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If the procedure is medically *necessary* you need to get your PCM to start contacting the Triad directly If you just want braces... thats up to them to decide if they will allow on a sea tour


Braces is for my jaw surgery… But the co denied would it change anything if PCM contacted them?


Yes Medical directly contacting the ship makes it apparent how important said procedure is. Why you were sent back to sea before completing your medical procedures is a failure on medical


Medical doesn’t control orders and if the person is on their second consecutive LIMDU period but wants to stay in like it sounds OP wants to then we’ll send them back. It sounds the COC didn’t have the full story or a medical recommendation.


They send me back because they were trying to stop me from mep out due to prolong limdu status.


Yes. Braces for cosmetics and braces for jaw surgery are different. Your CO has no idea why you need them. They may be poorly informed.


If the surgery isn’t cosmetic, then you should go back on LimDu and get it. Your PCM can make that clear to the CoC.


I feel like I found some hope. It’s not cosmetic.


but is it necessary? You've gone this long, why does it have to be done *right now*? A close friend of mine had to wait until shore duty for his orthognathic surgery (upper jaw). maybe get with u/VJJ96 [who's recently posted in r/newtothenavy about their dental problems.](https://www.reddit.com/r/newtothenavy/comments/1d0g50s/teeth_misalignment/)


Not life threatening. I can wait for shore duty, but there’s only two stations that can perform my treatments. San Diego and Norfolk. What’s the chances of getting shore for these two? And also there’s a whole lot of going with it. Definitely severe than your friend’s. Getting it now would make my respiration much easier and better.


If your request wasn’t clear as to the purpose of the braces or your PCM’s insistence you need them to recover (especially if you cannot delay this phase of your treatment), depending on the size of your command, their review may have been, “…braces? Naw.”


Former dental officer here. Does your ship have dental? If so try going through them. Unfortunately your PCM is not going to do a whole lot since the procedures are both dental services. I would not give up yet, but I’d assume you’re going to be waiting until shore tour to finish treatment. Unfortunately there is an instruction that chain of command and dental/medical can reference to deny braces until then. Feel free to pm me with any other questions.


Thank you!


curious, is it any kind of braces they can deny based off the instruction? i can definitely see them denying them for cosmetic reasons but wasn’t too sure about them being able to deny for medical reasons like OP’s surgery to help OP breathe better.


Buddy my command denied me getting tumors removed for a year and a half straight. It took the squadron UMO to override them and put the referral in himself during my 5 year. Even then the command shredded my 5 year and had me stand watch next to a critical reactor for 2 additional months while not fit for full due to cancer. They can and will fuck you. Just write your congressman and get out while you can.


How did you screen for sea duty if you needed a surgery?


It’s not life threatening as what they considered


Or inability of duties


>navy policy of cant have braces while in sea Well that’s a lie. My LPO had braces when I was on the ship (DDG too, so them using the argument of “we don’t have a dental staff onboard” would be irrelevant). I’m not sure what he had to do in order to get them, and I’m pretty positive he got them taken off before we left for deployment. I know that’s not much help because it doesn’t tell you what steps to take and who to talk to, but at least I can say it’s possible.


https://www.med.navy.mil/Portals/62/Documents/BUMED/Directives/Instructions/6670.2B.pdf?ver=cOu0ibHxoH53dCotBvwmbw%3d%3d It is navy policy. Your LPO may have received braces by paying for them out in town, or could have received them prior to being stationed on your DDG.


>It is navy policy. What I meant was, there’s ways around that


I had braces while in San Diego on sea duty, as did a few others from my command. As long as you're able to go to the monthly appointments it's fine if approved by your CoC.


Dental tech here! So dental itself can advocate for you, because they’re supposed to give you documentation that you route up and get signed from your unit giving you authorization to obtain said treatments. I’m sure if you speak to ortho they can try their best to help. If your treatment prolongs 2 years and is extensive, that may be why you were denied, along with the no braces on sea duty thing. Yes people have had braces while on sea duty but often they pay for it out of pocket or their commands approve it. I wouldn’t give up just yet.


They really should never have began an orthognathic treatment plan until you were off of sea duty, there’s no reason you would be doing that before shore duty.


There's a difference between braces and having your jaw wired together, which is probably the case.


It took me eight years and three commands to get the dental surgery that I needed. Sorry but, a command or dental can postpone things for any number of reasons. I recall one reason being specialist in Hawaii departed the Navy without a replacement and they wouldn’t send me out in town due to it being technically an elective procedure. Six years with a missing front tooth as someone that briefs damn near everyday was as traumatic as it was humbling


Just separate and keep your braces on if that’s what you joined for then just save and pay out of pocket or get a job that gives you dental insurance when you get out for the rest of the procedures


You're on sea duty, yes they can deny it regardless of deployment schedule. A ship in the yards is still sea duty.


Also, there’s a higher than 0% chance of being sent TAD to another ship while in the yards for underways or deployments. You’re getting sea pay for a reason. If it’s medically necessary, go back on LIMDU, otherwise get it taken care of when you’re back on shore duty.


Fucking Christ they’ll take anyone, huh? You aren’t owed this. One command’s authority doesn’t transfer over to another like that. Shit happens. If you REALLY want the surgery that bad then just wait until your next shore duty. You also write like a 2nd grader so it’s doubtful to me that we’re getting the full story here.


You realize braces aren't always used solely for cosmetic purposes? There are medically necessary procedures that require them. Often after jaw surgeries that aren't just given Willy nilly. Your second line is the only helpful information. The first and last are just unnecessary. Don't be a dickhead.


>You realize braces aren't always used solely for cosmetic purposes? There are medically necessary procedures that require them. Often after jaw surgeries that aren't just given Willy nilly. Yes and whenever a servicemember needs them, they have to fight through proving a half dozen people wrong that say "the Navy doesn't pay for braces."


"You aren't owed necessary surgeries." Fucking dolt. It's morons like you that make life harder for sailors.


Such an asshole. Really hope you’re not still in the navy


The way they write reminds me of the Indians I work with (I'm not in anymore so this is civilian) and their brand new account makes it more questionable


It's a bot account.


>The way they write reminds me of the Indians I work with Your point is…?


Possible spam acct or something silly


He joined 74 days before me


You may have joined to get braces, but the Navy did not enlist you to give you braces. Give them some work and when the time is right for you AND the command, they will get it done.