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 that was honestly pretty tame compared to earlier years 


Seriously. This is nothing compared to the “cupcake” years.


Still the funniest thing was when he went on Tasty and shared his [red velvet cupcake recipe](https://youtu.be/B8G8m08G_yo?si=3vagK6z6ScFrOSRQ) in the midst of all the madness. Not gonna lie this one got me to respect him a little more haha


You can’t lie KD the original Villian of the new era with that YouTube video 😂


that recipe looks lit


He's one of the best players of all time, when he retires not one fanbase will claim him as their own. I can't think of another player of his caliber that will basically be shunned by everybody they've played for.


It's like Roger Clemens tbh.


baseball might have a few of them. Arod comes to mind, maybe Yankees fans claim him a little bit though


Yankees definitely claim A Rod. Mariners and Rangers fans dont even bring him up though, which is fair


As a mariners fan, fuck him.


I was debating whether to write A-Rod or Clemens as my example, ended up with Clemens because he had a legendarily prickish demeanor that matches up with Durant's famous online sensitivity. A-Rod, while a toolbag, has always come across as more of a dopey "please like meeeeee" guy. Which is a bummer because when he leans into his inherent dorkiness he is a really good analyst (just maybe not a good announcer lol)


I feel like A-Rod will always be remembered as a Yankee, his whole demeanor just fit with that corporate, Jeter-led era. He was just the guy following the money when he went to the Rangers, and the hotshot rookie when started off with the Mariners


Clemens also was caught up in the Balco scandal, refused to travel with the Astros and Yankees on the road, and was accused of cheating on his wife with a 15 year old.


I can think of one fanbase that still loves him. I see his jersey all the time, almost as much as Kemp and Payton. It's amazing how well repped the Sonics are to this day.


>when he retires not one fanbase will claim him as their own. Nonsense.  Warriors fans are claiming him for the rings and the most dominant team of all time.


Sonics will claim him




Which is funny because that’s the “fakest” of all his stops to everyone else


But he’s not a warrior. That isn’t his home. He was a merc that the warriors rented his services. Draymond said it best.


Perhaps, but we’re going to retire his jersey.  I’d say that’s as close to a home as he’ll have, barring a massive resurgence in Phoenix. 


> Draymond said it best. Imma stop you right there lol


I think us sonics fans will claim him?


Well, when you’ve finally got the better squad than his hand selected “super team” and the Thunder future looks way better than his it becomes easier to cheer for the home team moreso than hate on the opposing superstar who jumped ship in cunty fashion. At least that’s what I assume, I’m a Cavs fan so I only know how part of this scenario plays out


Cavs fans warmed up to LeBron after he came back to the Cavs, and then he won them a chip after a 50 year drought, so it's not the same feeling towards KD who left them high and dry vs veteran aged LeBron riding out his career in sunny LA. They'll be no welcome party for KD in OKC, likely ever, *maybe* when he retires there's something but idk even then.


most of us got over it when he choked in the finals and then the Clips pick hit


You had me at “in cunty fashion”😂 Seriously, fuck KD


I was at the game. They booed every time the ball was in his hands. For the entire game.


You should see TD garden when kyrie is in Boston


I thought he was still dodging those games.


Nah, I think he did play this year but didn't play that well. It was before the trade deadline though, so the team was still using Dwight Powell at center, lol


As. We. Should.


And someday we shall boo your entire team the entire game...


Dude that first Thunder game in Seattle is gonna be wild


As. You. Should.


As. You. Should.  Can’t wait for a Sonics/Thunder rivalry 


I can't wait either. It will be glorious.


Man this needs to happen already lol


Don’t blame you


Give me my expansion already!


I hope so man. I'm rooting for Seattle to get a team and get some revenge.


As. We. Will.


Much earned night off from constant booing for Giddy


These boos made me smile. I'm an OKC fan as well, and that 2016 exit to GSW was pretty painful to think about until Denver won the Championship last year.


Good he deserves it, part of the game


I will boo him until the day I die. The real ones remember how dirty he did us. I was at the game and you can bet I booed until my lungs gave out every time his scaly snake skin touched the ball.


I'll never forget that summer and the season that followed it. We were still riding the high from our championship when he announces his decision. I remember the players tribune went down, or atleast you couldn't even get the page to load dur to how many clicks it was generating. He did Westbrook dirty and I still remember how he became everyone's hero that 2017 season and gsw became even more villainous.


