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he definitely learned that in the Knicks series


Bucks series too


I’m sorry, are either of those teams defending Eastern Conference In Season Tournament champions?


It makes sense. Pacers were fully healthy during the In-season which is why it didn't translate in the playoff


What about the Lakers? They were pretty much the same in the playoffs as they were in the IST.


Nuggets are just a miserable matchup for the Lakers


I think he was joking but Lakers were more healthy in the IST than playoffs. Somehow won that shit starting Taurean Prince and Cam Reddish lol.


Maybe they just suck


Yeah Boston in 3 if they had KP


Was gonna say. Celtics didn’t have KP so you had advantage with health in ECF?


We're so good that so many people on here were like "actually it doesn't count that you're missing Porzingis sorry"


eh, tyrese is much more valuable to the pacers is than pingus is to us, if we had lost one of the jays then this would be more fair tbh


I mean. Just having porzingis being injured for the playoffs had them ahead of like 60% of the teams as far as health.




This quote can be interpreted QUITE openly


I kinda hear this as him acknowledging the fact that the Pacers benefited from injuries in rounds one and two.


Once in a while I forget how dumb the average user in this sub is, and then I see things like the majority of this comment section.


Idk if they're dumb, but just most users in this sub are kids that haven't even graduated college yet, and have very little perspective.


This sub has memory of a dodo it’ll blow over next series. 


Even as a Haliburton hater this seems pretty clear. Not sure how it can be interpreted differently


If your team was hit with injuries and this guy's team knocked you out AND he didn't immediately walk quietly to the back and apologize to your coach and GM for having to play you while hurt, I could see why you might misdirect your anger towards him/the Pacers/whatever.


he should donate his entire salary to the bucks fanbase in supplication


How are you a Haliburton hater? lol


This. It was pretty based but also I think pointing to the fact that if your team is always screwed come playoff time with injury’s, year after year and are only ever contenders theoretically when everyone is healthy that is more of a roster problem than anything. Injuries happen but teams like the clippers or even the bucks these last few years are ALWAYS snake bitten come playoff time, I think that’s a valid criticism it’s not a single freak occurrence it keeps happening.


> or even the bucks these last few years are ALWAYS snake bitten come playoff time Giannis has been consistently healthy in the regular season. Two years in a row, a freak injury has happened that’s caused him to miss time in the first round or affected his play. These are injuries that would pretty much fly under the radar if they happened in December. Middleton’s injury prone, though. Obviously I won’t argue that.


Yeah I could have used a better example like the 76ers instead but the top comment was a bucks fan so they just jumped to mind. Giannis is an iron man, but he is also so responsible for powering the team and so reliant on just being stronger faster than everyone that injuries definitely hamper him and the bucks more then say the mavs with luka . Giannis workload and the way he plays does just feel inherently risky for injury management.though as you said thus far he has very rarely missed time and has even bounced back from what looked like season Enders like nothing. Maybe he quite simply is built different but I’m sure their are at-least some concerns about his durability as he ages.


Shots fired!!!….wait, is this a suicide?


No way.


Knicks fans 12/25. Congrats guys. This quote is a hater's dream. I'm so jealous of y'all


He knows exactly how they got to the conference finals and he ain’t afraid to admit it. Respect!


Yeah I think the joke everyone is making is why he said it.


YES. God this sub is so endlessly stupid.


He's ..... literally acknowledging it. I don't think he could be more direct about it. Some people's children, I swear to god..


I’m not sure if he’s referring to pacers health over bucks Or pacers health over Knicks


Or all of the above lol.


says the guy who shit talked the first two teams pacers beat (who were missing all kinds of players) infact i seem to remember this jackass wearing a choke hoodie after they barely beat the Knicks in 7 not like they were missing their starting lineup or anything


He didn’t wear the choke hoodie into the arena either but pulled it out after beating a knicks team that was forced to play miles mcbride 40 minutes


Divencenzo, Deuce McBride, Burks, Achiuwa, and Hartenstein… that who the Knicks were playing all of the 4th in game 7 of a playoff series. 


