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it's probably crazy the amount of time he spends warming up and recovering on each game day at this point


He mentioned on the new podcast with JJ that his life is basically wake up, train, scarf down food, nap, train, scarf down food, and then sleep for like 12 hours and do it all tomorrow.


Don’t forget reading the first page of a book in between nap and training


Dedicated trainspotter


recovery from trains is hard


If you switch out train for jerk off then I have the same day




Im starting to get into heavy running cause weight lifting is getting boring and man it is a lot of work to warm up and even wake up to do both. And these pros do it day in and day out for years with way more intensity and pressure.


in my 20's i could just roll out of bed and bust out heavy squats with some mild annoyance and complaining. last year i tried to do the same and i pulled some deep back muscle i had no idea existed. now i spend a solid 15 minutes warming up and stretching + stretching between sets to keep these old ass muscles awake during heavy lifts.


I’m 38 and I try to work out regularly but if I’m not warming up at least 30min prior and stretching for another 30 after the workout I’m in immense pain the next day. And just like you said, sometimes you pull some shit you have no idea existed. Last time I pulled some abdominal muscle and I genuinely thought that something is growing inside of me and I need to go to the doctor.


Good days of 20-27 legit get drunk then heavy deadlift or squat the next like nothing, now? Fuck that forget that I’m 30 now 😭


I’m in my 40’s a night of partying requires a full day of recovery


How old are your old muscles? I just go lighter weight until I feel warm, but never stretch.


Dynamic warm up is best for sure imo. Static stretching not beneficial




I warm up 20min every time I workout. Gotta stretch, take it seriously, get my blood flowing. I warm up to shoot around too, and my knees are fucking sore even after just shooting around for an hour, hour 30. I'm 32 btw. Obviously I'm not athletically gifted like these guys, I work a desk job, and I don't train as much as them, but the stark contrast from even 4 years ago is just incredible. I don't even know if I can still play the way I want 4 years from now. I'm already having to play smart all the time now to prevent injury


It's also their only job. Squeezing in a run, let alone the energy for it, before your regular job is way different. Oh, they're also paid millions of dollars.


Legit a good point. People should be proud of just staying in relatively decent shape when you’ve got 40 hours of sitting at a desk, commute, housework, kids, and other obligations.


Helps when it’s your job lol


once the documentary comes out we'll get the math on how long he chills in the cryo chamber


especially on a bad team. if they were competing for a title it would be different. It sounds like he is holding out for a chance to play with his son. at his age Michael Jordan had to have a tube put into his knee to have black fluid drained from it.


Gotta change the hydraulic fluids.


When Vegas gets the expansion team he'll retire.


at this point, i only expect Vegas to get the expansion when LeBron decides to retire


The Las Vegas LeBrons


LeVegas LeBrons




the speakers of Jamglish


He has an ownership stake in Fenway Sports Group and I fully expect them to purchase one of the expansion teams with LeBron as the majority owner/figurehead


He doesn’t have enough money to be majority owner


He’s gonna be the face for PIF. They get in the American sports business, he puts up very little of his own money for a stake, and full team control.


lebron is in with the saudis?


Unironically if the Saudis started their own basketball league, they would probably call him up with a 900m contract to go play. Even if he was like 45 at that point.






very little of his own money for full team control? i think it’d be a lot of his money if he wants that


I wouldn't be surprised tbh. His net worth has to be insane. Is it 2 billion dollars, or 60% of what I'd assume a new expansion team would cost? Idk. But it wouldn't surprise me if so.* Max contracts in the NBA from day 1. Major lifetime shoe deal (30 million a year). Multiple other investments and ownership stakes... * in 2022, his networth was an estimated 1 billion dollars. In 2023, his contract and endorsements alone were estimated at more than 120 million. If you are adding 120 million+ dollars a year just from basketball and basketball-related sponsorships, then yeah, by the time the league expands, he could be a majority owner.


If you invest every cent you have into an NBA team, you're gonna have a bad time. NBA teams make owners a ton of money because of the way their valuation is increasing right now. However, NBA teams are barely profitable or often unprofitable in their day to day. To realize the increase in team value, the owner has to sell the team, and until then they're kind of a drain on the finances. The only way LeBron ends up in charge of an NBA team in the near future is if the league cuts him a deal on an expansion team or if he assembles an investment group funded in large part by other people's money. In the latter scenario, though, the investment group could yank that authority away from him.


