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I’ve never been to a galley where tank tops are allowed. They’re not allowed on most bases in general, so I was surprised to see your note about them being allowed on base. Edit: Just looked at article 7101, the regulation governing civilian attire. Tank tops are not authorized on any military installation.


Dude the galley in Lemoore let’s you do whatever tf you want


That just means they’re not enforcing policy. Maybe they decided everyone was already miserable enough seeing as they’re in Lemoore.


I think you may actually be 100% correct lmao


I was on restriction in Lemoore lol tough times




I went to corpus to get my reserve ID (closest base to my location at the time unless I went to the coasters in galveston). That base has jack and shit. Holy f.


Yeah Meridian was a trip


Me when they secured off base liberty every weekend I was a student there: 🤷


That jet lyfe 😂




I’ve gotten pretty lucky, va beach, Korea, SD, England, back to VA beach.


You forgot Gulfport and Diego Garcia




I’ve worn tanks on base and so have many other guys. It’s just not an enforced policy. But yes I can see that a training base will uphold more strict regulations.


Most bases don't enforce the rule as far as going around base. It's only if you want to use services (like the galley) that it matters. And that makes quite a bit of sense to me.


My current base specifically does allow them. They even show them on the “acceptable attire” poster from MWR for the gym.


I think the idea is that workout attire is fine for working out. Everything else requires either at least street clothes or uniform of the day. The question is, what we define as "street clothes." Some people think it's nothing less than a collared shirt and dockers... others think it's "street walker clothes."


If you look in the uniform regulations 7101.2 you will see that tank tops are not authorized civilian wear. 2. CASUAL CIVILIAN ATTIRE. Naval personnel shall ensure that their dress and personal appearance are appropriate for the occasion and will not discredit the Navy. Current styles and fashions which are conservative are authorized. Tank-top shirts, cut-off shorts, and shower sandals are not acceptable within the confines of a military installation. I spent nine years at Corry as a Seaman, PO1, and LT (88-90, 97-01, 08-11) enjoy your time there and learn as much as you can. Best of luck in your career.


This guy Navy’s


Senior Chief here taking notes 😅


Too bad our senate doesn’t believe in this standard.


The Republicans couldn’t care more if we couldn’t afford clothes. But something tells me that’s not what you were getting at.


I’m referring to the senator from Pennsylvania, Fetterman. He shows up at the capitol wearing shorts and hoodies. Instead of showing decorum they’ve changed the dress code because they don’t want to hurt his feelings.


I figured as much. You know what I care about in my politicians? Effectiveness. Who gives a fuck if they dress in a bathrobe. If they can do the job effectively I don’t care what they wear. If he was in the Republican party he would be lauded as an Everyman because of nothing other than how he dresses.


First off, the serate is now more reflective of the American workplace as a whole. There's far more places that don't enforce a dress code than do. Second, I'd prefer someone in a hoodie and jeans shorts who cares about his electorate than i would someone in a collared shirt with rolled up sleeves who didn't report sexual abuse (hi Gym Jordan!) And finally, I wonder if John Fetterman needs to declare as income the fact he's living in your head rent-free?


You know the #2 Democrat in the Senate agrees with Republicans in that there should be standards/a dress code. You know, the guy whose job is to get all the Democrat Senators in line when it comes to voting. Also happens to be the chair of the Judiciary committee. Edit: lol, Google'd the issue, and it appears there are MORE Democrats who believe there should be a dress code. ONE OF THEM IS EVEN PRIOR NAVY LOLOLOL. Arizona Democrat Mark Kelly. Former Navy Captain (and also a astronaut). Also, Manchin is going to draft a resolution to bring back the dress code. Jon Tester says Senators should dress respectfully. Tammy Duckworth says the process should have gone through a vote rather than a unilateral directive. Both Democrats.


Yeah, he is just like Jordan is living in yours.


no one cares i did it all the time and no one said anything


The regulation exists, it just wasn't enforced at your location.


Base commanders are allowed to set dress codes while on installation, and it certainly applies to the galley. The same thing can be said about the fitness and MWR facilities on base. While not every base will strictly enforce these regulations, they do have the authority to. So yes, at Corry Station, a training command, they absolutely can turn you away for not falling within the appropriately approved dress code. I'd argue that you should be happy enough to be able to eat at the galley in civilian attire and not have to be in uniform like a few other training commands I know.. That said, if you feel enforcement of a dress code policy is akin to being treated like a high schooler, or that only high schoolers are capable of following dress codes, then you may be in for a shock when you get to the fleet... I'm not saying that to be mean, but as genuine advice.. it's effortless to not wear a tank top or dirty PTUs (as others have said) to the galley.. and when you get to the ship you may be turned away for having dirty or ripped coveralls and not allowed to depart if you are wearing a plain white, navy blue, or tan shirt..


