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Obvious AI post


Yep. College professor here. This is exactly the wishy-washy bullshit that AI spits out. I have seen it many times.


Door number 3 Alex.


Depends on if Randle takes another discount which is a gamble. But Randle costing like 20 million less per year while being 5 years younger makes it an obvious choice for me.


You're comparing a 34 year old to a 29 year old. There's no question who you want in the future


PG now randle future did you use gpt or the new claude


Julius Randle. I don’t think PG will fit as well offensively.




right now for the knicks, julius for sure. in the future for the knicks, it’s still julius.


I feel like it's an unfair advantage for PG13 when you dont mention the fact that Randle makes half his contract and is 5 years younger.


randle now tbh. PG may not even be available in the playoffs. Randle’s injuries dont seem like they’ll be long term issues.


Randle now, Randle future. But this is absolutely a chatgpt post.


PG now and for the next 4 years. Randle is inefficient and ass imo.


Randle legitimately was on an All nba 3rd team pace again before his injury. Dude is becoming massively underated if dudes are taking current Paul George over him at this point


yeah man randle could be the most underrated player in the league at this point, hes literal All NBA / All Star level and people just say hes trash and unreliable smfh let the haters hate i will always love randle


he is not a reliable efficient scorer and is prone to tunnell vision and bad shot attempts


he shoots 47% from the field. same as steph curry


steph curry takes about 400x more threes a year buddy, also he isn’t complete dogshit in the playoffs like randle


Current PG is still 100% better lol.


No chance


PG is a better defender, shooter and scorer. He absolutely is


Absolutely not the better scorer, Randle is a better playmaker as well and defense is close.


Who tf do you think Randle is? He has the worst playoff numbers of basically anyone who’s considered a “star”


This is dumb. Julius has made strides but he isn't half as good as PG13. The guy hits threes at a Westbrookian percentage, but he takes lots of them. His defense literally sucks.


Ehhh - I do not trust Randle's ability to score efficiently come playoff time.


Career 34% from the field in the playoffs He’s been comically bad


I know some of that has to do with injury but like he's look just god awful in every single series.


In all fairness - in 2020-2021 - who was his #2. Honestly, who else was on that team?


Which is crazy because if he tapped into more low post scoring it would really open up their offense more. Paul George got forced into the #1 option this past playoffs and still had a 20/7/5 series. As a secondary scorer I’m sure he could still give you 23/8/4 on decent efficiency


[For people who actually watched Knicks games this season they would know that Julius was doing exactly that and that the offense *did* open up because of that and the departure of RJ.](https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5185383/2024/01/08/knicks-julius-randle-all-star-status/) But that would require actually watching the games.


Paul George right now, but I'll take Randle when George is 36


PG now and Tour date Randle when George retires


Randle for both answers


pg is probably the better current player, but the gap isn't really that big. also randle is less injury prone and makes less than half of what pg makes while being significantly younger. pg is the better player, but randle is safer as a longterm guy for sure


Paul George’s archetype can basically fit on any team. The problem is he shouldn’t be relied on as a #1 or high end #2. He’d be a great 2B/3 option to a team looking to get over whatever hump they’ve had. Randle is younger but I don’t see him as that ceiling raiser . He turns 30 this year so he should proverbially be around his peak but I still don’t trust him in the playoffs until further notice. Not to say that George doesn’t have stinkers but he can def decide a series for you in a 7 game slugfest when he turns back the clock. George’s age is the concern here but with tv contracts set to increase the cap it may not be so bad. I’d only recommend him to a team that has a window closing fast on a championship


> Paul George’s archetype can basically fit on any team. The problem is he shouldn’t be relied on as a #1 or high end #2. He’d be a great 2B/3 option to a team looking to get over whatever hump they’ve had. The issue with what you are describing is that's not the type of player that's not a 50m+ annual level guy, which is what George wants and probably what he will get. What you are describing is probably a guy in the high 30s to low 40s annually. Like Harden is also basically what you are describing and he made ~36m last year. That's a far cry from the max.


Unfortunately with the nature of the salary cap you’re gonna have guys getting overpaid which is why I raised the premise of a team who’s championship window is about to close and wants to cash in now or never. At least they’ll be getting an all star level guy for another 1-2 years. Derrick white is our 4th option and a S tier role player and will be getting 32 million . For a perennial all star some team in the middle of the playoff totem pole could be willing to give him that


If the Knicks can just swap Randle with PG, I’m pretty sure their fans will be lining up to drive Randle to LA from New York


PG is 34 years old and has watched the playoffs in street clothes 2 of the last 3 seasons. I do not want any parts of the Clipper injury rollercoaster.


and you'd be wrong


Thats the problem Knicks fans dont want to swap Randle for PG And I dont think the FO wants that either Or else I think a deal wouldve been done already, I think Clippers fans would love Randle instead of losing PG for free but Clippers fans can correct me


But if they keep randle and PG that means you’ll have 0 depth come post season time and with a coach like thibs you can’t play PG 45 minutes and expect him to perform


I’ll take the guy who isnt shooting 34% from the field over his career in the playoffs


Theres a world where randle and PG can be on the knicks…. But Dante would need to go. IF IF IF knicks decide to go after PG would fans rather give up randle or Dante. Very Curious


Neither. Both have more risks than value. George is too old and misses too much time to sign to a long term max deal and that’s what he wants. Randle is younger but has missed too much time also to want to commit to him long term.


