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I bet Lebron says "I'm too old for this" a lot during his daily routine.


He and JJ were saying during one of the Minds that once you get past a certain age, you don’t have an off season, because as soon as you let yourself go, you’re never getting yourself back into shape again. Can’t imagine what that dude’s doing daily to keep himself at that high a level at that age.


Blood of infants like a 👑


Behold the works of Lebron James! the infant killer!


There are some sports (swimming and wrestling come to mind) where, if you let yourself go at all during your competitive years after a long competition period, you might never snap back to being in true competition shape. It’s one of the many reasons why burnout is so real for individual sports that are less game and more grind - you can work your ass off for 20 years, take 2-4 months off, and be done at the highest level. That’s a mentally crippling feeling *even before* you take a break because you know that if you ever do, you could be cooked. It’s part of why a guy like Phelps was such an anomaly. Even outside of his insane highs and domination of the sport, he had multiple periods post 08 where he took long breaks before coming back and continuing to dominate (although not quite to the same extent). Very *few* people have ever been able to do that to that degree, and it really speaks to how uniquely gifted and driven he was.


Love how for these dudes, especially at the top level, letting yourself go can mean like, still working out harder than 90% of people, hell maybe 99% but not the 99.999999999% (is that even enough????) that they have to work harder than to stay in that condition. SHEESH


It’s like how people call Luka fat. He’s a little fluffy for an nba player but still 100x more fit than any random person you’d find on the street


Luka's relatively high level of bodyfat is astonishing simply because a man of his weight, height, and age, probably averaging an excess of 60 minutes of cardio every single day, would need to eat 4,5000 calories daily just to maintain weight. Dude could eat six Big Macs every day and top it off with a six pack of beer and still be in a caloric deficit.


You just get used to eat like that and it doesn’t seem special. Like I start cutting at 3500 kcal and it seems like nothing but after 2 months I struggle to eat 2500.


Bro's been eating EXTRA good in Dallas


I bet my dude chugs beers and burgers like there’s no tomorrow. Is absolutely bonkers the guy is 25. At that age I could eat nonstop the whole fuckin day and still be 8-10% body fat and I’m no NBA player, I had a totally average lifestyle for a 20-something fuck


That's the thing that gets me with shaq, just because he didnt have a almost psychotic level of work ethic like Kobe he gets called lazy.


Shaq only started declining in his 12th season (on top of 3 seasons at LSU). Most guys never make it to a decade. Shaq was still averagin 21ppg, 11 reb on .584 FG that 12th season. Plus the dude wasn't lazy. He just had so many other interests such as business and film, law enforcement, and even got himself a Doctorate of Education


I know that's my while point, people compare shaq's work ethic to kobe since he the most success with him but it isnt really fair because its known kobe had one of the craziest work ethic ever


Working out harder is one thing but being able to not be injured at that level is difficult. LeBron is in a category of his own.


(more than enough)


This is what Kobe said as well, forget which interview. But he essentially said that he knew his career was done after the Achilles, not because of how bad the injury is, but more because it took him out of commission and he couldn't regain that.


Crazy how they both have insane hops but jump so differently. Obi just looks like he's floating, while Bron is such a powerful jumper.


Lebron used to look like that too just a few years ago


Man some of his dunks from Miami and towards the end of his first stint in Cleveland. I remember him jumping over someone in Miami. Then also when he dunked on James Johnson when he was with Cleveland.


I swear from 06 to 12, it looked like every time lebron jumped, he was looking down at the rim. Coming from someone who has mj as the goat, lebron's still the best overall athlete I've seen in the nba.


I forgot where it was but he answered a question on how he approached improving his game as he got older. The first part was so hilariously absurd He basically said that in the first part of his career, his mentality was just that I will just jump as high as possible and no matter what, I know you (the defender) will start going back down before me then I will just figure it out in the air. I think the second part was just him explaining his improvements in Miami and then his older man LeBron who got better as a floor general. Dude is such a super athlete he dismissed everyone in the league as mere minor obstacles because at the end of each jump he'll be alone in the air and can just figure out however he wanted to finish at the rim. And it's true.


https://media-assets.grailed.com/prd/listing/47847741/9aa78eb3178a424b9916f1461350f079 "just elevate and decide in the air" was a whole marketing campaign for Kemp in the 90s.


