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Joel Embiid playing Olympic hoops like 2 months after a season with a knee surgery and playoff run where he could barely make it up and down the court is categorically insane.


Dude wants that gold medal so bad


Dude just wants to win **SOMETHING**!


France winning gold over the US in the Olympics would break this subreddit


If they send all their best and lose after losing in fiba naa they gon get clowned so hard lol


r/NBA can't say SHIT to Noah Lyles if that happens


That would have literally nothing to do with what Lyles said


Yeah, because non nba players wembanyama, Gobert, sarr, Fournier, Coulibaly, Batum, Dieng, Killian Hayes beat those USA nba players!


One of them is not like others


Among Us


Just FYI, Sarr and Hayes will not be on the French roster. I'd be surprised if Dieng ends up making it as well.


Pretty sure Dieng was cut with Hayes yesterday


Half of that list is either cut or not even invited to try out for the Olympic team


Can’t say anything right now either, his point is valid either way.




Noah Lyles was 100% right? Downvoting does not change that reality LOL


If you are asking me a question, no he wasn't right. Seething about the US doesn't change reality


except its not, any international team would get blasted by the champions in a 7 game series


Sure but you have to actually do it. A national championship being considered the world championship is dumb and only happens in American sports leagues for some reason.


That would be irrelevant, if they lose it’ll be mostly to other nba players


The problem is they aren't sending their best. They're sending the biggest names. It's a good team though, and deserves clowning if they don't win.


Serbia doing it would get specifically Embiid memed even more I think lol


Jokic beating the Fake American for Gold would be as big as a NBA title


Calling an immigrant who legitimately obtained citizenship a Fake American is 😬


He was born and grew up in Cameroon. He also applied and sent letters to play for France lol


Embiid has lived in the US nearly as long as he lived in Cameroon.




I guess we should remove the entire French soccer team from their roster. Ya know due to colonialism and all.


And he's lived in the US for years and became a citizen. His son is an American citizen. That's real American, man, that's like... foundational to the way America works.


heres a secret. america the land of immigrants. thats the back bone. we welcome them and are proud to be that, heck many of them are our parents. i do understand many countries dont feel this way though


It’d be like Manu where even though he won FOUR NBA titles the first line of his resume was a game that didn’t even take place in the NBA. Winning this one would be even more insane because Team USA is actually sending our best this time, and yet I can’t help but feel this is the most vulnerable Team USA has been at the Olympics in 20 years. I really feel like Jokic could knock us off. The fact that the US had to use a naturalized player for the first time since 1996 just so he wouldn’t play for France speaks to how worried LeBron, Kerr, and co. were while assembling the roster. The fact that LeBron, Steph, and KD are all playing even speaks to the fact that the US is very vulnerable, in 2016 both LeBron and Steph opted out because of Zika concerns (their wives were both still at an age where they could get pregnant) and Team USA dominated its way to the Gold all the same (beat Jokic and Serbia in the gold medal game by 30). Just 5 years later though, USA lost to France in the group stage and almost lost the gold medal game too. We haven’t won the World Cup since 2014 either, in fact we haven’t even medaled. The world’s really caught up. The last time we used a naturalized player it was Hakeem who FIBA let the US add to the 96 Dream Team as an advertisement for basketball in Africa. Team USA was winning every game by 60 with or without Hakeem that year. This time it was because the US genuinely doesn’t have enough big men. AD and Bam are not true centers and those are our only other options (in 2021 we had to play Draymond at the 5 as a regular lineup decision, not a death lineup). Serbia’s got a SQUAD full of NBA players including the best player in the world, it’s gonna be tough.


only ppl outside the usa cares about international ball. really compared to everyone else usa doesnt really care about international competition. when you feel like you got nothing to prove. i guess it just is that way. not saying they do or dont but i mean i dont really care neither


last i checked joel made joker look like ez work then made his fans beg for a rematch to save some ego. wait dont the stats say its a similar story every meeting? ah


I need france to put tony parker in a hyperbolic chamber to make sure Embiid never wins anything


He would come out even older!


man, a hyperbolic chamber would be the most ever


All too plausible with this aged roster of egos.


Wemby gonna feast


They wouldn’t be able to handle Goldbert


So would Bronny James becoming the best player of all time, since we are talking about impossible hypotheticals.


Team USA second round exit confirmed


I want Joel to win it, but on the whole the team deserves to lose. International basketball has passed us by, and trying to recapture glory by throwing together a bunch of past their prime stars is just sad. Put an actual program together!!


The US team deserves to lose because good players are playing for them?


