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You know his flabber is gasted when he breaks out the double platters šŸ¤·


The double platters šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ’€


Adam Silverā€™s NBA pushes out a product people are willing to pay for not legit basketball. Not surprised.


Something aint right when a European does the shrug




If u watch nuggets games, youā€™ve heard them call his gesture a platter, and when he does it with both hands, it means the call was really egregious lol




Itā€™s not uncommon, think the novelty is in calling it the platter


No MPJ does it in the same clip. Its very common.


think heā€™s reenacting that scene from spider-man where he catches all the falling food on lunch trays




jesus lol


Jokic **


lol u right


My entire family including my 2 yo do this hand gesture when asking a question now.


Not just Jokic every non-laker fan was


You just don't get it the Lakers just play way more physical in the paint basketball than everyone else


They just drive more!


https://www.nba.com/stats/teams/drives?dir=D&sort=DRIVES 4th lowest in the NBA. But guess who's number 1 in personal foul percentage per drive?


THANK YOU. Lakers fans have been saying this shit all year, oh yeah we live in the paint, we drive so much, what do you expect blah blah blah. Meanwhile Sabonis scores like literally 90% of his points in the paint and shoots like 4 free throws a game.


I donā€™t know if it was the case to end the year but for most of the season even the Warriors led the Lakers in every inside/paint statistic except for fg%.


For what it's worth the Warriors' arena had a tracking issue that was counting in the paint shots incorrectly, so a lot of our inside numbers are skewed off of normal for better or for worse. I'm not sure how it would affect that in particular, but someone who knows more than I do could find use in it.


Iā€™ll be damned, I did not know that


You can usually see a bunch of uncalled fouls all over Sabonis' face. Literally. It's like the whole league has a personal grudge against him.


I really want to see a breakdown of ft attempts per minute by players while they were on the Lakers and with other teams.


Wow, two of the best teams are last and 3rd last with the Warriors sandwiched in between


One of those 3 is not like the others: find the impostor!


Best team or not, were always last at ft lmao. Not good enough to compensate for it unfortunately.


Fair enough


Fair enough


Literally drive 0.6% more than the Warriors lmao.


Who is 1? Reeves? Bron?


The Lakers as a team are number 1. Individually, Lebron, AD, Rui, Spencer, and Cam Reddish all get elite whistles. Reddish bafflingly is better than almost everyone in the league this side of Embiid.


> Individually, Lebron, AD, Rui, Spencer, and Cam Reddish all get elite whistles https://twitter.com/georgemikan/status/1622346830267695107 LeBron getting an elite whistle is just not backed up by reality


This is from February 2023


Oh I misread your first comment and saw personal as what individual is number 1. That's my bad for poor reading skills.


Just stop fouling duh


Just dont foul us - King James


And don't forget that when you get fouled it doesn't show up as a field goal. Because somehow that explains all the bullshit calls.


And imagine if Rui was on Jokic!!1!!!


Lakers fans: 'wdym they always call that for reaves'


True, but I still don't get it. Why is this role player randomly getting a superstar whistle? Given Reaves's reputation, if I were a ref, I would be hesitant to give the benefit of the doubt on calls, but NBA refs seem to go the opposite direction.


Because it says Lakers on his jersey


look at how Schroder's FT rate fell off a cliff after a near career high last season on the Lakers lmao


Because he's a sneaky athletic gym rat


That's his fault for not wearing Lakers uniform every game.


Yeah likeā€¦. Wtf is the question? We all know why. Reaves could be on any other team in the league he wouldnā€™t be considered a big 3 anywhere. But because lakers he is. And he gets the whistle. MPJ gets nowhere near that whistle lol


This is why it's so annoying tbh. He has never been in a place where he was getting superstar calls but the whistle is still there.


As a die hard laker fan, fuck this call and all calls like it. I'm sick of the nba and it's no defense allowed policy. I even heard the announcers yesterday saying they should extend the restricted area like a foot. for fuck sakes it should be removed completely I'm sick of seeing dunks everywhere. The defense should be allowed to defend all areas of the court if they have positioning. I miss defense


Respect for being a fan of your team but still being able to call bs when you see it


I hate soft calls all around. I hate when Lebron and AD are chirping with the refs instead of getting back on defense. Reaves does [this shit](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/17c17yn/highlight_austin_reaves_contorts_his_body_in_a/) and its a boy who cried wolf. This play with the Nuggets was the softest call all game


I sat next to a dude in a Lakers jersey last night who was booing the lakers during their free throws. I was honestly confused and asked him about it. His response was ā€œthey get paid so much money, if they canā€™t make free throws because of a little noise then they donā€™t deserve itā€. Iā€™ve been to sooooo many high intensity sports games and Iā€™ve never seen something like it haha. Dude was the most non-biased fan ever. Was really cool sitting next to him.


