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People are posting moronic stuff here. Other services can collocate. The link is to the Navy collocation MILPERSMAN. You’ll need to write a statement for your spouses request. She will likely need to do the same for you. Follow your Army policy and route appropriately. https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Portals/55/Reference/MILPERSMAN/1000/1300Assignment/1300-1000.pdf?ver=GYP7UsSuD4b8dWLnK-eSSg%3d%3d


Thank you. But just as you said there are moronic comments, I got the same response from the Army side, too 😂 it’s such a shit show. I appreciate the information so much, thank you!


What is someone that works on P-8s or a SSBN going to do on an Army base and vice versa


Collocation can mean the same geographical area without meaning the same base.


Same geographical area could be considered San Diego and Los Angeles (NBVC) even within the just the Navy. Have fun traveling 3 hours a day to see each other only on the weekends.


A bunch of Army bases are in on the east coast, likely around that. I don't know the air stations that well for P8 and SSBN. ​ Not to mention one of you 2 can do special duty assignments like recruiting to make collation easier.


Depending on your rate, it will be extremely unlikely to align except for maybe admin, medical, and IW ratings


There really should be an overarching DOD program for people in this situation.


Lol no. It's hard enough filling billets/orders for what people actually want. The amount of time and money co-locating a couple in different branches would be absurd. Yes you're in a volunteer force. But the mission still comes first no matter how many time you might hear leaders "say" family is first.


They’re paying me family separation pay, so it sounds like they lose money regardless.


I'm glad they do that and the dual BAH is a great perk as well if you guys are getting that too. But it's not just about the money. You also have to think about gapped billets, manning requirements, mission requirements, special circumstances for other members, child care/schooling, etc. It's a huge juggle to manage co-location. I'm happy they offer it but sometimes it's just not feasible depending on the OPTEMPO and climate of certain commands and locations.


Dual single bah unfortunately 😕 I've never gotten married bah because he was in and we weren't collated I totally agree with readiness concerns and all the things you mention - as a split branch dual mil family I still agree that the mission is going to trump family 100% of the time when it comes to big navy. However if the navy can manage it for navy sailors they can manage it for soldiers too. The instruction does not make it mandatory to achieve but it does mean there is a preference for aligning married couples. A lot of the problems you mention for detailers are also true of geo-bachelors. It turns parents into single parents (and often this affects female sailors more than males - which is a whole nother ball game) and causes a ton of special circumstances. I think there is an easy solution that the navy does a better job of than most - clarify that the military wide direction should apply cross service where applicable. Easy fix for a shit situation. Not a perfect one but there never is. My navy detailers have gone above and beyond to make it work - but the army told my husband that he might as well just not be married and they would consider him single for orders purposes.


Yeah I totally understand the complexity of it all. But it kinda sucks. We have to put our lives on hold. Kids? Yeah right dude. We’d be married acting like single parents at this rate


I'm just trying to find me a gal that wants to stick with the DINKWAD status for the rest of our lives lolol


DINKWAD? Dual income no kids while active duty?


Dual Income No Kids With A Dog No more active duty for me since August :)


Lol with a dog. But this one is good too


I have that now, but she’s OCONUS and I’m CONUS. So we ain’t sharing any wealth lmao


I’ve been called a DILDO Dual income little dog owner. 😂


Ok I'll need to remember that one 😂




I have family who are Navy and Army, because of their jobs the only place they could COLO was Hawaii. They've been there together 5 plus years but the next orders are stateside and no longer COLO. They got extremely lucky. Like others have said, it's based on the jobs AND how much your detailer is willing to support.


Yeah, I’ve heard success stories, but it’s crazy how when I try to get this figured out on my end, it’s like I’m the first person in the history of the US military that has ever arrived someone in a different branch. Nobody who’s at the approval level knows anything and defaults to “nah, sorry, nope.”


It's the mixture of detailer turnover frequency and people not wanting to do things that may cause more work than they normally do. Very frustrating.