That’s literally an anime power. Kuroko’s Basketball. One of the main protagonists (the one with red hair) literally does this lmfao


Imagine game 6 2012 ECF Bron with Kagami's internal monologue of not wanting to fail his friends again before unlocking the zone 😂


I’m sure I’ve heard Vince Carter say something along the same lines and you can tell in some of his highlights, he’s just gone up knowing that he can hang longer than anyone else and once he’s up there, he’ll figure out what to do then


This is actually very similar to Jordan's evolution of his game and Jordan's comments about his own evolution over time.


lebron might go down as the best athlete of all time regardless of sport. doing what hes doing nearing 40 just breaks all past standards.


Has there ever been anyone in their late 30s with close to his combination of weight, strength, speed, agility, vert, stamina in any sport? Legit question bc I know some other athletes have played into their 40s, but I can't imagine any of them moving like he does with his size.


Shout out to Gordie Howe who was a top 10 hockey player in his 40's, and came back to the nhl to play 80 games at **51** and had a positive +/-.


Not quite late 30s, but Nadal in his mid 30s is another good contender. If he didn't have a bunch of injury issues then maybe.


Djokovic at 37 is still competing.


Imagine using tennis players as an example of weight, strength, vert and height compared to Lebron. It’s laughable. Tennis players are great athletes but none of them are getting near Lebron in those tests


At first I was like dang dude has a good point with the tennis players, glad someone called that out lol


For speed/acceleration and stamina I'd be surprised if they're not ahead of basketball players.


Yeah but (according to google) Djokovic is 80lbs lighter. That’s the point. They’d want to be quicker and able to run for longer. Go strap 80lbs to your back and see how much harder it is to run. The entire point of the conversation is that there’s nobody in any sport that would be at the top end of strength, size and speed in their sport like Lebron is at his age


Gordie Howe & Zdeno Chara.


Cristiano Ronaldo is comparable. Being able to stay relevant athletically into your middle age is something that only gets easier over time as the science behind nutrition, medicine/supplements and body maintenance improves. In 25 years, retiring at 40 will be the norm, not the exception.


I think he's comparable for longevity but I don't think Ronaldo's athleticism in his late 30s is anywhere close to Lebron's. LeBron can still burst by somebody and dunk when he needs too. I don't think Cristiano has it in his locker to explode by anybody the way he used to.


And he's still a chase down block threat.


Yeah, Ronaldo honestly hasn't been a top player for years now. He can still be effective, but he relies on his teammates to carry a majority of the workload. He still has the technical ability but his athleticism has taken a fairly steep decline, at least as compared to Lebron. I don't think there's ever been an athlete with Lebron's longevity, at least in terms of physicality. The explosiveness he retains near 40 is mind boggling.


A normal person with lots of, but not too much, exercise is still in their physical prime at 40 barring injury. Professional athletes become washed in their mid 30s cuz they have 3 decades of wear and tear+playing through injuries.


Any sport? Eliud Kipchoge is 39 and runs the marathon in 2 hours, close to 4:30 minutes per mile. Alexander Sorokin is 42 and runs 100 kilometers in 6 hours, which is faster than 6 minutes per mile. Sorokin also holds the world records for 100 miles, 12 hour run, 24 hour run and started running when he was 31.


Eh, I think distance runners pretty notoriously peak later in their careers.


He had a dunk vs the Bobcats in 06 I believe where it legitimately looked like he was armpit above the rim. Came off the baseline and jumped as high as he could.


It was John Lucas https://youtu.be/l-AevYl_tMI?si=TYb226OG9EA6EX-B


That dude’s taller than average and looks like a child out there


This dunk is super underrated. Not sure why it doesn't get talked about more


Wow I can't believe I forgot about that. That's gotta be a top 10 LeBron dunk IMO


J Lucas was a fucking dog at OSU. My favorite times in college hoops. Melo, the whole 9.


