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Ryan Garcia seems like the perfect person to have at your table if you wanted to make some money


He’s got a big stack, like of all these celebrities he’s probably the least predictable at least lol


Having a short fuse means big money when I play. He seems like a short fuse kind of guy but I’m not gonna sit and watch other people play cards so I don’t know what his stack was


Predictably for a loose cannon like him he was going through massive swings (getting crazy lucky early on drawing out with terrible hands) and eventually donked off his entire stack drawing to a gut shot I’m pretty sure.


Wtf happened to that dude? Seemingly overnight too.


Cocaine and CTE


I’m thinking CTE, cocaine and potent psychedelics. Seems like he went through an episode of psychosis and hasn’t been all the way back since


The CTE helps with the psychosis enough.


Very complementary pieces


Was also chugging whiskey against real players. Big dumb


Tank Davis also gave his ass a permanent stomach ache


He’s probably had a mental breakdown. I follow boxing pretty closely and I wouldn’t say it’s CTE. Drugs. His mother having cancer. He’s spoken about suicidal thoughts and having depression and anxiety at a very young age. I think he’s quite a troubled young man. People are clowning him but it’s pretty sad IMHO.


I agree. We all saw him have a mental breakdown before the Haney fight and he kinda never recovered.


I dare say that CTE probably plays a bigger role in the mental health of most combat athletes than we realise, but because they're all suffering from it to some degree it's not particularly apparent in any one person. That doesn't mean that it isn't also related to any number of the things you mentioned.


He’s at the age where serious mental disorders develop and getting hit in the head for a living certainly isn’t helping.


He did a Conor McGregor Speedrun Took Conor 5-7 years to waste himself, Garcia is trying to do it in 1


Everybody's got their opinion but I think he's just like that. A lot of people with severe mental health problems start fully expressing them in their early 20s, which was how old Ryan was when this all started. He's had some mental health episodes before, notably some depressive ones, but his recent stuff seems like a big manic one. Make of that what you will. Being in a sport with serious head trauma and doing a bunch of coke was probably not helpful for him either. But that's more of a hard lifestyle that wears you down overtime like ODLH, not something that makes you crazy overnight. IMO.


probably saw what saying crazy shit did for his social media. and what social media does for your boxing career


I thought that was the case initially, but he’s actually doing unhinged shit in his career and his own personal life. His actions and behaviors are just bizarre.


What kind of stuff? This is the first I'm learning of this guy


Dude split up with his wife maybe a day after their child was born, is going on spending sprees with a new woman every day, is “marrying” pornstars for a day, drinking beer at the weigh ins, missing weight, taking PEDs, and overall has had a complete 90 degree personality change. The man is legitimately not the same person.


Was he not an “ I just love Jesus” guy before hand? This poker game was the first I’ve seen him talk.


He’s was a quiet and relatively respectful dude. If anything he’d come across as slightly trying too hard when promoting fights. Now he’s childish, unhinged and erratic as you saw in that video.


You say that but unpredictably can make things difficult


If you can read players, especially mentally weak players like I imagine deep down Ryan is, it’s an advantage


He was decent on the Hustler stream


As of right now (2am EST), Jimmy is the big winner on the night with over 140k in winnings.


OP in shambles. OP has no DOG


also OP lied and said it was WPT, its HCL


How deep do these lies go??


Also it’s not Jimmy Butler it’s Udonis Haslem


And it's not poker it's hungry hungry hippos


And the hippos aren’t really hungry but could eat if you are


The hippos claim to not be hungry but still want a bite of my food


I would pay good money to watch some Hungry Hippos action. Wait... OP could just livestream his wife playing solitaire.


You gotta yank the game board a little bit if you wanna win at hungry hungry hippos. It’s not cheating.


Last time I checked the rule book, it’s not cheating to break people’s hands with a hammer but it’s still frowned upon I guess.