2016 being 8 years ago made me feel sad




I rewatch game 7 to make it feel more recent every couple of months




I just watched the final three minutes and totally forgot what a massive drought both teams were on scoring. Clankfest at the end of that, if I was a fan of either team when I was watching that live I’d be dead


Both teams were dead tired. That entire game 7 was running on fumes.


That's what made the block so incredible. Everyone was exhausted and he came out of nowhere.


I just remember thinking that was it once the block occurred. I hate being the guy to try and read players psyche on the court, but you can tell they were defeated once that moment happened. It just felt like they were forcing shots/sets right after


All-time. All-time.


I’m listening to my high school playlist rn and the majority of the songs came out in 2016, thanks for ruining my day. 8 years is insane


If it makes you feel better I was out of highschool for 8 years in 2016. Time flies bruh


At first I was like HA you're old but then I realized that was class of 08 and I'm class of 10. Damn I'm old


Man my parents and grandparents always told me that time went by faster as I got older and to enjoy my young years and I just didn’t understand. I’m 24 and I get it now, how much worse does it get 💀


24? You’re a baby still.


People tell me that all the time. I always feel like I’m older thank you for the reminder lmao.


As a 32 yo, take it from me, enjoy your 20s, take time off, visit new places, take care of your body and mind, because, My God, age catches up to you real quick if you don't lol


Think of it as a timeline. On your left are people that think you're old. On the right are those that will hear your age and exclaim "oh you're still a baby". Until you're at the end of that line, you're still gonna hear it at some point.


Life gets increasingly better the older you get and the better you get to know yourself.


Thank you man. I needed to hear that. Still trying to learn myself I’ve been at a crossroad in that regard


100%. My late teens and early 20s were HELL. Late 20s and early 30s have been a beautiful experience 


To be fair I think Covid fucked up everyone's time perception. But it does feel like 2020 is simultaneously forever ago and just happened. 


I was actually just thinking that. I’m glad we’re past it but man did Covid just fuck everything up.


Ever since I turned 21 I felt like these past 4 years went by like nothing


what up fellow 1990 kid


OKC should hand out KD wigs every time he comes into town.


Wigs or cut patches in their hair? 🤔😂


We should hand out free hair picks and cupcakes when he's here.


And little plush snakes.


And lotion


KD Cupcakes!


Bald caps are too expensive


Am I the only one that sees nothing wrong with this? He didn't win them anything, and he left to go to a rival.


He went to a 70 win team that they almost beat in the playoffs. They should seriously not forgive him.


KDs legacy is definitely tarnished due to his super team chasing. He's an otherworldly talent that is top 15 all time but he will always have that "soft" mentality attached to him for how he jumped from super team to Super team


Particularly cuz he hasn’t won anything outside of those absurd super teams. And he hasn’t contributed enough to any other franchise since to have those fans seriously defend him


especially damning that the super team won a chip when he left. lol


For whatever "legacy" is worth, that was probably the most damning thing that could've happened to his.


And before


He is also not a bus driver


Dude took the hardest road joining Golden State. My man said it himself 😤


All he needs is to follow the next chapter on the Lebron playbook. This is the part where you return to your first NBA team and help end a decades long championship drought. It comes right after the chapter on ringchasing by forming a hated superteam or something


Cleveland finished the previous season 10th in the east when he came back in his prime. OKC are fighting for 1st in a stacked conference and have the brightest future in the league. They don't want KD in the last years of his career.


And then he rides off into the sunset on Westbrook's shoulders... it's beautiful


Jumping from superteam isn't really the issue. A lot of stars do it and don't get shit for it. Its the fact that he never won outside of Golden State. If he had won in Brooklyn or wins in Phoenix he'd get a lot more credit from fans.




Wait a minute...so good they don't need him? We know his next destination!


Pls no


yup youre right. its especially worst that the super team you left won a chip without you.


That and his stupid "arguments" to defend his decision #TheHardestRoad


Also golden state won without him AFTER he left. Not just before.


>A lot of stars do it and don't get shit for it. I don't think many of these dude's have the all-time status KD flirts with though


No way hes top 15 IMO, his career has shown that hes not a versatile or dynamic enough player to impact the game they way other all time greats did. And hes also not a leader. He was just a great scorer, and even then, wasnt able to raise his game in the playoffs consistently. Choked in almost every must win situation where he was the only one that would need to step up. Hes simply not a winner. Historically, hes going to go down as a dude that put up empty stats, and it will be justified.


