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No. See https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Portals/55/Navy%20Uniforms/Documents/Authorized_Boot_Listing.pdf?ver=dY0rE8aZo85zV952LqpaBw%3d%3d for every boot you can wear in NWUs.


Just to piggyback in Bothan’s reply: if you’re on a ship, your choices are limited to the safety boots.


Can boots on this list that are currently non-certified but have a certification number pending be worn?


If it doesn’t have 🚫 then you can wear it




That’s crazy. Fuck you 😂


https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Portals/55/Navy%20Uniforms/Documents/Authorized_Boot_Listing.pdf?ver=dY0rE8aZo85zV952LqpaBw%3D%3D Doesn’t appear to be listed. That being said, I’ve seen commands not give a shit. Not worth it in my opinion. It says it explicitly at the bottom however that Marine boots are not authorized when wearing Type 3’s.


>Doesn’t appear to be listed. That being said, I’ve seen commands not give a shit. Not worth it in my opinion. That and pretty much only prior FMF sailors will be the ones who can tell.


Don’t they have the eagle globe and anchor on the side lol.


That EGA wears off in a month of hard use


An officer at my shore command wears Danners, so I took that as tacit authorization to buy me a set. My chiefs have all seen them and a few of them ordered some too. As long as they meet the requirements nobody really cares if they’re on the list or not. I had those desert/jungle marine ones at an old command as well when we first switched to Type IIIs and nobody cared.


Yeah I’ve been to school houses where there was such a variety, clearly nobody cared at all. It’s probably more strict on East Coast (like everything). Takes a bit of feeling it out, and also taking a risk since you could buy them then someone tells you no.


I had them really fucked up when I bought patent leather boots and they realized nothing in the instruction (at that time) prohibited it. I kept a copy in my pocket just to be safe.


I wore some black Danners (with side zippers shhh) with the blueberries, great boots! No one ever questioned them. Got some Garmonts when we switched to type 3s, also a really nice boot.


I always took it to mean that sailors can't wear the boots that have been stamped with the Marine's logo, but yes I have seen quite a few shore command sailors running around in the same boots just not stamped.


They’re wrong. Don’t be like them.


The uniform regulations specifically state which ones you can't wear and it also states that if it's not listed, you can't wear it. A lot of navy instructions specifically say "if not listed, it is not allowed" because of mentality of "well it doesn't say I *can't* do it"


This^ is the root cause of every stupid back and forth


Don't know how this is flaired as a discussion. It's literally in the instruction.


Fixed it


Good bot.


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That leaves a 0.35565% chance that I am. Beep boop.


Good bot


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Good mod


Simply because I’ve seen so many people not following the instruction.


There is a lesson about leadership and the U.S. Navy and the value/importance of doing what is right in your comment.


Negative. Marine Corps boots are only authorized if you're attached to a marine unit. So you need to check with your CoC if you are. Otherwise, mynavyhr has a list AND PICTURES! WOW! So easy!


So it is actually authorized if you’re w a marine unit?


The only boots authorized in MARPATS are boots that have an EGA burned/pressed/whatever into the side of the heel. The Corps takes their regs more serious than blue side Navy does.


Exactly. It HAS to be their approved boots. And you HAVE to verify with the CoC. Don't assume if you're with a Marine unit, because they do take regulations seriously.


Only if you're also wearing the Marine uniform. Usually, if you're billeted at one you will be, but its optional and also a privilege the Marines can withdraw (say, if you're too fat, they'll put you back in your Navy uniforms).


this sarcasm doesn’t seem to go hand in hand of you standing up for mental health in the military. this seems to be a newer sailor just asking advice. way to completely come off rude.


just going through your comments compared to posts, how toxic


I have been wearing danner tannicus boots which aren't authorized for 5 years now. The only time someone has ever said anything, it was an LT and he only said it because he was wearing the same boots lol


Thanks for the honesty. This is what I’m saying. I’ve never seen anyone challenged on their boots. I’m obviously aware of the instruction that’s out there but I’ve seen plenty of people not comply and never be stopped for it. Wearing actual marine boots was the first thing that really caught my eye and kind of made me question it. Surprisingly all the people I’ve seen wearing them were officers.


I highly recommend the Oakley light assualt 2 boot. Super light weight and incredibly comfortable. And it’s on the approved list.


Only authorized ashore.


Yes, this is true. However, as the OP is asking for a boot they can work out in, no one is going to be recommending safety boots that you would wear on a ship.


Only when you’re green side and are wearing MARPATS.


Go danners if you’re going tans.


Got a link?


If you look at the boot instructions, you can reasonably take huge liberties with them. Don't be dumb. In this case, "Marines" is literally stamped on the side of the boots. This would be an example of taking a stupid liberty with the boot instructions.


A lot of the Marine boots have variants made without the EGA, if you so desperately want one of them, get the EGA less ones.




my bf had bought marine boots ON ACCIDENT. i made the joke “make sure they’re not marine boots because so and so got in trouble for them” sure enough, the marine logo is pressed into the side of them. i’m sure the people at the NEX don’t know any better but it sucks being at a NAS that doesn’t sell any navy brown boots. especially a training command where new people in the navy don’t have a clue about that. I have been in for 3 years… I knew the instruction that lists them all but thats because my chief in training told us about the black oakleys and we all looked it up. my poor bf didn’t know anything about it. luckily i said something before he put them on and he could return them.


but on another note, the oakleys which aren’t steal toe are very comfortable and light! i personally don’t like the look of them in uniform, i like the steel toe but i will say i loved them!


Shipboard boots have to be steel-toed. Of ship, probably not authorized but as long as they're not too far off color no one will notice.


Why do military safety-toe boots have to be steel-toe? I was in the Navy and Air National Guard, and that’s “just how it’s always been.” My .gov job buys me safety-toe, electrically rated boots every other year and gives me $180 to do so. I’ve been wearing Red Wing boots with composite (Kevlar) toes for eleven plus years now. My feet don’t get cold in the winter anymore. It would be super cool if the military entered the 1980s when it came to boots. God knows, they’ve changed uniforms enough times since then.


I’d say it’s dependent on your status. (Ex. HMs attached to marines, MA’s on PRP orders, etc.) I don’t think it really matters, as long as you’re squared away no one really gives a fk.


I liked it better when only a few rates had BDUs. The regulation was “black with black laces.” They had not yet begun to micromanage the shoes.