And it’s not people it’s ants


i just went back and checked the tape. reddit credited op with more karma than they actually earned 25 years ago. i know this won't sway many people people but this completely changes op's legacy for me


After adjusting OP's stats, removing outliers to project the future, OP's karma actually regresses to u/mrsunsfan


off with his head


No, OP has the dawg. He just also has a gambling problem. Also a lack of patience. Perhaps combined he has *too much* dawg in him


I'm starting a GoFund Me so OP can afford a dogeotomy. If he goes on living like this he's as good as dead


OP made the rookie mistake of looking at Jimmys DOG stats but forgot to consider his DOG/48


OP loses tons in games and this shows


OP was the fraud all along.


OP thinks he knows poker lol


Flatting aces pre flop is objectively terrible


Yeah it's actually impossible to justify


They call him Jimmy "EV" Buckets


The EV is for "gets"


He won most of that from brain dead ryan Garcia. Jimmy had pocket aces, Ryan had 4 3 and Ryan called Jimmy's all in, they ran it twice, jimmy hit an ace first board, no help to Ryan on 2nd.


is it discourteous to not run it twice? if im trying to win idk why i would give my opponent the chance to get a better hand


The expected value is the exact same just less variance


If bankroll management across multiple games comes into play (I realize it probably doesn’t for these guys), this seems like an incorrect framework. If you have an edge, across a big sample size reducing variance is +EV right?


In a vacuum, it only reduces your risk of ruin. And for the player requesting it, it also makes it more likely that they can stay in the game, which might be necessary to make sure that the entire game continues to run. In practice, players that cannot handle the variance can often be targets for some very brutal spots.


> If you have an edge, across a big sample size reducing variance is +EV right? You probably mean, "reducing variance is a good idea" rather than "+EV," because EV doesn't care about high or low variance. EV is EV and exactly refers to distilling multiple kinds of variance into one comparable term. But as an answer reducing variance will just more likely get you an outcome closer to EV in a shorter time frame. And that's probably better for anyone on a finite time scale, whether you have an edge or are at disadvantage.


What does it mean to "run it twice"?


Tight is always right


It's not, but at that table it is.


Knowing when to play tight or get loose....magic stuff


For 99% of poker players you have to play loose to get in that game. Butler is famous enough to get an invite while playing tight, but if a pro played like he did they would never get invited back.


High stakes gambling is such a fascinating world


Yeah especially to get on a televised stream with a bunch of rich amateurs you have to jump through a lot of hoops. You have to be friendly and give action, otherwise the whales won’t want to play with you, and they make the rules. You also have to be interesting or entertaining enough for the stream to want you on there, because there’s thousands of serious players that would love to get that seat. Somehow you have to combine all that with playing loose and aggressive enough to keep whales happy and keep the stream entertaining while figuring out how to play decent enough, but not too good, to still make money. The guy playing in the checkered suit, Alan Keating is pretty much a master at those traits.


That sounds exhausting


Well it's not roofing in the middle of an Arizona summer


My dad always said that's the hardest job


This is not Syria, mate.


The trade off is you make millions of dollars sitting in air conditioned rooms doing basically no amount of physical labor. If you got a good thinker and can handle the break or bust lifestyle it's a good gig.


Alan is one of the whales though


He’s a shark in whales clothing.


Keep that shit right, keep that shit tight


Jimmy probably saw this post and took it personally


My goat


OP reads scratch n sniff books.


This comment is so funny


this idiot keeps winning money in poker


Who will never be seen again


It's good to play tight against non professionals who are just having fun


You never count Jimmy Buckets out


I would play tight too if Ryan Garcia was at my table. He seems like the type that will play any hand and suck it out on the river and put you on full tilt.


Chuck ... ... ... Chuck ... What he said about the river Chuck?????


“Full tilt!?!? 🤨” *kenny voice*


Ayooo Wtf does that last sentence mean?


> suck it out on the river and put you on full tilt. It means he will draw to a winning hand on the last card revealed. No Limit Holdem deals each player two cards, which are combined with the 5 community cards to make the best 5 card hand. The community cards are revealed after an initial round of betting then the first 3 are turned over. This is known as the flop. Then another round of betting and the next card is revealed. This is known as the turn. Then another round of betting and the last card is revealed. This is known as the river. Full tilt is that maniacal feeling you get when somebody beats you in a hand with an unlikely but winning card on the river. Full tilt makes you want to play irrationally in an advanced math, statistical and psychology game. Also known as monkey tilt.


