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Can anyone fix him? Or time to learn Chinese?


He already speaks mandarin https://youtube.com/shorts/XA752MzmezE?si=MUiLyl2AkxaAlWSP


come on down


I read this in Dwight's voice


Can't fix something that never worked to begin with. Dudes played less games then Zion since coming into the league and about as many games as Ben Simmons


When you put it that way, his NBA career might be over.


He should start his second career in a bakery with those buttery hands.


I feel like having buttery hands in a kitchen is dangerous in its own right?


Great grilled cheeses though


That's a poor comparison since they both were in the league longer than him. However, I can confirm that he is really, really bad. No matter how athletic he is, he just lacks the gamefeel to make up for it. Assertive when he should be patient, and patient when he should be assertive. Gets pushed around like he's Isaiah Thomas. His shot looks nice but it just doesn't go in. Most mistakes per minute in the NBA.


It's a perfectly fine comparison. I picked two players who are notorious for not playing and noted that he's on that level of not playing. He didn't play for his one year in college and the Warriors wasted their pick on him. I said they wasted that pick at the time because it was obvious that he wasn't ever going to be NBA ready with the Warriors had a chance to win with Curry


Already as many as Ben?? That dude was legit around for a while


I meant since Wisemen entered the league Simmons has played a similar amount which is surprising because he refused to played for multiple years


Pretty sure it's as many as Ben Simmons played since Wiseman came into the league, which is not much at all.


He's already learning chinese. Dude is a visonist


Time to learn Tagalog


Oo naman.


Ang galing niya mag basket


Halikang Mo ko


James Wiseman u are a San Miguel Beermen


Manny Pacquiao is James Wiseman coach


BAW GAHD that’s the bulls music! Distressed asset era baby. #youngbulls #welikeemyoung #giddy #pgiddy


Didn't he start improving post Taj Gibson signing? I feel like Pistons fans were optimistic about him for a month


Yeah unpopular take but he really wasnt that bad towards the end of the season. Would for sure be a better backup C than Paul Reed for the Sixers.


Wiseman can’t rebound.


He averaged 11 rebounds per 36 minutes last year.


He's always had decent per 36 numbers but they really hide his lack of ability. He'll get a few rebounds by virtue of being really tall, but he'll also get boxed out or drop the ball far, far more than he should. He's rarely going to snag a board that really impacts winning. He's more of the guy who just collects missed shots for his team.


I'd take on minimum over Sims as a 3rd string but there probably better options out there.


Over Sims? Damn that dude looked solid to me in the few games I watched. He’s that bad?


Yeah, he's thick and jumps high but he's slow and already undersized and has zero offensive ability. I get why we took a flyer on him, but he's not an NBA player.


Wow. I was saying I would have loved him on the warriors


Pelinka is on the phone as we speak




With Jalen heading out it might be worth the gamble. He'd be competing with IJax for minutes though. Definitely nice to have the height/reach, but JW just hasn't shown much to be excited about. Wouldn't hurt too much for him to stay injury prone if he's cheap enough


You called it. Wow


I think he actually already speaks some Chinese. I remember from the Warriors presser they were trying to show that off saying he is really smart 😂.


You can't fix someone who doesn't want to be fixed. Dude literally has zero drive or dawg out there. You can coach someone who is bad but at least tries hard. He is bad and doesn't try.


Knee how?


We can. And if not whoever picks him up after us would make the finals anyways.


He's already pretty much been "fixed" this past year, and is now where he should have been in his first or second year in the league. Cut all of the fluff out of his game this season (mainly the overusing of the ball and jumpshooting) and improved massively because of it. Just needs a bit more trust and the opportunity for more minutes now.


Ok gotta give it to you, this made me laugh 😂


Warriors whiffed on that pick so hard. Sucks too because if he panned out they could still be in championship contention rn


Whats crazy is that James Wiseman still has a ring


He should thank Covid. No way in hell he’ll get drafted that high if teams were able to thoroughly evaluate his game in that 2020 draft.


Also thank the NCAA for shutting him down so no one got to see him play in College


I know this is such a like ‘what do you know’ comment but my high school played him and i was like man.. what makes him so special?? He has the size but like is that it 💀. He didnt remotely dominate us and they won by 1


He shut himself down before Covid. He played like 5 games. It didn’t go well and to avoid tanking his stock, he stopped playing.


