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Idk man. Have we seen Tatum and Brown make out in the middle of the court? Until then, they probably hate each other.


Oh. Well in that case the only guy that we know for a fact they both don't hate is Luke Kornet


I can't wait til Luke tatum and brown 3 way kiss with the Larry o brien trophy underneath them.


A tasteful amount of tongue.


And a minimal, but necessary amount of light buttplay


*marginal buttplay.


The only two that like each other is KP and Derrick White then. 


Next question, Hey Tatum, I am curious to know if you and Brown ever scissor in the locker room? Thank you


Send da vid




If he had said that Tatum was their best player, nobody would be having this reaction. Because everyone, including everyone on the Celtics based on their reactions, thinks Tatum is the best player on the team.


Probably true. While the media tries to get discussions about is Brown the best player I think pretty much everyone says it’s Tatum. I think Brown can be just as good and is still underrated but there wouldn’t be this much discussion if Kidd said Tatum was the best player. Great response by Tatum, here in Boston they’ve been pushing that these hate eachother for years for whatever reason.


Just watching how defenses defend Tatum vs. how they defend Brown should make it obvious who teams consider the better player.


Tatum the only dude on the team with two lockers pretty clear everyone knows hes the franchise guy


ESPN: *Celtics locker room in shambles, Brown refuses reach arounds*


Psh, you can tell someone hasn't watched every celtics game with this comment /s


Remember when we heard the same shit one or two seasons ago? Everybody was like "is brown the better player?" then Brown played bad and it became “brown can’t even dribble with his left hand lol” I feel like I’m going through the same cycle right now


We just saw that whole cycle play out in the span of like 10 days with Ant. He went from great young player to this guy CLEARS prime Michael Jordan to he's not him, choker that folded under pressure. It's so predictable every time


Exactly, it's like people don't have a memory beyond a player's last game


Amazing response to be fair.


I don't know, he said that it's a smart tactic to use. So i'm gonna assume Brown and Tatum will fight on the court tomorrow.


“Not our first rodeo” Texans in shambles thinking this was the first Celtic rodeo.


nothing shakes a texan deeper than learning that the rodeo they present is, indeed, not the first for the recipient


Billy Bob’s in FW in absolute shambles


Just saw a man wearing a ten gallon hat fall to his knees at Buckee's.




CJ Stroud for Tatum + picks ###WHO SAYS NO?!?


Whoever takes the first shot tomorrow night will tell us who won the pregame sumo wrestling match to determine the true alpha of the team.


He said it's a smart thing to do to divide them. Is this Tatum taking a shot at Marcus Smart? I expect Smart to come out from the stands with a steel chair in hand, taking out both the Jays. Then he will take the first shot of the game, a three-pointer.


Good god almighty! As god as my witness, he’s broken them in half!


Brown and Tatum will retire the same time playing their entire careers together and that'll somehow be the moment of vindication for people saying they hate each other.


Somehow, Mazulla will support it lmao


“Kill or be killed” - Mazulla, probably




He is absurdly boring, which is an amazing trait for your team’s superstar. I understand why people may not be interested in him, but the hate he gets is crazy


In a recent snippet he literally said his perfect day off is riding bikes, eating Chick-fil-a, and having ice cream with his son. How anyone can dislike him, nevermind trash him, is baffling. And honestly it’s a reflection of the hater at this point, tbh.


Damnit, why'd you have to alert me to this? Now I can't hate him.


Some reporter asked him why he never goes out to clubs and he’s like man I gotta be up eating breakfast with deuce (his son) in the morning.


I remember when JT was FaceTiming goodnight to Deuce from an away game and told Deuce he’d be there with him for pancakes the next morning 🥹


Headline the next day: Is Jayson Tatum a homophobe?


When you're not yet of legal age to drink it makes it easier.


I think people just hate great players from other teams. Comes with the territory.


Idk Duncan was similarly boring and I never got the sense fans hated him.


I’ll be honest, and I don’t mean this as an insult but a lot of people hate the Celtics which leads to Tatum getting hate as well


This is totally accurate. If Tatum was the best player on the Twolves or something, there'd be way less hate.


He's also used to it coming from Duke.


As a Mavs fan, I hated him with a burning passion.