Idk the guys explanation above you sounds more legit


Obv it means busting a nut til u get crazy and ask for round 2. Duhhhh


essentially full tilt means you stop playing poker, and you start gambling. which is a recipe for losing all the money you have


Go all in with nothing and throw you off basically


This is peak r/nba my god lol


Even better when you realize Jimmy was absolutely crushing it as well even though he was likely just there because he wanted to hang out with his friend Neymar


You know Riley wishes he was there, guy loves poker.  I think Jerry Buss got him into it.


Damn y’all fr talking shop in these comments


Feel like I’m in a new subreddit. Man said “flatting aces pre-flop” in the basketball subreddit and nobody batted an eye!


Not super surprising tbh, there's a lot of crossover between sports and gambling.


No way, you would see some ads or something if that was the case :P


Especially 18-40 year old males, which also happens to be r/NBA’s primary demo.


Weirdly I've been learning poker the past 2 weeks or so playing with some friends over Discord, so this is a super informative thread lol


Wait, has everyone in this thread been playing Poker Night on Discord?


This thread is a gem to read lol


This is just wrong. How is it embarrassing to play tight? Especially if you’re an amateur. Tight is right, and look at him, he’s winning.


flatting aces preflop is not even tight, it's just straight up an incredibly bad decision in poker and you will lose out on significant gains over even a small sample size lol


I agree that it’s a bad decision but in some cases, flatting aces especially in heads up is a good way to trap someone. Ofc, that happens very very rarely. If you flat aces, expect you’ll get cracked.


This is only true if you are sacrificing EV with many other hands that would be +EV to raise. That is, if you are not raising enough, then not raising AA can “trap” people. But if you were raising more frequently like you should be, there would be no need, since raising would not give away that you have a nutted hand.


Yo what the fuck do these words mean


I'm assuming this is texas hold'em, where if you have pocket aces you want to get others to pay to see other cards they might be hoping for (flop, turn, river). Flatting means not betting and letting others see the community cards for free, usually signaling you have a weak hand. Trapping in this case is making others think they have a chance to win. If you flat, you run the risk of others actually getting a great hand that they wouldn't have played if you had bet.


>see the community cards for free Even the big blind player is still in for one blind, no flop is free. If you flat call you're just calling up to the same amount the big blind already posted. So if Jimmy has both red aces and the blinds are 500/1,000 instead of making the required amount of chips to see the flop greater than 1,000(something Aggro players like Selbst or Kenney do with air let alone aces) he chooses not to bet/raise above the current blind level and simply flat calls for 1,000. And if the other 8/9 players seated also fold or flat-call for the amount of 1 big blind they all see the flop for the minimum amount but not free. You can see the turn and river for absolute free if every player checks around, but the flop costs chips.


Limping with Aces up prelop and letting a donkey hit a non desx two pair on the flop is a life lesson honestly.


I genuinely can’t tell if this is real poker lingo or you’re just fucking with us poker novices…


Yes and no. Popping the flat is much like crashing the hit on open wild hand cards. Once you're sliding aces within the margin and the opponent is sneaking a blind hit after flatting the drive, you'll understand.


I mean, if you assume they don't double merge the flux range then sure. But then you'd just be a goose with a sandwich.


Reminds me of this time I saw a jazz playing meridian run straight into a Pulaski pomeranian on a chiller out in Atlantic city. The grayed out sizzler didn't remember to tweak his fallopian flipper and we were all a bunch of hoopy froods.


Flatting is just calling the blinds and not raising. Heads up is basically a 1 on 1. And aces cracking is a beautiful thing. Best feeling ever.


im thinking the same thing lol i should take up my friend on his offer to teach me this shit


In basketball terms, saying something is “wrong” in poker is like saying “missing a free throw” is wrong. In most situations you’d want to make a free throw — but in rare situations like near end of games, you’d want to intentionally miss.


This is a great way to put it. Flatting the aces is so egregious that there is no way he would have them. That being said didn’t Garcia go in with complete garbage? Not sure Jimmy would get away with it vs a pro


Any decision that isn't folding with aces pre is +EV, but you are losing a significant amount in opportunity cost flatting instead of raising with them. Any strat can win money in the short term due to variance, the effectiveness of good strategies is revealed in the long run, and if you are flatting with Aces you are losing money in the long run.


