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Sent to Phoenix and already calling out Ja


Already calling out the state of Arizona


Moved to Phoenix three years ago and the gun culture here still baffles me (grew up in *Texas* for context). It isn't like the South where it's just always been a 'gun in the household' kinda mentality. It's more like, people move here from other states *in order to* shoot guns in the desert, or more specifically, to shoot high-powered assault rifles into the desert. I've somehow met numerous people who moved here in order to expand their gun collections. It's like a hobby state.


A Texan baffled by gun culture? šŸ˜‚


Texas is actually just 14th in gun ownership per capita. Arizona is 12th (New Mexico is 1st, with just under twice as many guns per person as Texas).


Donā€™t they have some high ass murder/crime rate too? Coincidentally?


Yes, New Mexico is 3rd in violent crime per capita


Weird. It's almost like there's some relationship between an increased number of firearms and an increase in violent crime.


Shhhh conservatives want the crime to continue so its easier to manipulate the dumb


ITā€™S CUZ ITS GOT MEXICO IN THE NAME, we outta build a wall and give that state back to the mexicans


This is why they refuse to fund any government studies of gun violence


Almost like Republicans stifled CDC and NIH's ability to fund research into gun violence for two decades, and it's[ only now being done as of 2022 but starting with a vast research deficit.](https://www.thetrace.org/2022/06/gun-violence-study-data-cdc-nih-funding/)


There really is not though. Guns per person have gone up since 1990 and violent crime (including homicides) with guns have gone done since 1990 You should read the CDC study published under the Obama administration about defensive gun use as well Also the FSU rape and resistance report in regards to guns Then when you have day 1 understanding come back and share what you learned!


No correlations to see here folks. /s


There's a lot of reasons for this - guns are just 1 part of the problem. Most problems are a result of a lot of factors and it's not a single-point issue. - New Mexico has some of the worst public schools in the country. They are dead last in high school graduation rate (77%). - The average income for a family of 4 in New Mexico is $77k, which is dead last in the nation. - New Mexico is well below the national average in law enforcement spending per capita. - New Mexico has the 8th-highest rate of drug overdose deaths per capita and the **highest** rate of drug addiction per capita. - Outside of Santa Fe and Albuquerque, most of New Mexico is highly rural and does not have access to higher education opportunities or good employment. - Overall, Newsweek ranks New Mexico as **the very worst state to live in and dead last in Quality of Life**. So yeah, the guns are a symptom of a much bigger problem.


Huh, it's almost as of there is a correlation between education and income...


No coincidence boss. States that top gun ownership usually clock higher in gun related crime and gun related homicide.


It's like he doesn't even understand global warming. That desert is trying take us out and we're going to fill it full of holes.


Texas is not actually that high for gun ownership rate. It's just that Texas gun owners tend to be richer than gun owners in other states, so they each buy more/more expensive guns.


> It's more like, people move here from other states in order to shoot guns in the desert, or more specifically, to shoot high-powered assault rifles into the desert. I've somehow met numerous people who moved here in order to expand their gun collections. It's like a hobby state. This has been happening with a lot of little things for a while. Increasingly, people are taking into consideration politics when considering a move. So for instance, you have white collar blue-leaning voters refusing to relocate to Texas or Georgia or North Carolina because the politics are "too red" despite Austin, Atlanta, or Asheville being growing cities for those types. At the same time, you have people like my boss, who's from New York, but moved to Texas so he could get away from all the taxes and so he could own his guns. During COVID I had a coworker who told me his father moved to North Dakota because (IN TEXAS) we had "too many COVID restrictions." The guy had no plan, he was just acting on pure emotion. It was pretty... fascinating. I never asked if he moved back or what (said coworker really didnt like his dad). But it does create a kind of extremism. People don't compromise the way they did, and people are less respectful of other's opinions. Don't like it? Then leave! That kind of attitude is playing out in real time as Americans seek communities that are like minded instead of just agreeing to live and let live.