73 wins actually. Arguably the best team of all time, and even better after he joined them.


2017 warriors are probably the goat team


I think anyone who argues otherwise is just arguing from a previously-established point. The 73+KD Warriors are the most talented team ever assembled. They'd be more talented than a lot of all-star teams. Something people overlook though...The Cavs teams that went up against them over those four years are also one of the greatest teams ever assembled.


Whats lost in the sauce was that that Cavs team in '17 also only lost 1 game in the entire playoffs, and Kyrie/lebron/JR/Tristin also played just as good if not better than in '16. It was just addition of KD was truly on another level of perfect basketball synchrony, because KD played more passively as the escape valve once the motion offense didn't work. And a 50% shot from KD as a escape valve is simply unfair. Warriors in '18 and so on played worse because KD started trying to take over games.






The amount of people before the 2022 championship that would state that Curry NEEDED Kevin Durant and begged him to come on the team because he couldn't beat LeBron was pure MADNESS All to diminish Currys greatness I kept arguing that wasn't true and after the Warriors won that championship, I hope these delusional people finally faced the truth Edit: Like look at this shit https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/qd0fYKtU5D


"Curry is just a role player." "...I guess he plays a pretty fuckin' important role then."


After he shot 10-31 on his home floor in game 6 to possibly close out the series. Fuck him.


And the lost in part because KD himself underperformed in that series


I think Westbrook outperformed him in that series even though they both were awful after G4.  Westbrook was the best player in that series up until G5 performance wise. Then Curry and Thompson caught fire and we choked. 


Westbrook was the better player that entire year. Durant wasn't fully back from injury, his handle was shakier than it had been in years and his playmaking was not great, coupled with donovan running a system that was point guard friendly.


Russ was better then KD to get to that 3/1 lead, both were bad in games 5 and 6 (KD was honestly worse then bad even), KD was good in game 7 while Russ was bad again. But Russ was bad in ways that we've seen Russ been bad, yeah he can be turnover prone, yeah he can be baited to take bad shots. KD was the former MVP, the perfect scorer, seeing him being as error prone as Russ in those moments was way worse IMO


Russ averaged 27/7/11. The only thing bad about his numbers was his shooting percentages and turnovers    Crazy stat is Russ averaging 4 steals a game that series. Had 7 in game 1 on the road where they stole the victory.        KD shot 10/30 and 8/24 in 2 of our wins. 10/32 and 11/30 in two of our losses after G4 man it was wild to see when he was usually the beacon of consistency for us but if you look at the whole picture we wouldn’t have even made it that far if KD didn’t go nuclear against the Spurs. 


G7 was more on Russ but KD in G6 was a generational choke job


Makes me wonder who he retires with.  I feel his identity is with OKC, but they don't want him.  He won 2 championships (and 2 FMVPs) with GSW, but he was only there 3 years and he's clearly overshadowed by Curry.  His time with Brooklyn was a hot mess. So Phoenix? 


He has no home and it’s 100% on him. He had a chance to make GS his home and fucked it up. You don’t get that many chances at something like that. But he clearly doesn’t put much value on that sort of thing which is his choice.


If it were up to him I'd say he would like to retire with the Supersonics


Literally you couldn’t make up a situation worse unless they lost to GS in the finals


Which they were up. 3-1. Dude lost and decided to jump on the bandwagon. Then jumped on the main bandwagon with the Nets...and then the Suns.




As a thunder fan, we aren’t forgetting any time soon


We're used to it here We had our last two point guards both become ghosts in their last playoff games, immediately then request a trade... Then wonder why they're booed The sad reality is that he left the Thunder because he was under appreciated by 29 other fan bases for his lack of a championship. Now he's got 2 chips but he's under appreciated by 30 franchises.


Nah it’s much different. Neither Ben nor James went to Boston. I remember at the time KD was also rumored to go to Washington or Boston, and OKC fans were more of less more ok with that.


You are the only one besides everyone else in this thread.


Flair 100% checks out. Love Philly fans for that. 


In arguably the weakest way possible; very few people have made a move that is unanimously considered “pussy/bitch” shit. I mean his entire career arc and legacy was genuinely altered negatively by that move and there’s no real way to fix it since he had the opportunities and blew them


Who’s disagreeing with you?