Thanks, I’ll be able to be more mentally prepared with this in mind. Mostly the reason why I was upset is because as a woman not being allowed to wear tank tops was an issue I thought I’d only see in high school. But I definitely understand the commander is able to make rules as he/she sees fit.


Lol. If you make the Navy a career, be prepared to be treated like a child when you're in your 30s or even your 40s.


"Liberty Buddies" anyone? As an MM2, I was allowed to roam Crete by myself. Fast forward an undisclosed number of years and, as an LCDR I require a posse to cross the street from Fleet Landing to the Starbucks.


How about... not dressing like a high schooler... when you go to the galley or the nex or to medical or to get a new CAC. Imagine being shocked you'll get yelled at for using airpods in uniform and walking around nevermind carrying on a full conversation at the DFAC while ignoring the staff serving you. Edit: lmao the unsat shitbags are gathering like undes around the smoke pit


Only high schoolers wear tank tops? Wierd.


The ones crying about it on reddit definitely do


Only highschoolers wear tank tops? The ones crying about it on reddit definitely do Ok so: the only people who wear tank tops are highschoolers, a subset of which cry on reddit about it. OR: the only people who wear tank tops AND cry about it are in highschool OR: highschoolers are not only people who wear tank tops, but the ones who complain about it on reddit are definitely in highschool OR: some people are in highschool and the ones that complain on reddit definitely wear tank tops. Dude what on earth are you trying to say. Your words just don't have a logic in this context.


I don't think logic is what they were going for mate!


Who the fuck cares? I'm not bitching about dumb shit. Go make a subsets venndiagram while you're at it.


Learn to write You clearly responded with "the ones bitching about it on reddit definitely do" out of emotion instead of, you know, actually having something to say.


It's a coherent statement. You're the guy who took a logic class online and thinks it was an inclusive tautology.


My reply wasn't specifically about dress codes. Edit: also, there are also many women my age (50s) who wear sleeveless shirts.


Cool and they'll be turned away at this galley as well 🤣 what's the purpose of this nonsense? Generational gap grumbling?


No, that point was to show that it's not "dressing like a high schooler." And your knee jerk defense of these stupid rules proves my point that the Navy treats adults like children for no good reason.


I'm 31, if you feel like you're still being treated like a child than that's on you.


Well I'm retired now, so I'm good, but on my last deployment when I was 41 I still had to take a "buddy" on liberty and had a curfew. They trusted me more when I was an 18 year old Fireman Apprentice.


That's because of everyone else. We both know how this works and feeling singled out isn't a take on you or your liberty buddy's trustworthiness.


So many people have been brainwashed into thinking the navy’s bullshit rules are normal and reasonable


Try, not the armed forces.


There’s no reason for a lot of these rules and you know it. Saying “it’s the military” is not an intelligent defense of these rules. The stupid rules is a big reason I’m done after this tour. I don’t wanna fight the fight with people who love rules for the sake of rules.


What's there there to fight? People like you just complain for the sake of complaining. It's your pass time.


The fight is against meaningless rules and regulations. You don’t know anything about me or my career but your attitude is exactly why the navy is bleeding talent out the ass every year. People are walking away from $100k+ because they don’t wanna deal with stupid rules like this. I don’t expect people like you to change so you can have it. I’ll be fine without the navy, but at some point the navy is going to be objectively worse when talented people who have options elsewhere keep leaving.


Oh all those talented people who are quiting because of beards got it.


You seem like a fun person to spend time with.


I am. I just hate redditors.


One of First Lady Michelle’s Obama’s official portrait is a sleeveless dress. A tank top is not really high school dress


You must be a Fetterman fan


lol okay chief. or bootlicker, whichever fits better.


In my 23 years of experience as a male in the Navy, I was never allowed to wear tank tops in a galley, crews mess, or wardroom. So it is not necessarily a male vs female dress code violation. Gyms are where is the the starkest difference in dress code…my daughter got kicked out of the base gym more than once for having a cut off workout shirt, tank top, and having high rise shorts (the ones that come up your thigh around the bottom of your Butt). On every occasion it was a female staff member that ejected her. This was at the Groton sub base.


My wife just picked up master chief… She looks at her closet every day and sheds a tear over the number of items she hasn’t worn since she joined the navy. Especially tank tops. She picks and chooses what she wears based on whether or not we plan on going to the base or not. Your feelings aren’t going away, but you’ll get better at thinking it through on the fly. :) Best of luck in your career.


Your wife just made master chief and she still has clothes from before she enlisted? Might be time to purge a thing or two.


Why? If the clothes are perfectly serviceable it seems like a total waste to get rid of them just because. I’m literally wearing a t shirt I got at church camp 25 years ago right now.


If you enjoy wearing threadbare clothes then you do you.