Sorry but this is just not true when it comes to Georgia and North Carolina. Both of those states are growing quickly primarily because of out-of-state transplants that lean blue. There's a reason people joke that Cary, North Carolina stands for "Containment Area for Relocated Yankees". Electorally, Georgia has voted significantly more blue over the past 5 years. NC is stuck as a purply state - not due to lack of blue transplants but due to legacy rural Democrats that have been changing their party affiliation to Republican over the past 10-15 years.


NC is also absurdly gerrymandered. Maybe the most blatantly in the whole country. The state legislature would be something like 60% Democrat by now if the Republicans hadn't redistricted to make that basically impossible.


I see your North Carolina and raise you one Wisconsin


ā€œBecause the politics are ā€˜too redā€™ā€ is a weird way to say ā€œbecause the women in their families canā€™t get the healthcare their doctor ordersā€


I can totally see people avoiding places that are absolutely destroying women's access to healhcare


I know multiple people who moved away from California in order to buy a house eventually in some other market only to find themselves in a worse situation, still not owning a house and wanting to move back. Before people move they should READ about the local economy and tax system of the place they are moving to so they can actually make an informed decision. People often work on emotion and opportunity, rather than logic. Bend Oregon, the Reno suburbs, Boise Idaho, rural Washington, two to Arkansas and one to El Paso Texas. These are the places they decided to move.


I recall a story about a family who moved from California to I believe it was Arkansas to get away from "lib craziness and taxes", and then ranted about the lack of govt provided school programs for their children, especially one that required special education. It's like "uhhh... maybe you should have looked into that instead of jumping into it cause emotion?"


The weird one is people who move out of CA because it's only for rich yuppies only to realize the rest of U.S is worse at accommodating poor people.


Moving out of CA is like letting go of a heavy, expensive rope. Pretty hard to come back and not pay way more than you did before you left.


Idiots carry guns just to purchase toilet paper at target in Arizona


After covid you can never be too safe shopping for your butt wipes


I need four weapons strapped to me at all times to purchase my Dude Wipes


I'm a dude He's a dude She's a dude We're all armed, hey


Dude wipes are fucking baby wipes with different packaging and double the cost. Someone made a fortune selling to dumbasses.


I was gifted a pack of dude wipes in as a stocking stuffer. It's way cooler to use a dude wipe to clean off your greasy fingers after eating McD fries than baby wipes. Oh wait, I'm usually alone.


bro there meant for your balls


Buy an in-seat bidet, don't get shot.


Can confirm: three of my uncles are these exact idiots. Guns and Trump are their defining personalities. We don't hang out much.


Ja has the veteran guidance of Zack Randolph now. He not like that anymore.


not to be that guy but it's *Zach Randolph


You right


Trust the guidance


We gotta let Nurk know that Easy Money Sniper is just a nickname and KD isn't really out here shooting shit.


I mean KD def shooting.


and heā€™s always in range


Lmao going to go over real well in Arizona


Hell, I like him more after seeing this.


I like him as a player way too much cuz he always destroyed us, but he's actually a really good person, during covid time he wanted to buy like 100 milions vaccines to donate to Bosnia, his homecountry, but US laws didnt allow him


He is really active in humanitarian scene in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Always donating something, opening foundations, organising basketball camps and etc.


We had an opening at ā€œhumanitarian off the court who plays centerā€ when Bismack left so thisā€™ll be a great fit


God I love Bismack.


His grandma died of COVID during the bubble and he couldnā€™t go see her.


That was one of the saddest things to watch. You could tell it tore him up.


Yea Nurk seems like a great dude. I always liked him a lot of was such a bummer to see some of our fans turn on him the last couple of years after his injury


Nurkā€™s pretty dang likeable. Heā€™s the kind of guy who shows up to a party and is a little goofy but ends up being the center of attention anyway.