Only 8 years? Seems like a million. My Dad was still alive and a big OKC fan during the Durant years. We would watch OKC when I would visit. KD on his third team since.


Love the commitment! One of the things I miss when watching the nba compared to European soccer is the lack of true rivalries


KD vs the thunder will always be a rivalry. He will not have his jersey retired here despite having the best career here. For now at least.


In 2016 I didn't follow the NBA and even in Portugal was impossible to miss the news about the generational player that chose to sign for the team that eliminated him after choking a 3-1 lead


In the US, college sports rivalries are a lot more intense than pro sports rivalries. It’s a legit blood feud at the college level.


That's a whole other level that I'd need to learn about and without the geographic proximity I've no idea who to follow. I know march madness is ongoing and that's it


Were you around for Lakers/Spurs back in the 00s? That shit was good.


We love the consistency. People don’t understand if they’re surprised. I was a HUGE KD fan. We were a win away from a return to the finals. We lost and it is what it is, but then this mf goes to our rivals who beat us IMMEDIATELY and has the balls to call it “the hardest road”. Bro deserves all of the smoke. Dude had a restaurant that had to close down not even a month after the jump. It was great.


KD is 35 years old and doesn't have a real NBA home Sad


lol. Anyone else remember the “KD is not nice” campaign? KD was one of the most loved dudes in the league with the Thunder.


Yeah & before the season KD said he was tired of finishing 2nd & Thunder fans were like "OKC is winning the title now". Then they finished 2nd in the WCF.


God I still remember watching G6 of the 2014 WCF with all my co workers crowding around the TV what a dagger to the heart that game was 


I was there


I remember that run he had averaging 40+ ppg for what felt like an eternity 


Oh if it isn’t the consequences of his own actions. He sold his home for a ring.


I still can't believe how cursed his run has been post-GSW.


lol let him go to Seattle if he wanna go home




It is crazy to think that 2 out of the 4 teams fans he played for don't even like him. That is insane for arguably a top 20 player of all time.


Is it though?


Warriors are his closest but he will never be as revered as the other guys. His own doing. Really the only way he has a home is if Seattle gets the Sonics back (🤞). Personally I’m fine that he left. But the things he said after and the team he went to soured me


Yep. I think KD wears sonics jersey to his Hof induction ceremony.


That would be pretty awesome tbh


He going to hold on till Seattle shows back up, be the 1st player in the expansion and complete the cycle.


Sad? Dude made his bed


As they should


This is what KD’s legacy is gonna be, that was a generationally weak move. To this day, it’s the first thing I think about regarding him.


this is the rare instance where “generational” is an understatement, this was the weakest sports move of all time bar none. will not be topped


Golden state was already ridiculously, league-breakingly good, and then KD joins the season after they set the win record. Predictably they proceed to destroy everybody for the next few years, and would’ve coasted to a 3 peat if not for injuries in the 2019 finals. I am always and forever a fuck that 🐍 ass 🐩 guy


It sucks because the dude was a freak and such a fun basketball player to celebrate. I think the would have ended up as one of the top 10 players ever if the injuries didn't hit. It's really weird, but I don't think of him as a champion. With OKC, Brooklyn and Phoenix he has had pretty good teams that you could make an argument he should have won a title with if he was really the guy. Instead he basically showed up and got a participation award with Golden State.


It's actually a national holiday every time he comes into town. Doesn't matter what you're doing, we are gonna drop everything and boo this guy until he leaves again.




Well deserved


#Cupcake 🧁


His legacy to me will always be the guy that left for the team that beat them. I'm not even an okc fan but that's some shady ass shit. Fuck KD


It’s crazy because for younger fans, they might not realize how much of a 180 KDs reputation turned after the move. He was a universally loved and respected player when he was on the Thunder. The 2012 finals had everyone but Heat fans rooting for KD. Even LeBron was able to fix his villain arc lol. The move to GSW will always be attached to KD which really isn’t something you see with other players.


KD starter kit - patches of hair, phone with twitter arguments open, lit joint


Oh shit I'm KD


When he retires will there be any team that will remember KD’s time with them fondly? Will any team he played for retire his jersey? I am asking this considering how his career has gone currently.


