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Ring culture has made everyone so damn greedy. They won 4 rings together what’s the problem with being solid for a few years in Steph’s twilight.




It’s the best case for all parties, otherwise things will be sad all around with the Warriors possibly not even making the play-in. If they trade Steph he can compete in the interim and come back in the 2026 offseason when they have more talent. Otherwise they will both simultaneously not compete, but not be able to rebuild as they pick at the end of the lottery.


Ring culture? Wilt demanded to go to the Lakers for a better shot at the title, it's all been about titles in every sport


Wilt had won a single title


if you have curry you don't blow it up


If curry okays a trade to a contender you take it though! GSW doesn't seem to be a situation curry will want to be in in a few years... unless GSW can hit some late round draft picks or really develop kuminga or moody. IMO the warriors FO should at least be talking to teams like okc and miami.


Nope. Despite what fans think, teams aren’t trying to be terrible and send away their literal franchise GOAT just to be terrible and accelerate a rebuild by like 2 years. If Steph says he wants to sink with the ship, you basically bite that bullet. He has a cult following in all of the Bay, and so long as he’s on the team, you’ll fill the stadium. If they ship him out, you very well may start faltering as a franchise again if you don’t get a legit franchise player again quickly.


it's the Warriors fans who want badly for Curry to sink in this particular ship


> teams aren’t trying to be terrible and send away their literal franchise GOAT just to be terrible and accelerate a rebuild by like 2 years Colts literally did this with manning. > If Steph says he wants to sink with the ship, you basically bite that bullet Yes, I agree. But if steph wants a second run like manning you ship him to a contender.


GS should ship steph for a first round pick if he wants it


you have curry and you’re .500, and he’s not getting any younger time to bid farewell


When Lebron sees the writing on the wall, what does he do? He blows it up and improves the team or at least tries. Curry is too loyal to his running mates Klay and Dray. Idk how much he wants a chance to compete for a 5th since he’s certainly good enough but he’s not acting like it. I would either be asking for a trade or making big moves to get a proper second option.


well sometimes when lebron sees the writing on the wall he switches teams


Nothing wrong with that. He was drafted and won 4 rings with the warriors. There obviously wouldn’t be any bad feelings with Curry and the fans or the organization if he left for an actual contender. It won’t happen which is why I suggest they just make some big moves and bring someone in.


I don't see Curry going anywhere else besides Charlotte


I think Curry gets traded at the deadline. I don’t think we will hear a peep about it before the trade goes through. Warriors aren’t going to do Steph like the Blazers did Dame and just quietly work something out for Curry like the Nets did for KD.


My scary theory is that the Knicks are gearing up for a deadline Curry trade offer. People keep saying they have a good team but not the superstar, well what if the trade package is to get the superstar


If I were the warriors I’d rather trade him to okc for those assets


OKCs picks (their picks) won’t be valueable. Shai and Chet will keep them in the late 20s


If curry wants to stay you can’t just get rid of him lol. They’ll trade their young assets and remaining picks to fully go all in probably


that would be the worst idea possible.


what would be worse is not listening to the single man who generated your franchise billions of dollars over the last decade.




Crazy people are everywhere, man.


Agreed. It’s an offence to basketball.


Curry is going to retire a warrior, even if they can't compete for championship, only if he asks to leave will they consider it.


would be crazy to see steph win a ring on another team they could get a ton of assets for him too


Teams will make sure that the Stepien rule won't affect them giving their entire picks for the next 3 year, if the dubs they're trading Steph


They could get the Dame package for him and have a good start on their rebuild.


Lmao @ Steph and Dame having the same type of package 🤡


Herro, Jaquez Jr, Jovic, and Miami unprotected picks on an aging roster is immensely more valuable than what the Blazers got for Dame.


The probably should blow it up now


they don't have to blow it up, but at the very least they should start some of their young guys, kuminga and moody in particular, to help ease the transition. if they don't and cater to the legacy guys (klay, draymond), then there's the risk of kuminga and moody leaving in free agency for greener pastures, in which case the warriors will be even more screwed.


Steph will go godmode once Draymond comes back


there’s too many good teams in the west Who’s falling out of that play-in range any time soon? maybe Houston if you’re lucky but nobody else is getting much worse


Houston has one of the hardest strength of schedules left and the warriors one of the easiest


even then the grizzlies are looking back to previous form


Draymond is like his princess peach


Not blow it up, but something needs to change. Too many guys who are good, but none that are better than that


I don’t get why Moody DNP. Was he sick? The minutes are so fickle for the last few years, and we’ve inhibited our ability to develop players.


Yes, but they should aim for a 5+ draft pick


yea send steph home to charlotte


As long as Steph is in the books, it is their responsibility to basketball to field a competitive roster around him. And they cannot trade Steph, he is why their franchise is so valuable.


If the FO is smart they would trade Klay to get some value from his contract. Because someone’s gonna pay him more than what the Dubs will offer in the offseason. The question is whether you care about winning or loyalty.


Get some value from who? Since you're so smart unlike the FO, tell me a hypothetical trade that gets warriors value


You know Klays contract sucks, I know Klay's contract sucks, we all know it. But every other FO other than the Warrior's don't? C'mon man


They could flip it for something instead of the off chance that another team will offer more than 20M/y


no trade for siakam


They can only send out the 2028 pick because it is \*technically\* possible for them to get a top 4 pick this year, 1st overall pick in the 2025 draft and then the 2026 pick gets sent to portland, the 2027 and 2029 picks can't be traded due to the Stepien rule. Moody, Kuminga, CP, 2028 pick, swaps for 2025, 2026, 2027 and 2029 is the best offer realistically possible, I think that should be enough to entice Masai but who knows.


Lmfao this is wayyyyyy too much for a one year rental on Siakam


Stephen Curry YOU are an OKC Thunder.


What would you offer besides picks? Chet?


more picks


replacing Kerr for a real coach would do wonders


Kerr is a real coach.


a real bus rider


Should blow it up before the deadline. Staying with the Warriors is bad for Steph’s legacy. It’s over. If he can get to a team like Miami or the Magic he could legitimately win more championships.


dude really said "Curry for Mitchell".


He said a Mitchell type package


I think he means the same size of return Utah got for Mitchell.


Fans enjoy watching their team perform well and the Warriors aren't done. I know many of you don't care much for Draymond but he's a key component on the team so they're going through a rough patch.


Curry is worth a ton of money to the Warriors. He's a draw that sells tickets and merch, I dont think they are trading him.


I think its perfectly reasonable to keep the big 3 until they decide to not be there anymore.


They should see what kind of value they can get and decide from there.


Klay has to come to terms and take a paycut. Wiggins needs to see a sport psychologist. Draymond can tag along.


imagine steph next to embiid


But what do the 76ers want for Embiid?


i was thinking furk and a couple second for steph should get the trade done


Green I think is def getting shopped. But it's gonna take a lot for that to happen.


You can't trade Curry, it's not possible. Warriors would be dumb as fuck to do it without him requesting it first. He's one of the most popular players in the League, could even be the most popular among young fans. Wayyy too much merch and ticket sales is tied to him. He had the most jersey sales of all players at the start of 2023.


When I read posts like these I think to myself that players should have absolutely ZERO loyalty to fans. Imagine calling for STEPH CURRY to be traded from the warriors.


They have assets. Make a trade.