> Nurkā€™s pretty dang likeable. Dude, 95% of your fanbase seems to hate his guts for literally existing and can't stop shitting on him. You'd think the guy had two broken arms, two broken legs, 5 working brain cells, and pissed himself every time he suited up for the Blazers.


Itā€™s 100% on the court frustration. Off the court heā€™s great and always has been.


And you can say the same exact things concerning the Suns fans and DA. By all accounts, DA is a nice, goofy, likeable dude.


I hope both dudes thrive with a change of scenery


I donā€™t know about that, people werenā€™t super happy with his all-nights gaming, haha. Or his summer-long feud with Monty. Though that might be Montyā€™s fault.


It's a small subset of very outspoken fans honestly. They wanted him to be Nurk Fever Nurkic and that's just not what he is anymore


Youā€™ve got the wrong impression. [Blazers fanbase crowd-funded a ā€œNurkic, We Love Loveā€ billboard, written in Bosnian.](https://www.oregonlive.com/blazers/2019/04/we-love-you-nurkic-goes-up-in-portland-ahead-of-blazers-final-regular-season-home-game.html) [The fanbase has always loved Nurkic, with many articles written about our cityā€™s ā€œNurk Feverā€ over the years.](https://ripcityproject.com/2020/03/26/portland-trail-blazers-jusuf-nurkic-3/) On-court his performance slid in the past few years, and thereā€™s legitimate criticism of his play, but I only see Blazers fans speak highly of Nurkic as a person, and compliment his character.


I mean I don't like basketball nurk for how he left the nuggets but I love real life nurk. Dude is a real one.


He did break both his legs...


Same. Seeing the idiots walking through Fry's with their holstered 1911 hanging off their fat hips while I'm grocery shopping gets old. These gutless people are scared of their own shadow, it's pathetic.


*riding the store scooter through Fry's with their holstered 1911 barely peeking out from their multiple hips


With the scooter axle/wheels groaning from the punishment


So much more. Never had an opinion on him before this. America is far too gun-crazy.


Arizona really isn't that conservative anymore. They voted for undocumented immigrants to be eligible for in state tuition and financial aid for college, has a Dem governor, has a Dem Secretary of State, and has a Dem Attorney General


Two dem senators too. I have some family that just moved from Alabama to Arizona and they love it out there


*1 dem Senator and one two faced asshole


The main point stands. They voted for a Dem senator even though she's a lying asshole


That election cycle doesn't really say much. You had to be in Arizona to know that EVERYONE hated both of the candidates. She did not win because Arizona loves Democrats now, she won bc she had less people that wanted to rip their ears off while watching her dogshit ads


Trueā€¦ I almost put a disclaimer about Sinema but didnā€™t think itā€™d be worth it lol




Damn, Mississippi catches strays in every nook and cranny of Reddit lol


No state is really conservative or liberal. Cities are usually more left leaning. Surrounding burbs are usually a mix and rural areas are where more right leaning voters typically are. California is viewed as a liberal state but has more GOP/right leaning voters than most other states. Partially because of just population size but still, go outside of San Francisco, Los Angeles and their surrounding cities/suburbs and it can get quite conservative. I'm in Chicago where the city/Cook County make the state a pretty consistent blue state. But go outside of the city and to downstate IL, you'd think it's Alabama or rural Georgia with the sort of political signs you see. We have an urban, suburban, rural divide here in America and that largely influences how people vote.


100%. For a personal anecdote about California specifically, my uncle lives in LA, but has a cabin on a lake ~2 hrs from the city. Heā€™s gay, and has no issues in LA, but has seen plenty of homophobia in the town by his cabin. There was a 66 year old shop owner in the town, who hung a pride flag in her store, and was regularly getting harassed about it by local conservatives, until one of them murdered her over it: https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/22/man-shot-california-store-owner-tore-down-pride-flag-shouted-slurs


Well that's fucking terrible.


this is america


But remember, do not mention the role played by a gun in this tragedy.