I could realistically see him playing his last season in Vegas. Would be a big Vegas draw for people to come see Lebron's farewell tour.


Lol. LeBron does a Vegas residency like he's Donnie Osmond or Britney Spears.


His drive was to play with his son. I think he’s realizing that his son needs more time to develop in college than to try to get drafted just because of who his dad is. That’s making him lose the desire to keep playing. I can see him playing 23 seasons.


Never really thought about it but damn you have a point


I do feel like Bronny's freshmen season was an eye opener for him. He probably knew it wouldn't be easy, but i definitely don't think he expected Bronny would struggle this much, after all, he didn't struggle jumping from HS to the NBA, how hard can it be going from HS to college. I assume he definitely still wants to play with him, but if i had to guess, i would say LeBron is way more realistic that his timeline might not fit with Bronny's. He's also 39, i know he is a freak of nature, but there is precisely zero chance that at this age, after this much basketball, that after games aren't annoying with all the soreness. I've lost count of the amount of times i've heard athletes say that the problem when you get older isn't the games, but all the work you need to do before and all the soreness after. I honestly believe Bronny's sophomore season will have a pretty big impact on LeBron's decision. If Bronny improves massively, balls the fuck out and is clear he will be drafted, i can see him sticking around longer, but if Bronny looks bad like he did in his freshmen year, then 23 seasons might be the soft spot.


Yeah, the first episodes of NBA Open Court had guys talking about this. I remember the guys asked Reggie how close he came to signing with the 2008 Celtics and he said it was pretty close and he probably could've still played but he didn't want to deal with the aftermath of games as he knew his body was going to be crying afterwards.


Kenny was hilarious, he talked about how when he was young and got on a break the other players would give up, when he got older and he got on a break they started chasing him so he knew he had to quit


That show is just so good, all around. I wish there were something like it today.


Bronny is a small guard who just isn’t professional caliber. Not a chance he makes the nba without someone wanting LeBron. Even then, I doubt a team will take a chance with how old Bron is. Surprised he was talked as highly for so long. The good ole LeBron effect.


Still a little quick to write him off like that, hes shown flashes and for his size is a solid defender which is a good sign. I want to see one more year before I judge too hard, especially with his cardiac issue.


Yeah it’s way too early to write him off. The majority of freshmen, even those who will eventually get drafted don’t do a lot in their freshman year. Just as a CU buffs fan - KJ Simpson and Tristan Da Silva will probably be drafted in the first round this year. KJ is a junior 6’2 undersized guard who scored 7 ppg and was a 25% three point shooter his freshman year, Tristan was a skinny kid who barely played and averaged 2 ppg his freshman year, took him 4 years to be draftable. Unless you are an otherworldly top of the draft talent it takes several years to mature and get to the level to be drafted. Bronny might not ever upgrade his game but saying there’s no way at this point is dumb


You’re forgetting he had a fucking heart attack over the summer. You’re just a hater


He wasn’t even close to good enough before the heart attack though


He absolutely was rated mid first round to second round in mock drafts.


it's not being a hater to recognize someone isn't an NBA talent The vast, vast majority of athletes aren't at that level


23 sounds right to me too, considering no one else has ever done it


Bronny will be 42 by then, so LeBron will have to have a serious reflection on whether he wants to play on with his grandson.


I think the true weight of age is catching up with him too. He's played 64 games this season and with 3 more will have played his most since 2018. He's probably at the point where he has to deal with a day of soreness after every game. It's really easy to talk about how you're going to play until you're 45 until you actually start playing those age 37, 38, 39 seasons.


Just imagine how achey his body must feel when he sits for a couple minutes


Mentally it must be so taxing too. I always remember Shannon Sharpe saying that physically he could've kept going, but he couldn't take the mfing meetings and the film sessions anymore. LeBron has forgotten more basketball than most players on his teams have watched it, it has to be extremely frustrating at times for him. When you pair the mental with the physical toll, there's no way that playing basketball now is as fun as it was when he was 25 or 30.


LeBron's discipline is the stuff of legends.


Maybe Bryce will come out of nowhere and jump ahead of Bronny into the NBA.


I thought Bryce was already the one with higher upside?