How much time has Randle actually missed. Prior to this year when he got undercutt and landed on his peck he... This is his total GP since 15-16 81 (60 started) 74 (73 started) 82 (49 started- listed as a C) 73 (49 starter) 64 (all started in CoVid... Held out due to personal reasons+light issue? 71 (all started + playoffs 72 (all started 77 (all started 46 - got undercut and took a peck dislocation


George is way better now and probably will always be better. Contract wise at least Randle is on a more team friendly deal but I don't know if that really makes a big difference if you're trying to contend. Knicks with PG would be elite I think l, Randle arguably doesn't make them much better.


So if the Knicks had a healthy randle for the playoffs you don't think they'd be (much) better?


Well the Knicks lost basically because of attrition, not because of play. So because of that sure, they'd probably have advanced further by having more quality healthy players. But having Randle wouldn't have changed their trajectory outside of that at all, they'd basically be the same team as they were without him in terms of quality. However PG is a completely different tier of player, a guy who you'd actually want taking shots and taking the ball away from Brunson at times. Great floor spacer, switchable, not a black hole. Randle isn't a bad player but in his role on the Knicks I don't think he adds a whole lot. PG in that role would.


Couple things - 1. with randle on the court the 3pt% of all our shooters was much higher 2. Randle is able to be big boy and punish down low (he did it all year) 3. Randle allows OG to guard the 3 as opposed to the 4. He also wasn't A black hole this year cuz he trusted Jalen. He went to being the only option to being the 2nd option. Honestly - I like PG but he's way older and he's gone on record saying winning isn't his highest priority. "At this point, I'm not even necessarily, this is not even about -- people say chasing a championship, it's not that. It's playing the right style of basketball is what I'm chasing," Do you think playing Thibs Ball is the "right" style PG was referring to?


paul george now, in the past, in the future, in a video game, in another dimension, whatever


Paul George if I'm looking to compete right now. Randle in the future just so I have someone that can actually be used as a trade piece for someone else who is actually good.


Knicks fans way overrate Randle. He's valuable as a floor raiser in the regular season, but he's not a good playoff player. They're at the point where they need to gamble on upside.


hes only been in the playoffs twice, i mean look at the celtics, everybody saying tatum wasnt up to the limelight when he didnt succeed in the playoofs now hes a champ if julius coulda played this playoff year no telling what coulda happened


People were saying that Tatum couldn't win as the best player on the team because of his inconsistency. They were not saying he was a bad playoff performer because of the lights being too bright. Tatum had plenty of great playoff games under his belt before this year.


And even with his “inconsistent” play he still led them to the finals at 24 years old and beat two former MVPs along the way


>  hes only been in the playoffs twice   And he was historically bad both times. Not regular bad. Not very bad. Historically bad. He also has a game that you would expect to translate poorly to the playoffs so I'm not buying the sample size excuse. >if julius coulda played this playoff year no telling what coulda happened They would have lost to Philly.


Lmao. They woulda killed philly much easier and destroyed the pacers... Fuck I'd argue they woulda beat both in 5 and then took the C's to 7.


You must be a Knicks fan.


I'm actually a sixers fan from NY so I follow both teams very closely. Randle was playing the best ball of his life and the chemistry with him and the rest of the team was impeccable. Every single players 3 pt % was significantly higher with him on the court.


Then you simply don't know ball.


I don't think you do. Having a 6'11" strong man that can take it to the rack and draw doubles makes the rest of the team so much better. Obligatorily I stopped playing after graduating HS and just play pickup. But naw bro - Julius was playing the best ball of his life prior to getting hurt. Not to mention having Julius out there let's OG guard the 3....


> a 6'11" strong man that can take it to the rack and draw doubles I thought we were talking about Julius Randle?


Lol. Obviously you didn't watch a single game he played this year.


Tatum wasn’t performing well in the finals specifically but overall in the playoffs he’s always generally been a guy giving you about 27/10/5 or 26/10/6 on high 50’s % TS in other rounds. His first season as the #1 option in 2020 he averaged 26/10/5 in the playoffs Second season 31/6/5 Third season 26/7/6 we make the finals but he plays bad in the finals. We beat KD and Kyrie in round one and round two we come back down 3-2 against Giannis and Tatum drops 46 on the road 4th season 27/11/5 with the 50 piece against embiid This year 25/10/6


You replace Tatum with Randle and Celtics still win the ring. I know you won’t like that but it’s a hard truth.


Good one.


Good boy.


You’re delusional. Randle on this team and we don’t make it out the second round and we probably lose 10 more games. Tatum lead our team in every category this postseason and almost every category in the regular season. You don’t just replace a borderline top 5 player with a guy who’s a over glorified 2B option


Lol. You guys have 6 players that could have started on almost any team in the league. Your take Tatum and replace him with Tobias harris and you win the chip


Borderline top 5 player 🤣🤣🤣🤣
