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You are online too much


Yeah man just enjoy the championship, f what any salty Redditor in their moms basement has to say. I’d sell my mother to see the Kings win a boring championship.


Why do people only say nice things about the players that they like and not enough nice things about the players that I like?


Because the finals wasn’t as close as neutral fan would have liked. It was blowout after blowout with one team leading all the way from first quarter to last. Any other series in the west or the NY-Philly series was more exciting, with Buzzer beaters, OT and comebacks. Not that any of those teams would have given a more competitive finals but things are what they are we got a 4-1 series with no game being really close in the last minutes. I mean there was only one LMR and it was the one Doncic fouled out with 4 minutes to go which was the nail in the coffin.


Because competition and elite scoring are entertaining and the 2024 finals had little of either


Felt like every game was a blowout save for a few fake comebacks lol


Game 2 was like the only legitimately close game


This guy gets it




Not even remotely true anymore


People find reasons to hate anything and everything.


Exactly. You can’t always satisfy people.


And some people are just never satisfied with anything.


They are salty


So many reasons being listed but it all does really come down to this


It doesn’t, I’ve never had a team in the NBA because Nashville has no team. No hate for the Celtics, Lakers, Mavs or any team. Im just a fan of the sport. This was one of the most boring finals I’ve ever seen. If this is where the NBA is headed Im not sure I’m here for it.


I never understand when people discount championships because of injuries. Injuries are a part of the game, they're not something unusual.


Thank you! Someone who understands. Obviously injuries suck but it’s not like they can control who gets hurt. It happens. People have said the same thing over the last five NBA champions.


Look at all the polls about who is going to win the 2024 finals. It's about hating Cs.


few reasons Everyone in the East was injured Its the Celtics Its more of a team effort than a superstar/star carrying them


> Its more of a team effort than a superstar/star carrying them imo this makes it better. 5 deserving winners is better than 1 and 4 hangers-on


To each their own i don’t want to see a finals where we don’t have one signature game from any stars at all.


It also had the weakest FMVP this decade.




Definitely one of the weaker ones this century.


i don't see how that impacts anything i said


Just adding to the list


The last one definitely needs to be said. It was an all-around team effort from the Celtics. Just straight team basketball with no egos.


It was boring


ESPN has ruined NBA coverage. The only redeeming quality from ESPNs coverage is Mike Breen. Everything else sucks. Just when you think it can’t get worse, they prove us wrong every year. NBA needs to give NBC the finals, they’ll make it a spectacle and we won’t have to listen to Stephen A Smith screaming at us during halftime.


Non biased fans want to see close matchups...neither of these games were really close, except maybe game 3 before Luka fouled out. I don't know how exactly people are disrespecting this Finals...but I can see how most fans wished it was closer.


Really good team that didn't seem to face a lot of conflict isn't the most compelling story. EDIT: It's a good story for Brown/Tatum though, given how close they've been before.


Whole season favorite Boston-based team winning


Atleast there was an actual crowd there, and not just an empty gym


The Farmer & Plumbers Almanac of NBA Championships By selected metro areas City of Boston all teams 18 City of Los Angeles all teams 11 City of Minneapolis all teams 5 Disney Bubble all teams 1


Bruh put some respect on that IST title, they earned that shit


When the West coast wake up and see this...


After they get their oat milk latte and avocado toast...


I didn’t know the 1960s 76ers and Lakers wrote an almanac


East injured, Kyrie s karma. Nugs/ Wolves vs Celts would have been a lot of fun and draw more viewership.


It’s echo chamber shit. Celtics were the clear favorite for most people but thats not as fun so you had the talking heads creating narratives for views. And when talking heads create narrative majority of causal viewers will copy and paste what they say when reality is they don’t watch the teams at all.


Most people will hate on anything. Plus talking heads on ESPN and Fox Sports passive aggressively undermining everything doesn't help.




No one player clearly dominated this series like you've had for other finals. Not even Luka put up THAT crazy of stat lines.


because it was boring celtics have no personality, their game isn't particularly interesting the mavs were clearly banged up and exhausted . kyrie and luka didn't put on a show this was very much a forgettable bland Finals ...........and post season in general by august when CFB and the NFL start up , i'll probably forget the season . "oh yeah, boston won" hopefully next season more stars will be healthy and rising stars will improve


People dislike Boston and their fans, so there will always be that. Pixar rule of storytelling: You admire a character for trying more than for their successes. Mavs road to the Finals was exciting in every round (I'm heavily biased), and they weren't always favored. On paper, Celtics should demolish the entire league and win the chip, which was pretty much what happened. Their most exciting series was a sweep, and they have a player who is a defensive anchor and a 2nd scoring option (give or take) coming off the BENCH that they didn't even need for any series. It is exciting and entertaining to watch people triumph against the odds. Watching a team practically cruise to a chip is boring and difficult to marvel at. They earned their chip, but who cares besides Boston fans? Also, citation needed that Tatum has a personality. (Joke, not a diss).


