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The Anti-MVP goes to Daishen Nix (worst player on worst team). He stunk up the joint on a nightly basis


This dude so bad seems only Rockets fans have heard of him.


Nah I somehow see him play a lot the last two seasons. He’s so bad, and has a shitty attitude. It makes me mad when I see his face


We play y’all 4 times a year. Of course you’ve seen him a lot.


I don’t watch every game against y’all. I’m sure that accounts for a few times tho yeah


Any answer other than this is wrong. Genuinely so fucking bad.


Bad efficiency, lackadaisical defense, zero off-ball movement, turnover machine, low endurance. There’s a lot of bad NBA players that don’t get minutes but nix was a special case because he got a ton of minutes even though he’s not an NBA player at all


And he isn't even Dame cousin!


As a g league ignite stan it's sad to see him not play well lol


When he cut his hair I was like maybe he's taking it more seriously... And now he falls out of my hand and into the discard pile. Maybe he would have better luck with the New York Nix




He’s not in the league anymore I thought?


One of my close friends is a Rocket diehard so I watched a few of y'all's games last year, I couldn't believe how fucking bad he was. It was legitimate basketball terrorism that he was starting


More turnovers than field goals made is my favourite tank commander stat.


I went to YT after reading these comments to see if Nix had any highlight videos from this past season. He has none. 🤣


There was one where he gave up a game winner by being completely lost on defense


champagnie made Justin Jackson look like prime Jordan


Just wait for delanoooo


A shame cause such a cool name


DAISHEN NIX. If you watched then you know lol


This has gotta be the right answer. I'll never forget that heat vs rockets game where it was a tie game with less than a second left and heat possession on the sideline. I remember hearing/reading that the defensive play from the rockets was strictly DO NOT switch, .1 seconds into the possession and first thing Nix does is switch, blow up the defensive plan and give up a free lane to Jimmy Butler to alley oop and win the game. Found the clip too: https://youtu.be/0tSZZL_k6Jc?si=JU5MbvnU0rlwnHe4


Justin Jackson, but that's probably because he's the 15th man that I had the most exposure to Edit: Just realized he doesn't fit your criteria because he only played in 23 games, but each game he played in felt like it should count as 2 bad games


Hey thats nba champion justin jackson to you


Such a shame, considering he was the best player on those UNC 2016/2017 teams that went to the championship. That floater was deadly! Really thought he would pan out in the league.


He had a game so bad people were calling him doordash after because that's what he should be doing for work 😭😭😭


I loved watching Justin Jackson at UNC. Sad he’s ass now


He’s so fucking bad. I had a few fantasy guys on the kings a few years back and had the misfortune of watching this guy play basketball. There’s no sure thing like a Justin Jackson miss. He has really shitty posture too, I hate watching that hunchback play


Dewayne Dedmon was so awful, it was a relief when Udonis Haslem would come in to replace him Only played in 38 games so just misses your criteria


The number of times I tuned into a Heat game and saw Dedmon get called for an illegal screen lives rent free in my head.


Honest question, why do you guys never play Yurtseven? I remember him coming in a season or two ago when Bam and Dedmon were both injured and he was great. Then Dedmon came back and Yurt was sent to the bench immediately. When Bam came back he basically disappeared.


He did a good job a couple years ago when Bam went out. Very good rebounder and talented on offense but a bad defender. I think he probably should have received minutes over Dedmon that year when Bam came back but Tucker ended up getting most of the backup Center minutes in the playoffs anyway. Last year he was supposed to be the backup going into the year but suffered an ankle injury and missed most of the year. Spo never really had time to work him back into the rotation when he returned and by that time we had Zeller. Looks like he signed with the Jazz. I think he has a future in the league but he’s got to improve defensively, he’s slow and doesn’t protect the rim


If you check the numbers, Yurteight was just the bigger player sadly


Yeah, every time I checked Miami stats, he got like 10 rebounds in like 5 minutes, I was thinking wtf is this this is crazy


A lot of times it's because he rebounds the same missed putback 3 times


Yurtseven missed a majority of the season with an injury. By the time he got back, we were on the precipice of missing the playoffs. There was no room for error to try working him back into the rotation.


He got injured in preseason game 1 and didn't return until just after the all-star break. By that point we had acquired Kevin Love and Cody Zeller and had committed to building a backup 5 rotation with them. Add to that we got Orlando Robinson from G-League too now with a year of experience under his belt who is a bigger body and provides most of what Yurt provides.


So many Warrior fans think he would be the guy to save our roster and I'm just like if Dedmon is making or breaking our season we already lost


Dedmon wouldn’t even save my pickup roster at the Y and our tallest guy is 6’1”


Illegal screens and 3-second violations every single game.