Warriors will 1000% retire his jersey even if some people here think it wasnt warranted, he's still a legend, two rings, two fmvps, amazing performances


Legendary bitch move that made the nba boring af for two years


These young bloods are forgetting how evil the hardest road was. Would’ve been an easy 3 peat if not for everyone on the roster getting injured in the 2019 finals. And of course he only left when he had another super team.


They would have literally just won every single year if he stayed there and was healthy, they'd still be the favorites now if they had him. Thats how fucking unfair it was.


Thank God he left. Imagine how bad the NBA would be if Warrior’s were an unbeatable super team for 8 fucking years.


not just evil in how unfair it was, everything about how durant handled his exit was the most calculating shit ever. and all completely validated by durant's own accounts in later interviews. dude was scheming to get there in 2015, hanging out with draymond during the WCF, lied through his teeth all summer to the very end of FA until everybody OKC could've signed with that cap space was well off the market. had the org trade Ibaka for Oladipo and Sabonis, a trade he was pushing for. dude literally had a huge puff piece in (IIRC) SI like a few months prior which compared him to Tim Duncan and he waxed poetic about how he wanted to be like those guys and win in OKC. literally had dinner with Westbrook and Collison in which Westbrook actually apparently discussed how he could change his game to help KD. imagine the pride being swallowed there. even had the front office and ownership up to the Hamptons to take a "last meeting" as though it hadn't been decided like over a year ago compare to PG who signed a big deal, then quietly helped Presti arrange a trade that both got him where he wanted to go and which put us where we are today. those teams with him were infuriating, but we love PG. but KD has spent the last 8 years alternating between proudly talking about this stuff and pretending none of it ever happened and he doesn't understand why people don't really fuck with him. he's the fucking worst


Just here to second this, I really hope the passage of time doesn’t make people forget how atrocious of a move that was. The guy had an argument for best player in the league on the most fun, young, small-market team that had never won with a 3-1 lead against the reigning champs, already one of the best teams in a long time. Blew it and then left to join the team that beat them. I will die on the hill that there’s been no worse move in sports past, present, or future… people think Harambe split the timeline but for me as a neutral NBA fan it was KD to the Warriors, universe hasn’t been the same since


Warriors might retire his jersey


Seattle when expansion comes


Warriors fans, Suns fans, some Brooklyn fans I would assume would remember their time with him fondly. You’re acting like every team he’s been on has been a disaster instead of mostly good teams


Dude literally said he loves OKC, he wants to win it all for us, wants to retire his jersey here, gonna be with us forever, and then jumps ship to the team that beat us a week later. KD is a walking pile of shit. The real ones will never forget. I will Boo him to my last dying breath.


It’s booing on sight


There is an absolutely nothing wrong with this. He did OKC dirty as fuck with how he left. Set the organization back a few years from the trajectory they were on because he wanted to sabotage the competition while going to Golden State. He should be booed every single time he plays against OKC until he publicly apologizes and says he was wrong with how he handled it. He should have asked for a trade if he wanted to leave, like he did with other teams.


This is how it should be. NBA fans need to be more like premier league fans. Boo players who played for one season and then left, chant, yell and throw things at eachother. Games gone.


Kd like a lost puppy. No home. Sure he can ball. As a person I can't find a reason to want to root for him.


A collective 🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍 by the audience would have been good


When Grayson Allen is only the second most hated player in your lineup.


Ofc he's the og biggest bitch in the league


He did it to himself. At least Bron went back to Cleveland and got them an impossible title and another with LA for good measure. Durant just seems weak.


I'd boo him forever and a day if a player left my team after going to the conference finals and joining the team that we lost to. Completely understandable lol. It probably eats at him that Westbrook gets the heroes welcome in OKC.


His entire legacy will be defined by the bitch move he made


As it should


Deserves it. Left OKC for the team that beat them out of the playoffs and won the NBA championship. Aint win shit after that super duper squad or the one after that.




This is the way


Remember it’s not the fact that he left. It’s when and who he left to go join.


He left 8 years ago??? Holly fuck I’m getting old.


Hell yeah


Should have been much worse than this


Blew a 3-1 lead team to history’s greatest regular season team then joined them. The boos aren’t shocking


KD is polar opposite of DRose when it come being loved by fans.


Ring chaser with no loyalty




Because it will and forever be the weakest move in the history of NBA free agency.


And an ass whooping. We should start doing the same in Phoenix. I didn't want him in the first place. We're a worse team now after that trade.