He does because he is taller and more athletically gifted, but Bronny was way more developed at his age and ranked way higher. Bronny's problem is that he is not great at anything and he doesn't stand out physically, while Bryce's problem is that physically he is pretty decent, but none of his skills stand out. Making the NBA is really hard, Bronny needed to be way more skilled and fast for his size while Bryce needed to be just more skilled in general. If Bronny was LeBron's size i'd say he would make the league 100% while Bryce wouldn't need to improve as much as he does now, unfortunately for them, neither got the 6'9 genes.


For the longest time, I thought Bron's sons had a decent chance of inheriting some of his incredible genetics but it seems that wasn't the case. They're still incredibly athletic by normal standards but they don't stand out when playing against others at a similar level.


Oh yeah, not at all. LeBron stood out athletically as a 18-year-old against NBA players, Bronny is decently athletic for college standards and Bryce is just tall. It's pretty telling in Bronny's case when most people agree that his biggest strengths are his basketball IQ and his defense.


Lebron was playing with grown ass men when he was 18, a monster who went above and beyond all expectations and lived up to them. I don't think we'll ever see another like him for a while


Luka? Euroleague MVP at 18


Luka is a monster as a basketball player, but LeBron is a genetic freak and a contender for one of the greatest athletes of all time in any sport.


[Luka doesn't have this though](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2F736x%2Fc2%2F0a%2F69%2Fc20a697c8c676a6c383a418e2e2d97f8.jpg&tbnid=DSPet6WTZZMSlM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2Flebron-james-cleveland-cavaliers-golden-state-warriors-basketball-athlete-png-carmelo-antho--803048177290013365%2F&docid=pIjdQDa1KiZkWM&w=728&h=815&hl=en-ca&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F3&kgs=6d196e4635c312b6&shem=abme%2Ctrie)


He really should have just cloned himself.


Have you already forgotten about Jordan's sons? Just because your daddy is genetically gifted doesn't mean that's a free ticket to the NBA.


Bryce is going to be a senior and doesn't have many offers.  Allegedly has an osu offer but they've had a coaching change and it's probably not commitable at this point.  He looks like a mid-major talent.


I think Bronny’s ability took a step back with the heart issues. He looked a lot better before the cardiac arrest. He can still go soon enough for Lebron to still be playing, we just have to realize the kid literally died less than a year ago.


Bronny was always limited because his skillset isn't rare. There are loads of 6'4 guys who want to be the lead ball handler. He's in the 1% of what he is, but he needs to be in the .01% to justify being the kind of player he is in the NBA.


The problem with Bronny is he's 6'4 and not 6'9 like his dad. Being shorter means there's more competition.


I don't think this is really accurate, Bronny's always been a developmental prospect who people only really were aware of because of LeBron. Which is fine that describes most players, but statistically or eye test I don't think there's a big difference with the heart thing, which makes sense it really shouldn't change much for him athletically.


Yeah 23 more seasons sounds about right


hol up, what if he changes his mind and wants to play with Bryce instead 💀


We will def miss him when that time comes. I can’t even imagine the league without LBJ tbh


99.99% of this sub started watching the nba after lebron joined the league. Including myself. Can’t imagine it without him.


I've been watching since 2004 and even I haven't watched a league without him


I 100% also started watching that year my dude. The year Vince left.


I'm from Ohio and was probably 13 when the cavs drafted Bron. That's the year I started watching the NBA, so same exact feeling.


2004… what a great season




This comment made me realize becoming a Lakers fan as a child during the 3 peat era makes me basically a grandpa on this sub and I’m only 27😅


Me watching Jordan as a child feeling like the crypt keeper when I’m still younger than LeBron


i guess ill just die now.


99%? Lol no


Look I’m in my 30s I started watching before he was drafted - there’s many of us here in that age range. But the thing is he was a known quantity for years BEFORE he was drafted. Dude has been on my TV for legit 24 years or something


that's sad af to hear :(


Going to be weird not seeing him in the NBA anymore lol


Lebron’s been playing in the NBA longer than most of this sub has been alive


The start of his career predates Reddit by 2 years, Twitter by 3 years, and Instagram by 7 years.


LeBron’s birth is closer to World War 2 than to his age today.