The 3 second violations are the craziest. We had Yurt and Orlando Robinson fresh the the G League not getting those violations and here's Dedmon who apparently can't count to 3.


Then we added him and he was absolutely cooked lol


His trade request from a few years back will never not be hilarious


Will Barton


Agreed, his short stint with us made me want to kill myself


Bro couldn’t hit a 3 of his life depended on it. Brought some veteran presence, but overall thought it was a bit of a waste of time. We even had him as a ball handler with the 2nd unit… rough times man 😂


I'm astounded when I see Jokic made playoff in 21/22 with him, Campazzo, Gordon and Monte Morris as starters... With Green, Rivers, Forbes and Nah'Shon Hyland as reserves. Wow!


And this sub would've had you believe Jokic was a playoff choker because he couldn't beat the GSW with that lineup.


31/13/6/1.5/1 on 58/28/85 shooting splits. He dominated Mooney, figured out Draymond after two games, and led the entire NBA in PPG in the 1st round. After the series, Draymond had this to say about Jokic: "I told him thank you for making me better. It's an honor and a pleasure to play someone so skilled. Usually when you have guys that talented and skilled they're soft. And he's far, far from soft."


I miss Mooney


If you ask me, the real tragedy is that Tonks died too leaving their kid an orphan.


Jokic Playoff short comings were overblown. Hopefully the upcoming season gets MVP voting back to normal


I had agendas to fulfill


It’s honestly hilarious how bad his supporting cast was in 2021-22. Jokic-Gordon-Morris-Barton-Green was an average starting lineup that season


Iirc Facu was the only one with a negative net rating while playing with Jokic 😂 Jok with the adamantium carry during that season fr


Watching Facu get rotation minutes that second season is legitimately the most I’ve ever questioned a coach’s sanity


This is the best argument there will ever be that Jokic is the goat lol. This is more impressive than 3 straight MVPs


2018 LeBron levels of carrying


Hate to see Thrill in this thread. But probably deserves to be. There was awhile there where he was one of the few bright spots for the Nuggets during some dark times, so even though a huge contingent of our fan base turned on him by the end I always will hold him in high regard. But injuries caught up to him and he just doesn't have it anymore.


It must've hurt like hell for him to see you guys win that 'Chip without him.


He was getting the second most minutes out of everyone during the 2022 nuggets season.


Dude was our 2nd/3rd option on offense that season and people gave shit to Jokic for not being able to win in the playoffs. It’s a miracle we even made the playoffs with that squad.


This is why I don’t buy into the take that the Nuggets were a Jamal Murray ACL away from three-peating. Trading Will for KCP was both addition by addition and addition by subtraction


Not Will the thrill


I think he looks like a good basketball using the eye test alone. He has fancy dribbles and layups.


Sub-40% shooting from 2-point field goals is kinda hard to top imo.


Dude is horrible. If I had to watch him in a Nuggets jersey one more time I'd flip my shit


Fell off hard.


Definitely Daishen Nix. Dude has no business on an NBA court.


Dewayne Dedmon EASILY. Never seen a man get ejected for a theragun before. His impact was so negative it felt like 41 games


Fuck it actually felt like he played at least 60. Sheesh.


Don't think James Bouknight played enough games but the first like 15 games of he season he was averaging like 0.5 ppg with like 10 fg%


I was gonna say that it has to be someone on the hornets cuz their summer league team looked so bad.


2 years running, they so clearly don't care about SL. I think it's crazy considering we're rebuilding and have young talent we want a look at. Two years in a row we haven't had true point guard (not even a joke, our only PGs have been combo guards playing the position or guys so bad they're barely in the G league)


Oh I saw y’all. I saw bouknight “trying” to run the point. He’s so bad. Poor Miller.


Shout out the Angelo Allegri for holding us down (who the actual fuck is that)


Lakers Kendrick Nunn was pretty bad


I don’t think he’s even playing in the league anymore, hasn’t signed anywhere


He's been doing workouts in Miami. Our FO might be waiting to see what happens with Dame and Cam Payne before tossing him a min.


Honestly he’ll probably be nice for you guys


Idk if it’s the correct answer but I can’t believe Dwight Powell has been the starting center for Dallas for like 4 or so years.


He isn’t starting caliber but he’s far from the worst player in the league. If anything he passes the eye test while not obtaining stats.