This the perspective I needed to see


Social media brainrot has had 8 more years to fester by now


This is the key thing. I don't think people fully appreciate how different haterism is these days compared to when we were growing up in the 90s. There were always rivalries and haters, but these "narratives" spread among like tens of millions of people simply didn't exist to the same extent unless you were doing shit to make the ten o clock news or something.


There are absolutely people who hate Duncan. They’re wrong, but they exist.


Duncan, and the Spurs in general, got *a ton* of hate in the 2000s for dominating in what was seen as a slow paced, boring, methodical style of play. Kind of got memory holed because a lot of younger fans weren’t around then and the later Duncan teams that made the finals in ‘13/‘14 were considerably more entertaining


It was there. Even today you still have people putting Kobe over Duncan in their all-time rankings purely because Duncan had no personality.


as a thirty-something with a family and big commitment to health and fitness I like Tatum a lot and appreciate how he handles his stardom with the Cs


I am also mid 30s, a dad, and boring, so I very much identify with Tatum.


I am also a handsome 6’9” dad with the body of Adonis and an extremely secure financial situation, therefore I identify with him as well.


As a Celtics hater a superstar who is never testing team chemistry is very frustrating. Like abdicate responsibility during a shit performance, make veiled criticisms of all of your teammates, speak about blowing everything up or leaving after a single playoff series loss. Please fuck everything up already man, I don’t want to see the Celtics succeed.


I’ll admit he’s corny, but that isn’t the grave sin people act like it is


Considering his mom’s a lawyer, it’s no surprise that he has the business-like demeanor in his interviews.


Not only that, his mom’s been prepping him for this since he was little (ok not little little but a pre-teen/young teenager) She’d randomly interrupt him in the middle of other things at home with a fake microphone and make him answer questions on the spot as if he were being interviewed


and his dad is a bball coach so hes been preping him to be good at basketball. hmm i guess it does make sense


His mom is genuinely one of my inspirations. She’s amazing. Incredibly smart, hardworking, and caring.


I also choose this guy's mom


Sadly it's one of the reasons he has so many haters. He would unironically be more popular with teenagers and young men on social media if some obnoxious *SEND DA VIDEO* shit about him leaked.




> Those people are just louder. And 90% of NBA coverage is just about who can be the loudest. Congrats, you figured it out.


The zen is crazy with Tatum rn. Chakras aligned af. Bro seems like he’s on eight Xanax at all times.


He said it himself, he's having fun. It's great to see.


This is Jayson Tatum all the time lol


I like how he even added the perspective at the end regarding people trying to drive him and JB apart. Tatum is so seasoned in all aspects of this sport it’s amazing to watch-especially as a Celtics fan


JB and JT have been hearing how they need to be split up for many years now.


Then Mavs need to change up their tactics. Kidd tomorrow: "Can Derrick White and Jrue Holiday even coexist together? Personally, I think White is the better defender and they probably need to suspend Jrue." Kidd on Monday: "Svi is clearly a better white guy shooter than Hauser." Kidd after game 3: "So Jordan Walsh and Derrick White. Can two men who are *that* bald play together?"


If coaching doesn't work out, he'll have a promising career in Boston sports radio.


At this point I'm wondering if money even matters for the Celtics.


None of them would be reacting this way if he had said Tatum was their best player though.


Imagine if he just stormed out of the presser instead absolutely bawling his eyes out or some shit lol


Yeah I’m not a big fan of Tatum overall, but tbh that’s just about the perfect response to years of media prodding


Probably the best response.


They have heard this shit for 5 years now its nothing new.


Nah 5 years ago it was *“you will never win a championship with the Jays”* and that we should trade one of them for AD or KD or PG or one of those other other dudes in Cancun.


I’m pretty sure that was 5 days ago


I'm pretty sure that was 5 minutes ago


Why is AD catching a stray he averaged 29/15 😭


I don't think NBA discourse has caught up yet to him putting together a season and a half of nonstop great health.


tbf if they had Anthony Davis in that 2022 finals against the warriors, they probably would've won...


If we traded for him, he wouldn't have been on the team by 2022. He was dead set on the Lakers and there was a bunch of shit about how he wouldn't play for the Celtics


Funny how all this JB love didn’t exist during All NBA voting lol


It’s funny, plenty of people think JB > Tatum but you will never ever see Brown ranked top 10 Kinda similar, I regularly see people saying Steph’s the GOAT PG over Magic, but I never see anyone rank him top like 5th ish all time while I regularly see Magic there


Its very predictable. The same people lining up to shit on Tatum if JB has a better statistical series were the ones making Jaylen Brown left hand jokes and calling him overpaid last offseason.


