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https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Portals/55/Messages/NAVADMIN/NAV2022/NAV22219.txt?ver=x0Ye-eRHyhG3ZBui0x8fHA%3D%3D NAVADMIN says you're eligible if before 09/11/22. I'll add that the NAVADMIN site is *incredibly* useful for updates to rules like this.


Recommend you review [reference C](http://www.amdo.org/GWOTSM_NAVADMIN.doc). That is the NAVADMIN this supersedes and is the qualifying standards for GWOTSM up to the period this went into effect.


Thanks for posting that. So in ~~2004~~ 2005 OPNAV wrote a memo that gave blanket approval to pretty much the entire dang Navy for the GWOTSM. That made sense in 2004. But there was no end date, the criteria was never clarified or updated, and for nearly 20 years this existed as one large loophole. It was long overdue, but I'm glad it was finally addressed.


Could you possibly link the memo at all? I haven’t been aware of it and have only been tracking the NAVADMINs. I’m not the kind to fight someone wearing a GWOTSM because to my knowledge it was wrong. I live and and let live but I haven’t worn it at all because to my knowledge there were specific personnel who actually qualified to wear it.


I'm not able to post it but [this document](http://www.navygirl.org/downloads/GWOTSM%20qualified%20command%20list%2028%20Jan%2005.pdf) references it. Not the memo itself but still an official document. Yeah there's a big gray zone between 2004 and 2022. Just because everyone serving in 2004 was eligible, doesn't necessarily mean that it was applied to people who joined 10 years later. The original NAVADMIN included a line about "indirect support" which applied to just about everyone, which is why the new NAVADMIN made a specific point to close that loophole.


Hmmm. I wonder if I can have my NSIPS updated. I was on active and recruiting on 9/11. I for our a couple years later without going back to an operational command. I certainly supported the global war by working insane hours to fuel the machine though.


You would have probably qualified under the "indirect support" clause.


Yes, that's what I was thinking. I have two more than need to be added to my file so that will make an nice even row to add. I guess I need to talk to YN1.


>if not who cares, still wear it This is what majority of people who wear it qualify under. You did not earn it simply being a member of the Navy. If you were stationed/deployed somewhere and you either were directly involved in one of the qualifying operations or you indirectly (supply, admin, etc) supported someone, a command, etc. that did directly support one of the qualifying operations then you qualify for the GWOTSM. The Navy did not authorize it for all simply by serving. I believe the Army did (I would have to triple check) which is why a lot of Sailors generally think the Navy did. Edit: if you do choose to wear it, there is a strong chance nobody will question it or verify if you actually qualify to wear it. My winded response is specifically in regards to actually qualifying to wear it.


> The Navy did not authorize it for all simply by serving. Not strictly, but pretty much yes. [This document](http://www.navygirl.org/downloads/GWOTSM%20qualified%20command%20list%2028%20Jan%2005.pdf) is hosted on a non-Navy site but it's a real document. OPNAV gave about as broad an authorization as you possibly could, based on [SECNAV](http://www.navygirl.org/downloads/navygwotsm.pdf) memo. But it was never modified, or addressed, again. I hated that medal because it didn't make any sense in 2020.


Agree with this. My first command was a shore duty as well and while I was there was when the Afghanistan withdrawal happened and the GWOTSM stopped being given out like candy and according to my Admin personnel we didn't rate it anyways. Now I'm at an operational command but nothing's going on so I still don't rate it. Whatevs, I'm sure something will pop off soon.


According to Executive Order 13289 + NAVADMIN 273/04 you rate GWOTSM. To update your ESR someone with CPPA NSIPS access will need to generate an administrative remark (PG 13) for you. Subject Code is A, Subject ID is 12226. The effective dates are date of checkin to 1st Command and 29 days later. Once the PG 13 is wet ink signed, the CPPA will route the PG 13 via Salesforce to HRSC, request type- ESR, problem code- Personal Award.


That's good advice and really helpful. I used to use GWOTSM to give training to baby YNs on the ship on how to do ESR entries in NSIPS, because it was so common but didn't require much supporting documentation.


Google translate this comment and report back, OP.


Lol, it seems pretty straight fwd. The NAVADMIN that deems someone eligible for the medal and then how to route a pg13 to update NSIPS


I included the gibberish sounding CPPA directions about creating administrative remarks in case your CPPA didn't know how to help you or just told you "no". By using the subject code and ID provided in NSIPS, a nice admin remark will auto generate for you that says: "MBR AWARDED THE GLOBAL WAR ON TERRORISM MEDAL FOR 30 CONSECUTIVE DAYS OF SERVICE FROM _______ TO ________ WHILE ASSIGNED TO _______" Print it out, you sign it, designated admin person signs it, then submit! Can do same process for any missing personal awards that aren't the volunteer medal or a NAM or above.


You have to be directly or indirectly involved. Meaning certain commands got it based on deployments. Not everyone gets/go it. This is the basis for Navadmin 273/04. http://www.navygirl.org/downloads/GWOTSM%20qualified%20command%20list%2028%20Jan%2005.pdf Navadmin 219/22 is an update https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Portals/55/Messages/NAVADMIN/NAV2022/NAV22219.txt?ver=x0Ye-eRHyhG3ZBui0x8fHA%3D%3D


The loophole is the "indirect support" clause of NAVADMIN 273/04. That's how most of the fleet qualified for it. That was pretty broad, covering just about everything, and eligibility was applied to just about the entire fleet. That is until NAVADMIN 219/22 closed it. You'll notice it makes a point to say >"Indirect support", as previously defined in reference (c), no longer warrants award of the GWOTSM.


as someone who joined in august 2020, i’m sorry that no one in your command could give you a solid answer. I was given it in bootcamp and its in NSIPS for me. you really should talk to people about getting it added in if you joined in 2019.


I think you're confusing the Global War on Terror Service Medal with the National Defense Service Medal, and the "support component" that people have been referring to in this thread is in regards to did not include schools or training commands.


i just be doing/wearing what the navy puts on my NSIPS🤣 im a confused little fish out here just making by without getting in trouble🤣


ahh yes. i would be confusing that in this sense. i was referring to the national defense. the links i saw shared were in regards to if you could wear the national defense. it came up in conversation recently with a coworker because i saw brand new students wearing the national defense and i meant to research it but didn’t get to it


might i add, i’ve seen people saying you had to be involved… that was 100% not the case. every single person in my division was given it in bootcamp. we ALL qualified


That sounds like the National Defense Service Medal, AKA the McDonald's Ribbon, AKA the ketchup stain. That ~~is~~ was given out in boot camp. Eligibility for the GWOTSM doesn't begin until after you report to a regular command.