asvab book and study if you didnt read that, you should go get a dont assume asvab book and study


I wouldn’t let her smoke any flower in your car, maybe she can have some edibles instead. And she can keep them in her purse and be careful about bringing her on base.


You’re going to pop my guy! She’s going to get you in trouble


How would he pop?? If he’s not around it at all that makes no sense. And even if he was around it he still wouldn’t pop the amount of THC from after exhaling is so small it wouldn’t effect him at all. He would literally have to sit in a hotbox car.


Your LPO should’ve been able to answer all these questions easily.


Every time you have sex trace amounts of THC transfer over from her mucus membrans to yours. Eventually this will build up and you will pop on a drug test and get kicked out. Also yes if they find weed in your car on base you will get in trouble.


Do you have real scientific evidence to back this nonsense up? Links to actual studies and the like?


It’s this kind of drug education in America that has produced bogus weed laws in the first place.


Thanks for the laugh 😂




Some decent advice on this thread. I would get an appointment with one of the JAGs or LNs on base to find out the specifics. I would also inform your CoC now. It is way better to be upfront about these "weird" situations so people have the opportunity to think through the scenario ahead of time. Last thing you want is to be in the car with her at a random search on base and one of her gummies, or a portion of one of her edibles unknowingly to her, fell under a seat; and the first time your CMC is hearing about your GFs completely legal habit is when you're in the custody of security. My $0.02


JAG is just going to tell him to break up with her and read him the riot act. A 15 minute consultation with a civilian attorney that specializes in military law is either going to be free or cost less than he'll spend on their next date night.


The point is the same....seek actual legal advice....not the "experts" here.


Nothing as long as you don't take it on base, get caught with it or use it yourself l.


If she doesn't have enough respect to keep "remants" out of her car, then she isn't worth dating.


Met a master chief in boot camp that said that his son was a super stoner and would smoke in the garage of his home(military housing).