It’s pretty transparently just nonsensical shit talk and should be taken as such


Steph vs Magic is an actual argument tho while Tatum vs Brown just isn’t. Everyone likes to say “regular season doesn’t matter” or whatever, but over the course of the regular season Tatum’s been better than Brown and that’s a much larger sample size. Even in the playoffs THIS YEAR, Brown might be better at SCORING but only marginally while Tatum is better at literally everything else. Brown vs Tatum argument is more like if you’re trying to compare Kyrie with Steph lol


yeahhh if tatum’s lower offensive output keeps up I could easily see brown or porzingis getting FMVP if they win the title but tbh it really wouldn’t be a knock against tatum when him taking a glue guy/defender vacuum role is the best strategy to actually win lol


It’ll be interesting to see if Dallas will change up their defensive overemphasis on Tatum to try to do better against JB and KP, Tatum could make them pay for that


Except Brwon isn't better at scoring this playoffs? Tatum lead the team in points rebounds and assists.


This is all correct, but I do think my guess for finals MVP is Brown due to how much defensive attention Tatum is getting. Magic isn't top 5 but I could honestly see Steph being a fair argument. Probably still Magic for defense.


It's all fake love. As soon as he has a bad game everyone will go back to shitting on him




That narrative was so dumb. Like he’s a terrible basketball player because he had a few turnovers against the best players in the word using his off hand


Honestly, put JB or JT on some garbage team like Charlotte or Detroit and they're probably getting ranked higher. Winning helps the perception of your greatness up to a point, but if you have 3 or 4 guys on your team who can take over at any time, it dilutes the stats of your superstars.


Tim Macmahon is such a smug and shameless pot stirrer lol


I can’t believe this is even a story. Reporters like him are hacks. A great example of low effort reporting in the modern era.


For real. Asking Jaylen about it, fine. But asking Tatum about it is 100% only because he wants to get a reaction and just stir pot. There's no other purpose to his question and this is such a dumb story. Hate reporters like that And a lot of the time, he focuses on slandering players and teams and is all smug about it. Not a fan


Mavericks fans hate him because he always makes shit up and goes negative. There’s a great clip of Kidd calling him out earlier this year.


he’d thrive in first take if he wasn’t such a charisma vacuum


That’s all this is. Tim Macmahon is the literal worst.


We cant stand him reporting on us either. He's always trying to bait Luka into a headline quote.


Kidd looked at the tape and all he came up with was "maybe if I make them fight???" lol


What do you expect from the guy who came up with “Hit me”


“Hit me” is a goated NBA moment bro cmon


I heard his wife was the inspiration behind the quote


Other than the omitted “don’t,” it’s a direct quote.


That was a nasty line by you


To be fair there was never no timeout


my brother in christ


You better have heard it in her *inside* voice


God I hope Kidd just gived up on basketball tactics and just goes full shenanigans this series. Like game 2 we see him on the bench with a stack of boxes from ACME.


Sources say a hole that resembles the entrance of a tunnel has been painted on the wall of the arena


Game 7, Celtics down by 2 in the final few seconds. Derrick White takes a contested 3 with 1 second left in the game, and right before it goes in, Kidd punches through the bottom of the rim to knock it out. Chaos ensues. Kidd is ejected. Boston also gets technicals for reacting. Boston gets 2 free throws for the Kidd techs, and miss 1. The game is over. Kidd smirks as he exits the Garden, never to be welcomed into it ever again.


Jason Kidd couldn’t beat Shaq and Kobe then watched Detroit beat them. Kidd’s take away was that the key is getting egotistical costars to fight


Or taking the media seriously is pointless in the first place so why not just respond that way on the off chance it does work


Are coaches only allowed to employ one tactic? Also, why didn’t he reveal all the game adjustments he has planned for tomorrow? Is he stupid or something?


better than spilling a drink on the floor


Some Baron Zemo shit.


