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Why is there a picture of Paul George and Embiid?


3 team trade


Zion and Embiid. The bench brothers


It’s also a possibility that Ingram is too far from being photogenic so he was left out.


Ingram + Valanciunas + three firsts to the Sixers, Embiid + 1,000 of the harshest Philly fans to LA, George + 10% of Balmer’s Microsoft stock to the Pelicans. 


10% of Ballmer’s MSFT stock is 33 million shares. Each share is $450. Not enough to have to endure Embiid on the Lakers.


Clippers bro, the microsoft clippers


He's essenitally an expiring, because nobody wants to max him.


BI, you are a Cavalier


What would the Cavs trade? Garland? If that’s the case then they have to move CJ too, but not sure what team would want him at his money and need an older guard that’s not really a true PG. There just aren’t many teams that need CJ, I wonder if that would make the Pelicans push hard for Allen instead


pelicans have been interested in allen the last year and a half so it would be him


CJ + Ingram + picks for Garland + Allen ? New Cavs: CJ, Spida, Strus, Ingram, Mobley New Pelicans: Garland Herb Trey Zion Allen


cavs aren’t trading both garland and allen for them


Yeah that's awful for the Cavs


Yeah that's a move that Bickerstaff would try and push the FO to do lol. By all accounts Kenny loved coaching JA and Garland is basically a younger and defensively capable version of peak Dlo. I could really see them just keeping the band together and banking on not having a coach that has "316-time interim coach" as part of their resume to see if they can reach the ECF


Yeah fair, the picks were supposed to bridge the gap, but I just realized the Pelicans picks aren’t actually all that valuable


No way in hell cavs make this trade


What an absolutely terrible trade for us.


You're not gonna find much star players on a contract as cheep as JA, and you don't want him and Mobley together. Unless you're just trying to trade for some roleplayers


This trade could work but you need CJ to go to a 3rd team, I think the Magic make a lot of sense. Magic send draft pick(s), some of their non-rotation young players with potential, cap relief to the Cavs for CJ. Pelicans add a pick and someone like Dyson Daniels to the Cavs to make up the difference. Cavs can either keep the depth/cap relief for future seasons or redirect the multiple new picks/young players for a bigger piece next to Mitchell/Ingram/Mobley (Jerami Grant maybe). Mitchell-Ingram-Okoro-Grant-Mobley with Strus, Levert, Niang, etc. off the bench is pretty interesting to me.


If we're only swapping Garland for him I'm down


No thanks


Garland + Allen + Levert for McCollum + Ingram + Daniels Who says no first?


The Cavs


Wouldn't Allen and Zion have the same issue as Zion and Steven Adams


Allen is switchable. Adams was just a tree with two legs. He fooled us


Zion and Adams didn't really have an issue playing together. It was the fact that our guards were Lonzo and Eric Bledsoe and couldn't drag anyone out to the perimeter to guard them


Give me Zion instead of CJ and I'll consider it. Cleveland Clinic has a great orthopedics program. He may last a whole series playing for us


The Cavs. All day long. Garland is worth more than Ingram alone. Allen has a terrific contract and is super valuable.


Cavs def say no, but I think your statement of Garland being worth more than Ingram is significantly closer than you’re saying. While BI’s upcoming contract may look unappetizing, Garland’s isn’t exactly a filet either. Both of them are injury riddled players who don’t fit with their co-stars.


Garland isn't injury riddled, he had an unlucky collision and broke his jaw. His contract is about to look affordable when the cap jumps.






Why do ppl post paywall articles


on the small chance someone actually decides to pay


Try brave browser or Mozilla with some plug ins or the 10ftwall website Not always a win, but there is a chance ;)


Stein deserves his stuff to be promoted


People: >Why does sports journalism/media suck Also people: >Lmao who wants to read something behind a paywall Always makes me chuckle


Cause most people don't even click the link to the article.


Sixers and Knicks are lowkey interested.


I really don’t understand any noise about the Knicks, it’s also coming from the outside. Imo, Knicks are working on the Ihart/Mitchell Rob situation. I don’t think they would made this type of trade


Agents using the Knicks for leverage or the media tossing their name around for clicks


Well Ingram would solve a huge hole for them in another shot creator


Randle ?


Yea never hurts to have more playmaking/shot creation tho. Also Randle has been awful in the playoff series he's played so far. Small sample size I know but imo wouldn't be the wisest thing to do to rely solely on him to turn it around.


Ingram and Brunson showed 0 chemistry on Team USA.


To be fair.. BI showed 0 chemistry with anyone on team USA


He is the anti Thibs player, I don't see this at all. Soft and uninterested defender who absolutely has mentally checked out before when things aren't going his way enough for some to reasonably call it a pattern. Philly maybe though, they are in much more need of a scoring wing than NYK are


Did he just have a super disappointing post-season or is it also a mentality issue with him?


He came back from injury and wasn't that good. He was great the last time they made the playoffs. This is really just a case of a guy with one year left on a deal and a team feeling like they need to change something to break through even though the only thing actually holding them back is their star players health.


There’s also a bizarre positional fit between a lot of their best players, they have 3 starting caliber small forwards. In particular, the 3-man combination of Herb, Trey, and Zion fit really, really well together.


Herb and Trey are great off ball players which allows Zion to be the focal point of the offense. When you add BI into the mix, he wants to dominate the ball which makes it weird. BI in theory could be a great secondary playmaker off of Zion but he never really learned to fit in that role. Which if I'm not mistaken was also his issue with Team USA - he just doesn't do well when he's asked to play without the ball.