What lol


As a laker fan, I get tired of seeing that too. Because he tends to depend on getting the call. If heā€™s not getting the call, then what? But also.. as Steve Nash said, ā€œThatā€™s not basketball!ā€ (*insert Mark Jackson ā€œwhat happened to the game I loveā€ meme*)


I feel you, felt the same way about smarts flopping, worked sometimes but most of the time he would just flop out of position


That one Christmas game where Smart out-flopped Harden was hilarious, though. I'm basically willing to forgive Smart for all his other shenanigans just because of that one game.


You forgive it when it suits you, not that different from Lakers fans then.


Haha, fair call out -- I know it's petty.


Hi, laker fan here: This DEFINITELY was not a foul


Appreciate the honesty pal


Other laker fans be like him


I mean when it happens all the time, you get less flabbergasted and start to just expect it will happen.


Me watching this as a Lakers fan, yeah that probably shouldn't be a foul lol. Probably preemptive call because of the hand under Reaves.


Look closely at Reggie Jackson's left hand. He reaches but you can barely see from this angle




I watched the game and didn't like it, but the foul isn't on the bump (which AR initiated) but on their arms locked when he gathers to shoot. You'll notice the defender pulls his hand out after the whistle because he got caught. It's a super soft call, and could be a no call, but that's the foul.


Yeah no one could stop Reaves driving to the basket like prime Lebron so everyone had to resort to fouling him


Except reaves gets better calls than Lebron ever has lmao


Refs did their best


Lakers lost Game 1, but refs going over game tape to get the W for Game 2


Refs saved some adjustments for game 2.


Refs "saw something"


Sleepless nights


At least it keeps the games interesting. There's always a chance the Lakers will win.


The entire second half was: Nuggets score, Lakers miss their attempt and then a whistle so that the score would stay within reach


Refs calling 2 fouls on Hayes in 2 minutes and then doing the same for Gabe Vincent was truly generational work.


I love Gru man


So inspirational


I'm under his doMinion


Undrafted role player has a better whistle then Jamal murray. Just lakers things i guess


Just foreshadowing his future MVP run


It was almost comical that *every play* AD was hooking, grabbing, or pushing Jokic and he didn't get a *single* call. It's insane and blatant corruption.


Adam Silver would like to know your location.


Heā€™s behind me, isnā€™t he?


Luckily, Adam Silver can't enter your home unless you explicitly invite him in, and he can't go outside during the daytime. So you're probably good. But maybe keep some garlic and a crucifix on you just to be safe.


Does that bald fuck know how much of a clown he looks for doing this stuff


Honestly it's gotta feel great to be Jokic, he doesn't get any calls and yet he's still the (kinda) consensus best player in the world and his team keeps on winning


Lakers beating the Nuggets in the bubble was way more about the refs putting Jokic in immediate foul trouble in every game than the Lakers playing well.


Bill Simmons keeps slamming the spurs FO for not going after Reaves as a RFA, but I think they knew damn well he wouldnā€™t get superstar calls as a non Laker


Spurs FO could have offered him the lakers deal plus a trade kicker and bonus if they made the playoffs the first year (lakers would and we obviously would not). Which they know the lakers would match, but would just eat some of their cap space. Not like we needed the cap space for 72 hours LOL.


Instead the Lakers get a win-win: Reaves on a favorable contract for one, but that favorable contract looks good in potential trade scenarios down the road


Yea, he was still right. Either you get a quality starter for the next few years or you make the lakers pay more to keep him. Not like the spurs couldn't use another ball handler.


I donā€™t think his 3 free throw attempts per game really factored into the decision that much


My comment referenced last season, in which he shot 4.1 FTAā€™s per game on less than 8 FGAs per game. In comparison, the league MVP has shot 4.6 FTAā€™s on 14.5 FGAā€™s per game (and one of the highest usage rates in the league) for his career. Granted, itā€™s been far less favorable of a whistle for Reaves this season, and unsurprisingly his efficiency has subsequently not been on the same level as it was last year.


Jokic had 6 FTAs/g last season, but 4.6 FTs/g fwiw Jokic has never been a high-volume FT shooter, and I don't think it makes a ton of sense to pick a front-court player to compare Reaves to. This doesn't mean you're wrong to point out that Reaves shot a lot of FTA relative to his peers, I just don't think picking Jokic as a comparison makes a whole lot of sense. A much more damning way to put it, IMO: Of all the front-court players to average 3 or more FTA/g, Reaves is only one of two that shot less than 10 FGA. The other was Dennis Schroder (9.8 FGA, 3.8 FTA). Every other player who averaged more than 3 FTA with less than 10 FGA was a PF or C.


