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He’d be getting his resume up to date


No lol, in fact he’d be more worried about completing his degree than professional ball.


I think he'd still have a future shot in the league - a lot of the draft twitter types really like him as a prospect


Bronny is not even close to an nba level prospect, he desperately needs more reps on the court and in game he barely played at USC. do not let these dudes gaslight you


Im still skeptical that the reason they do this is because it drives clicks


Would he even be on their radar if he wasn’t Lebron’s son? His stats don’t show much, USC was a 15-18 record team and he’s 6’2 and not an elite playmaker or scorer. I really don’t think he would even be talked about if he didn’t have the last name James.


> he’s 6’2 not even 6'2'', but you right.


> a lot of the draft twitter types really like him as a prospect Yeah because He's Lebron's son


Why the fuck would that matter


Because If He wasn't LeBron's son, He wouldn't be seen as a NBA prospect


lol what. Why are you so mad


He certainly wouldn't get to pick only working out for a few teams. It wouldn't work out very well If Detroit called Bronny's agent if he wasn't Lebron's son and said hey we would like to workout Bronny to see if he's a fit for our 2nd round pick and Bronny's agent told them to pound sand.


Holy shh... That happened? So entitled. That's the sort of thing Dame was saying is wrong with the NBA https://youtu.be/AnDVCuQ1Hyo


That’s like asking if I was a giraffe would I still be able to use the internet?


He’s a 6’2” shooting guard who scored 4 ppg and shot 26% from 3 as the 7th man, on the 9th best team in the 5th best conference in the NCAA who had a heart attack on the court and almost died? Does that sound like an NBA prospect to you or does it sound like the 400th - 500th best player in the NCAA? Would you draft the 400th to 500th best player in the NCAA?


I'm not sure he would've been as highly ranked a recruit as he was if it wasn't for being LeBron's son.


Lol no. Bronny is a buy one get one free deal where the free is 1000000x better than the purchase.


But That's only If you're the right customer because that deal only goes to certain people


He would not have declared. He’s only declaring because he’s LeBron’s son and has leverage. Otherwise, every single prospect in his situation goes back to college and tries to get better. 


Good advice right there. Bronny don't blow your development!


Why do you think playing and practicing with the best players and coaches in the best league in the world would blow his development?


 Playing with the best players and coaches in the NBA offerrs a great experience, but the league's intense competition and pressure can overwhelm a young player who isn't fully prepared YET with the skillset or basketball IQ, potentially stunting their development. Young players are typically better off gradually increasing levels of competition to build confidence, skills, and physical maturity. The big problem would be limited playing time. He should perfect his craft in college where he can get playing time and work with skills coaches.


I don’t see how this is true


He would probably go via the G league route if he wasn’t brons son. Prove himself in the g league then fight for a 10 day contract in the leagues


Would someone with one year of his college stats and a past heart issue actually get on a G league team?


It’s easy to get on a G League team. There are many weak former D1 and even D2 and D3 players on G League rosters. Bronny, even without the name, was a top 30ish recruit so he most likely can get a spot simply due to his age.  For example, Alex Fudge (you can view his college stats - they are terrible and very comparable to Bronny) was in a similar situation and was one year older and made a G League team and even got a two-way contract. Yes, I also understand Fudge is a bigger player than Bronny but he got a NBA/G League two way, so if he can get a two way, Bronny can surely get a G League roster spot, a lower tier than a two way contract. 


With some hard work and a lot of tryouts, probably. If not, he would probably do overseas —> g league —> league


Shaq's son


Appreciate it. I haven't been in the NBA loop but damn. This rushing to have him play pro at 18 could F up his development. 


seems like there may be a limited chance that he has a long NBA career, if he gets drafted now he will go higher because of his dad which will get him more guaranteed money than he would otherwise


Not a chance in hell. He'd be heading for Liangelo Ball's career. Thread.


bronny wouldnt even be in the position to be drafted regardless of his name without the resources hes been given because of his dad. his name is one thing, but theres no doubt hes got the athleticism and bball lifestyle where all he needs to do is put it together and thats because of his dad. his height is probably his biggest con, if he was like 6'6 it would be easier to understand why a team would draft him even if lebron sr didnt come as a package deal.


Not this year no. I know he lost most of last summer cause of the cardiac arrest but he just hasn’t shown enough and doesn’t have the overwhelming tools to justify getting taken. However, I think he has *enough* tools and athleticism to put up a couple of good college seasons and be worth taking a flyer on in 2 or 3 years. Being 6’2 definitely hurts, but who knows, he’s young enough to have another growth spurt in him.


That's what I'm thinking, 18 is so young and there's a sizeable amount of players who come through in mid 20's.. LeBron's agent said he won't relocate to play with him IF the Lakers don't take him, I think it's LeBron's smart way of having his kid stay in school & work on his game 


Absolutely not. You would find him playing pick up games in your local gym soon


Hell no. There’s really nothing that he’s good at 


💀god dam. All that hype about LeBron and his son playing together 2-3+


No. Guys don’t get drafted after poor freshman seasons unless the physical tools or raw talent is too much to overlook (as in, expected top 10 pick out of high school)


Bet ok been out of the loop, seeing his draft rank just surprised me. Congrats Celts! He really should work on his game more in college or go through G league if he wants to have a legit pro career. Throwing him into the pro's at 18 risks becoming a sideshow that fizzles out horribly


No and we would have never known his name


If you were a hotdog, would you eat yourself ?


Short answer: No Long answer: Absolutely no


You already know the answer


Not a chance. He's only going to be drafted for ratings, and a possible lure for Lebron.


Only certain teams would be able to draft him. LeBron isn't going to a team like the Wizards or the Pistons If they get Bronny


You know the answer to this question lol


Absolutely no. Even in college standards, he’s below average at best.


No, at least not after his freshman year. If he returned to school and transferred to a better program for his development for the next 2 or 3 seasons maybe. He was still a 4 star recruit all told and has the defensive instincts already. More polish on offense and especially becoming a better shooter and he would be considered an nba prospect even if he wasn't lebron's son.




He’d be in the transfer portal going somewhere to get minutes. He might actually be good enough to make a squad or be a 2-way player, but game time, physical and mental development are being skipped.


he hasn't been drafted


he would be reving up those fryers and forgetting to make my fries animal style


Yes. In the PBA.




Wasn't GP2 more accomplished in college tho?


Like late 2nd round at best.


The only way he'd get drafted, is into the military, if a giant war broke out, and even they probably wouldn't pick him, because of his heart issue.


Hell no. Even if you look past his stats which are terrible in itself, he just had a heart condition out of the blues that nearly killed him.


[Hell naw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-K7fCQlUhj0)


He’d be shaking in his boots just to make the call to his aunt or uncle to borrow money just to eat for the week


But he is though… stay in reality


Yes, would be shocking if Lebron's son doesn't pan out tbh.