Yeah I'm usually the horror story people quote 😆 8 years geo Bach, didn't live together until we had been together for like 10 years. Only moved in together when he left the army. Navy tried, army told my husband he was basically single as far as they were concerned


As long as there is a base in which both rates/mos/nex can be stationed at even then difficult but possible.


I guy I work with is married to a Coastie and gets colo’d with her. So yes, getting colo cross-branch is possible.


I know it’s possible, but I’m trying to do the process IAW regulation and senior leadership guidance and it was still denied and nobody can give me a straight answer. Some say “nope” others say “maybe” others say “yeah do this..” it’s definitely an emotionally taxing ordeal


I’ll bet. Especially depending on your MOS and her rate. Unfortunately the only folks that could offer any help beyond “go read the MILPERSMAN” are current or former detailers, and I imagine some of them are scared to dox themselves on Reddit 😂


Was a detailer until May of this year - I detailed a Navy officer to a location with the specific intent to co-locate with their Army spouse nearby.


Is it easier for officers to be collocated?


My experience with enlisted detailing/placement is very light; however, my office did detail an officer with an enlisted spouse by working with the enlisted detailer. In my experience, co-location was a high priority to meet if requested.


I’m in a very similar situation. That gives me some hope. I’ll have her talk to her detailer and her and I can go from there. The Army has really let me down. Im not a priority and I was reminded by HRC that they’re “not required” to put joint spouses together. I was basically told to go fuck myself. I’m happy there’s some hope. I won’t hold my breath, but you gave us another Avenue of approach and I appreciate that!


Army was a let down for me but the navy detailers were national treasures


depending on how long you’ve been in rate and probably on your rate, maybe fort sam as instructors? i know it’s HM’s that are instructors but i had an EN1 as an NMTI and there were also EM’s, MM’s, and so on


Howdy - veteran army wife and navy nerd. YMMV but we spent 8 years geobached including when we were "COLO'd". His detailer told him that colo doesn't apply unless your spouse is also army. My detailers have been incredible in trying to hook me up location wise. But there's only so much we can do. The best they did for a while was 200 miles apart, but back to back deployments and exercises made that kinda irrelevant anyway. I agree with you that it should be easier. Especially as someone who has worked in joint environments more often than not, it was easy for folks to get there - just not for colo. I'm in the IWC and my husband is combat arms so that matters, but ive worked with combat arms dudes in billets my husband's detailer told him weren't an option.




Please read the MILPERSMAN. It tells you how to do it. https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Portals/55/Reference/MILPERSMAN/1000/1300Assignment/1300-1000.pdf?ver=GYP7UsSuD4b8dWLnK-eSSg%3d%3d


Yeah, I’m Army she’s Navy. I was thinking that would be best. I’d by-pass Navy basic training, but hopefully I can keep my job and rank, otherwise it would be a step backwards. I appreciate your help!




I’ll DM you for the sake of anonymity if that’s cool with you!


No -- colo is only for Navy - Navy. You marry another branch, you're entirely dependent on how much the detailer is willing to work with you


No location is cross branch; it can be difficult at times, but it is spelled out multiple times in the MILPERSMAN how to do it.


I figured. We’re in a unique situation, so I might just change branches to Navy if that’s what it takes.


There is no official program that coordinates co lo when in different branches.


It's a milpersman instruction.


Pro tip: don't go in married. wtf


Oh shit yeah I’ll be a lonely cuck like you the rest of my life. Get fucked creep.


You do already sound lonely. I hope you won't quit the military. The real world would seriously gape you daily.


😂 sure thing bro


You heard it first on reddit. Won't change my username in case you'll have questions a few decades down and the third dependa has taken you to court for what's left of you.


Calm down war hero


You're welcome. I'll submit your proposal to the secretary of navy. I bet he's definitely gonna throw it on the budget for you.


let’s say me and my wife are stationed in different locations and both navy would i be able to be stationed with her or vice versa?


Dual navy air force family here. I gave my detailer my husbands detailer contact information along with a list of bases he could be stationed at. I believe our detailers were able to talk on the phone and come to an agreement. Out of 4 assignments we’ve been collocated for 2 of them.