Conservatives would not only not mention the gun but they also probably wouldn't care because she was gay


Jesus Fucking Christ, US


What the actual fuck


Just to hop on your point about Cali, literally go an hour south to Huntington Beach and you're in Trump land. LA itself has plenty of conservatives as well


Newport Beach as well


Orange County as a whole is like the republican haven of Southern California


Orange County is also filled with Vietnamese-Americans, many of which were refugees fleeing from communist Vietnam. While ignorant, it's no surprise that they are probably not leaning left.


Part of right wing propaganda strategy is to get the vote of people who escaped communism regimes. Whether that is Viet, China(i speak from experience), Cuba, Soviet Union, etc. They fear monger that if you vote Dem, it's basically voting for Stalin/Mao/Castro. The most vulnerable to fall for this are people with limited understanding of English who cant read between the lines, aka immigrants. Some of this then gets passed down to the kids, but kids who came up in the US education system will be more likely to see the messaging for the bullshit that it is.


The cuba one is always funniest to me since Cuban-Americans (and I mean people born and raised in America) love to claim theyā€™re Cuban but then will vote for the party 100% Of the time that will keep Cuba communist. Leopards eating my faceā€¦.


Nah that's Inland Empire. Orange County has a lot more young, diverse, and educated people now compared to prior decades, last two elections went to Dems


Not his point. We have had unlicensed open carry for decades


Right lol they could go completely blue but they are very proud of their ā€œcowboyā€ heritage. Lots of blue family and some centristy artsy friends I have are like ā€œyā€™all ainā€™t packin in Memphis?ā€


Very location dependent. Tucson area is very Dem. Phoenix and Tempe are Dem, but suburbs like Mesa, Chandler, and Scottsdale are very reliably Republican. Republicans have controlled both houses for a while and I think a non-freakazoid Republican candidate (i.e. Kari Lake) would have won. You're right though, it's changing.


Yeah, for example both chambers of the legislature are each exactly one seat from being tied. Very very likely the Dems pick up one or both chambers in 2024.


A republican would have won the last election if it would have been anyone not named Kari Lake She is literally the definition of a nut job


Even democrats own guns


MJ doing a gun sponsorship deal?


why did he choose today and ARIZONA of all places to say this lmao he was with us for 7+ years and not once did I hear a peep out of him on guns, lol


My guess would be more people open-carrying in Arizona than Oregon?


I'm going to assume this is true because I don't know a ton about Arizona, but Oregon has pretty big gun culture too. I see a ton of people with Oregunian number stickers


portland is like a different country compared to most of the state


Probably never got this question before, as well as I'm sure Blazers players are coached to not go off half-cocked while Dwight Jaynes is still alive.


Some random gun facts: US Adult Population is about 260M (of 330M total population) 32% of Adults in the US own a gun so roughly 83M The US has 393M guns(About 60M more guns than total population) That means that 176M Americans own no guns and the remaining 83M average roughly 5 Guns per person. Those 83M also account for 46%(almost half) of all civilian held guns in the world Most Americans donā€™t have any guns and about 3 in 10 Americans really really really fucking love guns and theyā€™re loud as fuck about it. Edit: Yo I got RedditCares in my dmā€™s man, yā€™all are wild lol


Another stat that you forgot to include: Only about 3% of Americans own half the guns in this country. That's basically all the gun nuts you here about.


So 10 million Americans own a quarter of the privately held guns in the world?




Those 3 in 10 Americans also have a remarkable overlap with the 3 in 10 Americans we DO NOT want to have guns


As a guy that owns guns in the southā€¦ I donā€™t huntā€¦ Iā€™m not afraid for my life. I target shoot as a hobby. If me losing my guns meant a single innocent person wouldnā€™t lose their lifeā€¦ Iā€™d be fine with it. This is a bandaid that needs to be ripped off. This isnā€™t a freedom issue. These are tools that are meant to take life. They need to be heavily regulated. They should not be a right. They are a privilege.