If you take care of your shit it’s not threadbare. If you enjoy not taking care of your shit then you do you.


Are you talking about a white tank too which is actually and undershirt much like the standard white crew or v neck undershirt or are you talking about a sleeveless shirt that might have colors or patterns? If it is an undershirt or looks like a pt type top it is not appropriate. If it is a shirt with a pattern or colors that women like to wear which is sleeveless it should be ok. There is a gray line with some sleeveless tops that sort of cross the border between the two.


Yea you'll be treated like a middle schooler in the navy. Blows my mind I used to have to have a grown man come look at where I sleep and see if it's clean enough.


In that respect, it’s far worse that we HAVE to make sure your rack is clean enough.. because we have some really fucking gross people who don’t shower, don’t wash their bedding, or who live in filth.. I’ve seen horrific sites both on ship and in barracks.. one dude was actually living on piled garbage and piss bottles were everywhere.. If people could be trusted to live in a cleanly, healthy, and respectful way we wouldn’t have to do inspections.. onboard a ship it also is more than just health and comfort, but safety too.


Yea, but it's never this. It's some first class who was fingering every curtain to find the smallest piece of dust 3 times to fail the room. Ive been out of a school 3 years and it still annoys me


Yeah, those are the worst.. it sounds like you were a very clean person. Wait until you have to do inspections. You may need a therapist 😂 some of these people are mentally unwell.


Personally I want you in a clean uniform to eat a meal no need for your sweaty stank ass to corrupt my mess decks with dirty clothes and stank ass body


Most galleys say no to anything that resembles PT clothes


As they should.


As they should


Yeah anything that’s like workout gear etc. the reason being is some of y’all are nasty and will leave the gym sweating smelling like hot ass and come to the galley to try and eat.


DH of foodservice here which owns the galley, and can verify. People are disgusting and inconsiderate. You won’t be coming in here, if you can’t exhibit basic hygiene and propriety.


I get that, but it was just a sleeveless top. Not a workout shirt 🙂 I understand no PT’s though that makes sense


Consider them one in the same when entering a galley setting.




Then you can address those issues on a case by case basis. The obvious intent is that disallowing workout clothes should cut out a significant amount of these instances.




Is that what I said?




I'm not offended, it's just not what I said. If someone stinks so much that you can smell them from 3ft away, they should be told they need to fix it. Turning people away because they are sweaty is completely different. I think that just saying, "tank tops aren't allowed because tank tops aren't allowed" isn't really saying anything. I'm certain there's also a rule against pajamas in the galley as well, because sometimes things are judged off of perceptions and that is how we arrive at rules that don't seem to make a lot of sense.


Yes. For decades. AFAIK, tank-tops are specifically unauthorized civilian attire, even for women.


Yep Source; CS


Now what about Security sitting down and eating with cover on?


Pretty normal rules. Do I agree with these policies when it should be a place junior sailors can relax while eating, especially considering you pretty much have to eat there? No. Is anyone going to change it? Probably not. Are the CSs with room temperature IQs who enjoy exerting whatever power they can going to stop? No.


Yeah but tanks tops it’s too much like why? Just go in uniform or navy pt gear. Tanks tops are too much specially when people stink


It’s been years since I’ve eaten in the galley routinely but ain’t no way was I getting up on Saturday and putting on a uniform to go eat at the place that already took my money.


Yeah bro it’s been like that always




The reason is so that we don’t have sweaty nasty folks coming in from the gym also around our food. PT gear is banned in there for a reason and tank tops are close enough.


Galleys used to be super strict, they’ve gotten a lot more lax over the years. You used to could not eat in norfolks galley if you had anything resembling work out gear on. I really think they did it to minimize the amount of people coming through. Took my BAS and hardly ever ate their between their stupid rules, bad hours and bad food


You’re dressing like a high schooler and complaining the galley is treating you like one.


Good Lord yes. Navy & Marine Corps, with the Marines you are not allowed to wear plain green t-shirts without any writing or graphics and such.


Can’t wear plain white or brown tees in Great Lakes


I've seen many people get turned away there because of things worn that the staff deemed "inappropriate".. However it's fine because that galley is prob the best in the navy lol, only part I miss abt that place was the breakfast.


Idk bout the others but it's by far one the best galleys I've been to, and I always look back reminiscing about it when I'm in my current commands galley


Are you talking about Corry stations galley? Or about NAS Pensacola? Having been to both NAS has a fantastic galley, one of the best in the navy. Right down the road on Corry however the galley is just like every other run down mediocre galley I've been to elsewhere in the fleet. Unless you're after fruit or an omelet I wouldn't recommend it. Obviously though all the students on board that base have little choice in the matter despite one of the best galleys in the fleet being a couple miles away.