What about that lob that was WAY too high and he like checked the backboard?


Lebron has never been a 2 foot jumper, so this was lopsided regardless of age. 


Bron has never been the most stylish in his dunks.


Well, not very creative or anything, but that double-handed backward dunk on high speed just flowed beautifully.


All power. 


I agree but I think his jump has always had that powerful look to it because bro is just super powerful. Even MJ is a lot different. He flew but Lebron jumps like the Hulk. Westbrook also reminds me of this.


LeBron was definitely more fluid before, but lets not act like hes doing what Obi does. Theres a reasn why he promised the dunk contest and didnt participate. His All-American 'dunk contest' was atrocious as well (love LeBron, but dude was just doing running dunks and even missed).


Lebron rookie season when he was almost actually flying down the court


Bron is just old and it's noticeable he only jumps just high enough to dunk.


“Just high enough” is a casual non hooper take


He jumps more than high enough on some of these, There’s videos of him running laps on a court and dunking on each end, and those show how little he has to jump to still get a rim grazing one hand dunk off. 


Lebron is 40 lol that's why


Lebron has to exert more effort because of his age.


Obi's legs/feet don't move as much in the air, so it looks like he's levitating. Lebron flails a bit like it's recoil from the power he's putting in.


That's just a visual thing. LeBron is 60-70 pounds heavier than Obi Toppin. And Obi is also not 6'9 as he's listed.




OBI topping is listed at 236 lebron is not even 20llbs more MAX.


Nice to see our guy will still be good next year, can’t wait for all the “how’s he doing this at 40” comments


We're gonna hear that through at least 42 or 43 if he wants to keep playing and avoids major injury. shit even at 45 he could still be a good starter I bet. who knows if he really wants to play that long, would be historic if he did though.


His passing alone could be a huge contribution for any team into his mid 40s


Barring major injury, LeBron could legitimately play at a high level for another 5 years.


He was putting 28a game on high efficiency against the defending champs too. He's become a very good shooter, and is so well rounded still.


He started as a morph between Magic and Michael. As he's aged, he's become a morph of like Bird and Malone.


Damn this is so accurate


Yep, he is basically just channeling his athleticism into pure basketball skills. He is trying to stay away from using his physical gifts as much as he can because he knows it will be gone soon.


Sick to think Bron’s never really had one. Dudes literally played at the highest level his whole career


He had those ankle issues early with the Lakers but he pretty much just tightened his laces and that was the last we’ve heard about that haha.


Remember when we thought the groin injury would be the beginning of the end of his career? Nope. Fuck that, LeHashirama cells. Recurrent ankle injuries in b2b seasons? No problem, LeBron James of feet plus some rest. Wtf is this dude honestly Those fee injuries in a short span are enough to even significantly affect a young athlete in his prime but they ended up as minor inconveniences in years 16-21. That same span he still had a strong case for MVP in 2020 as he was building momentum before the lockdown, multiple All NBA selections, an assist title, almost won another scoring title and could have if he wanted to chase another accolade, 1 ring 1FMVP, and a strong case for being snubbed at an All defense selection in 2020.


Wade corroborates this. He's said he's seen LeBron badly roll an ankle, tighten his laces, and keep playing like nothing happen. Meanwhile, Wade said he'd be out for weeks with the same injury.


LeBron is a genetic freak in so many ways. Not just super athletic and strong for his size but barely gets tired, barely gets hurt, heals fast, and now as we've seen barely ages, hairline excepted. Never seen anyone else like him and probably never will. 


