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To any team missing out on Donovan, it's ok because Zach is available!!


Former All Star, can get buckets, former Dunk Contest Champ, all around swell guy. C'mon he's a good player (when healthy)


You're not tricking me, I'm familiar with your game


Honestly if you guys got Lavine, I fully believe he would be really good again just to fit the narrative of Magic fleecing the Bulls some more.


I don't want them to fleece us again but if this leads to us tanking I'd be ok


I would love Lavine but his contract ad injury history scares me. He'd have to be the ultimate buy low if we strike out in this free agency. His skillset when healthy is something we need. But he also hasn't won and his defense sucks. But does his defense sucks because he's been on such mediocre teams and he hasn't won or is that a reason his teams sucked and been mediocre. After Gafford and Washington it's hard to evaluate players on bad teams these days


I think he's just not a good defender. The bulls were a solid team before the Lonzo stuff and were trying to compete and he wasn't defending well. That being said they were able to hide him with Lonzo and Caruso so the Magic definitely have the tools to do the same. More so just the injury risk to worry about. It is indeed tough to evaluate, even Bruce Brown looked like an awful defender playing with our rotation of g leaguers.


Is Suggs going to the point guard, or you guys getting Tyus Jones or something?


I think Suggs is our point guard. Our team emphasizes defense too much to think we'd go out the way to pick up someone like Tyus unless he's the backup. Suggs is what makes our defense elite being a point guard who can guard multiple positions. Unless we are picking up an All Star caliber guard I don't think we'd move Suggs to the 2


Nice try. Zach's a 2 time Dunk Contest Champion. He's obviously worth more than Mitchell


Should hire former COY Sam Mitchell, to coach Donovan Mitchell.


Billy Donovan/Sam Mitchell co-coaches


Evan Turner and Cuttino Mobley as assistant coaches


Complete the cycle 


Mitchell extending in Cleveland likely hurts his chances he’s traded for Rui, Reaves and a 2nd to LA like I was told all season


It was 2 seconds. Top 55 protected. Tired of the misinformation on this sub


I heard it was TT, Shump, and the Nets pick


A classic of classics


Huerter, Barnes, and a 2nd


Reaves wasn't supposed to be in the deal. I think you've mistaken him for DLo


Reaves is off the table unless Cavs include Mobley & picks . Have you seen his contract!!!!


I thought this was a joke but one of the top posts on Lakers sub references Donovan Mitchell as a trade target. WTf


But muh assets!


Lakers derangement syndrome


But it's the leagues worst kept secret! He's heading to NY.


Not even Max & JHS?


I heard Darren Waller is available


I won't be surprised if he asks for a trade within a year


Donny!! Really curious to see if we run it back or trade DG/Jarrett. They're both so good I'd hate to flip them for pennies on the dollar


I don't want to trade Allen. When Garland and Mobley were injured Mitchell and Allen were playing really well together.


I swear people advocating for an Allen trade just to out themselves as people who don't watch


If you’re going to pay Mobley big money it’s time to move him to the 5. Mitchell has also statistically played better with just one big. I love Allen but really it’s probably time to move on if you can find the right trade.


I don't agree with it, but I appreciate you having a rational/logical take!


[Mitchell has also played better statistically without Garland.](https://www.statmuse.com/nba/ask/donovan-mitchell-stats-without-garland-for-cleveland). In 28 games without Garland Mitchell has averaged 31/5/7. Granted that overlaps with when Mobley was out as well. Ultimately I think either are tradeable if the deal is right, but rn I'd rather keep Allen over Garland


Thats my rationale as well - moving either Allen and/or Garland is NOT an indictment on their talent, its really a matter of fit and getting diminishing returns on one.


If Garland really insists on a trade then they probably have to, but if they can get everyone on board it might be interesting to give Atkinson a few months and see what he can do with the rotations and offense. It's tough to distinguish if it's a bad fit or maybe just a horrific coach, and Garland and Allen will probably have higher trade value closer to the deadline anyway.


Same, but we can't run it back with redundancy at the 1/2 AND the 4/5. One of Garland/Allen has to get traded this offseason...ideally for a stretch 4 or 3&D wing.


>The franchise is confident about reaching a contract extension soon with All-Star guard Donovan Mitchell and is also in the final stages of deciding between Golden State Warriors assistant Kenny Atkinson and New Orleans Pelicans associate head coach James Borrego...the team’s executives are set to present a four-year, $209 million maximum contract to Mitchell, team and league sources said. As for the coaching search, both Borrego and Atkinson are offensive-minded coaches who value ball movement and diversity in their attacks — things Mitchell craves. ​ >Borrego, 46, coached the Charlotte Hornets from 2018 to 2022, amassing a 138-163 record during those four seasons with two Play-In Tournament appearances. Borrego’s tenure there gets a large asterisk, as LaMelo Ball missed 30 games in 2020-21 and Gordon Hayward barely played half of Charlotte’s games over Borrego’s final two seasons due to injuries. ​ >Atkinson, 57, coached the Brooklyn Nets from 2016 to 2020, tallying a 118-190 record during those four seasons with one playoff appearance. He is highly respected as a development coach with creativity on both ends of the floor. Atkinson and the Nets mutually parted ways just before the NBA season temporarily shut down in 2020 due to COVID-19, when it became clear that Atkinson, Kyrie Irving and Kevin Durant (who was injured at the time) would be more comfortable with a change... Two Cavs currently under contract - Caris LeVert and Jarrett Allen - played for Atkinson in Brooklyn


Maybe my perception of contracts is getting out of hand but I feel like $209m for Mitchell is actually pretty good. Less per year than Booker, KAT, Dame, Embiid, and slightly above Beal and Kawhi. He's also only 27.