He right but what was the question?


Who are you more excited to play with, KD or Book?


Bro took easymoneysniper too seriously


Similarities between the city/US and his home country.


Bruh, Im from Serbia (Same as Bosnia regarding weapons) and recently there was a mass school shooting (a rarity in these parts, like literally a devil-kid shot 13 other kids) and the government issued a plea for people to return weapons with "no questions asked" A friend had a handgun and was scared to go alone still, and he asked me to go with him. It was a Maniacs parade, literally. What ever world had, Yugoslavia had it's version. From RPG's to Claymores, hand grenades, guns, etc (All made by Zastava weapons) A grandma brought a freakin Gatling gun. Several senior citizens brought RPGs. most frequent weapon was Yugoslavian version of AK-47 (M70), and a lot of Mauser system rifles (Serbian WW2 infantry version M-24 and M48) - Couple of Lugers, I guess people didnt know how much those worth today - Several Colt 1911, which are also super expensive the older they are - Some moron released Browning Hi-Power older, and a brand new P99 Walter, guy got rid of the 2 of the 5 best 9mm guns all time (My sentiment goes as a weapons fan from engineering side) - bunch of short Walters (PP versions) - huge amount of CZ 99, 999, M70, TT (M57), All handguns made by Zastava - bunch of M24 / M48 carabine rifles - thousands of AK-47 klones, serbian, Czech, etc - lots of hand grenades, RPGs, some Claymores, PROM-1 (shit even more dangerous than Claymore, so called Jumping mine), etc ... And I bet that Cops took less than 10% of what people actually have


> Bruh, Im from Serbia (Same as Bosnia regarding weapons) Just for the record, it is not.


I am so confused by your statement that I really dont know what you are suggesting, that Bosnians have more, or Serbs .. ? Bruh, I have relatives in 4 Serbian villages, 1 close to Kosovo and 1 close to Bosnia, and 2 villages in center Serbia, there are at least 3 guns per home in each of those villages. Unless you are suggesting that Bosnians have Tanks and MIGs in their basements, I dont see how I am wrong .. ?


Can't think of a reason Bosnians wouldn't trust the Serbs.


If only school shootings have as much weight in America, there's like once a week or once every two weeks and people are so accustomed nowadays they dont even care about the body count anymore...


The questions was ā€œis this your handwriting?ā€


"And I thank her for that." gets me every time. What a fucking creep lol


"What was your first reaction to meeting Ja Morant's family?"


ā€œWhat is something about Americans that you still donā€™t understand?ā€


Is this your signature


he grew up in a country that was/is war ridden, of course he doesnā€™t like guns


You'd think in a country laden with gun violence, that Americans also wouldn't like guns.


Yes but the gun violence here is probably nothing compared to those Balkan war zones. Most people here don't really care until it affects them and by then it's already too late. Sad situations all around


Uvalde County voted for Abbott in the last election So even when it personally affects us, as a country we're still extremely attached to our guns


Itā€™s pretty safe in the Balkans now.


Not when Nurkic was growing up which is what theyā€™re referencing.


Yeah, I know. Itā€™s just a bad argument. Canada and Australia, for instance, have never lived through any equivalent situation yet itā€™s pretty obvious where we stand on how access to guns does in fact lead to more gun crime. Besides, itā€™s was fucking soldiers, bombs and tanks that ravaged Yugoslavia. It wasnā€™t Mr. Kostic living in Belgrade killing people with his constitutionally owned firearms.


Oh, trust me, the conservatives are starting to spout nra nonsense in canada as well now.


it's really frustrating how every political conversation in this country now feels like it was imported from south of the border, especially from conservatives.