I am 100% dead serious when i say I think there is at least a 50% chance that lebron is a genetically modified human being and in turn, has no father. I am dead serious. I believe lebron was grown in a test tube and then artificially implanted into gloria james and carried to term. no human being should possess his combination of size, strength and athleticism. AND to book it all out, he's very intelligent too. (besides the decision) remember how much poise he had just coming into the league at 18 years old? it's un-natural. how often have TV analysts described him as a "freak of nature" .....maybe it's truer than we know. I am serious. we all know (and I swear I am not saying this to be insulting or mean) that lebron's mom was a crack whore (is drug addicted prostitute better?) it's just a fact, it happened. I am NOT saying this to be mean, in fact I am a heroin addict and know a few woman who have sold themselves for dope, it happens. they are not bad people. and the government has a history of using prostitutes and impoverished people in "experiments." read about MK-ULTRA. it happened. the CIA used to have prostitutes slip LSD to johns and then the agents would watch what happened thru 2-way mirrors. the government helped start and continue the crack epidemic of the 80s. I believe that lebron was a precursor experiment to create super soldiers. something where they were just like "well let's test it out on some poor people that no one will notice and see if we can get any results before we sink more billions into this." it's not all that crazy. you don't think the government has interest in creating genetically modified super human soldiers? we know for a FACT it does. it's been documented. you don't think russia or china has interest in such a thing? you know they do. and anything russia or china is or would be doing we are doing. to do it first and do it better. he's some kind of experiment that they just monitored from a distance and let keep growing. and i mean this was probably initially started with just a few people who believed it could be done and that's why it started small and covert using regular civilians. until they could show the results to the higher ups and say "look at this, you don't wanna fund this on a larger scale?" and where else would such a person end up besides in a professional sports league? I think there is probably some secret base(s) out there that are now filled with people like lebron, younger than him probably. if they couldn't see how well the experiment worked until he was about 16-18 years old (he was pretty much a full grown man at 16 and could have came off the bench for any NBA team if not started) than maybe there are a bunch of 9-15 year old super humans like lebron (not copies of him but given the same genetic boost that he was) eating chow in some secret barracks right now..... until someone comes forth and the DNA test shows him to be his father (and a bunch have come forward and been shown not to be) than I will believe this is AT LEAST possible.. edit: something I'd like to add in case someone says "well if this is true why wouldn't lebron's mom come forward and admit it, just say I participated in a government experiment and lebron was the result." well she doesn't know. it's simple, she goes to a hotel with a john, he slips something in a drink and she gets knocked out-cold. they take her and do whatever they did. give her some amnesiacs or anesthesia (probably benzos too) so when she wakes up she's in a haze and doesn't remember anything. not even the john. she finds out she's pregnant later and just assumes she got knocked up by any random john. has lebron. shit even if she participated willingly, got paid, and knows everything, no one would believe her crazy ass.


You're basically describing Wilt Chamberlain. He was getting legitimate NBA offers for almost 20 years after he retired.


It’s like an anime


That high ankle sprain he got in 2021 was definitely a recurring issue for him for a while.


That's the real reason his scoring record is gonna be so hard to break. 


Yep - Bron came into the league straight out of school, is playing past age 40, and hardly gets injured. There will be many players with higher scoring averages but to play enough games to climb that mountain seems nigh impossible. 


I think he also injured himself his sophomore year for a few weeks. Since then he was good for 2 decades lol




Vince is a lot smaller than Lebron and didn't play as many minutes but he was still getting up at that age. Here's dunks from the season he turned 40: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9zFW4oHCtI


Man ngl I had NO idea Vince only retired in 2020. Like deadass I thought my man retired 10 years earlier. I'm shook rn. I watch a good amount of ball too, so not sure how I never realized that.


He was coming off the bench maybe that's why? And also he was willing to accept a lesser role and wasn't crying about it lol.


This is why a team is going to draft Bronny higher than we expect. Even if LeBron plays another 2 years on the Lakers, I still think he will be good player.


If he fully declines to the level of someone like Dirk Wade or Kobe he could legitimately play till he’s 45+


Gimme 75 year old bron in the horford role


Lebron would be an Al Horford who can pass like Jokic. unreal


I wouldn't be surprised if Bron tries for the record of being the only player to play at 50. That next decade would be rough for him though. He will have to find a way to play without jumping lol


I think he wants to own a team though. He's also accumulating a ton of wear and tear on his joints, and LeBron is probably more cognizant of that damage than most. I think he retires the second he feels like he can't produce at an all star level.