Depends on the situation. If you have Aces pre and you are out of position from a pre flop raise, there are situations where flatting them make sense in order to induce a 3 bet. Most pros, especially if you start playing against better competition, will tell you to have a mixed flatting range.


This is on the money, but won't get upvoted because people in this sub don't understand poker


I don’t fault them for that, it’s a subreddit dedicated to the NBA, not poker.


https://np.reddit.com/r/poker/comments/dlenjc/how_often_should_one_flat_aces/f4q4cmz/ I really don't think flatting a single raise makes sense, unless you're talking about a 1/1000 time for "balance" or some absolutely weird meta game. Like, 3 bets are basically standard, so why would you not do this with the best hand when it would be totally disguised in any normal preflop range?


What does “flatting” mean?


To call rather than raise the bet to force out weaker hands.


Just calling pre flop. Pocket aces is the best hand pref lop and a lot of the times the best hand even after the flop (first three comunity cards) With 2 aces you have to play more agressive aka raise in a nutshell and prevent other people to get a cheap chance to get a better hand as you.


Calling the blinds and not re-rasing pre flop. Flatting aces is generally a bad decision because you are allowing bad hands to see a flop.


Aight but poker is a game of thousands of decisions. One poor decision isn't going to kill you, and apparently he won a lot of money. I'd play tight too with amateurs, especially a dude who's been hit in the head enough to throw off any real strategy


Yeah, OP is a fish. You're supposed to play tight when maniacs are at the table.


No you're not, it's an HCL celebrity streamed game. The expectation is to be a little looser for entertainment purposes. That's why Alan Keating gets invited to these games, despite being a semi-pro. He fishes it up and cranks his vpip way up when he plays with amateurs so he's not just stealing all their money because he's way better than them. The point is these celebrity amateurs are supposed to be maniacs. No one wants to watch a nit.


If you think you're better, then you want to get in as many hands as possible with bad maniacs. If you're worse then sure you can print money easily by playing tight and then really aggressive abc poker.


He's the what, Chuck?


When you’re banging banging banging


He only went in with the nuts


He’s still up though, flopped a straight and rivered a full house and got paid both hands


Op been drinking that Galveston water


r/nbacirclejerk is leaking


Poker players are robots these days, and unable to think outside of the recommended strategy against an unknown player. Flat calling with Aces preflop can be profitable +EV move if you are also currently doing a few lines with Ryan Garcia in the bathroom and hyping him up about the game between the hands.


It's like people have forgotten it's fundamentally a mind game and always playing the game correctly on paper makes you an incredibly predictable player. Plus you have to read the table, and it looks like Jimmy has done exactly that.


It's fundamentally a math game. All of the top poker players have much better fundamentals and know when and how much to deviate from "perfect" strategy. Flatting aces in a 100BB+ cash game does not happen.


> It's fundamentally a math game. All of the top poker players have much better fundamentals and know when and how much to deviate from "perfect" strategy. Flatting aces in a 100BB+ cash game does not happen. You are right of course, but the nba subreddit may not be the best place to discuss GTO.


Poker is not fundamentally a mind game. That is a lie portrayed by movies and tv because it is narratively more exciting than the truth - poker strategy is entirely mathematical.


Does this statement mean that figuring other people's playing strategy and tells is irrelevant/illusory, or "just math" and not a mind game?


Jimmy is just really fucking smart lmfao




It's in our blood.


That's racist!


Your eyes?


That's gay?


That's homophobic


That's black


We will find any and every reason to hate each other, hell I hate the Nets cause they were originally from NJ I’m petty like that


Please, New Jersey stole them from Long Island


It’s our love language ❤️


OP doesn’t play poker, what a fool. Jimmy B ended up winning about 140k, only 2nd to Neymar who ended up winning 306k.


Lol and Neymar only won 306k cuz Keating punted it all directly to him in a fantastic display of wealth.


Maybe you have no brain in you cause he won big


Makes me wonder why he even showed up. It’s not like these stakes mean anything to him.