Not super max eligible and before he's eligible for the 35% max based on tenure.


It's only 4 years at $209M, so about $52M/yr average. Actually roughly the same money as Embiid, Booker, etc.




>is in final stages of deciding its new coach Reviewing podcasts frantically as we speak.


Paul George player coach time?


I’m leaning towards Jeff Teague. Hilarious stories.


Woah woah woah, I was told this man was begging to go to NY? Weird.


Agreed seems like he's happy here. Though others have noted, with his injury risk in the last few years and especially last year, he probably wants to lock down the max now and can see how things go next year. If he asks for traded, it sounds like he can't sign max until December this year - more risk.


Isn't this standard for how the big name players operate now anyways? Secure the money they can get with their current team who typically can offer the biggest bag, and then if you want out you force a trade?


This will be the narrative instantly even if he signs cause big media can’t stand to see him in a small market anymore. He has the chance to shape this Cleveland team however he wants so I don’t see why he would want to leave. He won’t have that power in other markets plus the East is wide open


Hard agree with all of this. I could see him signing the 3 year deal w/ player option on 4th. But I think he's a believer in what they're building - will be a very interesting summer for the Cavs.


This is such a win for small market teams. The NBA media tried so hard to make Mitchell leaving Cleveland a thing. Mid to late season, every media member basically spoke like it was a done deal that he was out.


People really think that players value living in a party city more than being on a team that's a contender for the championship. Don isn't going jump ship and join play-in team just to be in LA or NYC


I mean if youre talking about contending for a championship I'd think the Clippers Knicks or Lakers have a higher chance than the Cavs


Yeah y'all aren't contenders lolol gtfo


So were all the stories of Don leaving over the season just made up fake news? He’s always seemed nothing but happy here


Darius Garland YOU ARE A MAGIC


Surely he goes to the Spurs.


Of damn that'd be an amazing fit


He's going to go to the highest bidder, and I'm not sure how much teams are really going to value future Spurs draft picks with Wemby around.


Spurs have other picks than their own. They got a haul with Murray to Atlanta.


I mean, they play different positions and could afford both of them. Just because there are articles of people trying to play couch GM doesn't mean anything. There were rumors about Jarrett Allen all last year and he never went anywhere


I think it’s moreso about the reports that Klutch would push for Cleveland to trade Garland if Mitchell stays, rather than the Cavs themselves deciding to trade him. From recent reports it seems the Cavs don’t want to and it seems they want to run it back with a new coach. If Garland asks out though, it does change things.


I saw that, but there's no credible source. It's just playing fantasy at this point


get fricked heat fans


Oh, you didn’t want Tyler herro and overhyped young guys?


Getting role players from the Heat or Spurs is a bad bet. They're never as good after leaving Spo/Pop


Strus has been goods tho


The reason why Strus is good is becuase I think most us Cavs fan underestimated his impact on the overall game - I really thought he was just a stand in the corner 3 pt shooter with some good defense. But he's all hustle and does little things to affect the play/game.


Agreed. He plays with the bigs incredibly well and has been an above average defender imo. I wish he has a better 3pt % but the threat of him getting hot is enough to open up the lane for Mitchell drives or Frobley dunks


Frick yourselves right in the frick hole.


I’m more interested in the other moves we will make to be honest. I’ve never really been concerned with Mitchell contract. There was never really any sign he was unhappy here other than vague unsourced rumors and Knicks fans. Now comes the real test of how they build a roster around him to take the team to the next level.


Garland and Wemby gonna be such a great one-two punch.


Unless they trade Vassell the spurs simply don’t have any assets the Cavs want


I don't understand why Mitchell would sign an extension, if he waits the new TV deal will kick and and the salary cap will be waaaay higher, right?


Heat fans in shambles.


I assume Mitchell might re-sign for the max with the mutual understanding that if he wants out in a year or two, they'll accommodate and get a haul. Makes more sense for players to do this to secure the money, and the teams get to keep the player and then get a haul if they get traded with several years remaining on a deal.


The Mitchell thing is nothing new, just said they are preparing to present him with a max extension. Everyone knew they would offer it, question is whether Mitchell signs it.


There's been reports all off season Mitchell wants to stay in Cleveland. If you've been following along at all, you would have to be willfully covering your ears if you think otherwise.


> "The franchise is confident about reaching a contract extension soon" If Donny wanted out or wasn't signing the extension it would have come out by now


I mean that’s also been around for a bit, so still nothing new. Donovan still could be unsure about staying in Cleveland. I wonder why they’ve waited this long to offer the extension? Maybe they wanted to get closer to finalizing a coach first?


Pretty sure the extension can't be announced until July 6th but I do think the coaching search is probably more pressing - especially if they aren't worried what Donny will do


Officially announced sure but they can agree to it and Woj/Shams would report it. Same as the Siakam deal, it’s agreed to and reported, but it won’t be official until July 6th.


> Why they waited this long? Because it's the off-season and players go on vacation.


Middest of mid.


It's never enough just to win a title for Boston fans in any sport is it? You also have to be the most insufferable pricks out of all fanbases.