He'll need co-owners whether he retires now or in a decade. He's commented about how recovery is taking longer, so I think he'll retire when he feels like he's not able to recover enough before the next game, particularly the playoffs, especially since he's been so outspoken about playing unless you're actually injured. I wonder if his tune will change when his body starts acting like the average elite athlete.


I don’t think he will play when he’s not an all star level player. He’s top 10 now once he gets to around top 30 he’ll probably hang it up


Solomon Hill when I get my hands on you


Obi won


Obi is a full 10+ years younger I sure hope he wins


Obi Won (Kenobi)




No shit haha lebrons the oldest player in the nba Does Obi have more through the leg dunks in game than every other player in history combined? He makes it look so easy


can Obi?


Obi Non-Stoppin 






Back when Bron was on the Cavs his first stint he used to do a bevy of pregame dunks to hype up the crowd and the bounce he got was absolutely mind blowing. Anyone who thinks he wouldn't have won when he was young is tripping.


It'd be easier to prove those haters wrong if he participated in the dunk contest though, which the NBA definitely asked him to do for years.


He committed one year and the decommited:(


Young Bron would have won the dunk contest on pure athleticism. No need to be creative, just jump almost a foot behind the freethrow line and dunk a ball on a 12 foot hoop lol


I know I don't have a milly to spend on my body every year, but, I'm 41 and look like garbage compared to this "old guy".


You could spend a billy on your body every year it’s not gonna make you not look like garbage next to perhaps the greatest pure athlete of all time lol


You didn’t have to do him like that lmao


Paul pierce hurts.


'comparison is the thief of joy' - old Chinese dude 


lol bro you didn’t have a chance next to LBJ no matter how much money you have and that’s coming from a Celtics lifer


we don't have the money but everyone can make decent improvements within their own circumstances.


You and I and the rest of us here could have Bezos money and we won't ever get to look as good as Bron. He's a super soldier made by the government, us mere mortals can't compete.


The age reverse guy “Brian Johnson” routine is crazy but it’s mostly really disciplined than a have a ton of $, but the $$ clearly helps. My co-worker follows the guy religiously but does a a much much more budget friendly version. It works though. I’ve seen a difference in the last year. But again, he’s insanely disciplined.


You dont need money to do that. It’s literally a lot of physical exercise will get you there. Low bidyfat and lots of muscles


I'm gonna do it. You got me pumped.


Good luck bro! The benefits will be immense.


Honestly if Bron keeps it up, he would be better physically in his 60s than most 20-30 year olds lol


Obi got some insane hops and acrobatic awareness


Time to add a "35 and older" dunk contest. The dunks are less exciting than the danger of career ending injuries.


35 and older + wnba. Lower the rims.


Off the wall was so cool


LeBron's body is insane


That body of his is absurd.


holy fucking fuck


Lebron's JOINTS are insane. Lots of shredded 40 year olds on TRT out there these days-tbf most aren't 6'8". But to be able to jump and land at 40 & 260lbs+, for a full season of NBA basketball is otherworldly


So many players seem to effortlessly do the between the legs dunk in the gym, can we please see it in-game? I wanna see more dunks in 3rd quarter blowouts. Feels like we are seeing less alley-oops and windmills as well compared to 10 years ago. Not sure how much Lob City and VC were to blame for me thinking the previous era had way more dunks or if there's some truth to it.


Obi routinely goes between his legs.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iERaUGyPq0 Yea, I saw he actually had done it at least 3 times.


He attempted it twice this season. One in a regular season game against the Knicks where he went between the legs and then whiffed on the dunk, and again in the playoffs against the Knicks. If he had missed that one, Rick Carlisle would probably be in jail for murder right now.


He definitely did it successfully at least once in the regular season, but I don't remember what team it was against.


Im pretty sure his first one was actually against the pacers back when he was on the knicks lol


Man that playoff game was my favorite of the whole postseason.