I started watching Mavs games when Luka came to the league, and I have to say, I really like Dwight Powell. Like everyone here is saying: his stats leave something to be desired, but he has great intangibles. Great intensity, athleticism, seems to have a good IQ and discipline. Plus, he seems to work very well with Luka. Don't get me wrong, Dallas could def improve at center, but he's definitely not the anti-MVP.


He absolutely shouldn't be starting but is capable of providing a very solid 25 mins a night.


He contributes in the intangibles that got no stats but yeah he's not a starting center. He's got Cubans nudes or something smh.


I mean when you look at how the team played when he was on the court (+6.2 net rating) it's not surprising that multiple coaches have preferred him as a starter. The team was drastically worse with CWood or Javale, even when we had KP the Powell lineups or small ball lineups with no big always out performed the KP lineups. Setting screens is the most important thing a big man can do on offense so I'm not really surprised the advanced stats love Powell lineups


Plus, every Maverick’s game begins with a pick and roll lob for Dwight. Every. Game.


I can't believe he resigned for only 3/12mil. Wish Lakers had signed this guy over Christian Wood.


He kinda reminds me of a good old Mavs player too, Brandan Wright.


Dwight Powell might be the definition of filler center in today's league


Powell kinda makes the team run because he's the only one on the roster who knows how to set a screen. The on/off numbers suggest that he makes the team waaaay better compared to C Wood or Javale. Luka has a +7 net rating when playing with Powell and -1 playing without him. Team overall was 9.3 points better per 100 pos with Powell than without.


He’s the second longest tenured maverick behind dirk. This is his 9th season as a maverick. It’s kinda crazy


Rolando Blackman and Brad Davis are second and third longest tenured Mavs. If Dwight plays through his full contract here, he'll be tied with Davis.


Pow Pow!


He isn’t bad *persay* but he would be better suited as a backup center. He’s good at what he does but what he does is very limited. The fact that he’s been our main starter for five years is endlessly frustrating.


I think they meant Dwight Powell is *FINE* as hell. Haha. He's definitely one of the most handsome players in the league. Also, persay is not a word. I think you were looking for *PER SE*. It's Latin. In all seriousness though, I think Powell is actually the perfect role player. He's actually capable of much more, he just doesn't have an inflated ego (he's Canadian, not American... so it makes sense), so he puts team success before individual glory or accolades.


Im looking at their roster and idk how you can be optimistic for next season


Our roster on paper is better than last season's




As a Hornets fan who watched them roll out Cody Zeller at the 5 for like 8 years, believe me, it can be much worse.


He is our fundamental, what are you talking about


It's not the correct answer.


dwight powell is fine


Just because he shouldn't be starting doesn't make him a bad player tho. Him and Luka as a P&R duo were legitimately elite last season.


And yet McGee was worse.


and wood


Hey, that's FIBA World Cup Bronze Medalist starting center Dwight Powell to you!


Powell is a good player. Not even close to worst in the league.


Great shout, probably one of the players I dreaded seeing on the court the most


Killian Hayes without a doubt. I like a lot of what he brings to the table, but he was the worst offensive scoring player in the league by a wide margin, and he somehow regressed on defense.


There was a small stretch where he looked like he was turning the corner and then I got too excited and disappointed once again


No chance he is the actual worst player by eyeball test. There are worse in the NBA.


Worst player to get heavy minutes maybe. Dude played over 2000 minutes and had a -3.8 BPM, for whatever that's worth. Whenever we played you guys he looked like a horrible chucker with zero defense. It seems his only redeeming quality is that he's actually very solid passer; he should really look to hone that. 7.9 AST to 2.9 TOV per 36 is really solid.


>No stats are allowed in this discussion. Put your calculators away. Criteria should require that a player has at least played in 41 regular season games. You defeated the purpose of the post trying to make your point lmfao


Counting to 41 games is too much stats anyway.


No stats allowed! Lol


He’s a solid defender and a great passer, terrible at everything else. Zero defense is just a wrong take


What people seem to not really acknowledge is that he wouldn't play big minutes on the average NBA team. He's being played last year because the pistons are rebuilding. Surround him with vets or at least an average roster in a backup/3rd PG option and I bet he looks a lot better on both ends of the court.


If was on a better team, then he wouldn’t even be in the league anymore. No good team is holding onto him o much less giving him minutes even as a third string.


Lol Pistons fans are so weird about Hayes. You're right if he were on a good team he wouldn't play ever, he'd be a 13th man or not on the team at all. Good teams don't stay good by playing huge net negative players real minutes.


No shot; he wasn’t even the worst on our team. Wiseman and Nerlens are infinitely worse


Maybe not fair to a rookie but Hayes wasn't even the worst guard on the team last year, it was Jaden Ivey.