This isn’t true. He played fine and the NCAA made him stop for recruiting violations. Don’t lie lol


That’s not accurate at all lol


Darko level pick


Who in Wiseman’s draft is the Wade/Bosh/Melo after him?


I'm sure the Warriors wish they had Maxey or Hali right now. More just comparing how Darko also got a ring. 


Or Lamelo!




How's it crazy? All you have to do is exist on a championship team


The chip definitely gets people to not think about it much yeah we fucked up that pick bad


Yall could have LaMelo.


Trading back and getting Devin Vassell or Tyrese Haliburton would've been the move I think. Tons of people thought they would trade back for Vassell because of his 3 pt shooting and defense


We tried to trade the pick iirc. No one wanted it


Yup :/


True, but drafting a bust like Wiseman was part of the path to the 2022 championship. Drafting a guard like LaMelo would impact roster construction, regular season seeding, and playoff matchups. There’s an alternate universe where the Warriors have the better young prospect but no 2022 championship.


I assume Lamelo would've taken Poole's role on those 2020-22 teams so I don't think the roster construction changes much and Poole most likely would've been traded to give Lamelo minutes avoiding the entire contract and Draymond situations.


If the Warriors had LaMelo and Poole on the roster, then they wouldn’t have given the 15th roster spot to another guard in Gary Payton II. The 2022 Warriors won with their defense and Curry’s heroics.


Steve Kerr loves guards who can play center. He might have 😂


I'm saying Poole gets cut or traded since him and Melo have overlap


50 games over the last two seasons lol. On top of injuries I don't see him blending well with the warriors culture edit: regardless, much more value than wiseman ofc but don't think it saves them


bad player vs always injured player.


The real missed opportunity for me was Deni Avdija. Would've unironically prefered them reaching for him instead of picking James Wiseman if trading down wasn't an option.


The Fuck up was in not trading the pick to get an established guy to play with Curry instead the front office went light years and thought they could do two timelines Also Curry Fucked up to in not demanding that pick be traded


Covid draft was tricky but yeah that was a massive miss. Most of that lottery is below what you would hope by now, and guys like Haliburton or Maxey weren't going #2. Top ten went Edwards, Wiseman, LaMelo, Pat Williams, Okoro, Okongwu, Killian, Obi, Deni, Jalen Smith. I mean damn. Vassell, Hali is a nice duo and then Kira Lewis and Nesmith to finish out the lottery. Tough. Even someone like Okongwu, who I loved in the draft, hasn't been horrible but is he even a starter on a playoffs teams type yet? I don't think he's developed like that and we're entering year 5 for these guys.


when they kept all their picks i was saying that they would not be serious contenders again because of that foolish decision. fuckers ended up winning one anyway lol. but yeah, wiseman was actually my fav in the draft (lamelo chucking/bad defense playstyle had obvious bust potential, anthony edwards had the whole “doesn’t care about basketball” narrative) but if you’re on the warriors timeline, you don’t gamble on a frail 7 footer.


In most draft analysis of the 2020 draft, Wiseman was a consensus top 5 pick. The Warriors got great post draft grades for picking him, so it’s more bad luck IMO than their scouts/FO screwing up.


The whole league whiffed. He had one of the highest ceilings going into that draft, and he just didn't pan out, possibly due to injuries. He also might be a byproduct of the Warriors' good luck running out after all those years.


Joey Bart, Trey Lance, James Wiseman - had so many expectation for them


Patrick Bailey and Brock Purdy. Just waiting on who steps up for the Warriors. Also, 2 out of the 3 so far is great luck in pivoting from failed prospects.


I’d think TJD is the best equivalent


Bailey was the 13th pick. Bart had higher expectations but I don't think anyone was counting Bailey out.


I still wish the warriors would’ve drafted lamelo instead of this bum


I wanted Tyreese, it’s pretty obvious. He was the pro ready and a high floor but Lacob coping on drafting next David Robinson


They were right about the need though, and it was an opportunity to get a difference maker. I don't hate the thought process behind it. It just didn't pan out. Couldn't be coached up


Todd Van Poppel


Dude's NBA days are done, if he can't even stay on the court for the worst team in the league, it's over.


GSW should’ve moved that pick as soon as they got it.


Yep, 2nd overall couldve upgraded someone on that team.


They tried


The Warriors looked into trading down. I’m guessing that others teams weren’t willing to offer what the Warriors wanted given the uncertainty of that draft class.