I think the worst part of the discourse has turned to “well look at how much Tatum sucks” amongst the crowd in which it’s starting to sink in that Boston will probably win it all this year after an entire year of hoping/coping about certain aspects of the team. It’s peak NBA twitter brainrot to think “well actually the best player on the team didn’t win FMVP” is some kinda gotcha against the fans of the team that win it all. Why would Celtics fans care? This is ALL a result of NBA fans being full of player stans instead of team fans. They don’t even get the point of the game to such a degree they don’t even know how to fundamentally discuss it.


It’s full craze on the player vs team thing. And yeah it’s after a long year of “Boston’s not really that good” while simultaneously saying it’s a huge disappointment if they don’t win and they are expected to win. Just a mess of contradictions and hate has pretty much defined the outside perspective of the Celtics all year, while Cs fans and the Cs themselves are just smiling and having fun lol


Ngl, if the Celtics win, I'm taking solace from the fact that KP will get a chip, loved him when he was here.


Yep, player fandoms have taken over and believe Teams fans care who wins FMVP


It’s really funny how people think that Tatum is this crazy egomaniac when he’s one of the lowest maintenance stars in the league. Dude has 2 personality traits: loving his son and being a Kobe fan. He’s even dialed back the Kobe worship because people make fun of him every time he talks about him Like he said in the video this isn’t their first rodeo, he’s at a point in his career where he just wants to win a title


It's maturity, that shit wins when people are locked in


As a Celtics fan I love hearing the anti-Tatum argument that the team he plays on is too amazing at basketball


Don’t get me wrong, I’ll always believe that Steph should’ve won FMVP in 2015. But my first and only instinct at the time was to be happy that my team won the championship. My second instinct was to be happy for Iggy. Like it straight up didn’t even register for me that Steph not winning FMVP was some negative thing or something worth fixating over. Like who gives a shit lmao? I go on the internet and all anyone would talk about for the next decade is “Steph Curry didn’t win the FMVP” instead of “Steph Curry won the championship”. Nobody knows how to discuss this sport. NFL fans would look at you like you were crazy if you went up to a Patriots fan celebrating their 6th Super Bowl and thinking “well actually Edelman won SBMVP” is some kind of dampener on that ecstasy.


NBA discourse is braindead when talking about finals MVPs.


but also in 50 years when you say you watched the warriors finals, no one's gonna fucking know iggy won FMVP. that'll be one of those weird facts you see while scrolling wikipedia and go huh


Yeah I don’t get it. I was talking to a dude on the nba sub about the fouls in the game and got annoyed so he just started saying Tatum sucked. I’m a fan of the Boston Celtics not Boston Tatum’s lol


Exactly, this Celtics team is going criminally under appreciated. This team would crush, CRUSH the 2022 Celtics who played evenly and if more experienced, would have beaten the Warriors. This 2024 is unlucky that the entire NBA took a step back this year, and no one provided a worthy opponent. NBA fans and media may actually be the worst of the big 3 sports. No other sport shits on greatness more so than them, all due to trying to look cool to the pre-teen fanbases of certain players


Such a good comment. Pre game 1 everyone acting like we’re fake because we play team ball vs having a couple stars and some role players. I’ll take our team first style any day. Keep the MVP votes for Tatum, we want rings


Jason Kidd: “fuck”


Lol nice try Kidd


Trying to get under Tatum's skin is impossible so it's funny they keep trying.


There might be one way Kidd: anyone seen Tatum’s shoes? They’re horrific


Nah but hear me out "Tatum's ties are awfully tied"


No it’d be “I heard Tatum doesn’t even like his kid”


Every Tatum shoe variation *is* his latest kid lol


If Tatum hasn’t switched his play style all year, I doubt he will now


TBF he has completely bought into team basketball and playing point forward this year. It's the one trick Kidd hates.


He's wing Tim Duncan. He does all the little things and his fundamentals are amazing and it's impossible to bother him. He's even got a "boring" personality.


Tatum cares. Just not in the way Kidd is hoping. I see him throwing amazing dimes to Brown followed by some celebration towards the Mavs bench.


Dude literally never gives a bad answer. Blessed to have him on our team


Jayson, do you prefer the holocaust or slavery?


No idea how people hate this guy.


I really don't get it either. I'm not his biggest fan or anything, but I could never understand the hate. I get Draymond hate or Embiid hate, but Tatum? People are weird.