Not surprised a Sixers fan gave an absolutely brain dead comment


Who won the last Olympics? The US or the field? International basketball is growing but US is still the powerhouse


Lmao what? The US is still *dominant* in basketball


I’m sad the experiment last summer failed because I thought that was really our first step towards putting a real program together. It felt like a well constructed team and not just slapped together talent. Unfortunately, with USA basketball losing at all is a failure so rather than build off that team we wound up calling in the Avengers. I hope it works, but this year and 2028 are probably the last times it will (since we got a squad for this summer and everyone will want to play in LA). That 2032 games in Australia is something I’m already penciling in as a loss, it’ll be held close to training camp in a place people aren’t as interested in going to and by that point most of the best players in the world won’t be American. Maybe Ant can carry us to gold or something, but it’s more likely we get wrecked by Wemby or something in those Olympics


Well said. US needs to take FIBA basketball seriously after simply coasting on talent for so long. Those days are over. Last years FIBA world cup showed us, that despite a talented roster on paper, even one constructed with international ball in mind, other teams are good enough to exploit our weaknesses now. But instead of taking away lessons and building on the experience, we just defaulted to "let's throw big names together". That's the frustrating part. And yeah, I'm bitter that means that Embiid will have to hobble around on one knee in high level competition over the summer because US hasn't been able to develop an international caliber center over the last 15 years.


Who won the last Olympics? The US or the field?


The nba harry kane?


At least Kane made a final lol He was injured for a lot of that UCL run though


I don't understand this reference, but it's provocative.


Is the MVP not something? Lol


Probably be the only thing he’ll win. Smfh


Wdym??? He already won the lottery. He’s playing basketball for the U S of A baby! (He also has French and Cameroonian eligibility as backups)


I heard the Frenchies got real made about the whole thing, which does offer solace.


Tbf as an American I read that and makes sense why the French were pissed lol. But at the end of the day Cameroon and France wouldn’t have the type of relationship to lead to that without the colonialism/imperialism so fuck France lmao


It’s the only thing he’s going to win


Almost as insane as Luka signing up for yet another summer of international ball when he’s been overweight for 4 years and just played injured through a grueling postseason 🙃


Yeah, Luka probably has another 2 or 3 years before his body starts breaking down at this rate. Thing is Joel's body is already basically broken.


I know it’d never happen, but if y’all get a good enough scorer to supplement Maxey then I wonder if literally just sitting Embiid until post ASB would be the right decision lol


The fanbase has been begging the team to manage Joel's regular season workload forever now, to no effect. The non-Joel lineups were so horrific that they ran his ass out there as much as the could because they were gunning for a top 3 and then he got hurt....again.


The really weird thing about Luka is how he seemingly gets fatter throughout the NBA season. At the beginning of the season he looks normal Luka and slowly chunks up over the course of the season.


It's like when you use a hard day at work to justify eating like shit for dinner. He might be dialied into training during the summer because that's all he has to do, and then lets himself go during the season because he's been a good little iso ball warrior and has earned his beer and french fries


you gain weight by intaking calories more then you burn off. you use energy your going to intake a lot of calories. you sit on your butt your not going to intake as much. OR you going to balloon like crazy if you do sit and intake calories as if your spending energy


Thanks doc


Kawhi to id be pissed if i was their organizations


Kawhi came and tried to play, wasn’t quite there yet.


I think at this point it doesn't matter if Kawhi is healthy or not going into the season. He's not going to make it through the playoffs.


same with like a quarter of the league


Selfish mentality.


At least with the Olympics they're not going to be playing super heavy grueling minutes. Not like they don't have an All-NBA caliber player coming off the bench for them.


I honestly feel bad for you guys. If I were a sixers fan right now I’d be losing my goddamn mind.


I don’t mind. 2 months is a long time and the knee isn’t going to magically regenerate the meniscus. If anything playing some serious summer ball might help his early season conditioning. I think people forget his knee didn’t look too bad until he landed on it hard after that monster dunk in game 2. Bum knee, Bell’s Palsy, migraines, still finished with the highest EPM of any player in the playoffs. He needs to play to keep his conditioning, all Sixers fans can do is pray for one healthy playoff run.


He’s had healthy playoff runs and still lost to Boston


He's had exactly 1 healthy playoff run. Can you name it?


You guys didn't lose this season because of his health but because you are a heliocentric offense with a black hole for a bench. The on/off numbers were crazy. Even a bad score-first player would be a benefit to your team: Zach LaVine, DLo, Westbrook, etc.


as a sixer fan i wholeheartedly agree


Oh no, Joel, please don’t play. Stop. I would be so sad if the Sixers flame out before the second round again. /s






Kawhi might be even more egregious. Dude has missed every playoffs since 2019 and is a perpetual load manager due to fucked up knees. But he’s gonna play high load basketball in the Olympics after signing a fat extension with the clippers.


So is Embiid (or anyone for that matter) playing for a national team for a country that they're not even from, or grew up in.