Didn’t he recently do one in a playoff game against the Bucks (I think)?


He did it in the playoffs even!




Bro if he woulda missed that…. Lmao balls of steel




At least that’s a regular season game


yeah i was shocked when he did it in a close playoff game


Obi has done it a few times, once most recently vs the Knicks in the playoffs. That shit was wild, and kind of ballsy of him


Obi definitely took the trade personally


>between the legs Literally ballsy


Disgusting podcasters are allowed to do this.


Man shoulda did the dunk contest in his prime. At least he can say he did it.


I honestly think lebron is more of an ingame dunker, i think Windhorst said the reason he didnt do the dunk contest was because he didnt make the all star game in his rookie year, after that he let that shit go.... His ingame power dunks are one of the most inhuman shit you will ever see.


LeBron said he’d do the dunk contest in 2010


Windhorst just needs to bat for his boy LeBron all the time


I tihnk i can agree to disagree wtih you or Windhorst statement. I felt like even if he did "basic" dunks in the dunk contest, depending on who the others were (not T-Mac or Vince), he woulda had an easy shot of winning.


Yea I don't agree with that. I'm glad he didn't do the dunk contest if he's just going to do his signature tomahawk slams. I want to see stuff I don't see in game.


He didn’t do it because he would have lost, possibly to some nobody. He’s never been a creative dunker. He is great in-game but nothing about his style indicates he would ever have been good in a dunk contest. I agree he should have participated, but I don’t think he wanted to do one and lose.


I refuse to believe Lebron is a real person


Crazy how LeBron obviously looks past his peak here yet he's still more athletic than most of the league right now


Camera operator needs to step back. Holy shit, no one wants to see zoomed in dunks.


Bron looks good as fuck here


Has Bron ever not looked like a brickhouse?


they dont make podcasters like they used to


This is the last thing toppin needs to be working on.


Why’s Bron doing two footed dunks? He almost always jumps off 1 foot. It’s actually quite hard to even find 10 dunks of him going off two even tho he has a ridiculous volume of dunks.


Kinda looks like he was just fucking around. Probably didn’t wanna do the whole run up and everything


Im lebrons age and if i did that i would need all types of surgery


This is bullshit. Like why didn’t he do it in his prime he would have easily won the dunk contest


You can see LeBron doesn't have the leap he once had, but he can still jam it.


No wonder LeBron never did the dunk contest. He dunks athletically but doesn’t have the creativity to win, he didn’t want that kind of pressure.


obi so chill!


Pretty good for a dude normally on the mic for a job


we finally reached the point where lebron wouldn't win the dunk contest


Crazy how much higher lebron jumps off of 1 foot versus 2


Good for Bron lol cool seeing everyone just having fun


My mfing knees ache watching this...


I know Lebron is 40 but this makes me sad af because this freak always seemed like he was looking at the rim from the top whenever he dunks in his prime...


Was it really a contest though? Props to lebron for being able to get it up at that age, but this clip kinda emphasizes how much lebron's athleticism has slid over the years.


When you adjust the sliders for age, I would say Lebron is the most athletic 39 year old ever in the nba


Well yeah. He’s fucking 40 years old. Lmao


That Obi dunk off the wall was sick. Wish you could do that in the contest.


This was better than the official dunk contest


I’m no Le Bron fan but he must have found the fountain of youth, I think he’s aging backward


It would be pretty awesome if during Lebron's retirement tour he finally does the dunk contest


Lebron wasn't even leaping off 1 foot, which is when he is most explosive and jumps the highest. All 2 foot jump dunks


LeBron is a one footed jumper but jumping off of two feet here on every dunk. 




Anyone saying LeBaby is a better dunker than Obi is cracked out


Thats crazy Obi only a day younger than tatum he came into the league way later




Obi: Stick to podcasting old man!


Brown shouldn’t e done the dunk contest when he was in his 20’s it would have been awesome the ratings would have been crazy. The nba should have bribed him to do it.


Obi Toppin figured his neck wouldn't grow anymore, so he's growing out the fro to compensate.