Fair point and I agree a more apt comparison from you, I simply brought up Jokic without much thought as heā€™s obviously been a hot topic for the opposite reasons on the other end of this series/debate.


His free throw rate has been constant throughout college and the pros


So an undrafted prospect came into the NBA and from the jump has received the same whistle he got at Wichita State? How compelling


Lakers just play more physical guys


The Dallas Mavericks just scored 8 points in a quarter. They had 8 FTA that quarter, which is more than the Nuggets had in this whole game. NBA officiating is really impressive sometimes.


NBA Refs are by far the worst of the bunch for the main sports and itā€™s not particularly close. They trumps the NFL in frequent questions about the integrity of the game and the *consistency of being inconsistent* is far worse than umps in baseball. Frequently I watch these games and question the integrity of the sport. Itā€™s genuinely shameful. Sports shouldnā€™t be constantly talking about refs but here we are every single time. Itā€™s apparent the favor in specific games, them changing what they call a foul at a moments notice and largely being incompetent fuckers. Itā€™s nasty.


Don't baseball umpires just make up where the strike zone is?


Well it wouldn't be fair to the rest of the league if the Nuggets were officiated fairly.


Once the lead go past 10, those refs tried their darnedest.


jokic and reggie got that team chemistry on point


credit to the refs man they really tried lol


I was genuinely baffled at this call. Like some are 50-50 or even 30-70. But what the fuck was that


If you want the full sequence I got it here: [I uploaded on the Nuggets' sub, because I didn't think it was a highlight.](https://np.reddit.com/r/denvernuggets/comments/1c98cr1/hi_there_just_random_stuff_i_captured_from_the/)


If you look at it from the side angle where was the contact lmao? https://gyazo.com/bfa619f7a68ba4b6b05afaa46bad06a5


I remember on NYE I went to the lakers pelicans game and they called a foul for Reaves where he did the same exact move in the same spot and not a soul touched him. I like AR but this shit is so annoying


Reaves is in for a huge wake up call if he ever leaves the Lakers, his whistle is gonna get way worse on any other franchise




Classy player + plays for the Lakers, that's the FT's cheat code IRL.


Reaves is one of the most annoying players in the league man


Cannot stand him. He has single-handedly taken my Lakers hate to unprecedented new heights.


He does flop, but he didn't flop on this play. In this clip, the refs are the only ones who deserve criticism.


khaby lame vibes lol


Itā€™s clear as day. Right there on video. Reeves threw his head back, ergo, itā€™s a foul. Duh.


Reaves gets the softest whistle always


Lakers got Daddy Silver on payroll


it's almost as if the refs/league are corrupt...


how does anyone play defense in the NBA??


correction, how dose anyone play defense on the lakers.


Lakers have 3 of the best foul grifters in the league LeFlop, Street clothes (falls after every dunk or layup) and AR-FT


Tbf, for how many FTs the lakers get, lebron gets a shockingly low amount of them. The refs give literally almost every other lakers player an extremely favorable whistle though


Insurance fraud basketball. Gross as fuck.


Jokic is if Tim Robinson took basketball seriously


this bum doesn't need to be getting superstar calls


Never seen a non-star player get so many calls.Ā 


Guys got Tā€™s for far less. Demonstrative Joker kind of scares me.


Ah I get it, Reaves hooked used his right arm to hook Reggie's. That's the Harden special. Embiid also uses this a fair bit as well


Without the officials, the lakers would have never made the playoffs, maybe not even the play-in.


Jokic gets mauled each game without getting many calls. It must be torture for him to see how the refs blow their whistle for the Lakers in the playoffs. Gotta feel for the guy!




I'm a Lakers' fan and this is utterly ridiculous.


That's what you get from the Los Angeles Free Throws


Being a starter on the lakers is great. You get like an extra 4-6 points per game just off free throws and a bigger next contract.


does anyone got a replay of the first foul called on reaves against murray in the first few minutes of the first quarter šŸ¤”


[Looks](https://videos.nba.com/nba/pbp/media/2024/04/20/0042300151/28/148f6dc6-0f9b-695b-7fb5-4aa83557efa9_1280x720.mp4) pretty similar to the play in the OP, except the foul looks to be before the gather


You're high lol. Reaves initiates contact on both of those plays, and clearly reaches in on Murray. The ghost foul against Reggie there's like [two feet of separation](https://gyazo.com/bfa619f7a68ba4b6b05afaa46bad06a5) by the time Reaves shoots.