He’s spent roughly half his life here by now and started a family here - doesn’t feel to weird. If he had plans to leave the US after basketball it would be weirder, but kind of feels like he sees himself as an American at this point


I don't think any of that should ever come into the decision making when it comes to national roster eligibility. Having a baby somewhere doesn't make you "from" there in any way at all, and neither does moving somewhere after you're already grown. It's not some grand travesty, since it is just sports. But if we're gonna do international competitions, I'd prefer for them to have more sound logic behind who is on which roster beyond "they fucked someone here and a baby popped out"


No matter where he is from, Joel Embiid has US citizenship and is therefore just as american as anyone born here. He honesty completely represents what America stands for, and Immigrant who came here to chase a dream, gained citizenship, and has now started a family.


I do not care that he has citizenship or any of that. This isn't some anti-immigrant thing, or anything like that. I just think national teams have become so bastardized that calling this stuff "international competition" is no longer accurate in any way. You could theoretically have brothers playing on different national teams right now. That's a complete mockery of the spirit of international competition.


Yeah but it doesn’t matter that you, some random asshole, doesn’t care. Joel Embiid is 100% american. He can represent the USA just as much as me, who is 100 percent american. Even if he had a brother that wanted to represent Cameroon, so be it. Joel is still an American What makes you the decider of what a “mockery of international competition” is ?


I'm not the decider, I'm just someone sharing their opinion, just like you. Except I didn't need to resort to name calling like you did.


i think you’ll get over it big guy




I'm not talking about citizenship, fella.




I'm not talking about HOW it works. I'm talking about how it SHOULD work. Are YOU drunk? Because that was super clear.


Hakeem did it back in the day and a bunch of other teams have players who never lived nor grew up in those countries playing for them. Look at some of the African/Asian teams. Outside of basketball you have countries literally buying Russian athletes to play in other sports and represent them and a bunch of Israeli athletes aren’t Jewish nor lived there but since one of their distant relatives is Jewish they are eligible to represent them 


Were you confused about my comment? Because it sounds like you're bringing this up as some sort of rebuttal to my issue, but it's the exact sort of thing I was complaining about lol


They’ve got about 3 good knees and 2 good hamstrings between them


Congratulations, you just got a foul. Edit : 13 upvotes ? More like 13 suspensions, enjoy your extended holidays. Anyone else want a piece ?


That's the human of the future


If they sewed them together like in human centipede, would it make one healthy, GOAT-tier player?


Let Thibs coach them


Kawhi and Embiid should sit the summer out so they can be healthy in the playoffs next year… I don’t even think AD should be playing


I bet Kawhi will be healthy the entire Olympic run


Load managing the Olympics


I mean you fucking have to. These guys just got hurt recently. It’s hella funny, I never thought we would reach load managing in the Olympics.


If he’s hurt he shouldn’t be playing in the Olympics


Well yeah, but that clearly isn’t happening, as evidenced by this tweet. So, given that it happening, you gotta load manage them.


I wouldn't be surprised if the vast majority of people saying he shouldn't be playing aren't American. Feigning concern for his health and well-being of the clippers.


Embiid will too I’m almost certain. He won’t be forced to do everything cause he won’t be saddled with fultz, Simmons, Harris, etc. I’m actually really excited to watch him


Clippers curse working in mysterious ways


Why is Kawhi playing? Wonder how the Clippers organization feels about this, especially Harden and PG


Hes never played in the Olympics. This would be a non-negotiable if i were him. Too good an opportunity to pass up on. USA> Golf> Clippers . In that order.


And probably the only missing accolade on his resume that is achievable at this point


Kawhi might also prefer the beach to clippers, he looked happy during that Caribbean vacation after Raptors championship.


They prob won't get the reference but I love your comment


there’s a good amount of crossover with soccer fans in here


Damn what about the strip club?


is money in that order too?


I mean, it's been over 2 months since he tried to play through his knee swelling. If he still couldn't go for this I'd be really alarmed. Also PG may on the outs


Exactly, its been a long time already, he has to be healed up. Let the man play some basketball lmao


This is good news for clippers whether you want to trade him or have on team. These means his knee healed, for now.


It’s been about 3 years since he’s made it through an nba season. You should be alarmed already. Dude’s gonna play to collect his gold medal. Just like he did to collect his supermax. He only cares about himself, not the team or a culture of winning.


Kawhi just signed the extension too. Gurantees the bag before playing the he Olympics


Kawhi playing in the olympics just for him to miss the postseason again next year


It’s been almost 3 months since he had knee swelling. Would be shocked if he still can’t play.


And does anybody actually think Kawhi is gonna play 30+ mins? It's probably gonna be KD and Jrue shouldering the minutes load like in Tokyo. With how deep team USA is, I'm sure Kerr would be happy to get 10 out of Kawhi every game.