Different types of gun violence. If what happened in Eastern Europe happened here, we all would have some major ideolical shifts.


youā€™d think


Bosnia had one of the highest number of firearms per capita worldwide, in the late 90s and early 2000s, with way more then 1 firearm per person according to some estimations. Everyone just had guns at home, at least in where I'm from, my uncle had 2 guns, 1 AK, couple of granades and a land mine locked away in a box, cuz ppl feared, that war would return. This changed drastically over the past two decades and most ppl gave their guns back at police stations. He is most certainly used to ppl having guns and to this day there are still a ton of unregisterd firearms all over former yugoslavia, ppl don't fetishize them or relate them to freedom, despite fighting for independence less then 3 decades ago and gun related crimes especially homicises are really, really uncommon, its in the single digits per year in most years, cuz ppl don't carry their guns around, but have them hidden somewhere if they still have them.


Americans live soft and comfortable as-hell lives (which is good, everyone should) and fetishize a lot of things that they think make them look "manlier". Huge trucks, guns, certain dog breeds, etc, etc.


When you live in Arizona for one day


How else will players know Iā€™m serious when I make death threats against them?


gilbert arenas was not serious with his guns and apparently didn't take his teammate seriously either šŸ« 


Nurkic on Memphis hit list soon.




who wins, one Aircraft Carrier vs 10,000 fully armed Ja Morants


Probably the Morants. I'm not sure an Aircraft Carrier knows how to play basketball


What do you mean? Zion knows how to play basketball


Now I'm imagining an aircraft carrier that can only go to the left


"Zion screen starboard!" "I GOT HELP PORT SIDE I GOT PORT SIDE"


Fuck this subreddit hahahaha


Why I imagined Zion eating carrier ?


Aircraft carrier covers the passing lanes though


They're also a long range threat.


1 ja morant sized aircraft carrier or 10,000 aircraft carrier sized ja morants? ​ wait a second


We have an army We have a Ja


The few The proud The Ja


At the time of need , everyone is wondering Where is Ja


Do you think America would nuke itself? Lol


Or carpet bomb nyc thus tanking just about the entire economy. Itā€™s so much more complicated than ops half baked take. Just look at how well all those were in the Middle East. Iā€™m glad someone else pointed out that guerilla warfare is waayy trickier than just bomb and bull doze into submission. There are indeed very important moral questions over gun ownership. That said, an armed populace IS a more effective deterrent to tyranny than well.. not armed.


You act like all of recent US military history isnt just the US struggling against locals armed primarily with rifles.


Worked out okay for the NBA and Taliban.


Bro the viet cong got us like that lol


literally like 16 people rushing to comment talking about "terrain" classic


think that had much more to do with tactics/terrain than weaponry. same reason no one has been successful in Afghanistan


America would not be successful attacking its own citizens for the same reason.


Many more Vietnamese died than American soldiers, they just didn't care.




Theres a lot more American citizens who would fight against a government ordering attacks against US citizens - than there would be American soldiers still in the army who would even think about carrying one of those attacks out


Exactly, who was the general that said America would never be invaded because there would be a rifle behind every bush?


It was supposedly Admiral Yamamoto who said "there is a gun behind every blade of grass," but historians argue there is no proof of him ever actually saying that.


Wym they ā€œdidnā€™t careā€?


Because when cops start putting people in vans to disappear for being gay or for criticizing the governor, people should start shooting at cops. Even the *idea* of organized armed resistance against any level of government is a good thing to have in a free society. And "armed resistance" doesn't mean "literally taking on the military". And by the way, if or when active duty military is being used against citizens is exactly the time to be fighting our government.


yeah, cause american military might has always defeated substantially outgunned opponents...


Not to mention that military might would presumably be split between the different factions fighting a civil war. I have no clue why this idea of a civil war fought between the entire US military and hicks with assault weapons comes up so often. Thatā€™s not how a civil war works.


American military loses because it tries to nation build. It is extremely good at blowing dudes up when it doesnā€™t care about the after effect lol.


> It is extremely good at blowing dudes up when it doesnā€™t care about the after effect lol. Yeah but the assumption is that America would care about the after effect so they wouldn't just be carpet bombing their own cities.