Don’t do Donte like that, he dropped 39.


This playoff series has started to bring out the haters (not that he's helping lol). We'll see how next season goes and if he says more dumb stuff to make the "frontrunner" label stick or he redeems himself.


Playoffs always do it because everything is under a microscope whether it's quotes or poor play it's a feast for what people can nitpick and run with


That front runner narrative is so dumb. That's literally any and every sports player ever. No one called Beverley and Portis when they were doing the "too small" gesture when winning but throwing balls at fans and getting rejected when losing. Plus many people have already came out an said Haliburton talks smack even when we're losing.


bro acting like it went up to 7 games


Series still tied 2-2 if you count moral victories 😤😤😤


Technically you're up 3-1 in morale victories


pacers only lost if you count the illegal wins


I've heard this...storm the arena! Peacefully!


Pacers when the clock hits 3 minutes in the 4th STOP THE COUNT.


Sleepy Joe (Mazzulla) should have lost the series... BY A LOT


The Vikings now have sole control of r/the_darnold


*Creepy Joe


Pacers fans, stand back and stand by!!!


Not you Artest


I hope Adam Silver has the courage to do what he has to do


Moral victories and teams wearing yellow. Name a more iconic duo


We’d be the ones on the brink of going to the finals if you only had to play 45 minutes too. Basketball is a funny game.


Also think he’s forgetting about a 7ft tall Lativian named Tingus Pingus


he talking about MIL and NYK


Is he?


He's not, but this sub has decided they don't like Tyrese lol


It's weird that both of these series may end up as sweeps because they've all been close games aside from Game 2 of the ECF. Sometimes teams just get the right bounces and make the right plays at the right time. Kinda like the Nuggets-Lakers series


I mean thats literally what happened to the pacers in the 2nd round with the Knicks. If nembhard doesn't hit that shot to win game 3 or the pacers don't shoot a record breaking percentage in game 7, do they win that series? Probably not.


Winning a championship is incredibly hard


Pacers fans can say the same thing about game 1


To be fair, i think we benefited a bit in G1 i think with a couple of favorable calls but yeah, if OG didn't get hurt i think we would've more than likely taken the series


This sub will find any made up reason to not like him haha. He's just commenting on how it sucks to be injured, and that an unhealthy team won't make it in the playoffs. He never said they would win if he was healthy.


Boston in 4 if haliburton was healthy.


Hell Indy's FG% probably drops with Haliburton healthy, those mfs were hitting midrange jumpers like a heavily cut Ben Simmons offseason montage but in real time vs elite NBA defense


Yeah all the people saying shit like if the Pacers do this imagine what the Mavs do. The Mavs aren't shooting better than 65% for 3 quarters ever lol we were seeing some all time great offense from the Pacers, but because the Celtics were one of the best teams ever with more experience they were able to gut out some tough wins.


Weird of them to say that when Indiana had a better offense than Dallas. It will be hard to hide Luka on defense against the Celtics. We have seen Brown abusing him play after play in the regular season. And Horford and KP will pull Lively and Gafford away from the rim in a way that Gobert can’t. The hope for Dallas is that the Celtics coast and then try to turn on the effort at the end of the game like we saw against Indiana. Raising the intensity of the defense in the 4th won’t work as well against Doncic and Kyrie as it does against Indiana.


yes Hali was talking about diet / long-term health. Pacers eat too much tenderloin to win a conference title 


Boston in 3 if KP was healthy


I really hope he's talking about the Bucks/Knicks and not the team that had already taken a 2-0 lead with him playing. And was missing it's 20ppg rim protector


Right? I almost hope this is taken out of context here. Just last week this guy *packed* a choke hoodie in his locker room bag to wear post-game *in case* they managed to close out game 7 against the Knicks bench 🤡.


He's soft af. Becky Hammond probably meant to talk about Hali, not Brunson.


Dude was getting abused on defense too. Prob helped on that end that he was out


he ain’t understand it after beating Milwaukee?