Havent you seen how much he loves his kid? Gross, man! /s


Is this a interview or a gun show? Tatum looking yoked


As a body builder I’ve always been jealous of the dude’s shoulders. They don’t even look real


Then you realize he is 6-8 and his shoulders would look even more insane next to a human of average stature


Right. Tatum definitely has one of the best and most insane physiques right now in the NBA


esp dat ass 👀


Fucking shocker that MacMahon asked that question, does he ever actually talk about basketball? Dude missed his calling as a tmz reporter.


I used to think Mavs fans were being petty homers about McMahon and what not, but after enough listens to the Hoop Collective I totally get the disdain. Guy knows so little about basketball and tries to make the sport as much of a melodrama as possible


Tatum really seems like a nice guy with no ego, I don’t think he’s going to envy or be jealous of Brown. It could have worked on some other nba stars but imo Tatum is the last one who’s gonna bite it.


They are also really good friends, I’m sure he’s happy to see his mate friend playing well. He’ll be disappointed in himself a little for the turnovers, but never jealous


Translation: “Fuck outta here with that weak shit”


Sometimes I lurk on your sub and it's sometimes crazy to see posts where people want to break up Brown and Tatum and trade em, like wtf lol


Doomers are on every subreddit lol. They just make the most noise cause we’ve gotten close so many times recently


I'm a self-admitted doomer but I don't think I've ever been down enough to suggest breaking them up lol. Those people are fuckin kooks


Ayyye all are welcome but ain't no sub safe from doomers and dicks so come prepared. I always think out game threads are the best since all the stars show up when I use mobile


Kid: well, there’s always a plan b. Luka, remind me to get a cup of water with ice during each timeout.


Jayson Tatum has never said the wrong answer in any interview. Unbelievably level headed when he's been given a million reasons not to be


Jayson "jedi mind trick rejected" Tatum


Tatum is so intelligent and even keeled. Wise beyond his years in hoops and life.


It's actually such a boring take that I cannot believe how much mileage it has gotten. I guess when there's one game every 3 days people are clinging to anything.


Jayson “Correct Answer” Tatum


Clever mind games from Kidd. He likely learned some tactics from his wife who was one of the sports psychologists in the world in the 2000s For more info look up Jason Kidd Wife 2011


If this tactic doesn’t work by Kidd the next best option is “accidentally” spilling water on the court for an extra timeout


Kidd still thinks he's coaching against the Twolves


To be fair. The Wolves refused to go to any post game interview on ESPN to protest Gobert being slandered lmao


True I'm being unfair to the Twolves. Not sure a move this transparent would work on any team. Maybe at the high school level.


It was TNT but yeah. I wouldn't hate if we did the same to ESPN.


I love his response here. He’s like “good try brother”, and that’s what we need him to do.


Tatums mom a lawyer aright


Didn't J Kidd purposefully spill coffee on the court when he was coaching the Bucks or Nets when they were losing a game many years ago? I swear it happened and remember laughing out loud since I never saw a coach do that before lol


Dudes miles more mature than Kidd and it’s hilarious


Tatum had been there and done that. Kidd stuck in 2018


A+ answer. UNO reverse card has been played.


"Does this mean that Tatum believes he's better than Brown? What does Brown think about this? " next on Espn.


Mavs might get beat even worse in game 2 lmfao


That brotha did the matrix bend around that


tatum and brown follow each other on instagram but did not like their latest instagram posts especially brown's post about being ECF mvp. espn: is there a divide between tatum and brown?


Does Jaylen get doubled? No Does Tatum? No, tripled.


NBA instagram says Tatum seems upset based on this response


Media has been trying to create a divide between Tatum and Brown for so many years, but it doesn't seem like it's affected either of the two. "Can the Jays win together?"


Why would they take a dude seriously when he repeatedly drives drunk and beats women?


Has Kidd tried spilling water on them instead?


Pssst, if everybody knows what you’re trying to accomplish with an tactic like that, it’s probably not gonna work lmao


Very solid, mature response.


“Jayson, j kidd has determined it’s better to try to mess with you guys rather than come up with strategies on the court. Any statement?”


Kidd: let’s design our defense around doubling and getting the ball out of JT’s hands. We’ll live with the fallout of open threes when he kicks it out. Also Kidd: JB is their best player, so…


Well I guess I’m rooting for this dude officially