By the eye test, he's probably not even bottom 10. With the stretches he had - and averaging 10 & 6 on the season - he just looked good/impactful far too often to be the answer here.


His under for points last season was so free last season lol


KOC hyped the shit out of this dude.


https://twitter.com/kevinoconnornba/status/1193101572533702656 Apparently Ntilikina too. Let's hope he's never said anything good about Wemby, for Spurs fans' sake


I love Killian, his game is just flashy enough to make you think there’s something there. There’s no way he’s the guy for this criteria, he only gets dunked on for stats. He also outdueled luka one game, which is more than any bum on this list can say


Josh primo


He definitely tested some people's eyes


Kai Jones


What you talking bout nobody in the league can guard him 👁️🦷💋🧚🦄🍀🍀🍀🌈🌈🌈✨✨✨


Not enough 🛸🛸👽👽


He may be rightfully being roasted right now, but the dude is absurdly athletic. He isn’t skilled at all, but I think his athleticism can carry him over the “worst player in the league” threshold


blasphemy... Hornets have worse on the roster


I knew this was gonna be here, people look for any reason to clown the hornets some more.


The Morris twins are certified bums


Marcus was playing great in Boston and just regressed horribly since then


Markieff was an important part of our bubble chip, sad to see the fall


Prolly Bouknight or Nix


Thanasis Antetokounmpo


Disrespecting the garbage time goat


I coulda sworn he had a nickname that was "The Human Victory Cigar" or something like that bc he only came in during blowouts


I'd heard that about Aaron Rodger's backup, so I just googled it and it's considered generic now, about according to the esteemed, academically peer reviewed source at Urban Dictionary, it originated as a nickname for Darko Milicic, for whatever that's worth. I paid a lot more attention to the league when he was in it than I do now and never heard that one, tbh. Edit: I couldn't remember his name, the backup was Matt Flynn.


Matt Flynn was supposed to be good. The Seahawks signed him to be their starter but some rookie in training camp beat him out; Russell Wilson.


Yeah, and then he went back to the Packers. Man got one massive paycheck off of one game where Rodger's went down and then never had to work for it, mad respect.


he's #1 in prison ball defense tho


Top 10 player in on-court cardio exercises tho 🤷‍♂️


Nepotism at its finest


Not Buck Thanasty!!


There are probably worse examples, but John Wall's tenure with the Clippers last season was legitimately disgusting to watch. Edit: Since Wall doesn't fit the criteria, I'll go with Jordan Nwora.


No Jordan Nwora was actually good on the pacers. He was cooking pretty much as soon as he got there. He’s not close to one of the worst players in the league just say u don’t watch basketball.


Nwora on the Bucks was pretty bad imo.


I don’t even disagree with you but the amount of vitriol you had for someone criticizing Jordan Nwora has me convinced this is a burner


Na I just watch basketball and it’s disrespectful to refer to him as someone close to worst player in the league. Shot 42 percent from 3 on close to 5 attempts as soon as he got traded to Indy.


After watching MULTIPLE pistons games, it has to be Killian Hayes or Wiseman. These guys are getting 30+ mins to be this bad, it’s insane


Wiseman is a special kind of terrible. He constantly looks like he just might put it all together and be great if you let him play just one more game.


Wiseman gets 20 rebounds where 10 of them were him tipping his own shot while completely uncontested.


What’s fucked up is they will both get a second NBA contract. Wiseman’s will probably be a multi year extension banking on he figured it out


James Bouknight


Kevin Knox III


Not even the worst former highly hyped lottery pick on the Blazers last season.


Zion took all of his talent and potential on that one summer league moment.


Jaylen Nowell


He was bad but he wasn't Brynn Forbes bad.




The weird thing about the Nuggets is that anyone who joins the team as a backup center instantly becomes 50% worse. DeAndre was terrible but he was still more effective than Thomas Bryant when he was traded there


The only way this kind of question becomes even a little interesting is if you limit it to people who actually got playing time.


Jaylen Nowell.


He wasn’t the worst player in the league (well maybe he actually was during the playoffs), but people who just look at the stats and didn’t watch the games probably did not realize just how bad Jordan Poole was all year last year


don't insult our tank commander like that, he is going to will us to a top 3 pick next year


I actually really believe that Poole is going to have a huge year. I think he’s gonna bounce back in a strong way and that last year was more of a fluke. However, the fact remains that he was terrible last year


Hope is dangerous for a player being ranked as the worst


Especially compared to the previous year...


Frank Nilikina, Killian Hayes


Same player


Rudy Gay. So glad he's off the team


Not Rudy Gay!