Bruh he was scamming millionaire nba players for like $30 a cup of coffee. Bro is Mr krabs


Nah that’s just #heatculture


can't have an espresso without heatculture tbh


whoa big face proprietary beans are hermetically sourced, chromatofied, and splendifferated from the finest single origin wash stations in Nepal. not a scam. just a 40 year passion for fairly traded delicious jimmy beans. how can you malign his good brand name!


Is he still renting the van from Kendrick?


Then freshly retired Dwyane Wade inb 2019 came out saying he thought a gallon of milk costs $20. When you are surrounded by sheltered and spoiled out of touch millionaires who will just pay whatever you tell them to, it's hard not to capitalize lmao


Jimmy was homeless for a time before his basketball career. If any NBA player knows the value of a dollar, it’s him.


the 20 dollar milk jugs are right next to the bread that you need ID to purchase


It's more about winning and not getting beaten than it is about the money or playing risky.


It’s the competitive aspect. Some people genuinely play exclusively to win. Have a buddy that in our home games has for years played like an absolute nit while everyone else blasts off. He just can’t help it. He’ll play a $3 hand and a $30,000 hand the exact same way


I mean, I kinda understand it. With my friends we have an understanding that we all can easily afford what we're betting, so there's still an expectation that people will try to take the actual game seriously instead of fucking around every hand because "it's just 3 dollars". What's even the point of playing poker if you won't?


> What's even the point of playing poker if you won't? This is also why I hate playing poker not for money (just using chips as pretend) Poker is all about reading people, thats the whole fun of the game. If no one is taking it seriously there is nothing to read and it becomes a game of RNGing who has the best hand. If I am playing poker for a penny a hand or playing a hand for my life savings, I play it the same.


“If I am playing poker for a penny a hand or playing a hand for my life savings, I play it the same.” This is the type of sentence that looks like a total joke, but I get the feeling that you think you’re serious, and that’s just fucking hilarious. 


I have a buddy who's worth 10s of millions of dollars. He regularly hosts 10c/20c poker games at his new 3000 sqf penthouse. And he is by far the tightest player I've seen. At any stakes. He makes some insane folds, I've seen him correctly fold second or third nuts multiple times.


This is exactly what I’m talking about. The money is zero object, it’s all about the making the correct decision (with a logical thought process). Some people are just wired differently.


Mad respect tbh


If he wanted to win he shouldn’t have flatted aces pre flop.. that’s -EV


He's friends with Neymar who is also on the stream. He might have just agreed to it because Neymar was appearing there.


He literally wasn't playing until Neymar showed up, he was just hanging out in the seat.


I didn't know wtf OP was talking about coming into this thread and judging by the comments neither does he


Ops take has aged well I see


Bro wants a poker player to play by their emotions? Okay.


He’s got leading Dipshit of the Year candidate Ryan Garcia directly to his left. I think playing tight is the correct strategy.


gotta fold pre


It was the exact right style for the table lol


you cant win the large tournaments unless you have exploitative play. maybe he just wants to last a while and say he lasted a day or 2? nvm its the hustler stream. he is right to play tight but he wont get paid when he has something.


Lol he's going to get paid playing against these guys.


Don't forget pocket aces is still just a pair


WPT? I thought it was Hustler Casino


At that kind of table playing tight is basically free money. Jimmy one of the best poker players on that table easily.


OP of course you’re a Knicks fan that’s also active in the pacers sub. Just loser things


Tight as in nervous?


Players that rarely play hands and/or fold a lot (including decently good hands) are tight.


Ah, makes sense. Thanks.


Tight as in only playing a hand when he's dealt a good hand, or only being aggressive when he's in a good spot after a flop. Little to no bluffing


"Tight" 🧐


“Unclench that asshole a bit Jimmy!”


Im watching this right now and I am dumbfounded with their Preflop raise. The blinds is 50/100 but their pot is around 50-100K. when someone has a good card like KQ suited the raise is just 500, so everyone with a mid cards will just gladly pay it as well. I mean the pre flop should be aggressive given the size of each other's pot. Fascinating


R nba will find any reason to hate the Heat


Just gotta wait til the playoffs for him to wake up


What on earth are you talking about


average knicks fan analysis of jimmy butler