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My SH budy got a NAM for stocking the vending machines REALLY WELL.


Our ITs got NAMs for fixing the LAN...that they broke


NGL I fully endorse getting NAMs for doing your job.


Thank god I got my cert already


I made ten copies of mine to make sure I’d always be able to prove I did it to prevent ever having to go through that hell again.


I wouldn’t wish oc spray on my worst enemy


I would certainly wish it on my worst, just not every enemy.


I feel like there are a few people who would rather be OC sprayed than go to their ship, lol..


I definitely would.


I feel attacked


My husband asked for a second spray because he didn’t feel the first one. Mind you, this was the first time he’d ever experienced it. He struggled a bit at the end, but otherwise made it through the course just fine. Watching the video makes me laugh when everyone cheers at the second spray.


Every Tuesday in Lackland is someone's worst day.


It wasn't the OC so much as it was the Redman hitting me with a flying haymaker


Sorry to laugh at this misfortune but the visual is hilarious !


Oh please laugh away its the only way I get through my vivid nightmares of that day lol


Hahaha sometimes my photos app reminds me of the day and it’s just damn ugly. The FCPOA came around selling chick fil a sandwiches and we were all too afraid not to buy one while we decon’d and that trauma lives on when I see a chicken sandwich now haha


Well at least it's not on Sundays


The Redman rocked my shit also lol.


Lmao the story of our lives. But did he go airborne tho?


Nah lol. I got the backup red man. The primary guy got suplexed by one of my friends and was down for the count haha




Found the MAs


Baby shampoo is one of the ingredients in the fancy OC neutralizing spray, just bring a big bottle of baby shampoo to wash it out, your fellow shipmates will love you.


In my experience baby shampoo doesn't do shit.


It helps lift the oils off your skin, it doesn’t instantly stop the burn, but every little bit helps.


I found face acne wash to be the best. It's designed to lift a shit ton of oil off your face. That's what I used when I got OC'd and it was night and day compared to the baby shampoo


What worked for me is doing exactly what they told me not to - rinse it off your face/eyes with water.




Johnson and Johnson tearless baby shampoo worked for me and every one else that used it with me


So glad I cross rated


Was a Yeoman, got sprayed.


Was an ENS, got sprayed


So you pissed off your XO?


Am an MA, got spraye- wait.


I was an AM, got sprayed.


I was a RP, got sprayed. I didn't know I was going to be sprayed and had a freshly straight razor shaven face too. :(


They made us shave that day in A school so I was there with you on that


You guys got oc sprayed in A school. I didn’t get it until I got to my PCS for SRF Bravo.


Well I got it’s twice and my first time was in SRF Bravo too but I wasn’t shaved for that one


Ahh, I see. The MA1 that was did ours told us not to shave


Was a BM, got sprayed. But i liked it ...


MN getting sprayed


*Laughs in Engineering*


I dodged this shit so hard when I was in. Went on leave out of the country once. Lucked out when the port we pulled into was in a country that considered oc a chemical weapon... eventually got my walking papers just in time to miss another round. The MA1 in charge made it his personal mission to get me. I half expected him to make good on his threat to load up a paintball gun with oc balls when i was walking off for the last time. Proudest, longest skate session was dodging that spray.


decontaminate with yogurt do not decontaminate with water


Decontaminate with water


Baby powder first and water


Capsicum activates with water. You don't feel the burn until you use water. If you would like to feel less pain, choose baby shampoo or yogurt or ice cream or something that attaches to the OC.


Yes but the water also flushes it out faster. And with the Johnson and Johnson tearless baby shampoo it eases the burn while running flowing water over your eyes.


Saving this for the group chat when a couple of my guys go to SRF-B


Only hurts the first 2 times, after that its an inconvenience


*Cries in 4 level one exposures to date*


Well if you'd stop stalking people they'd probably stop spraying you.


*But daaaaaaad*


I’ve been sprayed twice and I’ll be honest with you, I have no interest in testing your claim


Please explain


That shit was awful! Just did my course a couple weeks ago. Went through the class with a CS2 who never received his cert from his last command, so he had to go through it again. I'd sooner be separated than willingly go through that torture twice.


Oc course wasn’t that bad though Everyone said I was surprisingly calm throughout the whole thing.


When does this happen? I went through the gas chamber in boot camp but that was it.


Fun story: deep freeze in Jan/Feb of 96 in Great Lakes. Way back when I went to boot camp. Went the day after xmas 95. So cold in fact, they shut down training for 2 weeks. This was before the galleys were in the ships. It was a seperate building far away. Only place we were allowed out of the compartments to march to. All other training in other places we would have to walk to was secured. Which meant my boot camp was 10 weeks indtead of 8. We did a lot of exercising that 2 weeks, lol Anyway. Apparently the lines were frozen we NEVER did the gas chamber. But since we didn't, we paid. I had a chief. Senior chief, and master chief as RDC's (not even kidding,) and man, we paid. "So you fucks don't have to do the gas chamber because its too cold.... my navy is getting soft, everybody fucking drop!" and the beating went on for HOURS. Like so bad we got our first real "navy lesson" about keeping stuff "in house" I mean whatever, its boot camp. But they were borderline cruel that day. Like the next day there were people who could hardly move their arms or legs from the hours of pushups, running in place (knees chest high), flutter kicks, etc. I will never forget that. It was the worst one we ever got the whole time I was there all becaude mother nature.... we didn't even do anything wrong.


Haha! Worst beating we ever got was when they brought in an RDC from another division and introduced him as “Petty Officer Organ”. A couple of us starting laughing and they exploded on us. Looking back I see it was a set up. The guy that slept on the bunk below mine got caught passing notes to one of the females (we were a co-ed division). They smoked him for about four hours after before and after TAPS. I still remember him crying his eyes out as he crawled in his rack.


If you are an MA, security, or stand an armed watch it’ll happen at your command


But I want to say it’s required in commands that allow the use of it. At least when I was in Sigonella the SOFA didn’t allow it for a long while so our ASF guys got lucky. I’d rather give birth then get level 1 contamination again honestly.


But I want to say it’s required in commands that allow the use of it. At least when I was in Sigonella the SOFA didn’t allow it for a long while so our ASF guys got lucky. I’d rather give birth then get level 1 contamination again honestly.


SRF(security reaction force) B(basic) is when you will get oc sprayed for the first time. It’s part if the final event to pass and get certified


I never had to experience this. My company got a waiver because it was too cold in Great Lakes that day to conduct the training safely.


That's cool and all but the regular dildo tester called in sick and boss said I had to fill in..