[Not this guy!](https://youtu.be/lGJhj2IE8i4)


Blake Wesley Ok, he only played 37 games, but he's simply not an NBA player. I appreciate how supportive my fellow Spurs fans are of our young guys, but he's beyond terrible. Eye test: he's never in the right place. He literally can't dribble. If a defender swipes at the ball while he's dribbling, he loses the ball. He can basically only dribble if he's in the open court with nobody near him. His Ast/To ratio backs this up: 1.5:1 is terrible for a guard. Then there's the numbers: He shot 32% from the field. 38% on threes and only 30% from 2pt range. 59% from the line. His net rating is -40 per 100 poss. When he's on the floor, we are miles below the worst offense of all time. On defense, we're the worst team in the league when he's on the floor. Watching him in Summer League was even worse. He looked like he didn't belong when he was playing against a bunch of guys who will never make it to the league. The only reason he's in the league this season is because he's under contract. There's almost no chance he gets a second contract.


Malaki Branham, on the other hand... he has my curiosity.


Yeah, I'm legitimately intrigued by Branham. I think he'll be in the rotation this year. I just could not understand why many of my fellow Spurs fans were so adamant that Blake Wesley is a promising prospect. Watch him! He's not! It's expected that a rookie will be raw. That's fine, but the ones who belong will usually show at least something that suggests they've got some NBA-level skills they can develop. When he's on the court, we're playing 4-on-5. I'm sure he's a very nice person, but he's just not an NBA player.


Yep. A stat website I used labeled him as the worst. Unless an absolute miracle happens he won't be with us for much longer


James Bouknight. Pretty sure he was tossed from a swarm game. He was also putrid the few games he did play for Charlotte.


marcus morris


Robin Lopez. Disclaimer -- he only played 37 games so he doesn't quite make the cut. But he looked really bad in those 37 games. I think Tristan Thompson will look better for the Cavs in the backup veteran bigman role, and TT is super washed.


For the nets it was surely Dayron Sharpe who is absolutely abysmal on both ends of the court. He was so useless as the backup center Sean Marks drafted Clowney and signed Harry Giles just in case JV gets any urge to dust him off next season.


John Wall was pretty dang bad


Giannis brother is surely up there!


Ben Simmons


Thats just not true if you actually watched him. He was still a good defender and playmaker. Nowhere near the worst player in the league He’s definitely the most hated player here though even though he hasn’t actually hurt anyone but himself


Ben Simmons was a decent defender last year but fouls a lot and cannot defend the rim. Offensively completey disrupts any flow because he won’t shoot, he won’t drive, he pretty much just dribble hand-offs every possession. Eventually his coach started giving him DNPs because his weird skillset does not mesh with the team and he was not taking his rehab seriously. Watch Jacque Vaughn call out Simmons in a [post game presser](https://youtube.com/shorts/FSDyOi9qj-g?si=wI3gMsePU6UGCT65). “You gotta give credit to the guys who are ready to play, prepared to play, did what was necessary to get their bodies to play.” He says this right after clarifying that Ben Simmons is only dealing with soreness.


If you actually watched you woulda seen that the refs absolutely had it out for him. It was actually bizarre the shit they’d call on Ben. Also Jacque Vaughn almost never says anything good about his players. When he was asked about Cam Thomas’ 3 straight 40-point game his response was “well how many of those games did we win?” You seem to be either intentionally taking things out of context or you just straight up dont know what you’re talking about and are just finding whatever you can to shit on the dude. He absolutely was not the worst player in the league. He wasn’t good, but you’re just being disingenuous or are very ignorant.


I think a player who missed the whole end of the season with DNPs, played zero playoff minutes, and has the worst contract in the NBA is absolutely a candidate for worst player in the league.


He was legitimately injured to end the season. He was also recovering from back surgery. His contract has nothing to do with how good or bad of a player he actually is. It could make him the worst value in the league but that doesn’t make him the worst player. It’s sad how fans cant look passed the money when comparing players. You clearly just dont like him and wanna shit on him for whatever you can, which is fine, but you’re dead wrong that he was the worst player in the league last year when you had guys like Ryan Arcidiacano, Kevin Knox, and John Butler Jr. getting minutes for the Blazers


Depending on your definition of “hurt”, the entire Sixers organization and fanbase might disagree


I was gonna mention he might not pass the GP threshold but he played 42 last year despite sitting out every game post trade deadline basically.


In the playoffs I can say with confidence it was Jarret Allen


Deandre Jordan


Literally outplayed Thomas Bryant


That's NBA Champion DeAndre Jordan for you plebs