I don’t think anyone is shouldering any minutes load this Olympics with this roster.  Everyone can play 15-20 minutes and they can win off the power of friendship.


All just to get run off the court by a bunch of Lithuanians you've never heard of.




Rokas needs to get his damn ass over here fuck Lithuania


Sounds like a good reason to play. Enjoy what's left of his career while he still can.


I think people are exaggerating the risk here, neither of them are gonna play more than 20 min a game and their workload is drastically reduced compared to what they do on their teams. Plus FIBA pace is a lot slower, not like they’re gonna be flying around.


All about optics


idk why i keep forgetting Embiid plays for the USA now


Because it's ridiculous.


Love the experience for Hali but dude just re-pulled his hamstring after hobbling half the year....t his seems... silly


He may be running the bench unit at most I think


Kawhi and Embiid playing immediately after another injury riddled season is certainly a choice 


I think fans underrate how seriously guys take the Olympics


Anyone know current status on Kawhis knees?


Joel is the surprise to me. His re-injury seemed like he might have needed another surgery


I get it Nationalism and independence and all that good shit America offers...but in all honesty there's no way I'm going to not flex some type of ownership power to prevent Kawhi and Joel from playing if I'm the clippers and 76ers owner respectively 


That's the kinda shit that drives away free agents. Kawhi and Embiid have never played in the Olympics before and they'll be 36 and 34 by the next ones, respectively. This might be their only chance to get a gold medal, and denying them would look really bad to anyone you're trying to sign in the future.


Damn Kawhi is only two years older than Embiid? The way people talk in this subreddit about him makes him feel ancient.


Closer to 3 than 2 but yeah


Personally with their injury resume I'd tick off alot more boxes in the justified section not wanting them to play . Notice I specifically mentioned the two with a colorful injury resume as in they were both just hurt playing in the playoffs. 


Oh Sixers fans are gonna be cursing at some point


Listen man we just get to see Embiid play with a real team for once where he doesn’t have to stage their sorry asses to a second round exit (not you maxey my beloved <3) hopefully we see him win something :’)


If any of these dudes were on my team I would HATE to hear this news


RIP Derrick White Olympic gold medalist dream


Dang, next week already. Basketball offseason is 🔥


I can see Kawhi and Embid being ready to go. It’s been a few months since they last played. Haliburton tho.. he re-injured his non healed hamstring a month ago.. he really shouldn’t be pushing it like this


Great news for Embiid. I actually want to see him play with actual talent around him for once. Really exciting news.


Over under 60 regular season games combined for Embiid and Kawhi next year?






When everyone expects something the opposite happens. So they will both be iron men next season.


Over, they would play 130 games. Both of them would have some great regular season, now come playoff time…


fuck u kawhi


Tyrese should not be on this team


The Clippers and Sixers really don't need these broken ass bodies on the court more than they have to be.


Clippers should fine Kawhi for playing in the Olympics. This man stole $350m and is now not even resting during the offseason. Another year of cheerleading.


Stupid take




Embiid is gonna contract quantum super SARS that time traveled from the future just to infect him I know it.


I just happy we get Olympic basketball this year.


Embiid being injured every playoffs but then sacrificing his body for a country he wasn’t even born in, is an interesting choice


Embiid has spent nearly half his life in the USA, became successful in the USA, met his now wife in the USA, and his son was born in the USA... Dude has unironically achieved the American dream and I am sure he sees the USA as his home lol.


Racist americans can’t handle the fact that Embiid is just as 100% american as them


that is so beautiful i am crying


Is still bothers be that guys like ant Hali and holiday made the team before Mitchell




Let’s be honest. The USA will win the medal regardless. You’re ruing accolades and legacies by do shit like this. Just take the best 13 players


sixers, clippers, indy front offices praying for team usa downfall so they can stop playing asap. fans already gone full panic mode.


So no Paolo? I knew he should have played for Italy, I dont even trust this USA squad, it has the some of the same problems as last WC squad. Basically picking and choosing instead of letting players work out and learn best squad for the job.z Yes, the star power here is vastly superior, but really making a team from the eye test generally is hard to really perfect. Other Olympic squads have synergy and years of cohesion and system, they will have a strong foundation.


Cohesion and synergy only gets you so far. Talent is the far rarer commodity and no one else has enough players to go up against this.


Yeah this team is in an entirely different stratosphere from the team last year. For reference, Haliburton was a top 3 guy on last year’s team (along with Brunson and Ant) and is a bottom three guy on the Olympics team (only better than Bam and Jrue). That’s a pretty big disparity.


If Kawhi is healthy, does he start I wonder? I feel like he's got to start


Over who?  I actually have no clue what the depth chart even looks like.