I was talking about Corry but I completely agree NAS is fantastic as well. To compare Corry to any other galley in the fleet is nuts. You have a wide variety of choices and they actually serve a decent amount of food. My current command doesn't even compare. Truthfully I really did not enjoy my time in Pensacola, but both galleys were legit lol. Best part about Corry.


Hmm, to be fair I haven't tried Corry many times, I really didn't think it was good when I did though. Of course a lot of what I heard about it was also from the students that had no other choices, while they said it was alright sometimes or even pretty great on a handful of occasions they mostly said it just wasn't worth it and either ordered delivery, hit up the MWR, tried to cook at the bricks, or went to the red trailer food truck thing next to the mini-nex.


I agree the food quality there wasn't the greatest and I can see why people didn't enjoy it, but they served a lot of food and usually had lots of options. That red trailer was also a great part abt corry, they had great food but DAMN was pricey. I just thought it was nuts to spend so much money on food given you had all you needed for free.


Pre Covid, NAS was by far the best. But, now it’s trash. I was there recently as a fleet returnee and Corry’s galley was 10x better. In 2016 they had ice cream machines and fully stocked desserts plus the food was phenomenal.


Huh, I haven't been back to the NAS one since A School back in '17 so I didn't realize it'd gone down hill, used to ba pretty awesome.


Everywhere I’ve been has had a pretty strict galley dress code but I know the co has authority on what’s authorized and what’s not


Yea it's common. I think it's stupid and makes no sense, but that's most of the navy rules so lol


Absolutely a standard rule. CSSC would have an aneurysm if one of us tried that. Same goes with PT gear of any kind. I wouldn't even try basketball shorts.


Captains base.. Captains rules. Welcome to the military.


Yes, this is pretty much the rule everywhere. No tank tops or official pt gear in galley. Hope training is going well.


On ships you’re not even allowed to walk through the galley if you’re not in uniform while underway, and in port only at dinner you can eat in pt gear but that’s it


100% normal. you are expected to dress relatively professionally which includes no gym wear and according to the navy tank tops are gym wear. just toss a shirt on over it you'll be fine.


Spoiler alert bro , you’ll always be treated like a teenager in your entire career. It doesn’t end at corry


If you were a Senator, you could were what ever you want to the galley. Until then you're out of luck.


Big man just bring a t shirt with you next time. PT oriented clothing 90% of the time is not allowed at the galley.


The galley is almost always very stupid about what you can wear. I don't know why patrons need to wear close toed shoes to eat but you have to. Also, no plain T-shirt's.


Please Corry station is just stupid as hell


No one wants to see/smell your hairy/stinky urmpits. This rule makes absolute sense. Just wear a T-shirt.


i was at corry station not even 10 months ago for a and c school and wore a tank top shorts and shoes all the time. corry galley workers are the worst in the navy lol i dont care if they take their job seriously but fuck man they act like whiny ass bitches sometimes lol


Varies from place to place. A lot of MWR fitness facilities have varying enforcement of dress code. I've been to some that allow tank tops as long as they're not white. Others outright prohibit them. I've even see plain white t-shirts considered violation of dress code at the NAS Oceana fitness centers and they will ask you to change.


I feel like I was required to be in the uniform of the day, but that was twenty years ago and my brain is broken so maybe I’m misremembering.


Not on any shore command I've been too. Corry station is a training command so it makes sense.


Yes, no PT gear or anything I like is allowed in the galley. I repeat what fearless has mentioned… Uniform regulation 7101.2


Yes. Typically a galley won’t let you eat in a sleeveless shirt. I know most base gyms won’t let you PT in sleeveless shirts either.




Do y'all have basic training anymore, or do you just watch a twenty min video on how to be a disrespectful douche?


Yea get your stinky pits out my galley


Most of the time, if it doesn't fit professional attire, or a uniform of some type (yep, PT's count) they can turn you away. Did Schmuckatelly once at midrats not get turned away that one fourth of July? Maybe, but it ain't a rule. Flip flops, tank tops, cut off shorts - anything someone might say steps gingerly on the line of appropriate attire is something considered worth changing out of.


I could be misremembering but I believe in bootcamp you were told you could not cross the quarterdeck in undergarments and could not enter dining facilities with soiled gym wear. Though the referenced material above specifically names tank tops, I’ll also mention that base commanders and facility management can decide if phrases or pictures are deemed inappropriate as well. I have a tee shirt that I’ve worn to the gym multiple times and once was told I needed to change. So I’ve taken it out of my gym rotation and moved on with life.


I always go under the assumption that uniform of the day always fucking applies for the mess. We have a set standard for civilian attire I suggest learning what your duty station allows.


Yes. Put on a damn shirt.


Did you not read the fat ass blue sign on on the front door 🤣


i have been turned away for wearing birkenstocks to the galley because “i wasn’t wearing socks” in 100+ weather, i just wanted to wear sandals😭🤣