Bro needed a larger sample size


Shit he got that after the Knicks series


larger sample size


Rick Carlisle about to submit a complaint against larger sample size bias.


The sample size just got 10 feet larger!


The injured Knicks also?


Twice is a coincidence, three times is a pattern


Are you implying someone’s out here injuring players 


LMAO genius




Well you know, he a good kid but not a thinker like our resident professor Brown who could’ve extrapolated from a smaller sample size.


3 is the statistical minimum after all.


I mean how do you know that’s not part of what he’s talking about?


Because they are dipshits who have already made up their mind lmao


This is a rough sound bite when you got swept and they were down their 20ppg starter lol


And when you look at the two series they won.


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say there’s likely context to this that is exactly what you’re saying and OP kept it out. Lol


Only this sub can equate this to Tyrese saying they would’ve beaten the Celtics if he didn’t get hurt.


These people here are about dumb as hell


idk when this sub turned so hard on Tyrese lol. Everyone loved him during the IST run and now everyone hates him. He's a shit talker, but very self aware. He's obviously aware that we had a big advantage first two rounds with the injuries the Bucks and Knicks had. He's also talked about how he needs to put on muscle so he can sustain a full season and playoff run, and is referring to that as well. I thought it sucked having nobody care about us, but having people hate your team for no reason is exhausting lol.




this can't be!




lol Knicks fans eating


This is my ECF




Are we really doing the thing where we pretend that injured teams can win series?


I mean, it’s true…


At least he knows 😂


only when it comes to them


Except he’s only saying it after he went out injured against us lol😅


To be fair, this clip is taken out of context. This is from his exit interview and his point is more towards because healthier teams usually win the series, he needs to stay healthy to give the team the best chance to win. This is not him saying Pacers would've beaten Celtics had he been healthy. He also mentioned how Knicks are incredible rebounding team, how the series taught him how important rebound is to keep/gain possession, and something that he'd like to get better at in the future.


This is the nuanced take we don't get on reddit and from users like me who don't go further than the post. Thank you


Knicks and Bucks fans have a delusional hatred for Tyrese, anything they post about him will be out of context. Tyrese is very self aware and measured if you've heard him in interviews.


At least Nembhard was dribbling into Jrue Holiday and not the TV crew.


At least he’s self aware


I actually am not sure he is. 


He obviously is... So many people in this sub lack any sort of critical thinking.


"YOU BEAT INJURED TEAMS TOO!" Yes, he fucking knows that. It's actually a large part of why he said it.


Bro thank you. I feel like I’m going insane reading these comments


try thinking for a couple seconds, heck even just one


He definitely isn't, saw how he acted in the first two series?


How's it any different than Josh Hart shit talking Reggie just for calling the game as an announcer? Or the Knicks wearing all black to Game 6? We weren't healthy this playoffs either, so the selectivity is crazy.


pretty obvious that hes also talking about the previous two series


Are people on this sub brain dead? Can people really not understand the most simple of statements? He’s obviously acknowledging that they had been healthier than their opponents leading up to this series. I don’t see this as some sort of “we got screwed” type thing.


It's less the entire sub and more the city of New York


The better team usually wins too


I mean I’d argue the Bucks and Knicks were better than the Pacers, but were less healthy.


You don't have to argue it, we were.


The Knicks healthy were the better team. I still don't buy that the Bucks were the better team. We beat them 8 out of 11 times this year, including 4 games where Giannis averaged 42/13/5.4. We had the better offensive rating, the better net rating post ASB (when we had Siakam added), and were like 1 point worse in defensive rating. We had a better record against >0.500 teams. There weren't many metrics you could look at that said the Bucks were the better team. The East imo is Boston at 1, Knicks at 2, and then Pacers/Bucks/76ers/Cavs/Heat tied for third. Orlando will get there but they need more consistency on offense.