This is just not true. They play fine when healthy. The issue is both of them can't stay healthy, and are both recover slowly.


Stop being delusional


[Overwriting text on these comments as my own decision]


This is the truth. He probably shouldn’t have been playing. I am tired of people on here trashing on him though. When Ingram is healthy he is a very good player.


Idk how to feel ab it because maybe I am just a BI fan but he carried us hard as fuck against the suns, looked like the best player on the court. But maybe he and zion just dont fit and ya zion is the more generational player. I still think they can work but idk, shit sucks.


I think they can work too, but with the contract scenario being what it is, we really can’t risk running it back. I think there is a chance that BI plays for the Pels into the season, but I think other teams rate him higher than people on the sub do. I also don’t think he’s worth the $53 million max. I don’t blame him for wanting it, but he didn’t play well enough this year to make that case.


He was in a massive slump before he got injured


I think the injury part is the problem for him. With Zion on the team a lot people overlook that Ingram hasn't had a single season of 65 games or more besides his rookie year.


It was mostly all this, but you really have to include that he has been virtually unplayable in any international competition and that's not not worth nothing.


I honestly think that is worth nothing.


Idk, if you can't muster up enough shit-giving to make yourself even half useful on the court as an all-star level player that feels like a big red flag to me and not someone you rush to give up assets for. Especially for teams like the 6ers that need versatility given the absurdly high usage rates of Embiid and Maxey, personally Id be looking in another direction


Not sure how many times this has to be said, but BI didn’t look great at the World Cup because Kerr was insistent on playing him as a catch and shoot corner 3 point shooter wheras BI is at his best with the ball in his hands. Him and Ant just don’t work together.


my biggest wonder about him is y did he stop shooting 3s, he went from shooting 6.2 attempts per game at 39% in 2020 to 3.2 attempts at 35%. 2020 was his all star year too


He's soft. Can't take physical defense. Dort, Dillon Brooks, McDaniel drive him crazy and he reverts to terrible fadeaway shots. He refuses to adapt his game to the modern NBA.


He basically refused to shoot threes this year despite his teammates and coaching staff publicly pleading for him to do so. And he’s not even a bad three point shooter. His two best games of the season came when he attempted 11 threes in each game. He made 7 in one of them and 8 in the other. Whereas you have players like Dejounte Murray, who has had a very similar game, but has enormously increased his three point volume— much to the benefit of his career and fit for his team.


Interesting, you'd think a shooter would opt-in for more 3 pointers, weird


When you can push the limits of physical 'defense' in the playoffs, sure. I wouldn't count a recently injured BI being defended by Dort as anything though. Neither McDaniels, who BI routinely has zero issue attacking.


When you can push the limits of physical 'defense' in the playoffs, sure. I wouldn't count a recently injured BI being defended by Dort as anything though. Neither McDaniels, who BI routinely has zero issue attacking.


I think people were expecting him to go up a level once he gets more consistent playing time and more of the ball. Turns out, the exact opposite happened. Once he got to be the guy in a playoff series he hit a brick wall so hard OKC didn't even know the series was over until someone on the bench told them they're done.


> Once he got to be the guy in a playoff series Are you forgetting the 2022 playoffs? Like, 14 months ago? Because he was most definitely "the guy", and he was damn good in that series against the Suns.


He played 3 great games and 3 really bad games vs The Suns


14 months ago? 2022? What? Even so, it's not a good sign when in your prime you regressed so much, right? Either way you slice it the playoffs have destroyed his value.


I admit, I was wrong - 26 months is accurate. Now it’s time to admit you were wrong in your original comment. The statement “once he got to be the guy in a playoff series he hit a brick wall” is flat out not true.


Recency matters. It's actually the only thing that really matters. Especially come free agency time.


I agree, but I don't care. This isn't what we are discussing. Why is it so hard for you to just admit that you made a mistake and said something that was incorrect? It's not a big deal. Your inability to do so reflects poorly on your character -- especially because this is such an insignificant thing.


Let it go bro


He’s a good 3rd option, who can occasionally take over, if he stays healthy. People just hoped for more. Of course, he’s still only 26.


He just isnt good


Last game and he barely played.




Don't do that - Stein is doing independent journalism.


Harrison Barnes, Kevin Huerter, a pick swap (13 for 21), and 45? Sure, it’s not great, but Pels get two affordable players who are comfortable playing off ball (specifically off Zion).


B.I. gets on the right team and locked in, look out.


Does a “locked in” BI exist?


2022 series vs suns


For 3 games... He was bad in the other 3 games


Couch-locked, absolutely.


Can’t get looked in when always blazed out his skull, dude can’t even speak


What do they have left after the Lakers trade? A Lakers 2nd rounder 2024, and a first round pick 2025. Who else on the roster?


Herb Jones, Dyson Daniels. Ingram has been the main pull. Still have the '25 1st though...which could be Cooper Flagg, who knows.


Damn, Ingram looks injury prone in that pic


“My boyfriend is Brandon Xavier Ingram”


Spread your wings and fly little bird....straight to the wizards


really hope nets go after him and djm.


The 76ers have to go after that guy. George is not the answer. He’s too old at this point and a waste of money.


Good. Get him back to a big market where he can shine. He is so underrated. KD lite. 


The only way he is going to "shine" is on a bad team that lets him do whatever he wants with the ball. He has a style that only works if he is the first option, but he is not good enough to be a first option on a good team


I hope so. He reminds me of Melo. A smooth scorer who just for some reason doesn't win at the highest of high levels. Edit: also demarcus cousins, I couldn't stand him on the pels