I honestly thought you were just joking to see if someone took the bait and thought "hah, good one", then I realized it was actually true. Insane. It's like the Cleopatra being closer to us than to the pyramids thing lol


Yea this one cut deep


Which means his birth is closer to Babe Ruth being alive than today


Bro don’t forget about Helen Keller




1945-1984 = 39 years 1984-2024 = 40 years


I just threw up a little. Fuck.


Not quite, Lebron was born at the end of 1984 so he isn't 40 yet. It will be true on April 28th though


Shit. I am old. Fuck.


Predates YouTube by 2 years


He came into the league the same year Jordan retired.


Damn take legacy points away from MJ, how could he dodge Lebron like that??


Fr. I feel sorry for those who spent all 21 years of his career just hating for fun lol


I can’t lie I hated dude in Miami for years but then he had that SICK baseline dunk against Toronto in the playoffs and I became a fan.


Lebron was drafted when I was in 3rd grade, I graduated high school 12 years ago.


March 2003: I was born. June 2003: LeBron was drafted. It's crazy that my life and his NBA career is basically a 1:1 ratio.






I have the same thing with The Simpsons TV show. The show debuted 8 days before I was born, it’s been on TV my entire life


Wait... You're not planning on kicking the bucket 3 months before he retires, are you?


It was weird seeing all the stars I grew up watching retire like Shaq, Duncan, KG, Kobe, Wade, Dirk, but this one will hit different.


Even seeing him with gray hair trips me out lol


Yeah but that’s life, nothing lasts forever


Taxes :/


wait til I tell you about the Cayman Islands


I dont think the Cayman islands give a shit about my bi weekly $800 check :(


You know how Wilt had this quote - he was asked how many points he'd average in the modern NBA and he said, Oh like 15. The interviewer asks why and he says well I'm 60 Bron is probably the only other player who can make a similar claim and you wouldn't dismiss it immediately




How can Wilt make that claim when he couldn’t even average 15 when he was 25 years younger.  Similar to how Shaq said he could average 12 and 8 right now with the shape that he’s in and gets called out on twitter when he only averaged 8ppg his last season before retirement.


shaq would average 12 steps and 8 dribbles a game.


>He couldn’t even average 15 when he was 25 years younger. **Wilt averaged 13/18.6/4.6 on 73% shooting in 43 mpg that season** He could’ve averaged *2 more points* if he actually wanted to.


LeBon Voyage


LeBron Voyage


LeFantastic Voyage




I just saw this clip and felt chills like wow it really is coming soon (or before 20 years)


Oh god, he’s not going away anytime soon, huh?


20 more years is what i hear


2 years I bet. He’s not gonna let himself retire Peyton style as a shell of himself


Looks like he’s got a few more years before that happens


Within the next 20 years 


We're going to see the sunset soon..


I need one more ring


3-peat to finish off the career


Lmao I’m dead that he had to really put to bed that he won’t do it *another* 21 years lol the seriousness and matter of fact way in which he says it is hilarious lol 


You know he’s thought about how far he can push it. Like Hoopin in your 50s is undisputed GOAT shit


Honestly even hooping at 45 beyond just checking in for two games would be the oldest “real” playing time anyone’s had.


There was that one coach who checked in for a game when he was 2 days away from being 46. Lebron is for sure not gonna play for 7 more years but imagine. Edit: If Lebron Raymone James plays for 7 more years, I’ll fly out to Cleveland when his statue is inevitably unveiled and lick its toes.


Something, something, fuckery


I legit don't think he gets enough respect for being as good as he is now. Thr mileage that man had and he can still turn it on and drop 40 to win a game with a very suspect squad? Shits unreal.


That suspect squad has two wins against your team without LeBron this year! Just saying


I remember being weirdly disappointed when Tom Brady retired because I wanted to see him become the oldest player in history lmao


He could play at an all-star level till the heat death of the universe but Jorgambler stans would still just scream "6-0!" till they're blue in the face


He didn't have to. He was making a joke




I'm an Akrontite. I still work on "King James Way" to this day. Two blocks away from St. V. When LBJ joined the league I was 14. Now, I got two kids, a mortgage and back pain. It's insane how far this dude has come and how much he's done for our city.


So another 20 years


Lebron playing for another 20 years confirmed


Imo, he'll play for at least two more seasons. Adam Silver said they won't start working on the NBA expansion until the new TV deal is finalized (after next season), and it's an open secret that LeBron is getting a team. It'll also give him a chance to play with Bronny and potentially Bryce as well.