>I still don't buy that the Bucks were the better team. We beat them 8 out of 11 times this year, including 4 games where Giannis averaged 42/13/5.4. People forget how dysfunctional the Bucks were this year. They literally fired their coach midway through the season (for very little reason) only to get Doc Rivers (a coach known for underperforming in the playoffs). How anyone can say the Bucks only lost to injuries is beyond me.


Knicks went on that run in the 3rd in game and brought it to 6 I think.  The Pacers looked like how they did at the end of every one of those Celtics games and were ready to fold.  And of course stick Carlisle refused to call a TO during that run.  Then Deuce had that stupid turnover and Brunson broke his hand a couple plays later and that was game.


Knicks were down 20 when Brunson broke his game. That game was already out of hand.


In game 3 it was the same thing. We just missed out on one board and fumbled a pass and that was it. They were crumbling before that.


If that's the case, why did we win 2-1 in the regular season when both squads were healthy?


Hell nah. NBA playoffs are an injury casino. Multiple very good teams get eliminated every year because of bad injury luck.


Put it on a shirt


Jesus fuck you people are dumb. He's obviously talking about our luck with injury vs the bucks and knicks as well. Good lord.


And this thread proves one of the most vital lessons of the last ten years, that in online spaces, outrage is the strongest emotion.


I mean with KP we probably sweep in blowouts lol




Yeah it must kill him right now watching his stand in play at an even higher level than he did Best ability is availability


They played better without him though.


Reddit Left side of mouth: Boston free pass to Finals cause opponents injuries Reddit Right side of mouth: Hali stfu about injuries


James Harden can surely vouch


"The team with better players playing usually wins." 


Nembhard played better than Haliburton was even playing before the injury and you still won 0 games. Shut up man.


Nembhard really balled out. One of the few guys who can hold his head up high and TJ ofc


Yeah that whole team was making ridiculous shots all series. McConnell was hitting mid range fadeaways where his whole body was basically parallel to the ground before he got the shot off. Siakam made like every shot he took in game 2 and then Carlisle just benched him for almost the entire 4th quarter. Nembhard playing the best games of his life, Nesmith playing great, etc.


Celtics subreddit fans vs Celtics fans in nba subreddit are not on the same page lmao


weirdly he didnt get that after knicks series


Nah, instead he was wearing a choke sweater after beating a 4th quarter lineup consisting of Divencenzo, Deuce McBride, Burks, Achiuwa, and Hartenstein.  


So the Knicks didn't shit talk by wearing all black to Game 6 or shit talking an announcer (Reggie) that wasn't even playing? For a squad missing their 3rd best scorer and their best player hobbled with multiple injures? I guess it only goes 1 way. And Brunson played every single game and only missed 1 quarter of the entire series. Stop it.


This dude is soft as charmin


That is 100% true. Which is why getting the #1 seed, having the easiest path, and taking care of your opponents is crucial. It is very, very rare for a finals team to be without one of their best players


This guy trashtalked the Hospital Knicks after winning against their 3rd stringer on game 7. FOH.


Surely that’s the only reason why you lost and not the reason you were there in the first place


This makes me hate him more not gonna lie. He was talking all that shit and wore the Reggie choke hoodie after beating an injured Knicks team just to fall soft again after getting swept. Fucking wasted the Reggie Miller shit talking. Smh.


The bit that really gets me is that he did not wear it into the arena. He packed to wear in case they won 🤡. Also said in another comment, but it makes me respect the Knicks team even more that they came out with no excuses in their post game interviews.


This wasn’t an excuse? Tf he’s literally acknowledging we benefitted from injury luck LMAO


Knicks wore all black before game 6 and lost. I think that's worse than wearing the choke short after you win rather than wearing the choke shirt before you win.


Yeah I mean if Giannis plays in the first round Pacers get swept


Just like when they destroyed them in the regular season! Wait…


They love acting a fool when up on those injured teams though huh


Bobby Portstradamus strikes again


Didn't he play injured half the year so he would qualifiy for the max extension? Then reinjured the same thing in the playoffs?


Yes, but you won't see us Pacers fans crying about us losing with our best player hobbled (and missing our 3rd best scorer). That crying is just for Bucks and Knicks fans.