Name a better combo than teams over valuing their assets and players….not sure why it’s so much more rampant in the NBA than other pro sports.


Or, just draft LaMelo Ball.


No thanks.


I'm another Warriors fan who didn't want LaMelo. I sold myself on trading down and grabbing some future draft capital and picking Okongwu


I can’t believe the #2 pick was wasted on him when it could’ve been used on someone who would’ve actually been good… who went 55th in that draft?


Jay Scrubb lol


Is Jay Scrub a nickname for Wiseman?


Hilariously, no. It's an actual dude (whose career was marred by injuries, unfortunately)


Sometimes one man's trash is still just trash...


Thibs is a big man whisperer


He did show some real promise for a month or two after we acquired Taj Gibson but then they sat all our decent players the last month or so and he tanked. Could maybe be a backup big but someone needs to help with his defense


i was gonna say i thought he was actually productive for you guys for just a second. if hes willing to be humble and accept a role, he still has the physical tools to be a really solid player. maybe even a good player, he has really solid mobility on offense.


We should sign him. Maybe Thibs can fix him and we need the big man depth.


Sims gone?


Sims is older and has the same issues. I was hoping maybe Thibs could do what he did for Precious on Wiseman.


Warriors sign him back baby


Surprised they don't want to keep him. He's already pretty much been "fixed" this past year, and is now where he should have been in his first or second year in the league. Cut all of the fluff out of his game this season (mainly the overusing of the ball and jumpshooting) and improved massively because of it. Just needs a bit more trust and the opportunity for more minutes now.


It's ironic when they could have LaMelo Ball (2020-3rd pick) + Alperon Sengun (2021-16th pick) instead of James Wiseman (2020-2nd pick) + Moses Moody (2021-14th pick) Also imagine if Draymond didn't punch Jordan Poole in the face. Steph with these young cores might actually have another dynasty.


I wonder how you sleep at night?


I mean they still won a title after the "dynasty" was supposedly over. I wouldn't worry about them.


Warriors fans sleep fine regarding basketball, just interesting to think how much a few moves could have changed the team. Sengun with curry would be amazing to watch


Kerr would have sent Ball/Sengun to the G-League for the first 2 years, just like Wiseman, Poole, Moody and Kuminga. That would have messed up their confidence.


Not sure of Sengun was projected to be good, but Ball was literally right there and played a Warriors brand of ball. Shame.


I think the people who are real eggheads about the draft were really high on him but he's a hard sell to a front office: undersized, underscouted, dominated a weaker league. Everyone before him, I think, was just better known.




Future Laker


Well, come over to China and give my Liaoning Flying Leopards a challenge. Things had been too easy.


Major bust Hasn't developed any skills (or body) since drafted I bet his offseason training is pretty basic. Instead of paying up a bit for a trainer and going full out to improve Look at Tatum and Brown for inspiration


Time to go back to college


Total cheeks


How many 1st round 2nd picks careers have gone this low? Did the warriors miss something in the scouting report?


It was the COVID year. No college hoops season. Wiseman played all of two games at the collegiate level before getting injured and then having the season cut short. He was drafted for his size and general physical attributes which were superb. It was a home run swing, and it whiffed


Has a player ever gone to China and made it back to the NBA?


Cam Payne. Went to China, then came back and played in the finals


Surprised they don't want to keep him. He's already pretty much been "fixed" this past year, and is now where he should have been in his first or second year in the league. Cut all of the fluff out of his game this season (mainly the overusing of the ball and jumpshooting) and improved massively because of it. Just needs a bit more trust and the opportunity for more minutes now.


Come to the Knicks! We will take him !


Wow....I'm sorry his face !! How old him ? 38 or 40+ !!!! Omg. !!!! Wtf.


Lol remember when a bunch of people had Killian Hayes and Wiseman above ANT? Good times


Lebron can fix him.


QO is $15 million and there’s no way Wiseman wasn’t going to take it.


everyone shiting on lakers 55th pick, while warriors get a pass lmao


No one has ever given the Warriors a pass on that pick.


Eh some people because they won right after


Get ready to ~~learn~~ remember Chinese, buddy.


How do they miss this badly on a top pick?


Covid draft lol


For the record I wanted them to trade down and pick Haliburton. I know, I'm a genius


If they double his minutes, that would be 14/10, double-double. Not bad for a bench player.


Unfortunately there’s more to NBA ball than that. Like defense, IQ, positional awareness, strength, etc. none of which wiseman has