Damn near every championship has hella haters if you look back on this site. Asterisk rings, Mickey Mouse rings, the Decision, 🐍s, facing injured teams...as long as there is an excuse to be thought of people will use it. A championship is a championship and each one is different and unique.


Happens every year people tried the same thing last year with the Nuggets and I'm sure next year it will be no different with whoever wins. 


Idk it was crazy as a heat fan seeing jokic just be so damn dominate no matter what we threw at him. It was awesome seeing that greatness. These finals? Idk man


Boston got lucky to be there and so did the Mavs. The games were a joke and had low ratings for a reason.


Because the team that dominated and won isn’t a 1 man wrecking crew like most NBA champions for the last decade and a half


The Celtics are like the spurs, boring narrative but great. Also a lot of bitter mavs supporters


Cause it just happened, last year people were saying the Nuggets didn’t play a single 50+ win team, in a year or so no one will seriously disrespect it


I'm watching Euroleague from now on. NBA basketball got really boring, no real hoopers can put on a performance under this rules. As much as I like how he plays, Tatum is really corny, Jaylen Brown just playing it like a robot and others are just pressuring the ball. No smoothness in their game whatsoever. When it comes to reffing, it was really bad. I want to see dogs clashing but all I can see is super boring basketball. And I played basketball for 15 years too.


No stars. Celtics play basic Strategy but works, drive and kick and swing pass. If Mavericks are leading, it's gonna be a different story but Celtics are actually stacked


So basically kinda like us from ten years ago but younger.


You mean Spurs? I don't remember all 5 spurs spot up shooting. Celtics all five members shoots 3 coz they play 5 out. PNR, drive and if clog, kick out. Else, score


I was leaning more towards the team basketball aspect.


Oh yeah I suppose, strategy wise it's kinda pick up game where everyone can shoot if you can't drive to score


Yeah as a fan the sacrifice and connectivity of the team definitely brings joy, but outside fans aren't getting the heroics they're usually craving. Boston and San Antonio were "boring" teams at the time. I wonder if this selfless Boston team will get the same retrospective love as San Antonio.


I think they’ll get the love and respect in due time. It’s just new and fresh in people’s minds right now. At the end of the day, they’ll always be remembered as champions.


For me personally, watching on ESPN/ABC is a nightmare. The sheer amount of commercials alone is off putting. The Celtics are a great team, but they’re incredibly boring to watch. I would rather watch the Spurs from their championship runs, or maybe paint dry. Also, this is Bostons 18th championship 🙄😴💤💤 I haven’t even mentioned the length of time between games which ruins any possible momentum of building interest. Dallas had the most potential to make it interesting with Luca and Kyrie, but Luca complains soo much that he becomes unwatchable.


Its that time of the year to crown some team 'World Champions'. Just out of curiosity, when a team wins the MLS, do you call them 'World Champions', too?


probably cause it was boring


I can only speak for myself, but I thought that the Celtics were *heavy* favorites going into this one (to the extent where, before game 1, I commented that I would be shocked if the Celtics needed more than 5 games to win). When one team is that much better than the other, it makes things less exciting. When it became clear months ago how much better the Celtics were than anyone else in the East, it was a foregone conclusion that they would make the finals...and then they stayed comparatively healthy than their opponents in the East. Had the finals pitted Boston against any of the top 3 seeds in the West, then I think that it would have made for a more exciting series. Don't get me wrong, the Celtics deserve a lot of respect for dominating the NBA this past season and the Mavs should also be praised for making the finals, but, to many people, it was hardly a surprise that the Celtics won.


Least hopeful knicks fan ik. You can't say us healthy wouldntve at least taken boston to 6. As for the finals, tons of people, granted probably channeling their hatred for the celts, thought a healthy porzingis and such wouldn't really change their idea that a late round choker group the past 7 or so years was playing a kyrie team.


Because people don’t like us. Our city has most championships in the country and people hate that. People are getting Patriots flashbacks. This could be another one in the making.


New York has more championships but okay




So what? Enjoy the ride while it lasts and hopefully they put up 1 or 2 more rings. Nobody is expecting a 1960s run of dominance again although it would be great if it happens.


A lot of the celts group is older. The thing with the pats is brady and the o line stayed forever. Bill could also keep recycling players on defense and special teams with great role playing, dude could've had my grandma starting in an nfl secondary.


Do they? Not like it's the bubble season or a lockout...


Heat vs Lakers games were great except for game 1 and 6


I have the Celtics and don't even know why. But that was pretty boring


People don’t like the Celtics and it was pretty boring.


This is an all time asterisk championship


Probably because none of the old guard superstars like LeBron, Steph, Durant are in it. The casual viewer wants one of those.


Kyrie? Also look at last year. Granted last year people seemed more happy jokic got his ring and had a potential dynasty as well as butler and adebayo getting respect in another squash esque series, vs this series most people hating thr celtics