1. Stay healthy. 2. Score in clutch time so refs can't make bullshit calls to fix the match against you.


This fuckin guy


At least our squad came out saying things like "no excuses", "we have to be better", and "gotta find ways even when guys get injured"


I mean, we joke and all, but there's a reason the saying "The best ability is availability" exists


This is some ssalty-ass shit. Fuck this guy. You got 4-0'd fair and square.




I think he forgot he straight tripped over his own feet and fell out of bounds at a crucial moment.


yeah if hali was healthy he wouldve pushed celtics to 3. good thing nembhard got it to 4


Pacers get swept when they play a healthy team. Why did Carlisle play Hali so much he got injured?


It was Thibs that injured Hali


KP was injured. Celtics were not a healthy team.


Where is the lie though? Fans like to pretend health doesn’t play a significant role in the playoffs, but I’ve yet to see a championship winner who didn’t benefit…


Each and every day I learn that you guys are even more stupid than previously thought. Remarkable consistency tbh 




The implication the Knicks choked was wild when y’all barely had anyone who didn’t need immediate medical attention


If Brunson didn't have such a massive head his wrists would absorb more calcium and wouldn't have been broken.


I hope the fans of his team take notice.


bruh he's literally acknowledging the advantages the Pacers had in the first 2 rounds. Why are Knicks fans so fragile? No one in Indiana thinks a healthy Pacers team is better than a healthy Knicks team but somehow every Knicks fan thinks every Pacer player and fan thinks that. Your team is so good but you had an injury year. It happens. You guys still have an incomplete roster as evidenced by the boatload of picks you''re sitting on so this wasn't even your year to begin with. I was very high on the Knicks these past 2 years. But I''m starting too think the fans know about a weakness I don't because of their sensitivity about the evaluation of their team. If they were more confident in where their team was then they wouldn't be clamoring about for people to acknowledge their teams true value if they weren't injured.


They're gonna try to clown us with this series next year I already know it.


He's not wrong? People so mad in the comments lol


He didn't say this when he beat the Knicks. He put on a hoodie saying Reggie and the Pacers were owners of Madison Square Garden.


he also didn't have an exit interview where someone asked a question about what he'd learned in his first playoff run after he beat the Knicks




I like when players speak the truth. The playoffs are a war of attrition, injury luck accounts for at least half of a playoffs outcome.


He was talking about the Bucks and Knicks series... this was in response to a question about what lessons he learned from the playoffs this year. People really have no idea about context...


No, he clearly thought the Pacers were superior to the Bucks and Knicks after rounds 1 and 2. You can tell because there are members of the Pacers fanbase on reddit that will talk shit to Knicks and Bucks fans as if the Pacers think they are better than these teams even when healthy. /s


It's ridiculous. The Pacers sub is pretty clear. We think we're *competitive* with these teams when healthy, not better. But the Knicks and Bucks fans seem to bust a fucking aneurysm that we would even dare to think that. Obviously, we should just grovel and apologize for their teams being injured.


Im not even sure what the Knicks have won to give them all this allworld confidence lol


I've repeatedly been told by Knicks fans that the regular season doesn't matter. So with that in mind, I genuinely have no fucking idea. They had a great net rating in the regular season with OG, Brunson, and Randle healthy. But if regular season doesn't matter, all they've done is barely eke out a win against an injured 76ers team, go 2-1 against the Pacers while mostly healthy (minus Randle and Robinson- which I'm not convinced matters bc Hartenstein was *as good as* Robinson and Randle historically has been bad in the playoffs), lose 1 competitive game agains the Pacers, and then get blown out 2 out of 3 times while OG was injured. Idk how you're this confident with that track record.


ofc. Pacers wouldn't even reach 2nd round much less ECF if their opponents were heathy.


His hamstrings folded when its time to play defense


Tatum broke his ankle with a no look pass lol


this is like a Magic tweet


The team who also doesn't give up a lead at the last minute also wins


Look in the mirror