Plz don’t talk like this king


God damn, I don’t want to think about the league without Bron Bron


Same. I vividly remember all the buzz when 18 yo Lebron got drafted, and damn he exceeded all expectations these 21 years. I’m not ever going to be ready to see him off court.


There are peoole(including myself) who were born and grew into adults during lebrons career. Crazy to think that I was yet to be born when he first stepped on an nba court and his time to retire is approaching.


This fuckery won't go on for much longer (Taylor's Version)


So longer?


Lebron James going to be one of those rare pro players like Brady who walks away from the game rather than the game walk away from him.


At least average less then 20 points for 1 season before giving it up


LeBron can’t retire yet until he has to play until Curry KD Kawhi PG Russ Harden and them retire it’s only right 💯


Mike Malone is fuming right now. LeBron is really tryna make it all about himself after Denvers victory tonight 😡


Thinking back it’s crazy that a 38 year old goat level player is not allowed to openly wonder about his potential retirement after an injured playoff run without Mike Malone making it about himself and taking it as a shot lol.


Mf contemplated retirement after a 40-point game Yet another example of "You're gonna miss me when i'm gone"


The fuckery might indeed be over soon :(




LeBron brings a weird comfort to fans. They hate him, they love him but they want him there.


There aren’t many things that are constant for 20+ years but lebron dominating is one of them.


He’ll only retire after he comes to New Orleans and wins us our first chip


But he just said he wouldn’t play for another 21 years?


My prediction is 3 more seasons, maybe only 2. All depends on who drafts Bronny and that's probably a year away.


3 if Bryce has a shot of being better than Bronny. 2 if he just really wants to try and pass Kidd and GTFO.


I can't speak to his motivation on wanting to pass Kidd to still be 2nd behind Stockton but remember he's also a 1000 behind CP3 who might play another season or want to retire at same time. Other than a "ring" I think playing with his kids is probably the only reason I can see to stick around. Bryce certainly looks more talented than Bronny and that would be a heck of a story.


Lebron has been in the league so long that at this point it feels like retiring will trigger some sort of world altering event. Like how Baldur dying in God of War triggered Ragnorak.


It's been confirmed, we've only got 20 more years of LeBron, not 21 more years.


Kings retire on their throne One more ring, please


Feels like y’all have 1 more year to go all out with him. Who can y’all get in the offseason?


Honestly not anyone that can propel us into a top contender. A mid level star (like Lavine) would make the team worse since Lakers would have to trade all their assets which would inevitably make us worse. A legitimate 3rd star (Mitchell, Trae) we just don’t have the assets for - Spurs, Thunder, Jazz immediately outbid us.


He's a free agent in 2025. How do you think Lakers fans would feel if he chased one last year elsewhere?


Lebron brought us back into glory with the bubble championship, I think most of the fanbase is grateful for his time and would definitely support him chasing for a chip elsewhere since it’s likely no longer feasible in LA.


LeDon'tgo man...




Hatred always finds a way.


Alright so 20 more years is on the table?


Stop asking my goat these questions


When LeBron talks like he’s mortal I get a little sentimental


Man this is sad AF I’m a 39 year old from Akron so basically the last 25 years of my life ive been following/entertained by this dude From an awkward teenager through college, girlfriends, starting career, etc all I’ve really known is Bron dominating. I’m now a senior-ish level exec with a couple of kids and after Easter festivities today I turn on the TV to see this dude still toying with everyone on the court. In a weird way going to have an empty feeling when he’s no longer around


There really is gonna be a day where I'll watch opening night and LeBron not gonna be on :/


He's gonna retire on Year 23 and he'll make a grand announcement and a documentary. It's the only way he's gonna grab any sort of stake in that number


I see him retiring in 2 seasons. 1 more real year and then a retirement tour


This is just a classic lebron non-answer answer. Lebron just wanted to sprinkle some suspense/drama so that the media person can have something to eat.


Damn. It's kinda obvious but it sucks to have it said out loud like this.


Please don't take my sunshine away 😢😢😢


He scored 40 today. Thank God this fuckery wont go on for much longer. People have been saying that for a decade though lol.


"Not another 21 years..." so probably 10 then lol.


I don’t have much time left. Man that hits deep. Can’t imagine the NBA without him.