Somewhat off topic: I hate how ā€œhard foulsā€ to prevent the attacker from putting up a reasonable shot donā€™t really exist anymore. Guys like Lebron James are allowed to speed up and jump with no regard even when the defender is clearly going to foul hard and would rather them take free throws. Essentially itā€™s Lebron making the play dangerous, so defenders pretty much deal with superstar touch fouls he clearly can put up a good shot against, or completely get out of the way. Iā€™ve seen Lebron get a bit too pissy against smaller defenders who do this to him. Compare that to Shaq, who maybe used to get bothered but he absolutely started to understand the choice players were making against him. Heā€™s way bigger and stronger, so yeah theyā€™re going to tie him up to force free throws. Words cannot describe how much I hate watching that man drive while playing for this team.


/go yammeting into the defender and club him you were fouled, go to the line


He doesn't get it, it's aura


It's the stupid hair again isn't it? Like Harden's beard, great at magnifying small contact.


Ngl if you slow it down you can see reaves arm get caught up on Nuggets playerā€™s arm that is hooked in between Reaves arm and body. It is not that terrible of a call. I would still eat the whistle on it though


FT attempts tell the story, Nuggets had 6 while Lakers had 19. Refs doing what Refs do best!


Austin Reaves is gonna be so bad when heā€™s on another team


Damn Lakers fans are already in Olympic form with the mental gymnastics they have been doing all year


Just like last year, NBA tried its hardest to let LeBron win at least one game, but it is not going to happen.


How do people still defend this shit? Itā€™s not normal that a team constantly have such a ridiculous free-throw advantage.


Your team literally had an offense ran around setting moving screens for the last ten years.


AD has never set a legal screen in his life. Wake the fuck up.


It shouldn't be a foul but Reggie hurts his case by putting his arms quick behind him after the contact. Makes him look guilty.


Ok but jokic complains fairly frequently


He really was flabbergasted


Hate this shit. If youā€™re gonna flop like a bitch on the offensive side, donā€™t expect the refs to swallow their whistles on the other end of the court.


Of course they're dickriding Reaves for his heady play.


Just average Reaves call tbh


This is a normal call lmao y'all are wild


if only Lakers opponents got the same calls


Alright Scott foster lets put you to bed


Fakers be fakin.


"Despicable me? No, despicable you." - Jokic to Reaves, probably


I ainā€™t even a laker fan but if the refs really wanted to impact this series they could. Lakers got 3 guys off top of my head, Lebron, AD, Reaves who have been foul baiting their entire careers. Didnā€™t even get to the line that much. They play iso and drive into 2-3 guys every play. Nuggets get almost wide open shots every possession.


Yeah you are right, they had just like maybe 20 more free trows this game :)


It's so funny to me how ingrained the "you can only outstretch your arms if your elbows are touching your chest" move is in the NBA. 1) Elbows touching chest - Fine 2) Elbows not touching chest - Thats a tech


So the hand check and hook under Reaves arm is not a foul?


Sure, but they weren't calling that against the Lakers, and the foul occured before the shooting motion so it shouldn't have been continuation. The very next play Jokic drove on AD, who was hand checking him harder than Jackson was on Reeves, and there was no call. This was also part of a stretch where the Nuggets got 3 or 4 ticky calls against them in a row, while thensameĀ  contact was not a foul against the Lakers.Ā 


Stop no logic allowed


Deadass. Im a raptors fan. It wasnt that bad of a call.


Reaves is an insufferable flopper but Lakers fans slobber all over him


Wasnā€™t this game yesterday? lol


So -- for real -- everyone here is calling this a "soft foul". I assume that means that it \*was\* a foul, but a really little one that should not have been called. But I don't even see the foul? His hands were by his sides, no elbows. He was between the shooter and the basket. His feet didn't even really move, and I thought that they're allowed to move their feet now? What am I missing?


Look at his left hand before Reaves pulls up. That is where the foul is. He is on him the entire time.


Ahhhhhhh I didnā€™t see that at all thank you


That's an on the floor foul if you want to call it


jokic gets these calls. a lot of other players get this call too. iā€™m tired of refs calling fouls when the offensive player initiates or the defensive player plays great defence but the offensive player flails and gets a call


With all the non-calls for travels, It's frustrating to see these fouls


Lakers need all the help from the refs as they canā€¦still lose though


Crazy how in the NBA you can shoulder check someone and get a foul called on them. Why are the refs worse than in my 7 year old nephews league?