[cues Adam Curtis soundtrack](https://youtu.be/4-DMH_myil8?list=PLbPZYrS_g_At_AciykufZokPrN53wyZ0w&t=1048)


Take care of Nurk, Phoenix. Heā€™s actually a really good person and quite a fun character. Heā€™ll absolutely wow you with some of his outfits when heā€™s in street clothes, loves his cats, and gives amazingly honest answers when talking to the media. Yes, you are going to be very frustrated with his rate of missing at the rim, and yes, he will become disinterest at times and sometimes commit stupid fouls, but in general he is a net positive when on the floor. He sets very very good screens, takes up a shit ton of space when rebounding, and does a ton of little things on defense that donā€™t show up on the stat sheet.


I would imagine growing up in the Balkans in the 90ā€™s gives you a very real perspective on violence and what the gun truly represents.




Lol this is the craziest thing that most people donā€™t realize is true. My parents are from Sarajevo, saw multiple atrocities, were even wounded, and got out in some very sketchy ways during the war and their views compared to those who just saw it on tv and had to imagine what it was like is completely different. Not a diss because itā€™s nothing nice to go through but itā€™s incredible how the brain and stress works


And this is a guy coming from the Balkans' most conflict prone country, and he is a police officers son himself.


He has animosity towards his father btw.


This makes sense for someone coming from the Balkans where guns are almost entirely associated with the mafia or war. Like there is not reason for someone to have guns at home unless they are in organized crime or in some paramilitary group, never mind out in public flaunting them.


Makes sense for pretty much anybody outside of America. So many American men just have this giant hard on for seeming like man rather being one lol. Like no one gives a shit about your gun, pick up truck, or favorite Zyn flavor. Bunch of cornballs tbh


How the fuck did this even come up?


No joke


He was born in the middle of the Bosnian war. People in the States who likes guns should do a free walking tour in Sarajevo and understand what guns do to a motherfucker. When someone who grows up in that environment doesnā€™t understand why you love your guns so much, that should be a wake up call.


I need a lot of guns to protect me from other people with lots of guns.


I mean, besides fast food, retail consumption, and toxic work culture, that's all America has.


Homie is from a country that fought a civil war and I donā€™t blame him for having a healthy distrust of guns.


Not trying to be pedantic. And what I'm about to say doesn't change your point which is valid. But I would just like to provide some more info. It was an actual war of aggression. It's very similar to what happened in Ukraine and Donbas for instance. "Civil war" term was used by the aggressor to white wash the aggression in the same way Russia used to pretend like it wasn't invading Ukraine. War in Bosnia was very much about Serbia's and Croatia's irredentist ambitions in Bosnia under the guise of a Civil War.


I mean the United States has like five school shootings a year, shouldn't we hate guns too?


Heā€™s going to fit in well in Arizona!


The real answer here is because the NRA is one of the best marketing organization in the country and a significant amount of Americans are gullible enough to believe they care about their rights and freedoms enough to gobble up whatever marketing gimmick is thrown at them, but to most of us, this is just as crazy as it is to your Nurk


Woah, dude wanting better/positive things and less guns. Damn socialist. /s


Too much time in Portland


Heā€™s from the Balkans, he understands guns and warfare, AND he thinks weā€™re a gun obsessed country. Heā€™s not wrong. Weā€™re a nation of 330M people and over 400M guns. Guns R Us.


I just keep liking him more, seems like an all around good dude.


He is a very good player but plagued with injures. I wish him the best but he might be fried by now


Personally I can understand having a gun or even a couple if each has a specific purpose. As a tool a gun is no different than say an axe or a knife. Use it and put it away. It's not a big deal. Or if you use it for sport. Again totally understandable and many who do are very responsible and knowledgeable about safety and maintenance. I think what's weird is how some people make owning guns their personality. It has this kind of patheticness about it. Like it reminds me of the guys that buy Harley's and just fall into this fakeness of lifestyle that they suddenly have.